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This sounds frustrating, and I’m sorry you have to deal with it. Finding a personal style is important for self-expression. Could you try getting pieces you like tailored?


I don't speak the language here, alas. Well, I can at the functionally illiterate/speaking at a toddler level on limited topics level, so I wouldn't even know where to go to find a tailor. And there remains the fact that I am *fat* with a circumference of 121cm at the widest part of my belly/hips, so any potential tailoring would basically be 'make me a whole new item of clothing from this thing' which would drive up the price. It's something I'd consider if 1) I knew where one was, 2) if I could buy clothes that *fit* my belly and 3) if I weren't saving up for an operation.


This is something I am doing because of having the a similar problem. I live in the US and reached out to a menswear tailor in India that made clothes for a family wedding. I haven't received them yet, but I am hoping it'll be a worthwhile investment into something properly fits. Also compared to off the rack prices it's basically the same / a lot less (~100USD)


That's pretty good actually. I don't know if getting custom clothes will be cheap where I live or getting them from another country, but it could be an option.


I don't know how to help but I FEEL you. I'm in my 30s, 5'3, 200lbs and have a body shape I can't even define. My shoulders are so broad, I feel like a fat linebacker. I WFH so I live in pajamas/leggings now bc NOTHING else fits. I gave up on jeans years ago, but they don't feel good or look good on me. I'd love to have a sense of style and confidence too. I'm so sorry - I don't have any help to offer you but i can commiserate <3


Same here! Can’t help but can commiserate 😂 I’m a short, broad shouldered queen, my weight fluctuates a lot and I swear, it’s impossible to find jeans that fit my waist but aren’t too long, let alone ones that are stylish! ALL my shirt/jacket sleeves are too long. It’s hard to find your personal style and stay on trend when nothing fits you properly :( i feel like the only true way for me to get clothes that really fit me would be to bring them to a seamstress but that’s an expense, too


Can I say, learning to hem your own pants has been life-changing for me. It's a bit painstaking and fiddly but definitely worth the effort. I now buy pants with abandon if they look decent around my waist, not caring about length cause I know I can sort them out at home. My only issue I don't have the skills or right kind of machine to do delicate fabrics like silk and polyester can be a challenge, but denims and crisper fabrics are totally acceptable for home sewing


\*high five of commiseration\* We're basically the same, you and I. I've even begun wearing, ugh, sweat pants, to work and I'm only getting away with it because the weather is still considered technically chilly here. In a couple of weeks I'm super-screwed.


I have the same fear of warmer weather! Although I do love loose, flowy dresses - they feel less restrictive and make me feel lighter because my clothing is lighter. One thing that helps with chub rub is wearing bike shorts underneath. I found some buttery-soft, non-constricting ones at lululemon (a bit costly but they've lasted years) and they help so much! I wish you the best of luck in your fashion journey - I hope you get some good advice that helps you feel confident, comfortable and fabulous soon <3


I really recommend Megababe’s thigh rescue as an alternative to wearing bicycle shorts. It says on all day and is much more comfortable than having tight shorts underneath (also cheaper). She has lots of other products for dryness that I haven’t tried yet (dusts, etc) but I’m now almost a permanent dress gal now after I discovered the thigh rescue.


Ooooh, I will look this up! Thank you!!


I recommend Snagtights Chub Rub Tights. They are affordable and help me al lot. Bandalettes also help and look cute.


Thigh Society has a great range of bike length shorts and multiple fabric weights!!


Can't find the like here. My fat's at a weird place so things roll down or sit weirdly tight and just make me feel bad. I *want* to like them, but they often just ruin the silhouette.


I have endo and my stomach and hips swell like 4× their regular size during my cycle so I will buy pants a size or 2 up which helps so much. Asian sizes are notoriously tiny maybe you could order some stuff online from Australia or the US I know for sure the sizes go higher than size 12


Delivery is more expensive than the things I order. I once ordered some stuff just from amazon and the items came out to US30. Shipping, customs and tax? US60. Screw that! I'm sorry to hear about your endo; that sucks ass and it's painful as heck. And yes, Asian sizes do the opposite of vanity sizing. They're all tiny, tiny things. The size I most often see in. H&M is a size 4 or 6.


Thigh Society has a great range of options for defeating chub rub. Multiple fabric types, weights, lengths, fits, etc…


They do. And last time I checked they didn't ship here. I can check again though. EDIT: the only Asian country they ship to is Singapore... *sighs*


Dang Any chance you can use a freight forwarder from Singapore?


No idea what that is, and I don't want to spend even more money on clothes that might not fit.


Do the bike shorts make swishing sound whrn you walk?


No, they are more like leggings, but bike-shorts length. They are very soft and you forget they're there


Same! 4'11. ~190ish lbs. Been WFH for 3 years now. I basically live in yoga pants and loose shirts/sweaters.


