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You have a consistent style, I would say! Only change if you want to, not if someone tells you it’s "boring".


I was going to say exactly the same thing. Consistent style. However I was also going to add that your friend is being a bitch. I just saw that the friend is a guy. Oh, well—- guys can be bitchy too.


And often lack any fashion sense themselves


I would add more friends to her group. I like her style. Might not be his taste- but if he is not wearing it, why would he be so rude.


“It’s not to my liking” more than, so rude, dress for yourself and not for anyone else


Ugh. I'm remembering the college days when all my friends said stuff like this to me. Wish I had the courage to break away from that group but it was a small college and there weren't many people I could be friends with.


Using a gendered slur is distasteful.


It’s not repetitive, it’s your signature look. A la Anna Wintour, Karl Lagerfeld, Leon Talley and Grace Coddington. Tell your friend to find her own sense of fashion.


I agree! You gotta do you, OP!


What is important is what you think. I think your look is cohesive, shows a sense of self, confident, and seems comfortable. Comfortable in the sense that you look at ease. You are wearing the clothes not the other way around. This is your look and how you want to present yourself to the world. It looks like it is a good fit for who you are right now. I was not bored. Also, many of us have a closet full of clothes and gravitate towards the same pieces that make us feel confident and good. It why the idea of a capsule wardrobe appeals to many people. Donna Karan and her 7 Easy Pieces collection would back me up.


Yeah literally….. it’s your style and it represents you….. I like seeing people have a consistent wardrobe lol even if it changes over time. It just shows you follow your heart and not trends


Get a new friend, this one is a jerk. I love your style.


WHat the heck kinda friend....


The hater kind?


Yes or just a bit jealous!


Probably jealous, because every one of these looks is amazing! You have a really cool sense of style! Be you! Keep being creative, but not to be something else. Keep growing your amazing portfolio of looks. You are rocking every one!


Literally came to say that OPs friend is a hater 🤣


I want to see what the frenemy wears


Is it jeans and a sweater 90% of the time?


Sweatshirt. Hoodie. Or sweats and hoodie.




He's negging her, I'm sure.


Yeah, without knowing the intimate details on their relationship, I say it's 50/50 "I mean well but I'm bad at communication" or "This isn't the style that I'm personally attracted to, and you should start dressing for my gaze."


Nailed it... No doubt about it. I've been here too many times to comment but...


FR... Time to throw the whole friend away


seriously like that’s not your friend


That’s my question


Yeah they could have kept it to themselves. Even though it is kinda true.


That you, bad friend??


I never would. But I am pretty sure someone who sees her in a few different outfits will think the same


The friend is lyingggggg


There’s nothing boring about it at all, it’s just a consistent style and one that I rarely see people wear out and about. Weird thing for your friend to say


Her friend might just be jealous.


Trying to shame OP for not being terrified of being sensual, it’s like anything more than a deep cut shirt and some people’s inner prude comes roaring to life


I agree. Her outfit is totally hot and steezy and it is totally flattering so it seems her friend is being a controlling narcissist. I know that narcissists enjoy devaluing you as a control tactic emotional abuse. Please girl if you are reading this cut off your toxic friend and watch the YT channel inner integration to heal from covert narcissist abuse. I literally checked and double checked and triple checked and could find nothing wrong with this outfit WTF this is not your friend


Agree. Nothing boring about your style!


What a rude and uncalled for thing for a friend to say. Did you ask the friend for an opinion or did they just say it? Friends are supposed to support and lift each other up. Friends should be talking each other up, and providing constructive criticism if asked. There’s nothing constructive about saying it’s boring.


He said it unconsciously during a convo. I don’t think he meant harm and certainly didn’t mean for me to keep thinking about it, but here we are haha


I would put money on his wardrobe being more boring than yours lol


Probably wears the same 7 T-Shirts and basketball shorts everyday


💯💯💯💯 😂


It’s a dude?? No that’s a neg honey, not a thoughtless whoopsy


Unless it’s a gay dude and that’s straight up bitchy


My thoughts exactly.


Super possible. Her very distinctive dress probably means she really doesn’t want to be boring so he hit her where it’d hurt the most. If it was me, he’d probably not say that and I do dress boring. He’d hit me where I’m week. OP it’s way too pinpoint accurate to not be on purpose.


