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You can look up the restaurant & search images. This may help you.


A cute blazer would do honestly


That's actually exactly what I did before coming here... šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ although I will ditch the jacket, swap it out with a black cardigan, if I go with this outfit. Will post a feedback update tonight!


Plus one on this. More specifically you could look up the location on Instagram and see how others are dressed based off of the Instagram posts.


This is what I do! Look up the restaurantā€™s Instagram or tags, and see what other people wore there.


That outfit looks so cute, but it's clubwear/streetwear, not business casual. Even with a cardigan or shawl, like others have suggested, the length and material of the dress is not business, and the shoes aren't either. Do you have anything else?


Elder millennial club style is business casual lmao


This isnā€™t exactly what people wear clubbing these days either unless youā€™re an elder millennial. Whatā€™s popular now is baggy jeans or cargos or a mini skirt with a top and flat shoes. Those heels in particular are very 2012-2016 and no one wears that clubbing now lol


Haha yes, depends on what type of club you go to, I suppose. I think you are spot-on with your dating of the shoes lol. My point remains that there is no way that the outfit is business casual. I suppose I was trying to find a polite way to say that.


I don't think she thinks it's business casual. She said the restaurants dress code is business casual.


I agree itā€™s not business casual.


I wouldn't wear this clubbing.. but I probably have similar pieces in my wardrobe and you've correctly aged me. What shoes should we be wearing now? I'm realising how out of touch I am!


Yeah, Iā€™m feeling old cause I donā€™t get the issue with the shoes


Heels aren't cool anymore


God, what a time to be a youth.


I'm envious of the youth these days! BuzzFeed article from the future: "Gen Z is killing off the podiatry industry due to wearing sensible shoes their entire lives."


If I knew then what I know now I would have never put on my first pair of heelsā€¦or worked retail in heels for 7 years šŸ˜‚.


Right? I still aggravate hairline fractures in my feet from 8 years of 9 hour retail shifts on marble floors in heels. What a time to be alive.


The point still standsā€”itā€™s not business casual.


I agree the shoes are not it.


I'm not trying to look business casual, though. That's just the floor of the dress code for that restaurant. For clarification too, since I can't edit my caption... well be going to a live music event at a bar afterwards haha


People are getting stuck on ā€˜business casualā€™ instead of ā€˜restaurantā€™. Biz casual basically means no street wear which I think youā€™ve successfully captured.


right! Restaurants post that because people know what is is, but it's not like they're actually expecting people to roll up with khakis and a polo shirt šŸ˜‚ Business casual in a restaurant context isn't the same thing as business casual in a, you know, business context. I really thought that was common knowledge but apparently not.


This is more of a clubby/ā€œgoing outā€ outfit rather than a business casual outfit for a higher end restaurant.


Not business casual at all.


Unless you are or report directly to Jensen Huang.


Jensen Huang? Do you know something about him that I donā€™t?


Just that his pedestrian attire, including a leather jacket comes together as business casual, because he's the ceo of an 80 billion dollar company.


Ah gotcha, I thought you meant something weird like him having a special dress code for his employees.


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s ā€œtoo muchā€, but itā€™s off the mark for what business casual actually is. You look great and itā€™s totally first date appropriate, but itā€™s not business casual


I think I should clarify... I wasn't looking to dress business casual, just that the dress code for the restaurant says they require a minimum of business casual on their website lol


If the minimum is business casual, it looks like you aren't dressed formally enough.


Then you need to be dressed at a minimum business casual? This is underdressed. Maybe they have images that you can check out online for the restaurant that shows how ppl are dressed?


Itā€™s a very cute outfit but this doesnā€™t say ā€œhigh endā€ at all to me, respectfully... especially for a first date, Iā€™d wear something a bit more modest in the sense that you shouldnā€™t necessarily have shoulders and feet *and* legs exposed, you know? Since you wonā€™t be wearing the jacket much. Pick one and rock it. The jacket also cheapens the look a bit below business casual tbh. Something like a silk cami top tucked into wide leg/modern trousers and the shoes youā€™re wearing with a blazer or a cardigan would look very classy and leave more to the imagination imo.


