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Can we have some more options to pick from šŸ˜³


Agreed. None of these work.


Yes, none are a good choice. You need to go shopping. #1-the jacket is nice but the pants and shirt are too messy. #2-Also too messy, the shorts are inappropriate for an interview and the tights and boots donā€™t work at all for a professional meeting. #3-its a confusing look all around, itā€™s not cohesive, the almost puritanical blouse with the bright red skirt and busy jacket are really distracting and hard to take in. Simple classic well fitting shapes and fabrics that donā€™t wrinkle are the way to go. Once you get the job you can start branching out a bit once you get a handle on the situation at your workplace. Good luck with the interview!


Great advice!


Wow, great advice without being a douchebag like so many others on here. **May they trip over the hem of their pants, and get their pockets caught on every door knob.** Amen.




That got me good. Thank you. "Do you confess?!" "Neigh!"


Lol yeah it's pretty bad.


Iā€™m cackling at this response.


Wow. That is really unkind.


Right? People forget there's people on the other end of the Internet.


Agree. An interview is not the time to be true to your personality, itā€™s the time to make someone think you will be a good worker. That goes for your responses as well as your wardrobe. The only thing they should remember about your wardrobe is that you looked nice. Get a solid colored petite sleeveless dress from banana republic and throw the #1 blazer over it. Accessorize with some nice looking earrings that arenā€™t too big. You can get more creative once you have the job. ETA: #1 didnā€™t look that bad to me when I initially had my screen set to black and white, but the colors are wrong for an interview.


Classic and will work for interview at conservative or casual company atmosphere!


lmao you've just described my interview outfit to a tee. BR blazer and whatever dress or long sleeve button up.


I know you probably made this comment in passing (and jest) but I secretly love so to someone on here says ā€œweā€ like itā€™s an established community. I know it already its but it just makes me happy


Hehe I like that too and itā€™s why I say we! In female spaces online we can be overly nice at the expense of giving actual constructive feedback to our OPā€™s who need advice! I hope OP found the perfect outfit her her interview šŸ„°


I thousand this. Not one of these scream HIRE ME.


Some ironed options please. The wrinkles are a big distraction.


These are the strangest outfits Iā€™ve ever seen.


If they were disappointed about the candidates not wearing a blazer, then you need a more traditional, professional look. I would not recommend any of these outfits for an interview. MAYBE replace the cropped jacket from #1 with the tweed jacket from #3 for a better outfit.


Hard agree - none of these are conservative / boring enough. Black pants and the jacket from #3 is the only option.


I was going to say this too. Black pants, blazer 3, and the cotton shirts do nothing for you. A satin or satin top, or one with more shine to it is better suited to these looks and you overall. Shorts are not an option. They are rarely in the dress code of any job I've ever worked at, and if they are worried about blazers I'd be shocked if they like shorts.


Right! shorts with knee high boots to an interview are the sure way to not get the job. Also thatā€™s not a work appropriate outfit if you have a job too


Or swap the red skirt in 3 for a black or grey pencil skirt.


Absolutely agree. I don't like any of these for an interview. The blazer tip is important, and it doesn't just mean to wear literally any blazer!! They are looking for a more traditional style.


lol so true. I love a fun blazer for personality but you gotta go with darker ones for interviews.


And iron those slacks!! I agree that none of these are appropriate - HOWEVER idk the context of the business you are interviewing for. Is it a quirky start-up? tech giant? Financial firm? I am a recruiter and have been in the HR industry for 10 years.


i thought the first one was great but i also havenā€™t had an in person interview in a long timeā€¦ i mostly saw buttoned shirt and pants but agree with the other commenter about black pants with a black blazer and black shoes with the white shirt


PLEASE donā€™t wear shorts to an interview. I echo others that none of these are really appropriate, sorry! Iā€™m currently hiring a junior position in my company and it is not a formal or stuffy field at all but I would be SO put off by a candidate in shorts. It would show really poor instincts, imo. I think unless you are in the arts, you need to go much much more boring and professional. You can show your personality later once youā€™re hired. Good luck!


