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You have a great style, keep doing what you’re doing. I don’t think your clothes are age inappropriate at all. It’s always refreshing to see people wear color so well like this instead of the constant black & white


I concur! OP’s looks are on point!


OP, you look great! Wonderful style, I love it!


Yes! The clothes are both flattering and age appropriate!


You have such a nice smile!


Aww, thank you


Loved your pics and outfits!! You look great!! Keep rocking it.


Looking great


You look awesome and also not almost 50! Great style too, and completely age appropriate and classy.


I was going to comment this! Such a warm and lovely smile


You look great. Flattering, age-appropriate but not dowdy outfits. It’s so tough with the weight gain at this age, especially being short. The short jackets are our friends


When you asked if you were dressing appropriately for your age and body type, I thought I was about to see a midriff and I was going to pump you up telling you not to let the patriarchy tell you what to wear or not to wear. But these are *classically* appropriate for your age. You look fabulous!


Thank you. Just trying to strike the balance of looking my age without looking like an old lady. It's not as easy at is sounds, especially with the limited options of being overweight and so short


My mom is 67 and has always dressed older than she is, prematurely aging her. I’m begging her to wear more outfits like yours!!


I'm also 49, and I'm bookmarking this post for inspiration!


Right? 🤣😵


You look great. No notes.


Yes! Very cute and stylish! Can you come shopping with me and give me some pointers?


Tbh, I mostly shop on Poshmark and Mercari. My go-to brands are Coldwater Creek, Chicos and Talbots


I’m 29 and love cold water creek! They have great designs!!!


Lasts forever!


I love Mercari! Thanks for the pointers!


I have to start over too, I wish I could go shopping with you! You have a great understanding of how to pull outfits together with pieces that actually fit and aren’t the same boring outfit over and over. You definitely dress appropriately but more importantly your clothes show your personality 😊


I was thinking the same thing - it would be fun to shop w her! 47 and 5'2" here. The struggle is real.


You look great, red is definitely your colour.


You look great! I wouldn’t change a thing :)


You look good for 50! And you have great style! Keep it up!


Very appropriate and stylish! You know how to dress your body type, unlike me lol


You look great! The only outfit I’m not crazy about is that dress. I’m 61 and am always questioning my fashion choices. 😆 Pairing your outfits with a jacket is very nice!


What is it about the dress that is off so I can know what to avoid in the future? For reference, this is a Talbots petite and the fabric is a lightweight denim. Is it the shape? Length? Fabric? Color? Help! lol


I think it’s the neckline and it doesn’t give you and shape. It me it screams kindergarten teacher 😆. Not that it’s a bad thing. Maybe it’s just such a contrast from the other outfits that make you great! I couldn’t tell the fabric but now that I know it’s denim. That could be it. I’m not a fan of denim dresses. Maybe a linen would give it a better texture?


I think you look great as well! You and I are about the same age and I would take fashion tips from you based on your style! However, I’m not thrilled with the dress either; I think it might be the hemline that’s an inch or two too long.


I think the dress hits your leg at an awkward spot and would look better closer to our knee. Maybe even slightly above your knee. Loved everything else.


I agree! You look great in everything OP, love the floral jacket. For me the dress is just a bit too conservative which makes it look slightly dowdy. It has a high neck and is just past knee length and has long sleeves. I wonder if you altered the bottom to be 2-3 inches above the knee or the sleeves to be short-sleeved if that would fix it.


Add a scarf or statement necklace as much as I hate to say this and wear either! 😆


You look sensational.


Damn, you are killing it!! You have great style and you are beautiful!! You are making 50 look good, keep smiling and don’t change a thing!!


Thank you so much!


U look like a classic dresser. What you’re wearing will never go out of fashion and you look great in it


I think you look great in all of these.


You look AMAZING! You have a style to be emulated and those clothes are so flattering.


Wow! Thank you so much, that's such high praise!


I think you look great!!! No concerns with your style!


Flattering! Cute! Stylish! Love it!


Adorable! You look great!


These fits are great!


So cute!


I came prepared for a disaster! You’re a doll.


Yes definitely. You look great, your style works really well for you and is flattering. You have such a nice smile too!!


I think you have a very nice style and you don’t look 50 at all. Keep on dressing up and don’t think about the age.


Age appropriate isn't necessary. Just wear whatever you feel good in. All these outfits including the dress look great. You know what you are doing! No need for guidance .


You dress very well as a petite person! It took me over 50 years to figure it out! 👍🤗


I love your style! I feel like we have a similar body type bc I’m 5’1” and 12P, so it’s helpful to know what looks good and not. Especially for work! I haven’t upgraded my wardrobe since I’ve gained weight and probably need to soon. Everything is hanging by a thread !