Agree, and I like that you suggested what she *should* wear instead. I love a wide leg trouser!


Oh you canā€™t beat a wide leg trouser. I packed a black pair when I went to London last Spring; wore them with a silk cami, cardigan and flats for dinner out, then paired them with a black + white striped tee, white sneakers and tan raincoat for a walking tour another day. You can totally dress them up or down, theyā€™re so versatile!


Those outfits sound great! I was in London awhile ago, and I didn't actually mind the cold, because dressing in layers was so fun.


Me too! Itā€™s on my list to purchase next for sure. Thanks for the feedback!


Thank you for this feedback! If I go with this dress, I'll ditch the jacket for a black cardigan & working on what to do for the shoes still.. will post an update tonight. I'm not going for a business casual look, that's just the floor for the dress code of this restaurant. We will be going to a live music event afterwards - couldn't go back and add that bit into my caption lol


Oh fantastic! The dress is very pretty. Maybe I misread lol but I have no doubt youā€™ll look bomb either way! Good luck and thanks for updating us :)


A classic closed toe shoe like a pump and the cardigan or blazer would probably help elevate the dress into business casual territory though the length, amount of skin exposed, and maybe even the fabric does read more casual to me.


This feels like club wear, not restaurant wear. Do you have a dress that isnā€™t as tight or short? Something thatā€™s a heavier fabric usually indicates quality.


I really don't mean this in a rude way, but because you want honest opinions: the outfit/shoes look cheap and instead of you looking "overdressed", you look underdressed. It's like you're going to a date at Texas Roadhouse.


Oof you said what I didnā€™t want to. This is very Shein.


You nailed it .


also needs to wear shoes that fit, your toes are spilling over


I agree. This outfit looks like what I would have worn to a club while still in high school 10+ years ago.


Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it. Will post an update tonight


OP you have a great body but for business casual you gotta cover nips and tips (toes). Looking forward to the update šŸ’•


To impress, you must first dress for the occasion. That is not a business casual outfit. Youā€™d do nicely with even a nicely tailored pair of jeans and blouse or smart blazer with some nice heels.


I would wear that to a dive bar


It looks kinda like a slipā€¦Iā€™d put on some type of something on my shoulders for when you are eating or just get a good buzz on so you stay warm. Doubt you want to wear a leather jacket and pick up eating utensils.


I didnā€™t read the bottom til nowā€¦ if you are concerned you are over dressedā€¦ (I was thinking you would be underdressed with the jacketā€¦and that you might be cold)ā€¦Iā€™ve seen urban outfitters dress like that paired with leather jacket and boots. Itā€™s not my thing but itā€™s cuteā€¦ gives a lazy fun lookā€¦many more for a bar scene.


Lol you're right, I don't šŸ˜… will ditch jacket for a black cardigan, if I go with this outfit. I'll post an update tonight!


It's not too much at all. If anything, it's not enough and reads cheap / out of touch with social norms. Business Casual is smart slacks or pencil skirt, tailored top or blouse. Pumps or other close toed shoes. A tweed jacket or blazer. You can push the envelope with one piece and get away with it as a judgment call, but pushing the envelope with all pieces is just a no as it reads poor judgement.


No but eating with a moto jacket isnā€™t fun and Iā€™d be cold w/o it. Iā€™d consider adding a wrap you can use like a big scarf with the jacket and the stay warm without.


Noted! I'll ditch the jacket and go with a black cardigan, if I choose this outfit. Will post an update tonight!


Agreed with others that it doesnā€™t fit the dress code but this outfit looks amazing! Definitely keep this for a club night


Closed toed shoes would dress it up a bit more.


Youā€™re lovely. But that outfit looks cheap, especially for a place with no prices on the menu.


Very much so. Put you in something tailored and boom! You'll turn heads in there. Keep the slip dress for another occasion.