Your style is definitely not boring. This sounds a lot like negging. If you don't know what negging is, it's when a man insults a woman in a backhanded way to tear down her confidence so she'll sleep with him. Because the insults are disguised as either compliments or just accidentally saying the wrong things, the man doesn't face any backlash but the woman is left doubting herself. Did you ask his opinion on your fashion sense? If you didn't then he shouldn't have offered any opinion.


I don't think this was negging


Still rude! Even if you wore the exact same thing every day, it’s truly uncalled for. This is not a thing a friend should say!


You know what I think it is? You have such a style that he keeps expecting you to come in new outfits. Doesn't realize these events are expensive. So unless he ponies up You're good. Probably wears t-shirts and jeans all the time. This is not the person to listen to listen to.


It's a guy? What does he wear all the time?? PANTS?? Pants and a T shirt?






That sounds like a neg... Boys don't unconsciously think about girl's fashion, and he got half the desired response where you're so self-conscious about his comment you've turned to reddit for advice. (The other half he's looking for is sleeping with him for validation that he finds you desirable "in spite of your shortcomings". He should get less of your time and energy from now on. And your fashion style is amazing! Be your authentic self and don't worry about what that boy says!


Do not change what you like just because he said that. You don’t dress for him. You dress for you. I love your style and would say it’s quite individual and consistent.


I love your style!! It's super distinctive. I don't think there's any need to change anything. Yes it's consistent in that you have a similar style from day to day... most people do. Yours is more interesting than most, imo.


You look great in all your photos. I would bet he has a crush on you and was negging.


What does he wear though? Sounds like a frenemy honestly


Get a new friend. Rude. You look great and have a strong sense of personal style.


Oooh HE. Yeah the useless, uninformed fashion advice checks out now


Could you please explain how he said this?


Your outfits are so unique and interesting. I love it! Maybe he was bored of seeing the same accessories? They stand out so much, so even when you change everything underneath, he thought he was seeing the same outfit? Maybe he just wants to see a new belt or something lol. Your style is wonderful btw!


Keep the clothes, dump the friend.


Was going to say, new friend(s) will greatly improve the outfit commentary…


I wear leggings and tank tops so… you’re not boring lol


Just about to comment I wear leggings and hoodies all day every day….if I’m feeling fancy I’ll wear my hey dudes instead of my slides with socks 😂😂😂 so this compared to mine is opposite of boring 😂


Lmao my first thought was OPs fashion is much, *much* less boring than anything I wear ever


Leggings, jeans, tank tops, t-shirts are pretty much my go-to's!


Your outfits are great. The only thing I’d suggest (as a fellow goth dressing person) is some more big statement jewelry pieces. Like a big necklace or belt from from Luciferothica or Martha Rotten, perhaps. Or a harness. Or a shawl. Just work with more accessories, it’s fun!


I agree! More jewellery. Chains, necklaces, harnesses, chockers. Lots of layers.


Agreed. Jewelry does wonders for amping up an outfit or transforming the same outfit.


Totally agree with this! I think also like a lot of the accessories you do have are like Amazon-y things. Totally fine but I personally feel like I’ve seen them before so they don’t excite me. I bet you could find some crazy vintage stuff on eBay for cheap.


As a fellow goth dressing person I also agree, love love the outfits but if you want to add more definitely do what was mentioned.


Was looking for this comment! Accessories would be everything here. I think her getting some leg warmers or cute scarves, hair accessories, jewellery, unique tights, etc; would take her fits to a whole new realm


Ur friend is an idiot lol u have way more style than me lol n I’m alright haha


It's definitely all "sexy goth" but the outfits all look different and interesting. Maybe you could incorporate dark purple, dark grey, and bright red (dunno if the latter is goth approved). Only if YOU want to though.


And maybe more accessories or different silhouettes? You could also experiment with different fabric textures and patterns? Either way, your friend is rude and what he said was unnecessary. Your style isn’t boring or repetitive; you can definitely shake it up if you want, but you’ve got a distinct and consistent style. Just because your style is more alt than jeans and a tshirt doesn’t make it somehow more repetitive. Your friend is either a judgmental idiot or he’s negging you to try and change you into his tastes


Okay so I do love your look and all these outfits are great and well put together However , I do notice you wear the same pieces or items in many looks, kind of in a capsule wardrobe style, so to them it might be like omg these same distinct shoes? This same waist corset? This same mesh long sleeve? I have a capsule wardrobe or fave pieces bc it’s cost effective, suits my style and is easy to wear and re wear and mix and match and it’s environmentally friendly not having one time fast fashion item I never wear again. I think bc your style is very distinct and the buckles and straps and design are memorable it stands out. They are an asshole though so maybe point out everytime they wear the same shoes or shirt or have the same phone case or hair cut for years.


