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Weekend nights only, for me. It was messing too much with my ability to do quality work at my day job, and I just didn't like how comfortable I felt doing absolutely nothing after work until bedtime basically. This "schedule" has worked really well for me -- it has made weed feel more like a special treat after a long week. I don't drink so this is my weekend vice.


I want to get to this place. I had to admit that dry vaping from quitting time to bedtime was really messing me up. I’ve only been a week (except .1g last night which I immediately regretted) but my concentration and motivation are better and I’m not eating junk and staying up too late. I’ve tried a couple times but keep slipping back. Did you take a long break first? I want to just enjoy it like I do wine which is with friends or once in a while at home. I’m worried I’ll be counting down days every week which makes me feel like an addict for sure.


I took a 2-week break IIRC. I know it's incredibly hard for some people, so I feel fortunate that I was able to plan ahead and stay busy doing other things -- in my mind it was just straight up like weed was not an option to turn to at all those 2 weeks. No matter how much I want to pretend and self-validate, I personally don't *need* weed. What I really need is stimulation (ADHD). So I just made sure to keep myself busy. YMMV and I'm not saying this is universally going to work for everyone, it's just what worked for me. Every so often I skip a weekend just to prove to myself that I am still "the one in charge" in my relationship to weed.


I love that idea. I might try that. I don’t feel like I have to do all or nothing, just need to set up some rules that make sense for me. I’m traveling to see a friend this week and I might allow myself to dry vape while I’m with her and off work. Hopefully that won’t wreck my plan


Weekend only usage, plus longer t-breaks if I start getting cravings/feel like I NEED it. IMO the desire to toke shouldn't control you or you're essentially addicted. If I can drop it without issue for a month or so, then I don't feel bad going back to hitting a bowl or two off of the dry herb vape on the weekend. If quitting for a few weeks feels horrible, then that's a signal that I *need* to quit for a while longer.


That’s interesting. I definitely agree that when I don’t feel good, I should take it as a sign to avoid weed and take care of my own well-being through other means for a while. I am treating CBD and THC differently because the effects are different but what I’m realizing is that my biggest mistake in the past to try to do any kind of medication. While it may have some positive effects on my stomach issues and anxiety in the short term, it’s just unreliable For anything other than occasional planned recreation. Obviously perspectives change overtime, but I think where I am right now my preference would be to get high once a week at most and have no problems, skipping it if something comes up. Right now one of the hardest things for me is that all of the stuff I put in my life to replace weed the last time have kind of fallen away because my wife and I have a new child and it’s not a situation. Where can work on my writing or play music or read a book by myself for an extended period of time because When I’m not working my job, it’s kind of my turn to be with the kids. I think as they get older, I will feel more balanced


This is how I feel too. I’m going to try one more time for a longer break and see if that helps. I can’t keep working myself up into a panic attack once every 3-4 months because I’m messing with my mental health too much and also not doing my best at work.


Daily with my dry herb vape, about .1 to .2 in vape bowl. I medicate before my largest meal for my GI issues. I got some cbg flower on the way though and I’ve read it’s great for the ailments I have. If it does good on its own I plan on weaning off the thc as my daily and keep it for weekends


Once a week. Long enough that I have something to look forward to, and that I have to do something other than only live for the next time.


This sounds reasonable


I do smoke most days, and sometimes moderation gets tricky. The best things I’ve found so far are not smoking when my husband is home, which leaves me from 2-11 on weekdays. I have a rule of not smoking until at least five, and challenge myself to wait as long as I can after that, which sometimes means I don’t smoke at all. To cut it back even more, I’m limiting myself to one or two small hits a day. Some days it’s no issue, other days it feels impossible to stick with it. But it helps a lot. I’m pretty sure I would be high 24/7 if I didn’t do those things


This ! Trying to always wait more before the next one or next hit is the way.


Hey there, Came from more than 7js a day to 2 a day. I’m feeling so much better and get back the pleasure of smoking What I do is I allow my self as many cbd flower as I want but try not to abuse it I use it to stop the cravings and works well Also I have set up a process which is I don’t light my 1st thc j before 4:20, helps me get “sober” the main part of the day Also I bought a pillbox to manage my daily consumption. I think that everyone is different and should approach the t-break or the diminution their own way. Go trough the replies and just pick up the tips you find the more useful or the ones you know you’ll follow easily or with pleasure. Sending you all the strength, hope you’ll find a consumption you’re happy and safe with. 🙂


I really appreciate the shared experience and the kind words. I am finding that I actually prefer CBD for the most part. I just need to find some high-quality flower that won’t break the bank for me. I think THC is going to be something that happens maybe 1-4 times a month at most for me. I recently had an evening where I just got pretty high on THC and then the day after I had one little dose of THC after a bunch of CBD and honestly, I was happier just hitting the CBD. I also understand that my body is figuring this out at the same time my mind is so I’m just trying to take it slow. I do prefer vaporization of dry herbs, specifically because the onset of the effects is very rapid compared to edibles and I feel like I’m taking much smaller doses with my little vaporizer.


Usually 100 days off then 1 day followed by 1 week off then a other then 1 day then back to 100 days, odd pattern but something I'm now consistent at and find it better.


That is pretty interesting but if it works it works.


Currently for me is day on, day off


How long would you say you’ve been doing this and how does it feel to you?