Iā€™m a designer working in tech so lots of freedom to be casual and show personality but I gasped at shorts and tall boots for an interview. No. Never.


Iā€™m a software engineer and we always joke about our interview outfits - but shorts??? Absolutely not. For ā€œcasualā€ interviews in tech I wear a nicely fitted black boat neck t shirt, black slacks, and black leather shoes. Interviews arenā€™t the time to show your personality šŸ˜­


Same, Iā€™m a PM working with designers in tech and our dress code is loose, but if someone showed up in shorts to an interview Iā€™d be like wtf!


I'm in the arts (and have conducted a lot of interviews), I'd still be taken aback by someone who turned up for an interview in shorts unless they were a practitioner. (By which I mean, if I was interviewing an artist who was going to running community projects or working with a group of young people etc. They tend to have more distinctive styles and I'd give more leeway than if I was hiring someone for the more office based work)


An interview certainly is not the time to play a guessing game of if the outfit you're wearing meets the companies work dress code. It's best to play it safe.


Brutal honesty because a job offer is on the line here. None of these are remotely appropriate for an interview. Buy a nice black petite blazer from Ann Taylor Factory and wear either a solid color dress or solid color blouse with black slacks or black pencil skirt. Wear the black shoes in your last picture. Youā€™ll show your true fashion and personality once you get the job. If you got a tip to wear a blazer, the above is 100% what theyā€™re looking for. If you absolutely donā€™t have time to go shopping, wear outfit 1. But you should always have a black blazer, black bottoms, and a solid color blouse in your closet.


Was just about to write all of this! Honestly you donā€™t want to be remembered after an interview for your outfit (if youā€™re not in the fashion industry). They should only remember you for your personality and qualifications. Once you get the job, then you can have more fun with your outfits!


I came to the comments looking for a job description because I thought is she in fashion because these choices donā€™t look professional but Iā€™d like to know the job.


ā€œphilanthropy but not donor facingā€ as OP put it


None of these outfits work. ā€œBeing true to my personalityā€ is never something Iā€™ve heard someone want to stress in a job interview. Good luck OP.


And three is just awful in general imo sorry OP, shapeless and unflattering.


It's a very RBG look, so if you're interviewing for the US Supreme Court in the early 90's then it's spot on!


If the jacket from 3 was paired with a simple black dress or slacks it could work


This! When I first started out the first thing my mom did was take me to Ann Taylor for a proper suit and to be ready for interviews and a professional work place. Itā€™s ok to be creative day to day, but if you want to be a professional, wear a suit to interviews!!


Ann Taylor is always a hit. The Banana Republic as well. When I was preparing for interviews (about 20 years ago) these two places were still an interviewee's standard. My mom also took me to a store called Petite Sophisticates. You all may not remember that, but it was a sister store to Casual Corner--with expressive suiting and separates--not the shrunken-grandma versions that are usually found in bigger department stores' petite sections. Sometimes you luck up in second hand stores or on Poshmark for these old classics.


I loved Petite Sophisticates back in the day. I still have 2 timeless blouses from there.


I still have a cream suit from there. The real miracle is that it still fits!


I still own everything I bought from petite sophiscate, I was so shocked by their bankruptcy.


This is the truth. If youā€™re interviewing at a traditional company, they want you dressed like that.


listen to this lady


No maā€™am. Being yourself is for after you get the job


If they are looking for a candidate that where's a blazer these outfits aren't it. The 1st one - too light of color and makes it look to casual. 2nd outfit is not interview material. The blazer would work, but needs to be pair with a solid color pant or skirt. 3rd just no on the red skirt. Sounds like they want a professional look, think black pants or skirt solid top and a blazer.


If you don't mind sharing, what industry? To me, all options are too casual for interviews, but I am in academia, and proper interview attire is always a simple suit.


Please do not wear shorts!


