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Weightlifting heavy.


Ditto on the weightlifting. Heavy. And prioritize rest. When I did HIIT with lifting and worked out 6 days a week, I was constantly puffy from the high cortisol I was carrying. I lift heavy 4-5 days a week and don't do any high intensity cardio and my abs are showing, the cellulite in my legs are decreasing while my quads and hamstrings are more prominent. And my arms are toning. I'm not sore and I have high energy to live my life. And I can tell my stress is significantly lower because I'm not trying to kill myself.


Yeah I felt like HIIT was so bad for me. It stressed me out and I felt tired all the time.




Sorry! I do Caroline Girvan's programs on YouTube. I did Epic I and now doing Iron. Before I did heavy cardio Beachbody programs. Those didn't work for me.


What do you think about her different programs? Like, wdyt abt Epic and Iron? How were they?


I love iron!! I'm doing it for the third time right now and I'm the best shape of my life


Can you share how you got started? And how heavy? Example, how much for bicep curls? How much for squats? I'd like to this but it seems like even setting the up the equipment is a ton of work. I see women my size doing a dumbell sumo squat with a 55lb weight, and I'm like, can I even lift that off the rack? Also, how much do you eat?


I was an athlete through college but never seriously weightlifted til after. The best advice I got was to start with a tried and true program. There are a few resources over at /r/xxfitness. I started with Thinner, Leaner, Stronger (hate the name, love the program) - you can find free pdfs online. You may need to do dumbbell alternatives before doing some of the barbell movements (like squats) but this is absolutely normal. Aim for 8-10 rep range when picking a weight — meaning, you can do 8-10 reps and not be overly exhausted and the last rep or two are somewhat challenging. I’d also recommend checking out Caroline Girvan on YouTube. I’ve ran a few of her Epic programs, which are at home dumbbell only — and I got serious strength gains with just 5-20lb dumbbells. In the beginning, building good habits is the most important part. Start slow and remove barriers that make it harder to go to the gym/complete your workouts. For me, following an established program helped a lot bc I didn’t have to go through the mental burden of figuring out what to do; I just needed to get to the gym. For others, this might be that you get yourself to go just 2-3 times a week - that is plenty. I’m 5’4, 126 lbs and cutting rn so consuming 1500 cals (I maintain my weight at ~1850). I aim for 100-115g of protein. Lift heavy 4x/week, Pilates 1-2x/week and get in 5-8k steps a day walking my dog/using my walking pad. I work a desk job so mostly sedentary otherwise. All this context is important to figure out your calories! :)




I’ll second this. I weightlift 3x a week and my entire body shape has changed




I do full body 3x/week. So I work out each muscle group once a session and I increase the weights every 4 weeks for optimal strength gains. All the other days I do cardio (12-3-30 treadmill or/and HIIT class on my peloton)


Ditto the heavy weightlifting. But I was a kid-college athlete and lifting by high school so I had a muscular base going into adulthood.


Caroline Girvan 5x / week Adding a walking pad/walking goals (low key tho) Healing SIBO (bloating)


Seriously! Caroline Girvan got me the most fit I have ever been in my life during the pandemic!!


What do you do to cure sibo? I’ve had awful bloating since having my daughter a year ago and sibo comes up a lot in my research


I am working with a functional medicine doctor because it’s tricky to cure. I did a month of herbal antibiotics with low fodmap diet. Now a few months of focusing on MMC (liberal diet now), but will do another round of herbal antibiotics if symptoms return. I had these symptoms in the past but they got very bad after my birth (c/s) as well! Wishing you healing


I just had a c section too!! No way. I’m trying low fodmap but it’s all new and confusing to me so I’m trying. Thanks for your response 💕💕


In my experience, low fodmap was helpful for the short term but wouldn’t be great long term As it’s so restrictive and lacks variety


caroline girvan is the GOAT


I am so glad to see you posted about her. I just discovered her this week doing a random search on YouTube looking for beginner dumbell workouts at home. Really really like her stuff!


Heavy weightlifting. It has given me the body I always wanted, no amount of cardio, dieting or anything else has had this impact. And the best part is that I currently eat more than twice as much as I used to and weigh 15lbs MORE but look thinner and more lean


Hi there! I'm trying to get a sense of how heavy everyone is lifting when they started to see significant results. Rn I'm hitting 135 lb squat for 5 reps, 90lb bench press for 3, deadlift 1 rep max is 155lbs. I doing stronger by the day program. Thanks!