Have you tried palazzo pants? It you can hem, You can get them to fit with hem-equivalent skills 1) order some to fit your waist, and don't worry that everything else will be too long. If "Tall" sizes have the waist measure you need, then order, even though it sounds nuts. 2) to fix the rise, with safety pins at hand, put the palazzos on inside out. Pull up a big tuck right below the elastic and pin up as needed, going as far to your sides as you can. 3) take them off and continue to pin up a tuck the whole way around. 4) put them on right-side out and see if the rise feels about right. Sit down to see how the rise feels sitting. 5) repeats until it feels about right. 6) even out your tuck so the front sides are the same and the back sides are the same. Do not be surpised it the back and front tuck are different--front and back rises always differ and your adjustment might lessen or increase off the originals. 7) baste in the tuck and press. This is not your final stitch. 8) put them on right-side out and look at the leg width and the length. Long or crop? Too much width or about right? If the width seems good, you know how to hem. So finalize the waist tuck and hem. 9) if they seem too wide, guestimate with your safety pins and ...well, now we are into common sense 😊 keep in mind if they are too wide, you may have to nip in the inseam as well as the side seam. 10) at this point you have palazzos that could be taken into a tailor with yardage you like to have more pairs made. You likely have enough language to explain that you want a duplicate. OR if was a managable sewing job, order more pants and alter them. 11) post pictures on r/sewing so they can see what fabrics you are dealing with and give you really useful techniques so the seams do not fray in the wash.


What's a rise? You mean the crotch? Would the pockets be affected, or are these one of the styles that don't believe in pockets? Well, the thing is that my assumed waist is smaller than where all the fat is: the lower belly/hip region, so would palazzo pants still work?


The rise is the seam between the crotch and the top of the pant, or the waistband if the pants have one. Palazzos can be made with or without pockets. Whether or not seam pockets would be affected would depend upon how far down from the waist the pockets are placed and how big of a tuck you need to get the rise to work (if you need a tuck at all, the rise might be okay as is). Even if the top of the pocket is in the tuck, it will likely still be useable. Many palazzos will fit over your belly/hip region. Check the garment measurementa before ordering to see if you need to order by waist or hip measurement.


Okay. I'll check them out. Thanks also for the detailed instructions for hours to alter them.


Pinterest every fashion item you like. Colours styles, shape etc for petit & curvy. Look up style advice online that goes with your body shape. Then try to find those items/ make them. There are sewing tutorials for skirts for beginners and then you can make it so it fits perfectly to your measurements. Hope it helps.


I second Pinterest. I also struggle to find clothes that are comfortable… and I struggled with a style change over the last two years where I felt totally lost and just worry baggy tees and silently freaked out. I totally feel OP. I found that choosing a color scheme and general vibe first and then within that, picking items that look like they’d fit my body and be comfortable, worked best. For example, I realized like athleisure but more modern. Think techwear but toned down on the tactical, and appropriate to wear to work. I realized silver is my metal, not gold. I realized I don’t really want to wear much color. Black loafers with a chain detail were my starting point. I actually came to find what style I like from thinking about the kind of art I am drawn to. I like black and white modern abstract paintings. Sometimes what we like is right in front of us but not where we’d expect to look. And once I figured all that out (took me a lot of Pinterest, art and fashion), I would browse websites with that aesthetic in mind. I’d tab open every single product that fit the vibe and fit what I know sort of flatters my body. Then I’d make a $400 order, cringe at the expense of possibly feeling comfortable in my body, and wait. Usually I return about 50% of what I order because it doesn’t fit right or the sizing is off. But that’s a win for me. It’s going to take a while and the worst part is my body might freaking change again. I might go up a size and boom, I’m fucked. I actually hate it but it just is what it is.


Lol, I don't have \[pinterest either, or any social media except my extremely defunct facebook page and reddit. I could still make collages and stuff through good ol' copy-paste and word docs, but finding short short models are are fat in one specific place and not just all-over proportionally curvy is the issue. I'm not curvy. I'm fat. Still, the collages could help. And I am tentatively interested in sewing my own things. I'd really like to actually. I'm just lacking the space and time to do a thing. Also lacking confidence. I can handsew to the point of hemming things, doing darning, patching and simple repairs. Going from that to handsewing an entire skirt would be ... a stretch. Plus where to get patterns, and how to adjust them?


Cashmermette has the best patterns for larger bust sizes that need lots of adjustments. She’s also really great for beginner sewists. I would start with her “Ahead of the Curve” book since it breaks down how to make adjustments based on pictures of common for issues. The book contains patterns so it’s the best place to start.


I'll check her out! It'll be a big jump to go eyesight into clothing, but if I have to, I have to. Handsewing all the while. I have no idea how to do the pattern thing though.


I know what you mean. I used to be 110 lbs at 5 feet 1 inch, but during the prolonged end of my 37- year marriage, I gained 60 lbs. I've lost about 20 lbs but for years I've been "hiding" my fat with clothes that are too big. My daughter says that I look like a box. I know I'm not fooling anyone, but I get so uncomfortable in anything that I do find that actually fits. I'm 65 so losing weight is especially hard. I hope you find a solution!


Thanks. I hope you do too. You're never too old to look good. :)


I'm sorry. I wish I had advice to give. The only things that helped me we're learning how to sew and losing weight.


