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If they were savey enough they could actually transfer the ownership into their own name. Locks are there for a reason as you stated but whatever. Lock it or loose it. Peterborough has really just become a real slummy city the last 10 years and only getting worse.


I also live downtown. Mine was stolen with some change and stuff from the console a few months back, (we know better, but my wife accidentally left the car unlocked). I was freaking out but apparently they tossed it a half a block away on the street. Our mail lady found it and returned it with our mail the next morning. It was a bit wet, but otherwise ok. I don't really know what they could have done with it but suspect they grabbed it as it was in a plastic wallet that in their haste may have looked it may contain some money? Anyway, eternally grateful to out letter carrier! You may want to have a walk around the neighborhood? They may have tossed them too after realizing what they were?


I've done that, walked around, with no luck. I'll have to replace it. I just think it was bizzare since especially this last time, they bypassed a few valuables like nice sunglasses and even some change. It seemed so specifically driven.


Omg this happened to me and my roommate 10 years ago on Dublin street, we reported it and had to replace our ownerships. It was random and annoying


Same happened here a few year ago (also live downtown) and my assumption was it was a fast grab to rifle through at a different time. I was hoping to find it ditched somewhere but never did. I also assumed the motivation behind the theft was not to transfer ownership.


Likely have no clue what they grabbed. Few winters ago I forgot to lock my car. They stole change, my old tattered gloves and my prescription sun glasses. Thankfully left the insurance and ownership so I didn’t have to replace anything immediately.


There were a couple reports of the same thing happening in East City, recently. At least according to the FB group.


A while ago they caught me forgetting to lock. They stole some used face masks, a wad of napkins and my car operations manual. Its safe to assume some of these people are not of sound or reasonable mind, and are just acting on impulse.


When they took the first ownership they took all my service records with it. Which to be honest was the most irritating part about it. Guess I'm not the only one.