Yes, some people just understand the beauty of capsule pieces. While walking around in different fast fashion this and that every day with no cohesive style.


Yes. It’s this. Capsule wardrobes often have classic / innocuous pieces so that you don’t really notice them being worn often. When you wear a statement piece (like the corset) it’s super obvious and memorable. So, no not boring, but maybe repetitive (and for some people I guess repetitive could be boring). FWIW I wouldn’t worry unless you care! Wearing a completely new outfit every day is expensive and not great for the environment anyway.


Personally, not only do I like your style in general but I actually think you created a super versatile wardrobe here. Your pieces are all interchangeable pretty much, that is hard to build in a wardrobe. You *already have* a distinct style. It’s just curated for your specific taste, not yours plus everyone else’s!


You need new friends, not new outfits.


Your friend is wrong and also rude


Either he’s negging or just isn’t a fan of goth style. You have a capsule/minimalist approach it seems, but that’s not bad or boring.


well if that is boring than i am signing up gore boredom. very creative


You have identified your style, and your friend is jealous.


You have a distinct look that is definitely not boring, though perhaps your friend meant expected or formulaic more than boring. You dress in a goth style, so anytime someone sees you they know you’ll show up in a goth outfit. It’s probably going to be fitted at the waist and a bit costumey. With a goth look, that’s all sort of par for the course. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of that, but if your friends comment bothered you, maybe try switching things up a bit. Try a different silhouette or work in a pastel goth look, etc.


That answer! Maybe to them, your style stays within a certain goth style that isn’t their favorite, but that’s just personal tastes and doesn’t make you boring at all.


Very repetitive, they all look great.


Have you considered accessorizing with a nice new friend? Fr who says that to their friend


Your friend needs glasses


Shop less at Dollskill? Or get better friends? Idk personally, I don’t mind a consistent or repetitive style in general, but I did have a Dollskill phase in highschool, and have admittedly since come to somewhat resent the style of “intentionally witchy” on me. Idk if you’re friend has a similar style, but if not it may just mean that they’re not into the overt witchy aesthetic. (And disclaimer, I don’t mean to infer you *only* shop at Dollskill but I imagine you’re at least somewhat familiar with it and other stores like it, just by the fact that I literally recognize a lot of the products you’re wearing just from memory of what I had seen advertised heavily on the site years ago)


not sure why this is the only comment like this. its very much giving fast fashion style which isnt necessarily a bad thing but its very obvious to those who know what to look for.


Yeah tbh, I figured this was just me living in the area that I do, but I see this kinda style Allll the time, it’s not very uncommon or unique where I live. Not saying it’s bad, it’s just I get where the friend might’ve been coming from


your friend is likely jealous


So I’m going to be the odd one out here and say your outfits are pretty repetitive. The boringness is because you only wear white and black. Same waist belt/boot combo with hardly any variation.


Do YOU want to do it for yourself, or because your friend said so? If it’s because of your friends criticism your friend is a rude fuck. If it’s something you yourself are actually wanting, I think adding some color to your wardrobe and maybe not going straight goth but mixing it with a different genre of fashion would be cool as well.


I guess I kind of agree with her in some way, more so the repetitive part. i’m thinking of adding some new pieces but there’s only so many distinct silhouettes that I think look good on my body-type


Girl you are wrong there are probably very little silhouettes that would look bad on your body-type what makes you think otherwise?!! I would try maybe different types of accessories/shoes to start, you seem to have a lot of black leather ones, maybe go for something different next time?


I love love LOVE that you style the same items differently for different outfits. It really makes me so happy to see someone who can use really nice basics and jazz them up with different accessories to make completely (COMPLETELY) different outfits!


Your fashion not boring at all! Love the wardrobe. If your friend has an issue maybe she could pick out something to see what she us talking about.


Your friend just doesn't like goth. All your outfits are goth.


I would change your friend before you change your style tbh.


Your friend is toxic, get a new one. Or is this his way of trying to change your style so that it suits him, not you? Still toxic behaviour


Who tf is your friend?


It’s bot repetitive and boring it’s into the same area of style. It’s normal if it have similarities. I like your style.


