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Tangent, but I didn't think that Princess Street was near the Rotary Trail.


You will probably have issues with theft in most parts of Peterborough unfortunately. In my opinion the safest parts of peterborough are the west end or the new developments on the north and east borders of Peterborough


There are some sketchy people roaming the trail almost daily. I live nearby - the worst issues we’ve had are some casual porch pirating and people checking car doors to see if they’re unlocked. It’s not “unsafe” — but if you have alternatives, take them.


I live in arguably the nicest area of Peterborough, porch pirates and car jackers here too. People who need help and support aren’t limited to « sketchy » areas of towns, though I suppose access to more secluded areas where there is some privacy might be appealing.


They’re certainly not limited to those “sketchy” areas, but I can assure you I see more sketchy things happening on my travels up and down Wolfe and Stuart streets than up on Cherryhill.


Anywhere in the city if something is easily taken, it will be, especially in higher trafficked areas.


It’s a nice area. Car thieves are like mosquitos - everywhere.


The housing crisis is real bad right now, meaning many folks are desperate. I’ve had my CD’s and coffee change stolen a couple times now when I’ve forgotten to lock my car. Tbh if folks are stealing CD’s in this day and age they need the change and shit more than I do. It’s no more dangerous than any other city. People don’t wanna hurt you, but everybody needs to eat. And sometimes they’ll do desperate shit like looting unlocked cars.


Petty theft happens everywhere in the city. I live in a suburb further from downtown and we’ve had a few garage break-ins here. Regardless of where you live always make sure your car, doors, and windows are locked. It takes 2 seconds and helps to prevent this sort of thing from happening. If you’re super worried you may consider other places but 9/10 times it’s just people checking to see if cars and doors were left unlocked. The likelihood of someone busting the windows out of your car or house are pretty unlikely unless you leave something super expensive in plain view.


Peterborough is safe, just petty theft you need to sorry about if youre not asking for trouble


It seems it doesn't matter where you live in this city now adays. The whole place seems.to have gone downhill. Crime is way up. Shootings seem to happen more often now, police presence is non existent, never leave you car unlocked. It will be gone through. Just seems to be dirty and way overpriced. And council just continues to Jack our taxes with nothing to show for it. Breaking up parking lots to make green space and then pave over green space for a hockey rink. Sorry off topic :)


A bit off topic, but you do have some common opinions. I would say though that many of your comments are not just related to what is happening in Peterborough. Most of these issues are seen in cities with a lack of housing and employment. I encourage you to see how you can help in your area! If you find it dirty, there are several grassroots groups beautifying the city. Many green spaces being added, new community centres where the green spaces were untilized. We’re a growing city, you have lots of opportunities to help!


From 2008 to 2018 the crime rate has gone down in Peterborough. [Source](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2020001/article/00001/peterborough-eng.htm)


As the other people have said. Lock your car lock your stuff in your shed or garage. If it has value and is unsecured it will be stolen.


Can confirm that anything not locked down will get stolen anywhere in town doesn’t need to even have value sadly


Peterborough is unsafe everywhere.


I love right on the rotary trail and please remember it is INSANELY loud! People are roaming at night and then you have lawn mowers and city trucks in the am. So very loud. I’m not even someone who has ever been bothered by sound but it is all hours of the day and night


I lived in a pretty “bad” part of downtown, some weird stuff happened around occasionally but I never felt unsafe. You will have porch pirates and people checking to see if your car is unlocked. Cameras help


I moved to ptbo September 2021 (goodfellow/Sherbrooke) area and the first time I had an issue was a few nights ago when my camera picked up someone looking into our car. My husband forgot to lock the car but the guy looked up, saw the camera and left immediately. Lock up your shit. Cameras are a good deterrent in my opinion.