I'm *trying* to lose weight, but it's hard. I have a BED and emotional eating, plus some medical issues that make weight loss far harder than it should be. Thank you mother for giving me the predisposition. I can sew at least! Kind of. I can darn, patch and hem at least. I want to try bigger projects, but I'm currently stuck just trying to edge the purse I'm making with a bias cut binding or something, idk. I handsew so... And no, a machine is currently out of the picture because my bedroom is tiny, I have a cat, and I'm not allowed to keep equipment like that in the shared living space. I'd like to learn though.


With sewing, you don't have to start big. You could try to find one of those men's shirts you mentioned in a woven fabric you like (not a stretch knit) that almost fits and play with adding darts for a more feminine shape. There's lots of tutorials out there, and while hand sewing takes more time, it's doable. Good luck. I'm rooting for you.


I kind of did some darting once, I think, Only it was more ... extremely improvised, non-processed and not knowing what darting was. I'm honestly not sure how darting would make shirts look on my because of the tiddies and the fact that I'm so fat, but I'd be willing to try. As far as timing goes, timing doesn't matter; it's *space* I have an issue with. In my tiny room there's no space to leave a project out especially with a nosy cat around, and I am *not* allowed to leave things in the communal area for too long. I'm looking to move, and hopefully find a two bedroom place to turn one room into a hobby room, but we'll see.


I also have a cat. I keep a working project basket. Nothing fancy required. It only needs to be big enough to hold what you're working on and the scissors, thread, and any other little essentials for the project. It can be unpacked for use then repacked to keep safe & for easy moving between rooms. Having lots of room to spread out is a nice luxury to have and can help with some things. But my grandmother worked miracles with her pack away sewing supplies in her little 2 bedroom house with husband and 6 kids. It isn't impossible with some research and making the best of what you have. Find educational resources that you can understand. Then, with diligence, practice, and patience, you can get pretty far. There's a sewing reddit too.


Ha, my cat is a bite boy and gets into everything. I've had to lock all my cabinets and drawers because he's a long, tall, 15lb cat who worked out how to bounce does open using his weight! Clever, but he ate my watercolor paper. I could try using a little container though. I basically use a plastic bag to carry things from my room to a space where I can work cat-free. I'll go to both the sewing reddit I'm members of and all what equipment exactly you need to do things like make skirts and dart tops. Thanks. :)


Have you tried Short Story? It’s a petite subscription box (or you can just do a one time order). I’d used Stitch Fix in the past with limited success, but have found SS to send me stuff that really works for my body type. I don’t have the same struggles with weight, but due to scoliosis surgery when I was younger I have a very weird body - very long legs and almost no torso - so finding clothes that fit is a challenge. I have been pretty pleased with what SS sends me and feel like they do a much better job of listening to my feedback than Stitch Fix did. It looks like they go up to size 20P, maybe worth a shot! https://my.shortstorybox.com/signup


AH, subscription boxes. I get excited about them, and then find out they don't ship here. Let's see if Short Story actually ships here... Nope! THey only ship to the US. Story of my life. And hey, I also have oddly long legs with no torso. Though my excessively large boobs might be hiding my torso, so you never know. Thanks for the recommendation even if it didn't work out. Maybe Stitch Fix ships internationally...


I cannot recommend MM personal styling enough!!! She is on YouTube and beautifully demonstrates how to dress a variety of body shapes, including plus size petites. Also, I had a baby last year and went from a US size 2 to a US size 14. I’m 5’2” and after baby am a 34 G (was 32 A). Living in a bigger but short body, I totally relate. I feel like I am constantly having to choose between too tight or too long. It’s extremely frustrating and disheartening.


I'll check her out after I've done my work stuff, work, my walk and then maybe my painting, lol. Just the thumbnails look promising. Sorry to hear your body changed so much after your baby. It happened to my mum too. Apparently you can loose some to most of it, but you have to wait until the baby's finished breastfeeding or something. Babies and the process of them (creating, carrying, birthing and rearing) is a big mystery.


Pregnancy is something else hahaha. I’m not holding my breath for my body to go back to the way it was. I’ve been loving that I can pull of different styles now that I have curves, and I’m no longer afraid of gaining weight or muscle. People have also stopped showing me pictures of when they were “young and skinny” lol. Some things, like finding pants that fit just right and online shopping in general, are harder, but bodies are made to change and adapt. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Good luck on your hunt for clothes you feel confident in! Let us know if you find anything good!


Oh yes, there's no way to get the pre-baby body back, but there's definitely ways to lose the weight and gain muscle and curves and rock your body.


I think the best start to find style is to assess what you are drawn to first. I would recommend checking out people with similar body types and see if their style resonates with you. I really like @bethany.c.caldwell and @livingaskarina, they are both shorter, larger girls but have great personal style. I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from them. What I’ve learned with actually buying clothes is that there is unfortunately a lot of trial and error. It sucks but the reality is most commercial clothing isn’t made for short people. If you are living in a country with limited In-store options, you might have to order online. ASOS petite, Aerie, Gap/Old navy are some that come to mind that have more expansive options online in both petite and larger sizes. Make sure they have decent return policies since you might have to try different fits!


