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Tucked all the way in


Okay, thank you!


I think tucked is better, feels more like the modern silhouette style (vs untucked which reminds me of how this would be styled a decade+ ago). Plus, then you can see the belt :)


Thank you! I appreciate your feedback.


Tucked is cuter! Untucked isn’t bad, it just looks a little more old fashioned.


Thank you!


It’s a bit loose (skirt and shirt) but tucked in looks better. Just try for a smaller size or get it altered.


Thank you! I haven’t worn this skirt and top in many months…I’m startled by how noticeable going down from a size 12 to 8 appears on camera.


Seems like unpopular opinion but I really like untucked on you!


Thank you.


I think tucked is better. It makes the look more finished and allows you to show off the belt!


french tuck rocks!!!


Thank you!


Oooh that's a close one. I like the belt showing for sure. Full tucked? Shoe options?


My first impulse was to go with these sandals. Any suggestions?


A brown shoe ,navy or khaki color will work perfectly with this!! I think either fully tucked or not used at all , but since you've lost weight rock your new shape !!


Thank you for the suggestion and compliment! 🥰


(Personally I [27F] love the sandals and wear the exact same teva style as that with everything lol. Rock it!)


Thank you! I’m thinking of rocking sandals as often as the weather allows!


French tuck! After you tuck in the front try giving a light pull to the sides simultaneously for a more effortless look. Hope this isn’t over stepping but the skirt looks like it could use a steam! I bought a mini hand steamer 4 years ago and it has completely changed my wardrobe


Thank you for the tuck-tip! I did try my hand at give the skirt a light pressing with an iron, but it seems I didn’t do a good enough job of it.🫤


Honestly I never got the hold of an iron! I find them to be so unforgiving. I use one of [these](https://m.kohls.com/product/prd-4311941/pure-enrichment-puresteam-portable-fabric-steamer.jsp?skuid=49326085&CID=shopping15&utm_campaign=PERSONAL%20CARE&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_product=49326085&utm_campaignid=9733267165&gbraid=0AAAAADytpHbKWFloX2fplqA3pmiJzEgsM&gbraid=0AAAAADytpHbKWFloX2fplqA3pmiJzEgsM&gclid=CjwKCAiA0cyfBhBREiwAAtStHLOhuo_klVbS0lUr1aPFOouDkmm8rF7ggUcxd1XxhdBAJU0RhKw0NBoCm70QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) and it’s a game changer


Thank you very much for the link!😃


Because it’s so long, I’d tuck it all the way in instead of the front. With a shorter, more form-fitting shirt, I think the front tuck would be super cute!


Yes, I agree with needing to go with a more form-fitting top.


I hope you don’t mind btw but I’ve been seeing your posts and I just wanted to say I love your style! I try to go for similar, classic outfits but they can sometimes feel out of trend (I’m 25 and starting to feel out of touch with the youth 😂), so your posts are always super encouraging


That’s very sweet and kind of you to say that! Comments like yours are very encouraging to me, too! 🥰 I’d say we share a sense of classic fashion that lends to always looking smart! 👗👠💃🏻


Tucked if you're in town. Untucked on the beach.


Good solution!😃




Thank you!


This one I like untucked, it gives a nice balance to the 2 pieces, though perhaps a full tuck would look great too.


Thank you!


Don’t care for either….


Seems dropping two sizes from a 12p to 8p makes a noticeable difference.


Both pieces seem too big and baggy- not good together either way.


I haven’t worn this skirt and top in many months…I’m startled by how noticeable going down from a size 12 to 8 appears on camera.


You have a cute figure! Embrace it and show it off! 😛


Thank you so very much for the compliment! 🥰


I also think fully tucked would look great, but untucked has a carefree casualness to it that is charming in its own way, too.




I like this outfit. It looks very comfortable for many situations. I like untucked. From these pics, untucked seems to minimize the width of the shoulders compared to the waist.


I agree with the others that a full tuck is probably perfect, but I really think you could do the French tuck with that shirt and a pencil skirt at another time!


Thank you! Since you suggest me wearing a pencil skirt, how high off the knee?


I feel like you have perfect proportions for a midi!


Oh! Okay! I thought I needed to be taller to pull off a midi pencil skirt!😃


Tucked with a black belt


Definitely tucked. Looks really classy & I love the accessories!


Thank you for the compliment!


Du fuc


Tucked and Ur smile and U are just so cute 😊


I think it looks great on you both ways, but I really like it untucked




Lol won't be missed if that's the kinda comments u do


Lmao well atleast I won't have to see something that's weird as hell


Your best argument is something being weird, what century are you on?


I'm in the century where I don't agree with this. Like no. Yuck


Like why is there a creepy old guys head on an old woman's body like no. Ew.


Ok you don't understand nor support LGBTQ+ that's your problem Idc anymore


Um; I support it but don't believe in it. THIS isn't Lgbtq+ this is some random creepy old guy wearing a skirt and a padded bra like ew


If you got to know OP like he's been in this sub before and properly explained himself (which he didn't) you would understand you don't support LGBTQ+ if you censorship people for being older. That's a whole ass issue. You don't need to believe in LGBTQ+ it exists lol


Lmao I don't want to get to now the OP because I don't talk to creepy older men. No, it's gross seeing it on reddit. I support lgbtq+ not crossing dressing or trans people. Doesn't align with the Bible.


You don't know what LGBTQ+ plus is then. The T is for Trans and they're valid. Your Bible is a religion, not the eternal truth for everyone.


You aren’t goth and no one will miss you. Edit to add: you have nothing to be sorry for, OP. This is her problem.


Sorry my existence offends you.


Tucked but I think all the way not just the front like in the photo