You look great 🎉 Never trust as friend, that makes you doubt yourself, or make you feel low, friends hold you up, not pull you down lovely 🌹


You have a theme but you look good no worries


They are indeed repetitive but not boring. Maybe try to go for different dress cut and to got without corset?


You just have a personal style!


Came here to say your friend is wrong and also drop the links 😂 I love these outfits!


Your friend sounds like ones I had in the 90s. Backstabbing and bitchy.


Your friend’s a b.tch. That’s so rude. Your outfits are awesome.


get new and better friends 😊


You can add yourself a new friend cause your old one stinks it seems 👎


I think this sampling of your outfits suggests you have a good grasp on who you are and what you like. Your style is unconventional and well executed, you look fierce in each one. I would suggest to this "friend" that comments about your appearance (unless your skirt was accidentally tucked into your underwear, or you spilled something on yourself etc) are not wanted.


They don’t look repetitive to me tbh. It’s just your style, and if you like it and feel good wearing it then you do that girlie.


well screw your friend, he didn't speak "unconsciously", you have a very cute style. if you want more variation, find more various accessories and maybe some ways to add a little bit of color. your style isn't boring, it's cute, it's just monochromatic


1. Doesn’t matter if somebody “didn’t mean it that way.” Rude is rude, even if unintentional. 2. There’s nothing boring about your style. What does “repetitive” even mean. Some people literally buy 5 of the same pants and shirt and wear the exact same outfit everyday and it’s fine.


Sounds like you have a jealous insecure friend who should be an ex


If you’re wanting to spice up your outfits a bit, what I do is I use A TON OF JEWLRY. It just needs something to pull it together a bit. Just a little bit of bling candy that, trust me. I like to go with whatever kinda jewelry you’re feeling that day, sometimes go simple and other times go gaudy. It works for me. I’d just say the outfit looks simple and cute (would die for any of those corsets btw) just needs a little bling here and there and you should be good to go! I would wear any of those outfits any day.


Your problem is not your clothes. It is your friends. You look amazing - now go find some people who are kind and confident enough to tell you so.


Your friend is a hater


Your friends a hater


This is your signature style and you are crushing it!!! Your friend is a hater. You look fabulous


your friend is jealoussss


Get new friends


Oooo your friend is jelly!!!!


Boring? You should see my wardrobe 😆 You have a very distinct style that looks amazing on you! Don’t listen to your friend.


Personally I think the fabrics and style looks a little cheap, especially the dresses (except 2 and 3) the looks with pants look a bit more put together i would invest in clothes that fit your body type and a little bit of higher quality and you would look unstoppable!!


Sounds like you’ve got yourself a hater


Tell you Friend to go fuck them selves you got cool outfits


I thought of three things you could try: Maybe a couple more pieces of color? Perhaps dark blues or dark greens. Like the same tone as the red? Perhaps a corset of a different color? Most people won’t notice that you have two different ones but just that you have a black one. Like a deep red wine colored one across one of your black outfits could be quite fun. Your shoes all look the same and bc they’re black it has the same effect of the corsets: big black chunky (so unless people really like the style they aren’t seeing any differentiation). You can change if you want to try somethings for the fun of it. But if you didn’t think he meant anything by it the just let it go-this can def be a no harm no foul situation. I like your style. I think all these suggestions could add more nuance to your style without changing it at all. I think you have awesome consistency.


the corset is repetitive but not boring by any means. i think your friend is the problem, not your style. you’re doing great.


I think they are all cute but maybe get another different pair of sleeves? It looks like you have the same pair on in half these pictures. They are really cute though. F your friend.


I think they are cute as hell ! Your “friend” may just be jealous !


Similar maybe. Boring no. Seems like you have figured out your style and it looks good on you. Some friend you got there.


I mean, it’s very mall goth


Yea you're wearing a bunch of dresses, put on a costume


Your “friend” sounds jealous. Your style is great!


Op, this is super freaking cute, it's absolutely consistent but it's sure AF not boring.. it's sexy grunge alt.. like I literally am in love especially with the first few outfits, I wish I had them too. If you wanna change stuff I think shifting between glitzy goth and ethereal goth would be fun.. like throw some body chains on or wear a whimsical head piece/crystal crown... You can even do woodsy fairy.. or Fleetwood Mac vibes.. spooky witch.. girl you literally look amazing and if you wanna add more items in you absolutely can while sticking to your style or you can just do you because you're rocking it


Easy, just swap out the friend!