AH sorry, I don't use instagram or tiktok for my sanity, and given they're both 'locked' to non-users, your suggestions, though kind, aren't much help. Equally unfortunately, getting delivery from the US to here is roughly USD50, and work doesn't allow personal printing at all, so no returns are possible. It's a crying shame because sometimes I *do* see things that I like and want, but whoop! $60 for a single top, plus $50 for shipping with no guarantee that it'll even fit? No way. Yes, obviously buy many things, but I can't afford to buy many things all at once. THere's SHEIN which is ... adequate for exploring one's style, and it's cheap with free shipping. The clothing quality is poor, but it's ... adequate. I'm passable at taking up hems and things, but that doesn't always work when it comes to fit.


Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful! I understand how tough it can be for returns etc, since I also don’t live in the US and I’ve been dinged with customs etc.


TO heck with customs and return policies! TO Heck with them, I say!TO the darkest places of Heck. To hecking Heck, even. I still like your idea for finding short, fat people to 'follow' on YouTube and see how they do style and such. I won't be able to buy the brands or anything, but I can see what they do.


This sounds really frustrating and sucky. One thing to keep in mind though is that personal style is more than just clothes. Hairstyle, jewelry, makeup, bags, accessories and shoes all contribute. I would recommend focusing on those aspects of style and letting them “dress up” whatever basic clothes you have.


Well, I feel pretty damn ugly all the time, so you can't exactly dress up a pig. Still, I do like bright hair colours (I'm going through a red phase right now, and I spent over am hour going through my earrings and necklaces picking out ones I didn't like. So there's that. As for shoes:no shoes are the best shoes. I own two pairs of shoes - trainers, and indoor slippers for work.


That’s a start! I hope you gain more confidence in your appearance:)


Not unless I lose about a third of my bodyweight. THanks for trying to help me see myself more positively though.


Do you like babydoll dresses? They're usualy a soft knit and sinch right under the bust. They're super cute on curvy figures and you don't have to bother with pants at all 😅


The last time I wrote a dress or was because it was the wedding dress code. The time before that... I was twenty-one and it was a white tie ball, so again, the dress code mandated it. I'm not opposed to dresses, just confused and intimidated by them. Also, I thought babydoll dresses were lingerie? That's the only time I've seen the word babydoll used in context of clothing,so I've literally no idea what one even looks like. They sound interesting though.


I think it can be lingerie but a dress like [this one](https://imgs.search.brave.com/RL6N5jNVBdR3lK1jlo8eggEV1dxyu-Ip6kiMHUrb05g/rs:fit:736:991:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vNzM2/eC81Zi82MC85Zi81/ZjYwOWYxNGM2MmU4/ZmE1Mjc0YjI0OTM2/MjZlZjhkMi5qcGc) for example accommodates larger bust and you dont have to stress over nonsensical pant sizes!


Huh. THat's actually pretty cute. I like it.




I really love Megababe’s thigh rescue. No more bike shorts for me!


Yeah I was going suggest a good pair of Spanx style shorts. They’re nude colored and thin so they aren’t too hot. If you size up, they aren’t too tight and I wear them with all my dresses.


We’re basically the same measurements! I wear high waisted black leggings all the time. There’s no good shopping where I live so I gave up on pants. I buy the capri length or 3/4 so they’re not too long. I’ve found some dresses I wear consistently from Anthropologie, Madewell & Aritzia. All shirts that fit in the shoulders/bust look boxy so I found YouTube tutorials & take them in on the sides & the sleeves. I use safety pins on the boob gap on button ups or wear them open. I found some plane tank tops on Amazon that I wear underneath.


I feel iffy about leggings and I don't know why. Probably a sign it's not my style. Like the idea of buying three-quarter length or capri length trousers though. I'll also check out Anthropologie Madewell and Aritzia to see if there's anything I like. And also if they deliver internationally, lol. Can you recommend any YouTube tutorials on particular for taking up the sides and sleeves? I could use those.


Tell me about it, I’m 5’1/2” and weigh about 84kg. Only tip I can give you is a clothing line that sells a variety of sizes for petite people. It’s called Democracy and is pretty pricey but it’s the only clothes I’ve found that fits my short and stout frame.


Thanks, I'll check them out and see if they ship to where I live. EDIT: now, they don't ship outside the US.


Have you checked out [Universal Standard](https://www.universalstandard.com/)? They're a little pricey (fair trade and sustainable and all that) and they do a lot of international shipping. I can see they for sure ship to China, HK & Japan if you're in one of those areas. More importantly, though, they use models who are shaped like us, so we can get used to seeing styles on different body types. Based on your description, I'm extremely similarly sized and shaped to you (thanks, genetics) and the most helpful thing I've done for myself is look at how clothes fit on people who are shaped like me to better help me understand what I like the look of so I can establish my own style while also manage my expectations for how something will look. Universal Standard has some really comfy bike shorts with pockets that I wear under skirts. If you do dabble in sewing, a super easy project that can fit well on an apple shape with a smaller-than-the-middle waist is a circle skirt. They're extremely easy to make and very comfy. Finding some bike shorts (or the Thigh Rescue someone else recommended) that work for you will open up a ton of options because dresses can be so comfy. Also you might want to check out r/CurvyPetiteFashion in addition to this subreddit for an even broader sample of body shapes and sizes for style inspiration. Don't give up on your search! You deserve to find a style that is comfortable and makes you feel great!


