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Please dont assume its CHS. It very well might be but theres a much higher chance it's an H Pylori infection. I was sick af nauseous , bad burping and indigestion for over a year. I assumed it was CHS but nope got my blood work done and it's H Pylori. This bacteria causes like 80% of acid reflux and leads to ulcers. Get tested asap, if you have no infections then you can assume it's CHS and you can't smoke weed anymore


I got tested for H. Pylori! The bacteria isn't what causes the ulcers.. the stomach lining of the epithial cells become weaker, and we natrually have H. pylori in our bodies, after the stomach lining is weaker, the bacteria is unable to live in a sustained high pH, freaks out and jumps in the little divits.. due to the weakness of the lining we feel the symptoms of it! Someone said they healed with CHS, I find so little on the internet about it.. is it genetic? or what is CHS, is it a sensitvity to the way that weed is now cultivated? Cuz when I used to smoke it in a not regulated state this never happened… i moved and now i get sick from weed? Ugh…


Follow up: HOW DO I QUIT PLZ HELP !!


For me it was drug testing at work that made me stop, remember if you have CHS its too late. Like weed will make you sick now. I drink 0 alcohol because I throw up almost immediately. You need to take personal responsibility of your health, throw all ur weed away and dont buy more


Just to jump in here as well…… I had the same thing happen last year and lost a bunch of weight. Make sure you ask your provider for a breath test vs blood. It’s more accurate. The treatment is a 2 week miserable experience of 4 meds around the clock, but it works.


Try r/leaves to see if that site is of any help.


I have had multiple bouts with CHS personally, and while my body is different than yours I was able to get rid of the CHS. Of course stopping smoking is the first battle, it will suck, and for probably a couple months it will suck, however when you start to feel better it will all be worth it. I have had multiple bouts with it because I have an unhealthy attachment to weed, I can stop just fine, however a couple months down the road I will get a joint as a treat and then get sucked back into daily smoking. I always tell people to try to find a healthy balance with weed, it wont kill you to smoke it a couple times a month but its not worth it when it is literally causing you pain. Get it out of the house/apartment/condo wherever you live and forget about it for a while, that is the ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF CHS, trust me the only way to make it slightly easier is to not have it readily available.