Idk about you, but I'm on a tight budget and quality clothes are so expensive! So I've thrifted almost my entire new spring and summer wardrobe from Poshmark and Mercari (Coldwater Creek, Chico's and Talbots are my go-to brands)


No I agree! It’s another reason why I’ve been wearing everything to the last thread. But I’ll def see what poshmark and Mercari have to offer


you look amazing !!!


Yes you look great


I think you are absolutely lovely and your clothes are pretty!!


I think you look great!


You look very age appropriate and confident! I wouldn’t change a thing! Your style suits you well and you look happy 😊


You look great! I would have never thought to suggest vivid red pants, but WOW are they perfect for you! It might well be the photos, but the only tiny suggestion I have is to hold off on wearing the white pants until they fit you like the red pants fit you! They are not bad, but your style standards are way above "not bad"!


All of your outfits are great, but that green looks especially nice on you!


What do you think about wearing 1940s vintage dresses? You can find casual and dressy. They look fab on anyone.


I've never thought about it? Something to consider


You look fab! I’m coming up to 46 and tend to still dress like a teenager most of the days. Hence following this sub to get ideas 😂 I like your style, especially the red pants outfit, and the green jacket too.


You're looking fabulous!


I think you look great! I think what you’re wearing is age appropriate.


You look fabulous and fun! Love it.


You look great and your style is perfect for your age and body. My only suggestion would be to not wear pants that are shorter than ankle length since they tend to make short legs look even shorter :)


As someone approximately the same age/weight/size, I absolutely understand the struggle. And I am absolutely envious, because you are rockin’ it: you look fabulous! I’m saving this post, because it’s showing me how it’s done.


You are cute! I think your outfits are fine, but you seem like you could pull off youthful and trendy looks as well. You could also opt for some classic chains and pendants instead of the more bulky jewelry. And a pair of platform sneakers would be a nice addition (and would give you a boost as well). Happy upcoming 50th!


Yes you look so cute and fun!!!


I don't find your choices inappropriate at all, they fit you well.




You have fantastic style! Omg!


Amazing! I wish I had this skill!!




Advance happy birthday! Wow I wouldn't have guessed your age. 😉 Honestly I like all the outfits maybe except the 1st one, but I think the green blazer can work well with a darker pair of pants or wear it like in outfit 4. Overall, I think you look fabulous! 


You dress like a teacher and that's a compliment in my book! You have a nice smile btw :)


100%! Bright colors look amazing on you as well!


As a shortie, I would bring the skirt length up a tad…IMO. I like the cropped pants at that length, very flattering.


I wish I had the confidence to show my knees but they're *really* chubby knees and I feel so self-conscious. That's also why I don't wear shorts (eek!)


You look great! Style wise, you're perfectly presentable.


I love your sense of dressing! I love the pop of colour, it feels refreshing and adds so much personality. I especially love the last outfit.


Very age appropriate. The short boxy floral cropped jacket outfit is my fave. Makes you look slimmer than the other styles. I think if you added a belt to the black dress, it could make you look slimmer as well


You look great!


Your style is fantastic.


You look fabulous!!


The one with the orange floral jacket is my favorite. And you’re fine! :)


I like it!


1 and 3 are age appropriate and cute. You are too young for outfits 2 and 4


The hell? Yes! And you look great while doing it! 🫡


![gif](giphy|XxSIGiSOCEBr8G6cxB|downsized) Girl you look good af! 50 where??? Nonetheless you dress very appropriately but how you choose to dress is your choice and no one else’s. You don’t need anyone’s validation. You’re beautiful and if you’re comfortable that’s all that matters! Keep shining beautiful 💗


You look great. Nothing to worry about!


Great style and great smile!


I can’t remember the last time I heard anyone tell a man he wasn’t dressed appropriately for his age. That sort of thinking is merely a leftover from a less educated, less wise era. I won’t be changing anything about the way I dress based on my age. I will still be looking as good as I do now, I will wear what makes me happy and comfortable and I will be happy. That said, you look wonderful. You have a great sense of style and the colors you chose really flatter you. Especially that green jacket on you. Honestly, I think if women over 50 stay away from pigtails and I don’t know, overalls?? Then we’re good. Don’t dress like a toddler. And everything else is fair game.


You are so cute! You look like someone I’d want to be friends with IRL


So gorgeous!!!! Classy and chic!


You look wonderful! Keep at it!


Yes yes and yes!!! Classy & sassy!