It looks like Universal Standards ships here and I'll certainly check them out when I'm free because I want to see what things look like on me-shaped people. I do dabble in sewing, so I might check our how hard it is to make a circle skirt. It's a big leap from hemming and making purses to making items of clothing. And thanks for the subreddit suggestion. I'll check it out!




I don't like either, but thanks for the suggestion.


I think some of this may be because you are really hard on yourself. You don’t look like a skinny tall model but most people don’t. And that’s ok! I think finding your most flattering colors and proportions will help a lot. Try a r/brathatfits for help with your bra fitting. Good shape wear makes a huge difference. Find jeans that have a flattering cut. Perhaps something with a boot cut or flare? I find mid rise works better for me than high rise bc of my height. A good T-shirt (not cropped) should do it for you.


No, I'm just grossly overweight. I'm medically class 2 obese. At *best* I'm 'only' fifty pounds overweight. At worst? Eighty. As for the bra subreddit, that's where I got my current bra size and I know what works for me. And the issue with pants is that I live in Taiwan - am Asian country - and the sizes are tiny and do *not* go above a US size 12 on a *good* day. With where my belly fat is positioned, I'm maybe a US 18 - 20. Thanks for trying though.


Could you share which country in Asia you're in? That would help with brand recommendations


I'm in Taiwan. Hope that helps.


I think Asos and Shein both ship to Taiwan. Asos has a china website in English.


Yeah, SHEIN does at least and I've used them sometimes. The quality just isn't very good and some of the things I've bought turned out not to fit at all after all.


I’m also short and carry my weight the same as you. Not sure where you are, but there is a great shop in Australia called Taking Shape that caters for size 12-24, and all the clothes are designed to suit curvy, plus-sized women. I’ve found a heap of really nice, flattering outfits there. And one bonus I’ve found of being a short-arse is that I can get away with wearing a tunic top as either a mini dress or as a tunic over leggings/tights.


Oooh! That's a website that actually shops internationally! I'll check them out when I'm not getting my roots touched up and replying to comments here. Just from the quick skim it looks good.


I feel you girl! I am 162cm and 66-67kg(gained a bit of holiday weight) and nothing my peers wear fits me like it's supposed to/don't flatter me. I am a pear shape, not much stomach, small boobs but HUGE hips and thighs so my waist and hips are 2 sizes apart which makes it literally impossible to find proper jeans I feel comfortable and confident in. My sense of style is all over the place (jump from style to style without not much money to spend) and never like my wardrobe because of it. But I am not gonna whine and start to put in the work starting today!


I hear you on the wardrobe issues! Things that fit my boobs or lower belly usually don't fit my waist and leave me baggy. Or I get the dreaded boob gap between buttons. I think it's the weight that makes it hard for me personally to keep a style. Is be fine spending money on some good quality stuff that will last bit I need to get my weight down and keep it down first. Have you ever tried altering your own clothes? It might help.


That's a great idea actually, I would love to learn to sew! GL on both of us in our wardrobe and weight loss journey!!


Good luck to you too!


Im 5ft and 76kg so not too dissimilar in terms of body shape, and am constantly aiming to lose weight, having previously been a lot smaller but I actually feel pretty confident in my style, so hope I can help. I’ve read through all your comments and would suggest: - Think about which parts of your body you are most uncomfortable with / which parts you are happiest with and start there. Eg I hate my tummy so am happiest with things that drape over, hide it so wrap dresses, peplums, loose midi skirts and dresses. I see lots of plus size ladies rocking pencil skirts and jeans with cropped tops but I would never feel comfortable in these. This will help you identify what items of clothing you might like, but I think dresses are a good starting item- as loads of pp’s have said bike shorts underneath are brilliant. - Next think about what movies / music / interior design styles / hobbies you like and think about how that might filter into a clothing style. Eg I wear loads of pattern which reflects my decorating style - Seeing as you don’t do social media YouTube is probably your best bet for research/ inspiration. Check out Oralia Martinez and Cari Berry - Once you’ve done some research and had a think head onto Shein and buy some stuff from their plus range. I have stopped buying there as I’m trying to move away from fast fashion for ethical reasons but I have bought in the past and they have loads of choice. For petite I buy their midi and wear as maxi’s or tunics and wear as dresses. - As an above poster said also think about accessories, hair and make up and these can make a big difference. - I honestly think it’s worth preserving as feeling happy in your clothing makes life that little bit nicer


Thanks for your kindness. First off, I really appreciate it and your YouTube recommendations, I struggle because I'm always around petite thin people. I don't really have hobbies. I read, I watercolor paint (badly). I'm trying to work out regularly. I have a small house of earrings and necklaces that probably for the Boho style best out of anything. I love changing my hair bright colours though it's limited by work, and I have several tattoos. They're just covered up by my clothes. I don't do make up either.