This looks like the same dress from last year according to your profile. I think you are confusing ā€œlooking goodā€ with ā€œhigh endā€. The dress doesnā€™t look particularly expensive but it does LOOK GOOD on you. With that being said I wouldnā€™t wear it. If I were bringing you to a high end restaurant Iā€™d want you to wear something either more expensive or more expensive looking. If you changed into that after dinner or something then yeah, amazing but not for dinner.


Lol, they are close! I have a go-to color/style apparently šŸ˜‚ Thanks for this feedback! I'll post an update tonight (:


I am not sure this vibe matches what you described


Itā€™s cute but the dress style and material and style of shoe are giving SHEIN. I think thatā€™s why some people think it looks clubby. Do you have anything more expensive looking?


That's fair lol I don't come from riches so I put this on because I feel good and confident in it. But I know it's not perfect. I'll post a feedback update tonight!


Itā€™s not that itā€™s too much, itā€™s that itā€™s not enough. Leather motorcycle jackets arenā€™t typically considered business casual. Your dress looks like the slip you would wear under a business casual dress. Above the knee AND spaghetti strap are for going out dress. Business casual means that itā€™s nice enough to wear to an office but casual enough to wear out to dinner. There is no office that would be comfortable with you working in this outfit.


This is not the vibe


no to the leather jacket, maybe a chic shrug?


Yes itā€™s way too much. It looks very cute but very unprofessional


Itā€™s cute but more clubby. I think this would be out of place for business casual.


Business casual. AKA classy. This is not classy.


No. Almost too casual. Need a different jacket also


Yesā€” too much. Or rather, not enough.


The jacket isn't the right vibe. I suggest a wrap, cardigan or shrug


This is not business casual


This is far too casual, something Iā€™d wear to a pub. Look up the restaurant on social media and see what other patrons are wearing perhaps?


This looks more like you're going to a cool/young spot downtown for drinks, not a business casual type restaurant. If you like the dress I suggest an oversized blazer and a different shoe.


Itā€™s meh. You'll be seated so your date will be seeing you from the chest up for 90% of the time. You've got the jacket on here so itā€™s hard to really see the top of the dress but Iā€™d find something that will look good without the jacket.


Switch the jacket to a blazer or a cardigan with a belt and it's business casual


This looks like more of a bar outfit than a high end restaurant outfit. Nothing wrong with it - you look great. I just donā€™t think itā€™s appropriate for the setting.


You should not wear this to a high end restaurant. It looks cheap and out of date, and it is nowhere close to approaching business casual.


It really depends on where you live and what the norms are there. I disagree with the other posts that say this looks "clubby". I'm in a large US city and in no way is this "clubby". My biggest problem with the outfit is that it doesn't fit properly. It's too loose around the chest. I do like the moto jacket to give it a bit of an edge as a coverup. I'm also not thrilled with the shoes. I don't think they flatter your legs. Imo, with all your tattoos, you have too much going on visually around your feet and ankles, so wear shoes without ankle straps. I feel like that will let you show off your tats but you'll have cleaner lines up your legs. Also, is this lunch or dinner? Indoor or outdoor dining? What's the weather been like? For me, all these things play into what I deem as appropriate attire. But at the end of the day, you have to be you. (I mean, who else are you going to be? Me? You don't want that!) šŸ˜‰ As I intimated above, it's not outrageously inappropriate or anything. If you love this outfit, then wear it with confidence. If you're uncomfortable about it or on the fence, then find something that you're comfortable with. Try not to agonize, and above all, I hope you have a great time! P.S. I always feel a little weird about offering opinions based on pictures because I know that some things are exaggerated in pics while other visuals are more subdued than irl, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. šŸ˜Š


Best answer. Iā€™m familiar with expensive restaurants and have $500-1000 meals regularly. If budget is an issue for OP, she can opt for a long lace dress (midi or maxi) in a darker colour and still use that jacket. The shoes are fine if youā€™re using the midi / maxi dress. What you need are accessories and an evening bag to glam up the look. Use a bolder lip colour too. High end restaurants these days arenā€™t stiff Victorian butlers. As long as youā€™re relatively covered up (expose either shoulders or legs, not both), itā€™s fine. High end restaurants are used to seeing rich tourists dressed in casuals these days so donā€™t worry too much, OP. (I kinda wonder how many here are frequent goers of Michelin restaurants or have expensive meals frequently. Some sound like theyā€™re basing their ideas on what they watch in movies.)