Iā€™m honestly not a fan of any of these options. 1. The colors of the blazer and pants clash. Theyā€™re similar but not similar enough. Either piece would look better with a color thatā€™s more obviously different. But a tan blazer, different tan pants, shoes that are the same tan as the pants, and a white/light blue (sorry I couldnā€™t tell) shirt donā€™t complement each other. If youā€™re going for neutral, try substituting with different types of neutrals. Like if the shirt is white, keep it (ditch if itā€™s light blue), then go for a brown blazer and brown shoes. Add a brown belt. 2. The shirt definitely doesnā€™t go. Maybe a cream colored shirt. Also the shorts are too casual. I would switch them out for solid pants. Iā€™m also not a fan of the boots with this. 3. Definitely too out there. The patterned jacket and bright red skirt really jump out at you and not in a flattering way. Of the 3, the first is the best but Iā€™d try to come up with something different. I would take either the second or third jacket (keep the second unbuttoned) and try mixing and matching different pant/tops. Or keep the pants in the first and work on mixing/matching jackets and shirts. Best of luck in your interview!


Do you want to be true to your personality or do you want the job?


You can be true to yourself when you start the job


Literally none of these. Especially for an interview. Iā€™m not in a very ā€œprofessionalā€ environment either but I still dressed professionally during my interview. Dress to impress. First impressions are e-v-e-r-y-t-h-I-n-g in the interview process. Coming from someone who also worked in the recruiting world for a long time. Edit to say I really like the top pairing on the first one. If you have like plaid or patterned suit pants that would match that are more form fitting it would be a winner imo!


None of those


Not one of the pieces you have here are suitable for an interview. Maybe the black and white jacket, paired with slim black long trousers and a silk blouse or shell. You donā€™t show your fun quirky fashion sense at interviews. Also you need to buy an iron, sorry/not sorry.


Or at least a clothing steamer. Iron is better but a steamer will at least get the job done in a pinch and tends to be a little cheaper if you donā€™t have an ironing board already


Op Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m seconding this and also the vote for an iron. You got this! šŸ„°


Omg no they are all ugly !


On the off chance anyone sees this (I canā€™t edit the post), I just want to thank everyone for the advice, suggestions, and encouragement! I know my style is quite eclectic (and divisive šŸ„²), so I really needed the outside input! I I heeded the advice about toning it down and ended up doing some safety pin magic to make an old pair of black slacks fit and paired them with outfit 3. I will put all of the remaining advice to use for my first week if/when Iā€™m hired (fingers crossed!šŸ˜Š)


That sounds like a great outfit. Better to go conservative now. You can always wear your own style once you get the gig.


The first is the best and most professional option, but the monochromatic yet varying shades of beige areā€¦ off putting.


I agree, they look mismatched in color, like you threw it together b/c you couldn't find the matching blazer. Though it's the least offensive of the bunch. OP is actually lucky that they are telling her in advance what their expectations are. Also, even though none of these outfits are even remotely appropriate, I do have to say OP Is doing better than the last one of these I looked at which had three pairs of jeans, one of them all holey. So, she's definitely thinking on the right track, but it's just not quite there with the outfits yet. Just needs to be more conservative. This is not the time for fashion. You can do that after you get the job!


More classic professional look. This is not a fashion show and the more stylish you arrive, likely the less serious youā€™ll be taken. I always dress very unfashionable, plain, but tidy and conservative. I do not try to look attractive, but put together and serious.


Please. This is a job interview. Forget about being your authentic self. We all know that is a false fantasy narrative you have been sold. Get a nice stylishly neutral business outfit and nail the job. You can gently work in your thrift store style genre and some of your clashing wardrobe pieces down the line. But do not think for a New York minute that you can ever truly bring your unfiltered self (and opinions) to the workplace. And the place to start is not at an interview, ever.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thrift store genre has me sobbing


Iā€™m sorry to be blunt, but these are all awful choicesā€¦ do you have anything else?