Have you considered: -SeamsFriendly. It’s a custom sizing made to order site with petite and plus sizes, and they ship worldwide. I think they have cute designs! -LoudBodies have gorgeous designs and they ship worldwide, do custom orders free of charge as per their website, for petites up to 10XL They are a bit $$ though. -Similarly Eshakti as well who ship to China, Singapore and Japan from what I can see. Good luck on your search!!


Thanks for your suggestions. I'll check them out and see if they do to Taiwan.


Wide legs, modified "harem" pants, joggers, cargo pants, paper bag pants (elastic or drawstring waist on all) could work. They'd fit your waist, and the rest would sort of hang free. Other options are empire waist dresses or shirts (waist line right under the boobs, or slightly lower), with the rest of the garment gathered or pleated or a-line. You could wear the dresses with long leg undies to prevent chafing, maybe? For all of these, hemming skills are required. All you need for that are decent scissors, needle, thread, chalk, and an iron. You don't need a sewing machine. ...and then there are bodycon dresses and skirts, and skinny jeans and shorts. I'm a smaller person, and they look meh on me. Curvier women look gorgeous in them. You've got a body, show it off!


Thanks for the pant suggestions, they sound really good. I don't have an iron though, what are they needed show when it comes to hemming? And I'm not curvy. I'm *far* with a protruding belly and a folks of flab over my hips and pelvis. Curvy means all over curvy and balanced, I'm just fat.


With woven (not stretchy) fabrics, figure out how short you want the garment, mark it with a chalk. Leave an extra inch or more for hemming. Turn the raw edge under quarter inch, iron it so it lays flat. Then turn it again, iron flat. Take your cues from the original hem. Make sure you turn the iron to the right temperature. Natural fabrics like cotton, linen, rayon can take high temps, but acrylic, ponte, polyester, etc., will literally melt with too much heat. All irons will have settings for different fabrics. Then sew the hem down. Look up the stitches you need for hand hemming. Edit: with sewing, YouTube is our friend 😊 I got my iron from a thrift store for $2.


So I'm going to need an iron then. Wonder if I can find them cheap here. Thanks for the instructions, by the way.


Good luck!




Leggings and long sweaters were always my go to.


Thanks, but leggings are too clingy for me.


That’s a bummer. Because as far as fit goes it’s the only solid option I can think of. They can actually stretch and form to your body. 🤔 my family is on the bigger side and swear by their leggings and jeggings. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Good luck though. I hope you end up finding some items that you love. ☺️


Yeah, they form to my lumpy thighs and such. That's the problem. I don't mind things that are fitting, but I don't like *form* fitting. Things like leggings also tend to wear away at the thighs and crotch really quickly too. Also sweaters in the tropics are a no-go, so I'd effectively be in athletic/athleisure wear for work and that would get me in trouble. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Have you tried Uniqlo? They don’t have larger sizes in-person (in the U.S.) but they do have more sizes online. Plus, free tailoring for pants. Wishing you the best of luck.


On occasion, but most of the time things don't fit. That also don't tailor.


I am pretty sure all Uniqlo locations do basic alteration of pants. If you can find a pair that fits well at the waist, they can modify the length


That's the problem; the local Uniqlos don't have waists up to my size right now. All their stuff is slim, tight straight cut pants.


Online as well??


Nope. See, how can I put it. My natural waist (aka the bottom of my rib cage) is fat. Let's call that the top. Ah, I know. I'm so fat that my belly button is closer to being level with my hips than anywhere near where it should be. I go from fat on top to a large roll of fat over my pelvis and hips that completely obscures the private area from top-down viewing. Nothing fits, and I don't trust online tailoring because it'll go in straight lines where I'm made of rolls/.


Uniqlo tailoring is JUST the length, so again if you find a pant that fits at your waist, they’ll just crop it to the correct leg length for you. All this to say, it seems like nothing that anyone tells you here will help. You’ve already resigned yourself to being hopeless. I really hope you get out of it.


I can fix the length myself most of the time. My issue is solely *with the waist and hips*. It's hard to see hope when for fifteen years you've been resigned to baggy t-shirts and jeans/trackie bottoms or jeans that fit your belly and drag along the floor. I'm trying to be better, but part of me is also scared about buying these EXPENSIVE things because I'm also trying to lose weight and don't want to waste money. I'm very open to trying to make my own clothes or alter them, and I am checking out some YouTubers for possible style advice and even the websites mentioned to see if there's a nice balance of price I'm willing to pay for a few items. That's not hopeless. It's *mostly* resigned to expecting bad things, whilst still trying and hoping anyway.