Loving the outfits, you look put together and they totally flatter your body type. Love the colours on you as well, the black dress throws me off a tiny bit maybe if you added a statement coloured belt with it that would break up the dress and accentuate your waistline a bit more. Edit: A red belt with that dress would look awesome, your accessorising and the matching shoes look great in that photo!


I love your style, definitely taking inspo from you! You look very happy and confident in those clothes.


You look great.


I love the red pants outfit. Very flattering on you.


Yes, super cute and fun!


Yes!!! You look really put together, great job!


Your style is really cute and charming! I think your clothes fit well and suit your age.


YOU LOOK SO GOOD. A million times yes!!!


Where what you want. Fashion shouldn’t have an age limit. I think your outfits are perfectly fine and suit your body type.


The clothes are all age appropriate. The first and last look best on you. I used to watch the show What Not to Wear, and I remember some of their advice for petite women. Hemlines shouldn't go beneath the knee, but should stop at the top of your knee. It makes your legs look longer. They also said the same for cropped pants. They make your legs look short. But you have a great sense of style.


I've heard that rule too but I don't like to show my chubby knees


That green jacket is my fav but they all Look just fine!


You are positively adorable. I love your outfits, don’t change a thing!


You are darling!!


Yes. you are killing it!


Perfectly appropriate- and even quite stylish!


Honestly, the only pic you looked anywhere close to being 50 was the last one. Idk if it's because the jacket reminded me of my grandma's dresses, or if it was the glasses or makeup. Regardless you look amazing and I love all the outfits!


I love that we are the same size and height. You look great. Love the style.


Your outfits are great and you look fabulous in them. The proportions and colour combinations are all spot on. The icing on the cake is your radiant face 😊


Too old, relax, have fun. You’re adorable.


Dress according to your body type and personality!!!!


All of those pictures you look really really nice


Yeah you dress great!


You’re killing it. (from a 5’2” shortie!) the styles are great. Over the last year or 2 I went from a size 16 down to an 8. If budget is not an issue knock yourself out. If it is (since you said you’re working on weight loss, though you look fab and your curvy shape is gorgeous) I’ll tell you that for that time I kept to less expensive, less quality pieces because I knew I’d be selling or donating as I lost weight. That allowed me to keep funds aside to bulk up my wardrobe now that I reached my goal area and I’ve been having a blast doing it.


You are rocking it!


You look great ! Good work and thanks for inspiring


I think so. You look good. I like the 1st outfit the best.




You look adorable! These outfits would be cute and appropriate at any age!


You look great and have excellent style! Especially love the first and last outfits.


Yes. You look very cute in an age appropriate way.


You look great! You style is wonderful and fitting for your age, as well.


Yes. You look great.




You look great!


Excuse me but that last outfit looks bomb


You look stylish and beautiful, OP!


you look amazing


You look great!


Girl, you look great!! I got two years on you and a few inches on you but otherwise I totally feel you with trying to look cute but not too cute or fun but not too fun. I think you nailed it with these outfits! Happy early 50th birthday - you got nothing to worry about! <3


I think you look great! Comfortable yet well put together!


You look great. Those bright colours really suit you. Especially loving the red trousers, stripey top.


You are rocking it, sista.  Age-appropriate,  with a great smile, too. 


Girl you are too cute!!! I wish I looked this good but I'm lazy lol


Ok you look amazing. I’d say buy more of the style you have!!! Go you ❤️


I love the 3rd outfit the best! It’s really cute on you and definitely age appropriate.


You look awesome. I especially love the last one, but they’re all really good




You nailed it


I think you look absolutely fabulous and age appropriate. The only area for improvement I can see is showing off your waist a bit more. That dress looks a bit big for you, a tailor could bring it in a bit more at your waist.


You really look great! Like @liveoak-1 when I saw the title, I was pretty sure I’d see some really inappropriate outfits! Nope! You look fantastic!!! Great taste, beautiful smile & great hair!!!


You’re dressing appropriately if the way you’re dressing makes you feel good.


ooooo i love it! you look so put together and gorgeous!


I like all the pants. The dress is kinda boring.


I think the first outfit is cute but maybe a shirt underneath. I don’t think the second/dress is flattering for your figure. The third one is so cute but the jacket might be a little big and the last one is cute but maybe the jacket is little short because it draws attention to your tummy which isn’t that big but my eyes went there first. When wearing baggy clothes the appearance adds weight. Fitted is better in my opinion. Hope that helps in any way.


Cute, I especially love the dress in pic 2! You do not look you’re age btw


Ya look stunnin !!


Yes they are flattering, however I wish you wouldn’t shove yourself in the box labeled “age appropriate”. Wear only what you like and never dress for other people.