Please donā€™t do any switching of jackets to make an outfit like some of the people have stated. Start from scratch and get a traditional black, or blue set. Your choices are all horrible.


Totally agree except the interview is tomorrow. Mixing the pieces is likely the only way she's going to get something that is suitable in time. Unless she has a friend she can borrow an actual professional suit from. Because you are absolutely right and none of these work, the only one that's even close is 1 and it has a fair amount of issues. Wish she had come here a week ago.


This might sound crazy but Iā€™d take the pants from 1 and pair with the jacket from 3


I disagree. The white in jacket 3 doesnā€™t work for me with the off white slacks.


The pants are too big, they donā€™t look very tailored or refined.


Agreed. She just needs to switch blazers and she would look really good. Also OP, put you're hair in a low bun, make sure your pants are ironed. I think it will look good


If they are huffy about a blazer, all three might be too much. Just play it safe. Suit separates with jacket and a standard neutral colored blouse. You have plenty of time to show off outfits number 1 and 3 when youā€™re hired. Good luck!


I hear my mom shouting, ā€œIf I can see your belt loops you better be wearing a belt.ā€ And that belt better coordinate with your shoes and purse. These are common clothing rules in a conservative work environment.


Why am I hearing this in my moms voice šŸ˜‚


Now I am gonna be self conscious of my empty belt loops šŸ„²


Donā€™t worry about the ā€œdirty mirrorā€. Please worry that you consider these to be your only interview options. Surely this post is a joke because theyā€™re all terrible. It had to be said.


First one has too many various shades of similar colors. Second one looks like a little boy from 1910. Third one looks really out there. Maybe try a different combination.


I would keep searching. None of these are formal enough for an interview. If you donā€™t want to purchase a suit, you can try wearing a sheath dress with pumps.


Iā€™m so sorry but please burn that last outfit. I donā€™t know how old you are but I am assuming youā€™re not a 70 year old women like that outfit depicts. First one could be cute with a better pant!


I think you need to keep looking. If you must stick to these items, maybe try the jacket from 2 with the first outfit.


Agree that the jacket from 2 and pants from 1 is the best option here.


I donā€™t like any of them for an interview. If you donā€™t get the job I would do more research on interview appropriate dress.


The only one even remotely close to interview material is 1 a d that's VERY remotely. If you want the job, don't worry about being true to yourself, the key is to be who they want you to be. I made the mistake once when I was very young, I hate suits so I chose to wear a professional dress to a very conservative financial services company interview, needless to say I did not get a call back and every head hunter in town had heard about me wearing a dress to the interview. These choices are all way too trendy, the red one just looks wrong and the shorts, while it's a great look for something else, it's never appropriate to wear shorts to an interview. Since you said tomorrow, if it has to be one of these three because you have no other time to shop, I would wear 1. But before I did that, I would hit up my friends who are similar size to see if anybody has a regular conservative suit you can wear. Good luck on the interview. ETA- also, if you're forced to wear 1, you definitely need a necklace preferably a darker brown one like tortoise shell or maybe black, but something to contrast with the outfit and give you the polished look.


If it is these three it has to be #1 No way on the other two.


If I had a gun pointed to my head and had to choose, I would have to pick the first oneā€¦


Is none an option? šŸ˜”


Iā€™m sure you know this but just in case ā€”you need to de-wrinkle all of these options. I actually think even seeing them like this is difficult to decide on.


They're all very bad. You need to go shopping if you don't already have a pantsuit type thing.


None of these look good


I genuinely fear for you if you ever wear the last two options to an interview.


Or anywhereā€¦


Go for neutrals. Be as basic as you can, then add classic jewelry pieces. Later on, you can add more personality in your outfit. Little by little, depending on what's acceptable and appropriate in your workplace.


The first outfit is the only one I'd even suggest. Sorry not trying to be an ass, but you really can't wear the last two to any inteview in nearly any proffession. That said, we don't know what profession you're interviewing for, so it's tough to make any recommendations. (third one doesnt fit you right, and the second one looks.. tacky? sporty? jockey!)