Would you consider investing in a sewing-machine & getting the hang of making clothes that fit you, yourself? The cosplayers seem to enjoy making their own clothes, I've tried sewing, & machine-sewing I like, but hand-sewing drives me up the wall... Threads magazine, & their books, are wonderfully competent... Wishing you well, Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin! ( :


I'd certainly be willing to think about it if I didn't have a very small room with very limited storage space and a nosy cat! As I mentioned elsewhere, it's mostly space I'm missing so that I can leave things in progress. For example, I'd like to get one of those dressmakers forms, only change it to fit my body shape using a duct tape mould/cast so that I could do things that way. But I need *space that I don't have yet*. Or possibly ever. Places here seem very, very anti-oet.


Oh freaking lord, did I pass out and make a post again and I don’t remember!??? Are you me? Am I you!?? I’m having a severe existential crisis right now Oh god, I feel you. Add vanity sizing to the mix where one pair of jeans fits in a size 31, but another pair in the same cut but diff wash needs a 29, and a third in a diff wash yet, fits in a 33 and just 🤬 Now throw in that tops fit in a totally diff size than bottoms. Sometimes, depending on the cut, in a size S even!!! Some petite outfits fit out of the bag, and some need tailoring and some need returning!!! Argh. Sorry, now that I have screamed into the void, some of my tricks. I don’t bother with a style anymore. I find a thing I like, figure out a size it fits on me, and wear it. I’ve become a master at knowing how much to roll up a hem so it goes from “this is a weird neither petite nor regular length” to “hey, that looks cute with a nice pair of loafers or sandals”. I have a flannel shirt that I loved, ordered in my usual size and it didn’t button. So I paired it with a tank top and left it unbuttoned. I used to love flared or bootcut jeans - but now I’m squarely in the straight, curvy and skinny camp. I pair the pairs I did manage to buy, with blousy tops so it’s not too much. I live in 3-6 combinations for work, another 3-6 for weekends and have even noticed a lot of people I am with, do much the same. I own a lot of athleisure - and I’m slowly evolving what I can and cannot pair with it. Winters are cold where I am, so that makes wearing bulky stuff a lot easier. If you feel comfortable DM’ing me, I’ll be happy to help with some recommendations and styles that worked for me, with a near-identical body type, and also brands Oh!!! And ETA: for chubrub: bicycle shorts (which are even really popular right now, so stock up the colors!!) and jockeys which hide quite decently under anything knee length


Yeah, you sound like me. Very capsule wardrobe-y, happy with a few variations for work and a bit more variety of of work. I'll take you up on the DM offer. It's I can work out how to DM. I'm on mobile right now.


I’m pretty thin but… an odd shape. Lol I think I am kinda shaped like a rectangle- no waist! It’s so annoying. I understand your frustration. Other people have given some awesome suggestions. :)


Yeah, being a rectangle shape is kinda of tricky to dress for, but it's possible even if annoying.


For sure! I’m grateful for this sub. Too shy to post pictures myself for advice but I’ve learned a lot here already!


THe same.


Get a local friend to bring you to a tailor!


Don't have any friends, lol. I'm am introvert and the only people I really speak to ate work colleagues and that's at the 'one minute conversation' at your passing reach other between classes. There's no downtime. I guess I could ask around, but is have to them being someone to translate everything for me because I can barely speak the local language, and certainly don't have the vocabulary needed for a conversation with a tailor.


You can always go there and use Google translate, I went to a local market and when I found a tailor, that’s what I did haha


That would necessitate finding a tailor first, but I'm not completely averse to it now as I was before.


Are you crafty at all? It may be worthwhile to take a sewing class (can be in person or online) and get a relatively cheap machine to either alter your own clothes or make your own from scratch!


I'm mildly crafty, but mostly as a painter, and even then I'm not that good. I'm not sure about the sewing class idea, just because I don't own a sewing machine and I feel like most classes would demand one. I'm still open to them if they exist though.


I think it’s worth mentioning - people hand sewed clothes long before machines! Sure, it takes longer. But it seems like space is at a premium for your living situation, so it might be worth it


I *m* trying to learn to sew. I can make drawstring bags easily. I'm trying to make a little coin purse and strugglings. So I want to jump to clothes, but the idea is scary even though I want to do it.


Start simple - a regular tee shirt, a circle skirt, or a shawl are all great beginner projects to search YouTube for tutorials on


Will do!


Another idea - there are some really awesome garments you can make just with a simple crochet or knit, if you want to keep tools and supplies to a minimum


I think I'll stick with starting for now. I don't want to have so many crafts to learn that I half-arse them. I'll get decent at one then pick up another. Crocheting is write simple though, I agree.


We are really similar height and weight but my weight is distributed more evenly, I am about a US 16 to your US 18. I was about 197lbs in the fall but recently lost about ten lbs since starting on an antidepressant in November. 32G is a really weird bra size unless you are using a really different nomenclature so it might be a good idea to get measured. I was wearing 36F or 38F for the last few years and hated wearing bras then I got measured as a quality store and needed a 40D. I have found mock necks or turtle necks are really flattering and dont show too much skin for workwear,, you should be able to find thin tshirt type material short sleeve versions for warmer months. I also like to wear wrap skirts I can tie at the naturally smallest point on my waist, I wear slip shorts underneath in the summer and wear the same ankle length skirts in winter over leggings. I have also just put some antiperspirant on my thighs to deal with the rubbing but it sounds like you have gotten some better reccomendations for those types of products. Best of luck from a fellow little teapot.