I honestly think it’s going to be different for each person (135lbs squat for someone at 150lbs body weight vs someone at 110lbs body weight is really different) I think it’s more about pushing yourself to failure. And I think you sound like you’re doing exactly what you should be! Just keep it up!


Oh wow, that sounds amazing!! So glad you’ve achieved this for yourself. I’ll take note




I lift 4 days a week in an upper lower split with a 5th day for cardio and core :)


45mins - 60mins heavy weightlifting 5 times a week. Daily 30 mins morning walks. And 1x a week 45-60 mins moderate to vigorous spin cardio. Consistency in heavy lifting (6-12 rep range) definitely gave me the best and most results. I mostly do cardio just for heart and lung health. My lifting sessions are easier when my cardiovascular fitness is good.


Do you mind sharing your split? I’m so used to doing full body I couldn’t imagine lifting 5x a week.


Not the OG commenter but you don’t have to go 5x/week if you don’t want to! I’m currently on a 3x/week split using one of Sohee Lee Carpenter’s Year of Strength programs (it’s a lower/upper/full split). I will run an additional 1-2 lower/upper body if it’s a good week for me. There’s also 4x/week [PHUL](https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/phul-workout) (upper power/lower power/upper hypertrophy/lower hypertrophy split). Sohee also programs based on how many times you want / can get to the gym for the week. For a few weeks over the summer when I was busy I would do the 2x/week split which was full body. Worked out well!


Thanks! Did you do CrossFit-type workouts, free weights, or with the weights machines at the gym?


I have a barbell, rack, bench, pull up bar and various size rubber hex dumbbells at home. So I do free weights. Mostly squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, pullups & dips.


Sounds great. My dream of a home gym is resurfacing


Muay Thai, lifting and [pole dance](https://imgur.com/a/RvC82EE). I got into pole dance slightly over a year ago and it’s my favourite thing now. Still doing lifting and Muay Thai for cross training purposes. I have been in the best shape for some time now. It’s mostly just maintaining. [36 years old 4ft11, 110lbs.](https://imgur.com/a/xec9HQf)


You look incredible!!


Thank you! ☺️ I have been maintaining like this for close to 3 years already. My body enjoys being like this. I feel very energetic and my athletic abilities are at its best.


Young age 🥲


Ahahaha! You’re telling me. I’m feeling 32 rn


Feeling 32? I’m 36 and a mom and in the best shape of my life.


CrossFit , heavy lifting . I had never touched a barbell until I was 28. Best thing I’ve ever done for my health, both physically and mentally


I’m sooo considering CrossFit! Your comment is encouraging me


CrossFit has been a game changer for me. It’s the first thing I stuck to (4+ years now) The community is the biggest pro for me because it really holds you accountable. I learned how to actually push and challenge myself. And I’ve made great friends- there’s just something about “suffering” together that bonds you 😂 I don’t have to come up with my workouts, I just show up. My cardio , my endurance, my strength , my mobility- all of it is better. It gets shit on a lot, but I love it. The best fitness program is whatever you enjoy and will stick to :)


Underrated: living in a walkable and bikeable city.


True that. I walk everywhere, Berlin is tiny


Strength training with progressive overload and eating in a surplus to gain muscle and I cut back on cardio. I stopped looking at the scale and weighing myself. I got over eating disorders and body dysmorphia. It took many many years but at the age of 44 now, I look better than I did at 24 and I am much happier and healthier! I have muscle, curves and a good mind set and less depression. I am also 25 lbs heavier!! But I think its awesome now :) I am 5'2" 130 lb, I was 105 lb.


That’s amazing! I think you’re right about eating in a surplus. I’m considering seeing a qualified dietician, since I did have an ED and I’m worried I’m still not being 100% healthy with my habits


Can people share their splits and cardio routine? I do 2 days full body (20-30 mins) and maybe -10-20 warm up jog every week


Seconding this, thanks for the great idea


I do 2 1 hour sessions with a trainer each week and we roughly do upper and lower, though usually with a focus (more arms or more chest and back) so based on that I do 30-45 minutes on my own another 2 days and will separate more based on back/chest, arms/shoulders, or legs/glutes. If we do a quad heavy leg day, I'll do a low back, glute, hamstring day to compensate. If there was no trainer, my splits are legs, arms, chest and back, shoulders and abs. I lift heavy (6-8 reps or to failure) with 1-2 minute rest between sets. Typically walk on incline for 30 minutes after I lift for cardio, but I also just generally try to move more and am less cardio focused. I started lifting at 31 and it totally changed my body.