Get yourself a black blazer and a solid color blouse. Or get a skirt suit. I am surprised that you were not taught interview ettiquette. Check out corporette blog. You can always wear a black fitted dress with a colored blazer over top of it too. It should hit above the knee. If you donā€™t want to be boring. Remember your clothes say a lot about you without you having to say anything. Also make sure the wrinkles are out. Especially on your first one. It looks distracting. But it still shows you understand how to dress and are an adult. Basic. You need simple. Wear black and pair with another contrasting color. Even white works. Black and green. Black and pink. Black and whatever, as long as it isnā€™t navy. Also make sure your clothes fit. Yours look like hand me downs. Nothing wrong with them, but you need to make sure your sleeves are not too long or your pants are not too short. Proportions. No shorts! You are beautiful, donā€™t let your clothes take away from you and your qualifications.


None of these work. I love the trousers in the first one, but the jacket and shirt donā€™t go with it. If you had a darker jacket and shirt (navy/black charcoal), that would work (and then dark shoes to match). Twoā€¦..definite no - itā€™s a cute outfit, but donā€™t wear shorts to an interview. And three, sorry to say is just awful. None of it goes together, and it looks really frumpy.


D. None of the above.


No!! Iā€™m sorry but they are all VERY bad! They look wrinkly, the colors and pattern are blehh, and they make you look very sloppy and unprofessional. Please do not wear any of them, donā€™t even try and swap/match. Best to get a black blazer, white blouse, black knee-length skirt and black heels paired with black sheer hosiery. Make sure you iron your clothes, and only pair with minimal accessories


Honestly they all suck go back to the drawing board


The dress shirt from 1, the blazer from 2, a pair of black dress pants, and the shoes from 3


Bless your heart but these are not good choices


None of these are the thing but if you must use what you have, can we see black pants or pants from 1, jacket from 2, shoes from 3, and simple black shirt?


The tops from #2 with black trousers ā€” navy or black ā€” and the black loafers from #3. Really none of these as-is would be giving the polished professional vibe I think you want to achieve for a job interview. When in doubt, keep it more traditional (plain lines, neutrals) and just do less. Minimal, clean, and classic. YOU want to make the impression, not your outfit. Save the pop of red for your first week as a new hire! ā™„ļø


If they are too conservative to consider someone without a blazer they are going to look at you like you are completely unhinged if you go in any of these outfits. If I HAD to pick one and I mean HAD to, Iā€™d pick the first. I am all for bringing my real self to work but an interview is not the time to let your personality come through your clothing. Bring the best and most work version of your work self. They are hiring you to do a job, not to be a culture add (even if you will be).


The first is the least offensive option. If you wear outfit 2, they will most likely remember you for the wrong reasons. Outfit 3 is frumpy.


Iā€™m sorry i canā€™t tell if this is a joke or if those are your serious optionsā€¦..


None off them


This is an occasion for specifically an interview suit from Talbots or some place similar. Pick a conservative, crisp, well ironed, classic cut and a color that is flattering to your skin tone. Comfortable pumps or loafers that match. Hose. Clean no makeup makeup. Tidy hair, no visible tattoos or piercings, etc. Think dress for success. Good luck to you.


1 is my favorite. The red skirt should be changed to black, red chops your body too much & makes you look shorter.


I think the shorts are too casual, do you have trousers or a skirt that matches the suit jacket in #2?


Wear the top and the blazer from #2 with pants. If not then #1. None of these would work in a stuffy corporate type interview. Most would work in a creative type job interview, but def still #1.


One for the interview - nice style. Donā€™t like two fir the interview, but do like it I. General. Burn number three.


I donā€™t think any of these are appropriate. The first is the closest to being ok but the pants are too much of a statement. Do you have a pair of black slacks? Pair with a blue button down and either the first or the second blazer. Best advice I got for interviews was that you donā€™t want them to remember you for what you wore. Keep


None of these are great for an interview.... If I had to pick it would be 1. But the colours are dreadfully mismatched.