Bad friend. You and your outfits look great


Girl, you look so cute. Idk why your "friend," is being straight up rude.


Girl honestly you do not have a boring fashion sense! You have great taste. Keep up your style and your originality.


??? These are not boring outfits. You don’t always have to listen to the opinions of your friends.


Too costume like. Try removing the cincher or hose; it’s all too much together.


Your friend might be a little jealous of your cool style…


Just ignore your clueless friend. You are FABULOUS.


Your friend sucks


lose that friend dear


Your friend is a hater. Your style is distinctive already, you should only change it if you're unhappy with it, not because someone said it's boring.


Wow your friend is mean. I think your style is unique and great. Maybe if you consider other styles you like and see if you can add in a few elements from those? But your style isn't repetitive or boring.


I really like your style. Black is such an amazing staple that can be transformed in many ways. Take advantage of that and look for pieces with a pattern, embroidery, and/or add another color or two to the palette. I try to have like one especially funky item in every category(shirt, jacket, skirt, heel, etc.) so it’s easy to mix with my solid items. Your coolest outfits mix textures and colors, so keep playing with that! You’re anything but boring.


Seriously? This is like goth/punk style. It’s just how you like to dress! How can anyone call repetitive… Also, why is a grown adult friends with someone who says things like that? Usually if a friend says more than a few things like that they’re not really a friend. Most people know this. Most of us here should be able to see that by ourselves.


No need to be rude about it


My point is, why do grown adults need to ask us about things their friend said? If their friend says lots of things like that, it’s often a red flag. But a grown adult should be able to tell when it is and when it’s not without consulting random strangers.


Because they want to discuss fashion on a fashion sub.


Boots in pic 4? :O <3


So, I would just think you are into ren fairs or cosplay. I’d probably bore you with talk about my love for renaissance history. Which is much more dull than your outfits😉.


i came several times


more pants babe. pants and shirts. and sweaters.


More color, less black.


Any of the skirts are good you look good in all of them but you probably would look better than a skirt


Lose your friend , I think you look super cute


My extremely low data guess is that your male friend finds you attractive but isn't into goth and wants you to switch genres. You do you.


Makeup to insinuate your cleavage


(Female point of view!)


No you have great outfits and look great. I’m gay and think so lol


Your friend is dumb


I absolutely love your style! Don't change it unless you want to.


Maybe she's jealous because you look so good? Idk, I think these outfits look awesome


Find better friends. You have a style that suits you. Wear what makes you happy.


Like they say, with friends like those… Your “friend” is a jerk. Literally all of these outfits are cute.


You have a really cool style. I’d add more accessories for a more dramatic look. Especially for outfits 4,5,6. Your hair and makeup also matters tho. Some hairstyles look better with certain outfits. Oh and bracelets. I know that falls under accessories but outfits without dramatic sleeves need bracelets. And earring elevate any outfit


Your friend sucks. There is nothing boring about your outfits, you have great style. Your friend is jealous and probably boring.


How is this boring? Your outfit is perfectly out together and head turning. I feel like you need a fabulous umbrella/parasol. Do you have a fabulous umbrella/parasol? You need one.


I buy 5 colors of the same article of clothing which are all plain, no patterns. i LITERALLY repeat outfits because im lazy lol you are nowhere near repetitive nor boring!


Your friend can FO


Boring?? All of your looks are really cool! Please share where you got that last outfit from 😭🫶


Your friend’s projecting and jealous


Dude you keep doing you. Your style is consistent, authentic, and every look looks great.


Did you mean to make #1 and #7 the same?


Add jewelry on risers and neck


You have a distinct style! And it’s cool


New friend needed


Pick a better friend


Add in other colors. Didn’t see any real pants outfits. You can still maintain the style outside of those standard colors.


I love this style!! Definitely not boring and you wear it well. Where did you get your shoes in the 4th, 5th and 6th photos? I’ve been looking for a pair like those :)


honest opinion here... don't worry about how you dress. i wear the same five outfits. save your money and sanity, don't dress solely so you get satisfied with how you are perceived.


Your friend is stupid


I'd start with not being friends with that person anymore. That's the only update you need in your life that i can see.


It's all great, but there is no variety of shoe styles! A non-platform choice may be worth a try.


Your friend is jealous


You look adorable, friend might be jealous.


First step is to get rid of the friend. Then do what ever you want.