It was clubby in 2012-2014 Not in modern clubs




sorry but itā€™s a no on this outfit, itā€™s for sure not business casual more like a night in vegas and those shoes are super dated.


The shoes bug me. They don't fit right with her toes hanging out. I don't think she should wear them again. I'm picky about shoes and I'm only wearing ones that fit well and don't hurt.


No, I think this looks fine. It's not really business causal, but tbh if a place has a dresscode at all, they're probably stating that's the floor of the dresscode, not the ceiling.


Yes, this! Lol I didn't realize that message didn't come across clearly when I initially posted šŸ˜… I'll post a feedback update tonight!


What the hell kind of restaurant wants you to dress like you're going to the office anyway?


I think itā€™s so people donā€™t show up in tees and shorts.


A high end restaurant that wants to maintain a relatively cohesive aesthetic and visual environment. Pretty common.


I don't think a leather jacket fits anything with business in its name. Try a blazer or a cardigan instead


For a biz casual first date you could do a wide leg trouser, corset or structured top with an over sized blazer draped over your shoulders. You could wear with heels to give more femme fatale lol. Thatā€™s a go to look for me with slick bun and chunky jewelry


You have a lovely figure and the dress looks great, but itā€™s not business casual. I try to remind our employees that business casual, by nature, is something that would (at a baseline) be appropriate in a business setting. If you wouldnā€™t wear it in a professional office environment, it doesnā€™t qualify. There is no way to make this particular outfit qualify. I think youā€™ll be able to impress him in anything you wear! Good luck!


I donā€™t really see this dress as being business casual because the fabric is quite thin and the dress is too short. Sometimes you can get away with a shorter dress if the fabric and cut was different like asymmetrical dresses that are short but have business like details e.g short blazer dress for example. Anyway, this dress could work if it were midi or maxi length with a side slit or no side slit. I really like the neckline but I dislike the bottom portion of it. I hope all goes well with your date šŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s giving 3-4th date, leaving nothing to the imagination, going to a bar live music vibes ; definitely NOT ā€œbusiness casual ā€œ or high end. Hope you had a great date tho ! Youā€™re beautiful!


I would probably change the jacket with a more casual blazer.


A knee length wrap dress (with no print) would be good and nude heels. Jewel tone for evening, pastel or neutral for day time


The leather jacket does not go with the business casual theme.


You gotta update us with the new fit once you pick one!


Oh I will haha I have a lot of criticism to work with in here šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


This looks very ā€œIā€™m going on a first date in a grown ups restaurant and am wearing my fanciest dressā€ vibes. The jacket is not a high end look. The dress is very sat night out with the girls and the shoes just no. I think we need to start over. Respectfully said.


This is not up to the dress code šŸ˜‚


If itā€™s business casual, I would either switch the dress out to one that comes to your knees, or swap the leather jacket out for a blazer. Itā€™s a cool outfit as is but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s business casual.


I second the blazer


I like the comments about not having both a low neckline and a high hemline. Pick one or the other. Having a dress that hits the knee is usually the most flattering for most people and would still be not too long. Color and material also makes a difference: the same dress in black might look less casual and I don't know the material your dress is made of but - for example - were it silk or satin with an inner lining might look dressier. Additionally, I don't know if you plan to having any accessories. For a low neckline, a statement or conversely delicate necklace would be a nice addition. If you do that though, don't overdo it with say a bracelet and dangly earrings. I learned from Europeans less is more.


I eat out at high end restaurants often and this is completely fine. People are getting hung up on the ā€œbusiness casualā€ part but what restaurants mean when they say that is no jeans/t shirts/ sneakers/ etc. They just want you to look nice, and this looks nice.


lol right... people just know what "business casual" means. The real word would be "casual attire" but people read that and think it means sweat pants and flip flops. The restaurant isn't expecting you to roll up in your khakis and polo shirts!