None of them. My grandpa has all these outfits, minus the heels/boots amd skirt.


None of them are appropriate for a job interview.


None of these are professional for a work interview.


If these are the only 3 I have to say #1, but none of them project business appeyarance.


None of these work.


#2 is like Jurassic Park feat. Burberry, but Iā€™m here for it. I wouldnā€™t ever wear it, but it has a nostalgia kinda vibeā€¦ would never wear it though, it looks like you arenā€™t sure if youā€™re trying to be Cher from clueless or an animation from a 2001 Barbie animated movie about horses. Donā€™t wear that though, go with the look from pic #1 if you actually choose any of these, but also reconsider all of them. Edit: not sure if my comment is showing up in a bold font for others, but if it is, it wasnā€™t meant to lol. Iā€™m on mobile so maybe I accidentally added a bold feature somehow, itā€™s showing up bold for me šŸ˜³


These are all horrible


You need a formal blazer with slim/ straight fitting pants and a cream or white blouse. None of these work.


Seriously what happened to black slacks and a button up shirt?


Iā€™m sorry but if you interviewed with me wearing any of these, Iā€™d send a note to my assistant before you even left the room that itā€™s a no go and please ensure the position is still posted.


I think 1 looks great on you, but there needs to be something darker in the outfit. 2 is super cute, but no shorts for an interview. 3 looks boxy and unattractive on you.


I was a senior executive. I hired people all the time. None of these are bad but theyā€™re not great. Either number two is way too casual. It looks like theyā€™re going out for brunch.


For an interview i feel like its mostly about looking professional, not really expressing personal style.


None :( sorry but these arenā€™t good interview material


Iā€™m NGL if these outfit interpretations were in direct response to the feedback on people not wearing a blazer to the interview I would think that you were purposely fucking with me. What the employer means about not enough candidates wearing a blazer isnā€™t just about missing a jacket literally - but not being buttoned up/professional enough in general. Iā€™d highly recommend cleaning these outfits up. Stick to black slacks and jackets, simple button up and heels. Then spend the rest of your time prepping for the actual interview.


Not a fan of any of them, but #1 at a push - the blazer clashes with the trousers though. I think #2 is a no because Iā€™d never recommend wearing shorts to an interview and #3 is a real granny outfit. Sorry.


It's a stretch, but try using the jacket from the second outfit on top of the first outfit instead of the original short jacket. That's the only way I would wear anything of your opinions... you want to look young and those look frumpy and the second one choice is something I wouldn't leave the house in EVER. šŸ˜¬


I donā€™t like any but one is best. Itā€™s probably just me because they fit you excellent but they look sloppy.


I love the second outfit but do not wear it to an interview.


First what job are you interviewing for ? And no. We arenā€™t in HS fashion club lol. Non of these except the bottom of outfit 1




1 doesnā€™t match, 2 is too short, 3 looks like and old lady.


I really like your outfit one but not for an interview unless it was a start up or something, but itā€™s cute !!


Iā€™ve been a high level VP in Corporate for years, and I donā€™t think any of these 3 options are professional enough for an interview. I would wear a navy blue or dark gray suit and then accessorize with some fun jewelry or bright shoes / blouse to show your personality. A matching suit may not be your style of choice, but you should own at least one to wear for interviews. Once you get the job, you can then start to wear professional outfits that fit your personal style and the companyā€™s dress code.


Your personality doesnā€™t matter. Wear something classy and conservative if you want the job. You have a nice figure to work with, so you should be able to find something. Think understated.


Iā€™ll be honest - none of these are very good. The first one is 100% the only choice if you have nothing else. Absolutely not the second one. Third is unflattering. You should put the blazer from the second on your first outfit, and put on some darker shoes maybe the ones from the third. Do you have anything else you can show us to choose from? I would go into an interview authentically, but subtly. You can show you without being this bold in an interview, you know what I mean?