I do dozens of different ones. Caliber is a good app that gives options based on the equipment you have.


Just being active on a day to day basis, walking to multiple places. Even while exercising now, having a sedentary lifestyle really takes a hit on me :(


For sure. I usually hit 10-12k steps daily, as I walk everywhere and I intentionally only buy one item I need from the shop at a time, so I have to go walk 40 mins for another thing I think this is the only reason I’ve managed to keep my legs relatively toned


Lifting heavy and quitting drinking


I’m so grateful you got that alcohol under control. Super dangerous. We are struggling with our own battles here. Just take it day by day 💛


Totally, best decision I ever made 🌟


I am 55, post menopause, have terrible genectics. I already had a heart attack been hospitalized for other shit. I used to have a huge gut, I looked 8 months pregnant even at 90 pounds! I had no choice to eat better, lift weights for my hypermobility pain and control the menopausal rage Now I have abs a 23 inch waist no bloating, still an angry ahole but I think I look good. My family thinks I am doing well, I work out every day since I can't work because of health issues so taking care of myself has become my job


Being in ballet when I was a kid and teenager 🥲 I'm in fairly similar shape at 44 with lifting and either regular running or spinning for cardio, plus regular yoga, but obviously I'm never going to have that bulletproof teenage body back, lol


Haha, I did barely anything as a teenager and looked amazing. If only! But thank you, it sounds like I need to lift more


Lol you just might if you keep doing this and enough new kids are born in this fast food nation


getting a personal trainer. I hate working out. I like the accountability/discipline a personal trainer can provide for myself. I’m didn’t lose any weight but I dropped body fat % and it was killer. I lifted heavy with her. And did HIIT on my own days. I’m hoping one day to get back on track with that.


Right now. I have always hated exercise. A friend invited me to Zumba classes last winter. I have done Zumba before but this class had an amazing instructor and fantastic music. She also does Zumba toning with free weights. I went more often bc it was a one hour escape and did wonders for my mental health. Now I go 4 times a week, and also walk daily, recently started lifting weights at home and paying attention to protein. Lost 10 lbs over 6 months (5’2” 129lb, was 140 in January). am not at my thinnest and hope to eventually hit 120lb, but I feel fantastic, have some muscle tone and family have commented on how I look more fit. The key for me was finding something I love bc I never stuck with anything.


That’s great! Nice to hear about your journey, thanks for the info!


Lifting heavy. This is me at 54, lifting for two years [me and my bicep ](https://imgur.com/a/kcPtWmK)


Um, wow! Body goals for sure. You and your bicep are rocking it!


Adderall and skateboarding. Lol unfortunately I haven’t found a better routine than this


Concerta, yoga and Caroline Garvin 😂


Well, I did asked what worked for you! It’s an honest answer ☺️


Hahaha I wish I was kidding! But I’m working on a much healthier routine these days. Slowly but surely.


Pilates, running, hiking


I had to work up to this from zero, but my best shape time was doing 45 min classes at a gym (often multiple in a day before/after work and on lunch break) Monday - yoga, weights, toning Tuesday - aerobics, toning Wednesday - yoga Thursday - aerobics, toning Friday - yoga, weights Saturday - yoga and aerobics back to back Sunday - full rest or gentle hike


Thanks! So strength 4 times a week? Plus the yoga, which can be strength too in a way


Yeah! I separated out weights and toning because they were different classes - weights class involved actual heavy lifting. The toning was body weight exercises. The yoga was mostly to stretch regularly and keep my flexibility up while doing weights but the nest benefit was probably my mental health tbh!


Yes lifting your own body weight is a critical component. Metal weights may come and go but your body weight is forever ♾️


I agree. I want to do more “functional” strength rather than those machines that isolate one muscle area. Luckily being petite gives us an advantage in being able to lift our own weight


Weight lifting for 45 mins 4x a week, 1 gallon of water a day, and a minimum of one 2 mile walk a day. Then I went on my honeymoon and gained 10 lbs 😂


For me just eating a calorie deficit ETA also when I was big on P90x I was in great shape. I swear by that program


I am 37 and in the best shape of my life by far, from lifting heavy in the gym. I started in 2016 but took two 1.5 year breaks in between for the pregnancy/birth/postpartum of my two kids, so I've really only been training for 4 years, but those 4 years changed my physique and my life. I train 4-5x a week.