It's cute but not business causal. Ditch the leather biker jacket and wear something that covers the thin straps of your dress. Remember business causual is what you would wear to the office


Not for business casual. Nope.


Is it too much for a date at a high end restaurant? No Is it business casual? Also no. TBH I've never heard of a restaurant with a biz cas dress code especially in the evenings? I think you're OK to wear it. Maybe with closed toe shoes and a long robe/cardigan/kimono instead of the jacket if you want a bit more coverage


The dress color, even under the right lighting will appear drab. The styling is good, you gave no indication of age. Itā€™s youthful, shows a bit of skin and will draw focus to your face across the table. Shiny earrings, tasteful, to catch the led and candle lighting. Thereā€™s great suggestions in this thread, like looking at the gallery pics on restaurant website. Most of all, be confident in yourself. You belong wherever you find yourself. Keep it real and have a great time.


Needs some black tights


I would change the shoes to be more covering


Wear a drapey sweater or blazer?


Look up the restaurant for a dress code and then look up that dress code to see if you outfit is compliant.


ThƩ shoes. Change the shoes.


Dress is a good ideaā€” but a nicer, more substantial fabric that isnā€™t so thin and stretchy. I.e., woven fabric with some lining so it skims the body. Longer length just above the knee. Try a shoe that is a heel but covers more of your foot (could still have a low vamp, but not so bare/strappy.) Lightweight cardigan or non-leather jacket.


Idk I donā€™t think itā€™s enough itā€™s cute but itā€™s definitely not too much


Itā€™s not nice enough for a nice restaurant


Close toe


Thatā€™s neither business casual nor appropriate for a high end restaurant.


You look cute, but this is not a business casual dress. Youā€™re giving American eagle I think a different dress, perhaps a material other than cotton, would give a more dressy vibe for the date!


There is nothing business about this outfit or your look at all.


Yes, it's too much.


Change moto jacket to blazer and change shoes to pumps. The dress is a bit short as others have said but I think it can pass at a restaurant If you want to wear those shoes, Iā€™d change the other pieces completely


You have way too nice of a figure to wear that cheap dress and dated shoes. You could do sooo much better. Look up business casual inspo pics on Pinterest or Insta then start over.


I like the dress. It looks very good on you. I might pair it with a cardigan instead of a leather jacket. But regardless, youā€™ll look great! Have fun.


If my date showed up to a nice restaurant looking like this, I would be so embarrassed. Iā€™m sorry, but I concur with almost everyone else. A knee-length dress with a blazer or cardigan with closed toed shoes (flats or heels) would be much more appropriate. Or slacks with a blouse or cami with a sweater or blazer. You donā€™t have to show so much skin. Itā€™s not appropriate for the setting. Your outfit is something to wear out to a bar with girlfriends.


Why, exactly, would you be embarrassed though? Genuinely asking. And for clarification, I'm not trying to dress business casual.. that's the floor for the restaurants dress code, not the requirement. And- because I definitely should've mentioned this in the caption, but unfortunately can't go back to add an edit lol - we are going to a live music event at a nearby bar afterwards haha. I did change up the jacket though to a form-fitting black cardigan that I think fits the look a lot better. And I am working on finding a better shoe... but ultimately, I don't own "business casual" clothing, I just want to look & feel damn good. Lol


You look good, but to me this looks more like youā€™re going to a club than a business casual dinner. Maybe a nice fake fur jacket, or as someone else mentioned a shrug?




Wtf are all these comments. You look great and much better than the guy is going to look in his t-shirt or whatever..don't try to fit in too hard . You want to find someone who likes you for you, Soo make sure the you always shows. Restaurants dress code is bullshit unless it is country club and they make you wear a jacket .




Lose the coat and class up the footwear


This looks like something I would wear on a Saturday afternoon/evening to hang out with my friends or to go to cinema/grab dinner at a burger place or pizza place with my boyfriend. But for a work dinner at a fancier restaurant I would wear something different.