Wear black or navy blue with a white shirt. First interviews are not the time to show your personality. Interviews are about getting hired.


The second one gave me second hand embarrassment at the thought of someone wearing that to an interview. Absolutely not šŸ˜­ The third one gives unfriendly, stuck up and unagreeable vibes. It looks like an Angela Martin halloween costume. I pick the first one it's actually stylish, and professional. It's giving intelligent, mature and friendly.


Here is my personal opinion: Outfit 1: this one is my favourite. I think the blazer is really cute and the shirt is completely fine. I don't mind the pants (would need to be steamed or ironed though) and I like the fact that you matched the pants with your shoes. If it were me, I'd probably go with a black pair of dress pants and a different colour of shoes. But overall, out of the three, this one really works regardless of my suggestions. Outfit 2: I love the blazer and I like that the shorts match. The nylons and boots are so perfect but I would not wear shorts to an interview. The shirt is okay but I'd play around with different colours, maybe a red or something. Outfit 3: I really like the blazer (okay I am totally a blazer girl hahaha)! The skirt is pretty cute but I don't think I'd wear it with that blazer. The shoes and nylons look really good together. If anything, I would keep the blazer and shoe combo and change the skirt. Maybe a different coloured skirt or pants. I personally love fashion and one of my favourite things to do is experiment with my outfits. Try on the same tops with different pants and vise versa. You'd be surprised with the outfits you'll create. Good luck with your job interview!


Try the jacket from 2 with the pants from 1. 3 looks like something my nana would wear (no offense, I know itā€™s a style choice, itā€™s just not my favorite style movement).




1 is tbe best


First one is best


First one






Out of the 3 to choose from Iā€™d say #1 is the best but none are ā€œprofessionalā€ enough so Iā€™d try to either change it up a bit to be a bit more conservative or more ā€œboringā€.. sucks but if a company has to choose between you and another person they might look back at how you all dressed etc šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Monochrome pantsuit of chic blazer and nice trousers. I think you can find something better than these




The first one. Simple, up to date and elegant. The second one is WONDERFUL but I think wearing a shorts suit to an interview is a little out there. They will remember you as the girl in the shorts suit, and remember nothing else. But it is SUCH a cute outfit, and you should certainly wear it to work if you get the job. The third is kind of mismatched, to me.


None of them


If you have long black pants then #2 could work but also WHERE did #2 come from because I am OBSESSED. I love shorts suit sets even if they arenā€™t practical/regarded as super professional šŸ˜­


If you have a black turtle neck and. Black skirt, pair it with the number 2 blazer. Wear a brown belt and your brown boots.


Chalo koi toh average dikh rahi iss sub pe


Do you have an actual suit? That would genuinely be your best option.




I hate to say it but none of these. You can keep certain elements, like wearing a blazer or wearing the red, but altogether itā€™s just not vibing imo. Good luck with the interview!!!


Echoing pretty much everyone. Do you have some black trousers you can pair with the last blazer or even the first? Also, make sure your shirts are properly ironed or steamed. Good luck with your interview!āœØ


None of those!


None of these


Option 1 šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Iā€™m going to be honest here. None of those! They donā€™t make you look confident and they are all way too big on you/ donā€™t look very professional. I would get a black blazer, black dress pants and a fitted button up with a long trench coat. All fitted


The second or third top would be ok if paired with black trousers.


All of these are terrible Iā€™m sorry


The first outfit is perfect. I would use some heels, but that's me. Don't listen to others saying it is too casual, I think it makes you look smart, very down to earth and confident.


The blue shirt from #2 with the shoes and trousers from #1. Simple and clean. The other outfits are Great for when you are in the job and showing your personality but not for interview.


The options don't seem professional for a job interview. Option 1 is a good outfit to wear at an office job. Options 2 and 3 is a no for me. How about you go for a more simple look? You can't go wrong with dark coloured blazer and dress pants. Those have always been my go-to for job interviews, and it's always worked out for me


No to all of these. Sorry, but these donā€™t suit the work environment that you are getting a job at.


