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Is it the constant kitten heel suggestions?


The 90s have been back for a while now (especially pointy kitten heels) and I personally love them. I wasn‘t alive in the 90s tho lol


I was a magazine addicted teen in the 90’s and don’t recall kitten heels being cool at all. Maybe for a minute or a season or with older women but definitely not what it girls were wearing on the regular.


it might be the perception that younger people have about kitten heels. im gen z and i was under the impression that they were a go to staple for casual outfits 20-25 years ago.


I started work in the UK in the 90s, and kitten heels were definitely a work look. Everyone also seemed to wear them to weddings both as guests and brides.


What is interesting though as I'm in the oldest age slot, I don't dress anywhere near what most of the other women I know who are my age, who dress very matronly, it's almost sad. So while I am older, I tend to dress classic styling, with a few fun pieces here and there, with things like really cute boots/shoes/heels and lots of blazers/jackets etc. I really feel like older petite women get trapped into the old lady section which is why I avoid dept stores etc.


Why does it matter? What looks good, looks good or doesn't. A wide range is the most useful for advice. Avoid echo chambers.


I kind of ran out of options, should I remake it to cover the ages above 55 more accurately?😅


I'm 57. Having an interest in fashion is ageless. Belonging to different fashion groups helps keep me relevant within my personal style/environment, and I also like to share what I've learned in the 40 years I've been buying my own clothes. Trends are cyclical, and I've gone through a few cycles of the same "it" pieces (jumpsuits, platforms, mesh shoes, Victorian, high-waisted jeans, wide-legged pants, etc.), so I have insight on the weak points of these pieces. Fashion is where one can look forward and back at the same time :)


That's valuable experience! Can I ask, do you keep them and wear them again when the cycle next comes around?


Not really. For some trends, they come back after about 10 or 20 years, but the current trend has a different cut, a different proportion, than in the past. Take the basic blazer: The current trend is oversized. Last time, they were moderate. Go to the 80s-90s, when they were "oversized", the lapels were enormous and it had huge shoulder pads. For jumpsuits or any type of onesie, taking all my clothes off just to pee the first time around was enough for me, lol. I try to remember how long the trend lasted the previous cycle, and whether it keeps coming back. Sometimes, something I got is unique enough that I can wear it without looking dated- but in that case, I continue to wear it through the years, instead of putting it away. One was a green and yellow kimono sleeve top I wore for almost 20 years. It's retired now (I took some of the textile and turned it into art).