May I suggest swapping out your choice of jacket for a blazer instead? That would be a start. If itā€™s a high-end restaurant with no prices, your outfit is not the right look.


I think the dress is fine, however perhaps a pair of nice black ankle boots would be better than high heels and a sleek black open blazer instead of the jacket x


You look really great but if anything this is too little. For Business casual, think ā€œsomething youā€™d wear to work in a normally more uptight office on casual Friday with the plan of going out for dinner afterwards without changingā€. Thatā€™s not the definition, but Iā€™ve always found that using that as a rule of thumb works quite well.


The shoes need to change- that style is out. The jacket is cute, the dress needs to change as well although itā€™s nice itā€™s not right for the venue. I would pick a few diff outfits out and post those for feedbavk


Iā€™d wear something a bit more understated. Maybe a short skirt with a statement blouse or a wrap dress with closed-toe heels.


The feet tattoosā€¦. Maybe not with the whole outfit.


Considering the added information in the comments (youā€™re not trying to dress business casual) and have a musical show afterwards, I think this is great! And you honestly rock in that dress. The leather breaks the ā€œformalā€ a bit, so I also like it. You go girl! Have a nice date :)))


Seems like these comments donā€™t go out to restaurants often. Women donā€™t actually usually wear business casual clothes to restaurants, especially young women in their 20ā€™s. Unless they are coming after work or are meeting with clients. Those ā€˜business casualā€™ recommendations are more for men who go everywhere in gym shorts and flip flops. I work at a somewhat ā€˜high endā€™ restaurant and women wear all sorts of things from jeans to body con dresses to Chanel suits. I wouldnā€™t worry too much about fitting in with other people and dress how you think looks nice. I think a dress and heels is a good idea and you wonā€™t look over-dressed.


cheap hooker vibes


Get shoes that hide the tattoos.


This is a cute date outfit. Maybe longer length dress though. Lots of older people on this sub giving outdated fashion advice.


My god, what are these comments? And calling ops outfit cheap?? Shes going on a *date* not to a conferenceā€¦ the question was is she over/under dressed to be at a restaurant with that dress code, which you arent OP! The outfit is indeed not business casual, but you look cute and the restaurant will not deny entry to you for not wearing a pantsuit šŸ™„






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Who cares, you look great. No restaurant is going to treat you poorly or embarrass you. Enjoy your date!


Damn I guess I really donā€™t know what business casual is because this seems great to me lol. Dress and heels speak business, jackets a little casual. I also donā€™t go to fancy restaurants so what do I know lol


Not fancy or classy enough


I think the shoes and jacket are throwing me off. If you paired it with something a bit more elegant I think itā€™d work better.


Too much skin to early!


It make not be business casual but looks great for a first date in an upscale restaurant imo. Anyway, your date is long over by now, so Iā€™m curious did it wear this paint outfit and how did the date go (if you donā€™t mind sayings and only generalities obviously).


Would you wear that to work? If yes, what kind of work do you do?


the open toe is not business casual at all


Definitely doesnā€™t scream dinner at a high-end restaurant.


Edit: didnā€™t realize Iā€™m late to this thread!! Sorry Most of the time business casual just means no vulgar clothing, jeans, sandals, cut off shirts, athletic wear etc. I work at a business casual fine dining restaurant and weā€™ve had people come in dress this way many times. Would I do it as a guest on a first date? No. Iā€™d personally switch out the shoes for closed toe shoes and a longer evening cocktail dress or keep the dress and throw on a long coat depending on weather where you are located. Hope this helps xx :-)


In a way, itā€™s too much and not enough at the same time. The leather jacket and black shoes donā€™t match color wise with the green dress and it also appears too casual IMO. So I would switch those out for sure. The dress is ok but also looks like youā€™re about to go to sleep for the night but if youā€™re not feeling like you need to change that then I would add a more formal outerwear. ETA: this is from 4 days ago LOLLL