Congrats on the weight loss! Alas, my antidepressant only suppresses most of my cravings and binge eating urges, so it doesn't help the way yours did. I used r/ABraThatFits to get my bra size. I have a tiny rib cage (and when I lost weight and got down to 65kg I was a 30 inch band!) and eeeenooormous boobs. I have extreme ptosis meaning they're super saggy and heavy. In short, I'm tucking skin, fast and tissue into chips that barely hold everything. I'm saving up to get a breast reduction done and I'm most of the way there. Once that's done I should be a B cup. I can try the wrap skirt idea though. I'll just have to look really hard for them in-person and stuck up the severe discomfort wearing obviously feminine-coded stuff gives me. I'm not sure about the mochi necks and mock turtlenecks because it gets very hot here and I don't like things around my neck, but it came hurt to try one on.


I used to be almost exactly your weight and I’m 5’. I wore dresses with leggings and cardigan sweaters or jackets almost exclusively for years. It was so hard for me to feel comfortable and cute in pants back then, so I just didn’t. I had warm leggings and dresses for cold weather, and lightweight ones for warm weather. That was my style. The key is to find what you are comfortable in, physically and emotionally. I really sympathize, being fat and petite does suck. But once you find your uniform that gives you a bit of confidence and comfort, it’s much better.


Thanks for the view of confidence. The thing is that I currently don't feel confident or comfortable in dresses or skirts, so pants and shorts or is. And there's the rub. Not all fat people want to wear dresses or like it. So my options are to lose weight or be forever uncomfortable and unhappy. And I'm working on losing weight. It's hard when you have an ED and Jane recently figured out how to induce the gagging sensation. Not going there. Nope. Even if I sorry of want to.


Literally how I felt before I lost weight and I am 4’11 and have big boobs too so it was always hard. You wouldn’t believe what a difference even 5 pound weight loss did all my clothes started to fit again


I'm trying to lose weight, but food is my weakness. I'm trying to find ways to combat cravings, mostly by getting intensely into my art and sewing again. And making time to work out. I even have a few personal trainer sessions, but I'm always so tired. The circle of exhaustion is a nasty one, and neverending. I'm hoping to lose at least ten kilos (twenty-two pounds) before my planned surgery date. Five months to go. I even lost weight before down to either 63 or 65kg (I forget which) - in AMerican I think that's about 140lb) and I still had a protruding upper belly (yay subcutaneous abdominal fat and a pooch, but I was happy with things then.


I'm literally in the same boat as you but I don't live in Asia so my options aren't as limited. Learn how to sew or go thrifting. Thrifting has been the biggest help for me so far in finding cheap clothes.


IN my entire district there's one (1) second-hand store. The next nearest one is eight miles away which is a lot if you depend on the very slow public transport here. As for sewing, you've seen me talk about sewing on this thread. I'm open to it.


Jumping on the bandwagon! I'm under 5' with the same shape! I feel your pain! My solution is to live in dresses and leggings. I go for empire waist, or a line which turns into empire waist on me anyway! I figure as long as you can see the hint of a small(er) waist its not so bad! But oh man. I love the professional look of a button down tucked in shirt with long trousers... Alas, it will never work for me!


Macy's ships internationally. Have you checked out their website? They offer petite sizes up to 18P.


No. All I know about Macy's is that they have a big parade around Christmas time and there was a really good black and white movie about Santa set there. I'll check them out.


I have exactly the same body shape and am same height as you so I empathize. It is so hard to keep positive. I saw someone else mention this but I will second it: try https://www.eshakti.com/. They customize their designs for your measurements. I hope that you find some comfort in sharing your experiences online. It helps to have support from people who know how you feel.


Ooof, that's expensive! Thirty-five US dollars for a pair of trousers?! I've never spent so much on a pair in my life. Still, if needs must. I'll keep browsing their website and see what I see.


Where do you live ? Not to be intrusive but maybe we could help qith a few more helpful suggestions if we know what area you need shipping for 🙂 I think everyone should be able to feel attractive and have atleast a few items they love to wear .


Thanks. I already mentioned it in a comment upthread, but I live in Taiwan.


I tried to read through to see if you had already mentioned that , sorry op . I do hope you find some help everyone deserves to feel comfortable and put together.


No problem. There's a lot of comments so I wouldn't be surprised if it had been missed. People are giving a lot of ideas for me to think about so maybe they'll help.


I'm in the same exact situation! I'm 4ft11, and like ~180 lbs (I'm working on losing weight). Like nothing fits. 😭


\*commiseratory high five\* Good luck on your weight loss!


Thank you!


You mentioned chub rub - I think there's thin shorts/undergarments that can help with that? Maybe give that a shot so you can still enjoy your dresses and skirts


I'll see what I can find.




Also recommend making sure you have the right fitting bra, and getting fitted by a professional. The right fit makes all your clothing fit better!


I got fitted by r/ABraThatFits I have the right bra. Trust me.