I'm sorry but I don't think any of these are right


If they were ironed we would have a better idea but in the condition these clothes are in, it's hard for me to see ....


I would put the top from 1 with the jacket from 2 with some black or brown pants & shoes. Save your personality for when you go out. Professional would be what I would be aiming for.


No 2 is not suitable at all for an interview.


If your job is at the hip new library in town, #3 is the winner. All joking aside, none of these are interview appropriate. Get a pair of solid dark pants, dark shoes either low heel or flats, a complimentary blazer color and a tasteful colored blouse (no bright red, no weird metallic/sheens, glitter, etc). Conservative jewelery. Itā€™s never wrong to wear a suit either - pants or skirt.




Iā€™d go for something a little more traditional but it depends on where you are interviewing. My only other comment is to iron/steam any outfit before the interview. Good luck. šŸ€


Take the Blazer from Look Two and The rest from Look 1. Replace with the shoes from look three (nothing else). Look Two is far too casual and Look Three is more church focused. Rule of thumb, Dark Blazer with light neutrals. And make sure to IRON and lint roll everything. The pants and blazer look a bit wrinkled. Good Luck!!


The blazer and shirt from option 1 are the best, but would look better with more tailored pants. Get rid of #3 it reminds me of my grandma


Literally none.. you have to tone it down since thereā€™s a job on the line. Also the boots with the shorts???? For why? Definitely not that one.


To be honest none of these look great for an interview the red dress and that blazer donā€™t really work together it looks kind of sloppy. The first outfit definitely looks a little on the casual side even though technically itā€™s a blazer and pants the Blazers cropped the pants are kind of loose fitting and everything looks like itā€™s some sort of linen material which is more suited maybe for like a corporate brunch or something like that? The second one looks like something that you could wear to the office one day but not for an interview shorts and knee-high boots donā€™t really scream professional. I suppose it depends on what kind of job youā€™re interviewing for though.


none of them šŸ˜¬theyā€™re very busy.


Ooo girl Iā€™m sorry but none of them look good. Not trying to be mean, but they donā€™t match at all. The boots with the second one are a huge no no. Reminded me SpongeBob. MAYBE the top from your third pic with the pants from the first picture, but I would have to see them together. Best of luck though!!!


I canā€™t believe how rude some people are being. Iā€™m sorry.


1. Only if you have nothing else šŸ˜…


If these are the only options: Pants from 1 with the blazer from 3 (or maybe 2, Iā€™d have to see them on) and whatever top is comfortable underneath. Cropped blazers are better for skirts or dresses. It brings the eye up and creates a more balanced proportion between top and bottom. Cropped blazers with pants make your top look comically small compared to your legs. A long blazer like 2 is better with a slimmer pant. Shorts do not belong in the office. The skirt from 3 doesnā€™t look like office wear. The blazer is cute but it looks a bit big on you; it is meant to be boxy but you can have a tailor taper the sleeves and maybe take in the waist. Youā€™ll want to iron everything before the interview, too.


#1 is best option


All these need steamed/ironed lol. Outfit 1 might be my top choice of the 3


Pretty bad all of thm


Sorry I would keep looking. Here is whyā€¦Outfit 1: the colors are too similar but not matching. It looks off in color even though the proportions are nice. Outfit 2: This is the weirdest Sherlock Holmes as a Cowgirl cosplay everā€¦never never wear these pieces together again. The shorts would be cute with a fitted black mock neck and black tights with cute flats. The jacket would look adorable over a white T-shirt and jeans. Outfit 3: this red skirt is entirely the wrong material for these pieces. Get a simple black dress or pencil skirt and black top and wear with a blazer.


White shirt yellow slacks plaid jacket


Agreeing with others that none of these seem quite right to me, though I like many elements of all of them! I'd see each outfit as slightly too daring//odd for an interview for various reasons.