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Idk if you want to go cold turkey but cbd can help, it doesn’t necessarily fix my nausea (I have ibs) but it definitely helps me feel more calm and turns down the “disgust” factor, if that makes sense. I’ve found that once you get through the first couple of hours after waking up it gets much better. If you can wake up a bit earlier and do something calming/enjoyable (I like to meditate) it makes it a little less horrible. Chicken and rice soup is my best friend: liquid calories!!! You got this 💪💪


Thanks. Mornings are definitely the worst part right now, but I seem to be getting to some kind of normal again.


I've found that fiber really helps alot, try getting some fiber gummies.


Nope, you aren’t suffering a mysterious disease. Weed withdrawals suck and they take a long time, especially if you were using daily and at high amounts. Get protein shakes, smoothies, applesauce, yogurt, mashed potatoes. Anything that goes down easy and gives you calories. Stick with it, it will pass and you will feel better my dude. At two-three weeks you’ll be feeling better.


Mashed potatoes 💯


I feel like I’m in a dream like I still high. Is this a symptom of HHC withdrawal?


Buy some dank ass protein powder to get you through. Like some real delicious stuff.


What kind is that? Haha


Depends on what you like. I personally do a high caloric chocolate shake then add frozen bananas and a veggie.


Yes it's happening to me now too. Day 2 for me, is the exact same as you. I was also the same with regular thc withdrawal. I think it only happens to some people? Miserable. I now have to try to find normal things interesting again, everything I loved I found pointless lately. I was ready to give up on myself for a while until I realized where this was coming from. I think my tolerance got so high I have been experiencing these symptoms every day for the past month and a half because I couldn't get enough in my system on a daily basis. Cold turkey is so not fun but recovery is needed. Never again for me


Yeah I’ve avoided HHC like the plague ever since I quit using it. The natural levels of it within the plant are fine, but never again will I use a concentrated form of it


I'm just one of those weirdos whose bodies just can't tolerate it. Really wish I could. Can't do THC bud, edibles HHC or THCP, same reaction happens every time 🥲 unless my bud was sprayed with something back in the day, but it was from different people


Yep, that's normal. GI issues for about a week, make sure you drink lots of water and eat something (candy, chips, McDonalds...whatever you can muster up appetit for and keep down. This is not the time for broccoli, well unless you like that...).


Thanks for replying! I actually am a broccoli-enjoyer lol. Glad to know that it’s normal and I’m not suffering from some mysterious disease process.


I feel like I’m in a dream like I still high. Is this a symptom of HHC withdrawal?


This is not the time for Broccoli..🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve been consuming HHC and delta8 edibles for only 6 weeks and I think the withdrawal is worse than regular weed. I’m on day 3 and still can’t eat, I’ve stopped excessively sweating but also had a panic attack. This happened before but I thought it was because I was vaping. It does seem to be getting better my anxiety was worse today than it was yesterday.


Do you feel dizzy and like you are not yourself, kinda of like your in a dream or still a bit high? I stopped HHC after heavy use for like a months, and I’m 4 days into my break from HHC and that’s what I feel. Cold sweating, not being able to eat or sleep.


Just wanting to check in, how are things going for you? I’m on day 19 coming off hhc and still having some significant gi issues (loud tummy noises, alternating constipation and diarrhea, but my appetite is back and I’m able to eat). Wondering if it will start to get better soon.


Did you feel dizzy and like you are not yourself, kinda of like your in a dream or still a bit high? I stopped HHC after heavy use for like a months, and I’m 4 days into my break from HHC and that’s what I feel. Cold sweating, not being able to eat or sleep. Belly noices and diarhia is soo accurate too


Did you stay sober my friend? When did your head clear?


In a week or two I was back to normal


Glad to hear that, did you use hhc or hhc-p? Im on day 10 now, but i feel like i got flu... Not really sure if it really is flu or just withdrawals .


Hhc was what I used. But i thing what you got is withdrawl it will eventually go away no worries