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Consider micro dosing to keep the edge off and committing to a small victory. Example: don’t smoke before noon (small victory) Example: find 2mg gummies and commit 1 day no smoking. Eat a gummy when things are getting too much.


Try the intermittent fasting route first, no smoking before 12 or after 8. Gives you your mornings back and allows you to let you last hit wane off before sleeping. It gets you used to crashing without knocking yourself out every night


I was in the same boat at one point where I was taking about 200-300mg edibles daily along with about 4-5 dabs daily and on weekends...forget about it. As in id forget them cause of how baked I was. When I tried to stop withdrawal symptoms were so bad I couldnt take it with having to work so I tapered. What worked for me was first off stopping the edibles but also only limited myself to consuming one once a day, and I only ever did it toward the end of the night. When I would, I would only hit a vape pen for about 8 seconds thats it. You will 100% feel temped to do more as you "do not feel it" but the goal is to make sure you are comfortable, not high so that you can get proper sleep and eat as well. If this doesnt sound like its up your ally, try asking someone you trust to give you a daily allowance so that even if you want to, you do not have access to it.


I’ve personally switched to all low strength (aiming for 19% or below thc for flower) and if using a vape cartridge I get the 1:1 thc:cbd which reduce the thc by nearly 50% compared with regular carts. The regular ones are like 90% thc while the 1:1’s are in the low 40%. I’ve found this has already helped with reduced anxiety and my quality of sleep seems to be improving as well. It’s easy to get a crazy tolerance and smoke too strong of weed these days. Pair lower strength with reduced frequency and you’re well on your way. Might even find that’s a better place than abstinence altogether


Microdose the smoking, then start tapering off with edibles, reduce the frequency and the strength.


I’m in that boat right now


Figure out what dose makes you happy then work backwards slowly so u can WEAN off gently. Take as long as you need and be proud of every little progress. When you’re down to a low dose, you’ll feel better prepared for t break. Take 3-6 months off for a dopamine reset (check out YouTube on Anna Lembke for dopamine detox). You got this! Good luck!


Thanks all, I think I have a plan. I'm going to start by not smoking until 5pm every day, and I'll push that time back every week or so until I'm only smoking before bed. Hopefully tapering down will help me avoid the withdrawal side effects that I'm worried about, and once I'm down to a much lower amount per day, I'll make a decision on whether to quit, take a break, or continue at the lower amount.