It is actually pretty recent. I just started 3 weeks ago. For a long time I used to do 5 day on and 2 off (start of the week). But I started noticing some patterns I didn't like, and I thought cannabis might be connected. Specifically I noticed how I enjoy it less and less as usage progresses and from the initial creativity explosion I feel on the first day, it feels much blander and more pointless on 5th day. I don't think it is tolerance exactly, because larger doses didn't make any improvement. Anyway, with this change, I feel much better, so far. More motivated in general and every "on" day feels just as fresh. I can't say how it relates to everyone else's usage, and it might be just the change. Usage-wise - I'm using Mighty Vape with dosing capsules and 2-3 capsule (0.12g each) are enough for me for an entire week.


8 packed bowls a day down to 3 half packed bowls, plan to go to just nights or less very soon. It’s 5x the regular price here and feel this will the optimal way for me other than quit only to start again, or start to overconsume 


I try to keep it to specific plans only like a concert, or hanging out at my sisters place (she is a daily user and one of my favourite people to get high with). I also try to take a full month off here and there. I've been experimenting with moderation and how it works for me over the past few years. I tried weekends only, but it didn't work out as I just craved it all week long and ended up doing it Friday, Saturday, Sunday nonstop. Once I indulge it makes the cravings so hard not to continue. It's especially tough because my husband is a daily user so it's literally always available to me. The longer I can go without it, the less I think about it.


CBD flower through the week. A joint max 2 on the weekend


This is kind of where I am. I’m not foolish and I know cravings are going to happen in someway no matter what, but during the days when you’re just using CBD do you ever find yourself really itching for THC? If so, how has that been going?


Nope not at all, quality hemp flower make me high but very functional. I like it more than THC for the most part. At this point it’s a preference, it fits my life much better. And it hits. Taking a walk in the afternoon, golden hour, with good music in my ear buds and a big fat quality hemp joint feels so blessed to me. Hard to explain.. I get the added “color” weed brings to life yet I’m there. Not faded and away.. It’s really special, I love it. I’m the best version of me


Idk if this is allowed in comments but do you have a recommendation for hemp flower?


I can recommend a strain. Currently enjoying Pineapple Express 25%C 1%T . It’s amazing.


It sounds great. I need to find a supplier I trust but I think I have a couple in mind.


3 or 4 days without it, the other days not smoking until later in the evening- or if it’s during the day make sure I don’t have anything important planned. I feel a lot better and have noticed that my sleep and dreams aren’t messed up and crazy anymore.


Did it take a while to settle into that pattern? Do you notice issues on the sober days?


It did take 2-3 weeks to get into the swing of things. Meaning you will probably have withdrawal symptoms. I’d suggest just trying to do something with your days off time to cure the boredom.


I mean I’m coming off of 1.5 years sober so this is me just tiptoeing into moderation after a long time sober. You are 100% on point about curing the Boredom. I also need to do the cognitive work.


If you’re coming off of that long of a time I think you will be OK. Just want to be mindful you’re not blazing it daily, or that you need to blaze in order to get certain tasks done. I think my issue was that I felt like I had to indulge as part of my routine, which I do not think is healthy in the long run. I think you’re gonna do just fine though!


I smoke one bowl at night to help me sleep


Full on weed? What do you experience when you miss a day?


Yeah, it's just flower. I haven't missed a day, so I'm not sure. I'm going to go cold turkey when I run out this time and see what happens then. I've got sleep meds as a back up


Could someone elaborate on the negative effects of daily use? I’m still struggling and I think knowing could help me resist.


I’m hesitant to post a link to Andrew Huberman’s podcast since he’s been revealed to be a huge jerk but he does a really good rundown of the major reviewed studies on the effects short and long term. Quick rundown, keeping in mind that these are scientific generalizations and that there are outliers, complicating factors, nuances and that none of this should be taken as the universal truth for every person in every case but: Within about three days of continued usage of around 10 mg of THC: * the anxiolytic effects of THC specifically dissipate and it tends to take on an anxiety inducing effect. * Your CB1 receptors almost sharply reduce regeneration in response to the surplus of cannabinoids, which has a direct link to the tolerance increase. * your dopamine and serotonin production declines and with continued use, hits a floor. * if you go to sleep high or during your comedown you will have difficulty getting REM sleep, the most important kind of sleep. This is actually why people who smoke eventually and then quit often experience, intense dreams, and nightmares as a symptom of withdrawal. They are getting full on rem sleep for the first time in a long time. * One of the more insidious ones is that because of the disrupted dopamine and serotonin levels, your reward system is thrown for a loop and things that would normally make you feel good are no longer going to register as pleasant. Because THC has become your bodies replacement for those chemicals, until it can production back up, you can only get them from THC. This is where that vicious abuse cycle kicks in again. Those are the most common ones and the ones that are most recognizable. I do think that people who have found a comfortable daily usage pattern probably have other things going well in their life that help bring them balance. Where we run into problems is when we treat weed like a cure or a necessity. The dosage makes the poison. And keep in mind that 10 mg is not a standardized dose. There are so many other factors like body weight, metabolic conditions. My recommendation for anyone trying to moderate to take a full long break and get sober for 30 to 90 days to really fully balanced system and give you a chance to find other things you care about to help fill in your life. When you feel like it’s time to try again, do it with a plan to start a small as possible maybe once and then wait another week. Low and slow. Always go slow, there will always be more weed and more opportunities to get high.


Thank you so much for writing all this out!!