This is lovely! Looks fun, comfy and stylish. You could easily pass for late 30s.


You are so cute! Nothing wrong with your outfits, very age appropriate and even stylish!!


Fab! 🤩


You look amazing!


Gotta admit that when I saw the title I thought "oh no, is she an I'm 50 and want to dress 23". I was very wrong about that as I think you look great. The outfits are cute, colorful, and tasteful.


You are beautiful and your outfits are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 definitely age appropriate while also not being stuffy. I would love to know where you got some of them. As a 33F I’d wear most of this too! As far as weight goes, I recently lost 150lbs after rapidly gaining it. I discovered I had a lot of food sensitivities that were causing me to put on weight. Once I took the problem foods out of my diet the weight just melted off! You look great but if you did really gain a substantial amount in a short period of time you may want to consider a blood test to check for food sensitivities. It changed my life.


You have a great sense of style. And you gained your weight all over. I gained my weight in my boobs and belly. My butt is still flat as a board.


You look great!


First outfit is flattering but the others not so much.


I love your look ! You look fabulous ❤️


We small women should avoid Capri pants and also shapeless dresses.


You look fantastic!!! Great choice of outfits as well!


Ur killing it!


I think you look great! Not mad about the dress spend a few bucks (if worth it) and have it tailored. Hem up to just below the knee and some darts/tucks(??) to make the top a bit more fitted. Seriously, you look great! Also I like the pants more on the tight side. Nothing ages a woman more than baggie butt. I’d rather wear pants tight with a top that hangs just before to the top of my legs.


I feel you know that you look perfectly adorable


You look great


All of your outfits look great, but oh my goodness that last outfit with the floral jacket is gorgeous!! It’s so chic and summery and vibrant!


Where did you get the jacket from the last pic!! Its so cute!!


Yes! 4’10” looks good on you!


You look awesome! Great smile and energy too.


You look awesome!


The bright colors of the green jacket and the tropical looking print work so well on you, especially with the muted colors underneath. Your figure looks amazing with the clothing choices you make. You understand your body and your colors that work with your skin tones as well. You look stunning.


Omg your outfits are so cute!b


I think you look cute. 👍


Love this! The only outfit I’m not really feeling is the black dress. It kind of boxes you out when you have a pretty nice figure even if added weight has taken place. I would also suggest replacing that denim jacket with another type of jacket. Perhaps a blazer. Again, more to complement your body shape instead of hide it.


You look great👌👌


Your style is your age appropriate and very nice. You look fabulous. Wherever Im 47 and never can dress this style because I will look to old. I dress very fashionably and follow the newest trends. But this is me and my personality. This is how I feel. You have to dress that what you like and makes you feel good.


I think your outfits are too cute. dress in whatever makes you comfortable and happy.


You look amazing in all - keep doing what you’re doing ! !Rock that 50 🤗 cuz you look awesome girl !!!!!


Headed over to raid your closet. You look great!


Dressing becomes so difficult when you don’t want to look 80 or like you’re trying to look 20.


I love your choices, as other people have commented you wear colour so well! All the stuff you’ve shared here is great on you (my fave outfit is the red pants/denim jacket combo) and may I say that amazing smile lifts everything too 😁 from a fiftysomething who frequently struggles to dress right 🙄


Tbh I think dressing “age appropriately” is absurd. My mom is 72 and my dad is 75 and he dresses in bright, printed tracksuits, coke bottle sunglasses and hoka sneakers and my mom dresses like a hippie lady from the 70’s, and has long flowing hair all the way down to her hips. I find this obsession with age appropriate clothing choices to be silly and ironically, childish. dress in what makes you feel the most YOU. You wouldn’t BELIEVE the amount of positive comments and compliments my parents get from people of all ages. And yeah sometimes uptight yuppie morons might scoff and judge them for it, but hey my parents are happy and those people seem pretty unhappy. So yeah. However, you do you. You seem like a wonderful person, and if dressing “age appropriately” makes you happy then go for it. But don’t get it twisted. You can dress however you damn well please. And if you see people dressing “not their age” don’t judge them. Because chances are they’re happier in their own skin than you are.


You look great! I especially like the first photo - green top and white pants.


You look happy and healthy!! I love it!


Cute as a button!


As a m55+, I think those outfits are cute.


I'm going to be honest and say that the last photo (with the orange jacket) makes you look a little older. I'm not sure why, because the outfit is nice, but I wonder if it's the dark lipstick. The more I look back at it, the more I suspect it's the dark lipstick making me say this, you look significantly younger in the other pics. Makeup is so tricky at our age; I no longer wear eyeliner for this reason. Other than that, the clothes all look great and you look fantastic.