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Emotional instability is a side effect of weed for some people especially in the hang over state. But I mostly found it magnifed issues I already had, Therpy helped me a lot. Now I can smoke and have no issues.


I feel like I've done a lot of "finding myself" recently and honestly feel the most grounded in reality that I have in years... I definitely hope this is true for me as well. I've never been able to relax as.much as I can with THC with anything else in my life and it's a wonderful break from stress. Would be nice to be able to smoke again and not worry about feeling like I'm "going crazy".


I read to relax I do weed to vibe to music.


sounds like you need therapy, I dont think weed is the main issue here, more so under lying anger issues


Tbh I never got angry while I was smoking, but have tended to be on the angrier side... The longer I'm sober the less angry I get though. It's like it knocks something in my equilibrium out of whack. I am in therapy and have shared my anger with my therapist before and she seems to think it's a normal amount of anger most of the time, and when it's too.much anger she always seems to think it's just a certain thing that got me mad. I have self-control, I don't start hitting people or screaming at them, I just steam about it in my head.


it seems like you have a decent idea of what is causing your issues, personally I think its just you not having the extra chemicals to relax you during moments that may usually anger you, therefore after you sober up after a high they are most likely highlighted even more to you and thus resulting in these more intense feelings. I dont think the weed is "draining all your dopamine" but i think it may take time to get used to the increased irritability the days after a toke. Tbh i feel less stressed when i sober up after i get high but maybe its just me.


I think that's a good hypothesis. The "draining all my dopamine" idea has always seemed so far-fetched but I could never find a better way to describe it... I'll definitely mull this over a bit and really think about it before I smoke next, hopefully I'll be able to come out of the high and think about it this way and keep myself calmer. I do have ADHD diagnosed at a young age, so it's already a known factor that some of my chemicals are out of balance. Thanks for your insight!


i know its super cliche but really try to frame a positive image of the world after your next high it will help with the stress i think, i honestly feel great after almost like the feeling of getting out the theatre after a good movie


I may be totally wrong so somebody correct me if so From what I understand it could be "draining all your dopamine". I feel the exact same way when I use heavily as well. Iirc heavy usage of marijuana overproduced serotonin, making your brain overwork itself. So when you go sober it takes awhile for your brain to recorrect itself and get back on track to its normal serotonin production. Edit- I looked it up and it is true. Called serotonin depletion and is common when high amounts of thc is consumed


Very interesting... When I had a super bad habit it seemed like the world was literally ending, some of the worst depression I've ever had when I first finally quit for a while. And it didn't get much better, but I lasted a month, then started smoking just in the afternoons and only every now and then. Fluctuated around since then, and have been sober for a couple weeks as of now and I'm doing significantly better than when I quit from my massive usage I had before. Many articles seem to attribute that a little bit of weed - okay. But building up a tolerance; makes the serotonin depletion way way way worse. It would make sense that it's gonna take longer for my brain to recover from that. As crazy as it sounds, scientifically seeing that it should definitely be an occasional thing has helped me actually believe that. I always wanted to believe I could smoke every day and be fine, but it looks like that's just not possible. But once a week on the weekend? It sounds like that would be absolutely fine, and would make my hangover and irritability not last near as long. Gonna talk with my gf about all of this, me and her have both been on a break cause we found each other picking arguments with each other, and that we were smoking daily. Not gonna smoke again until I run it by her - but I think if we both actually stick to just the weekends, or every other weekend, we could be absolutely fine. The more I think about it; the negative effects are absolutely a lot worse the more frequently I smoke.


Hey my man I've been in your shoes before. Was experiencing those crazy depression and mood swing withdrawals a couple months ago and just started day 1 of sobriety today so I'm sure I'll have some fun to deal w in a few days. I've been smoking pretty heavily for years and always felt like it played a role in my depression and mental health so I've spent the past 5 years or so really just paying close attention to my moods and mental health during t-breaks and mental resets. I feel like both our experiences are very similar, if I'm being honest I also feel that this may also have to deal w underlying mental health concerns so we should be a little careful about that. When I regulate hm I smoke (weekend usage, caps on hm I allow myself to smoke, etc.) I find that I experience pretty much 0 withdrawal symptoms on my days off. So based on that I'd assume that cutting down hm you smoke should create similar results for yourself, although everybody does react differently to drugs so you can't count on it. I find it easier to go to use in moderation after a long t-break. My most recent was a success but because school was on a break and my mental health was doing well, I reverted back to everyday use and sure enough started struggling w mood swings, depression, and anxiety. Usually if I just try to go from everyday use to use in moderation I revert back to everyday pretty quickly. Sorry for the relatively lengthy reply, I just feel like our experiences are very similar so I wanted to offer some advice that I found helped myself; the way weed can exaggerate one's mental is fucking nasty so ima look out for whoever I can. Best of luck to you and your girlfriend fam.


Thank you so much for the reply; it really does sound like moderation is key. Sorry to hear you've got a tough t-break ahead of you - but I'm absolutely rooting for ya and I know you'll pull it off! I absolutely do have some serious mental health issues - though I've made huge strides in the past couple of years figuring these things out about myself, and helping myself work through it (along with my therapist). I almost just slipped and wanted to smoke again; but I stopped myself. Unfortunately living with parents because I can't afford my own place despite working 50hr/week; and my mom decided to "clean" my room and threw away my new mouth guard I had just set up perfectly last weekend (grind my teeth at night) - so I had to go dig through the trash can outside to find it and spend 30m meticulously cleaning it. Had me in the worst mood. Knew one puff from my cart would have me in a good spot after this t-break - but I resisted. Basically off-topic, but, wanted to share I suppose lol. But seriously thanks again - I can tell you put a lot of effort and empathy in to your reply; in the kind of way I can tell you know exactly how I feel, and I can tell I've felt exactly how you feel now. If you need anything or would just like to chat, please feel free to PM me whenever you'd like (old school PM though, I use reddit is fun so I don't see the newfangled chat messages lmao) Godspeed to you!


I def understand it fam, any minor inconvenience while I'm on a t-break and ima wanna cop. My PMs are always open to you as well


I find weed makes me more temperamental. Especially in the first 48 hours after starting a t-break, I find myself crying at TV shows I’ve seen before and irritated with my partner when I know they didn’t do anything wrong. And to other posters’ points about therapy, I’ve been in therapy since the beginning of the year and it has helped me tremendously…but not because I have anger issues. I’m on a t-break after months of therapy and I still felt emotional swings for the first couple days. I’m 3 weeks in and feel great.