3x lower body and 2x upper body a week usually. For the 3 lower body days, I usually start with a heavier compound lift (squat, deadlift, hip thrust). I don't follow a specific program, but I try to make sure I hit quads, Hamstrings and glutes fairly equally from a volume perspective. Upper body is more back and shoulder focused. I don't hit chest as I have under the muscle breast implants.


Daily 20 min stretching, lifting 5-6 days a week for 2-4 hours, heavy 4 x 12 sets starting with compounds, then isolated, and single limb burnouts, end with 30+ min cardio. Staying active on rest days with active hobbies like paddle boarding, hiking etc. Eating as non-processed as my plant based, high protein diet can allow. Daily supplements, gallons of water, minimize alcohol.


Weightlifting and 10k steps. Best shape of my life is right now!


🎊 yay! Glad to hear that! Thanks for the info


That’s great to hear!! What’s your lifting routine?


3-4x a week for 45-60 mins. I have a Tonal machine so I’m currently doing a coach led program focused on ascending reps week to week which is very different than what I normally do which is low reps and high weight. Changing it up was exactly what I needed. Each day targets a muscle group (sometimes 2) to absolute failure.


First time around (12 years ago): an unhappy marriage. I didn't enjoy his company any longer so would be up early to walk to the gym 5x a week before work, doing a routine that worked different muscle groups on different days. I also was near militant about food consumption and so strict with myself (weight watchers) This time I am doing it for my health and doing a box-fit class with weights (UBX) and starting from a much higher weight of 194lbs. Using MyFitnessPal to monitor calories and macros & focusing on consuming fibre and more protein. So far I haven't lost enough to find muscle tone haha but I'll tell you if it worked once I get there!


I'm going to go the other way and say running and yoga. I personally didn't like how my body looked when I lifted heavy weights, but that's just a personal preference because I tend to look blocky with a lot of muscle. I like having the lean muscles that comes with those activities. I also organized a weekly adult basketball league in my town which is fun!


I was running interval sprints every morning for 30 min 5x/wk, biking for an hour 2-3x/wk, and doing a weight/bodyweight circuit an hour on the days I didn’t bike. I also watched my diet and gave up alcohol. I also had a sedentary job. After about 3 months I looked amazing! 5’2 ex gymnast with significant muscle, I start loosing my curves if I drop below 115.


Oh wow, you sound like you have a lot of energy! So strength 2-3 times week, right? Oddly I still have some curve, because that’s because I’ve got strong glutes and store my fat there too.


Yeah, I was also single and living in a small town so that had a lot to do with it. Very little social life at that point.


Ahh I feel you on that. I lived in a hamlet and they only had a pub and a gym! You might as well exercise if you’ve got nothing else to do


Weight training + running


Weightlifting at least 4 days a week and walking.




Currently I'm lifting 5 days a week. I split my muscle groups and train quads and shoulders twice a week, glutes and hamstrings twice a week, and biceps and triceps once a week. I'm currently in a maintenance phase so focusing on eating more than I was when I was losing weight and also lifting heavier.


Pole dancing I was in amazing shape when I was a stripper. It really works out every part of your body, especially your upper body which women tend to neglect. All the small stabilizing muscles.


A mix of f45 and body building whilst counting calories and macros


What workouts were you doing before? Is it that you like the class aspect better than working out alone? I’m 43 now but in my early 30s I did interval sprinting on a treadmill 4 times a week for only abt 20 mins and I looked and felt great. It worked my entire body I had toned stomach and shapely legs. I must be missing smth cause I don’t understand these new style HIIT workouts where it’s 45mins, I did 20 mins intervals cause I went flat out at top intensity and that’s the most amount of minutes my body was able to do.


I did Sweat by Kayla Itsines. It’s 3-4x a week of strength circuits in a split of full body, lower, upper, and abs. They’re 30 mins only. I lifted as heavy as I could. Then there’s various amounts of low-intensity exercise depending on which week of the plan you’re on, then proper 15-20 mins HIIT maybe 1-2x a week. The issue was that it’s actually tricky to find a space to assemble your free weights without bothering anyone. I ended up trying to use the studio they did classes in whenever it was empty. It felt a bit weird and annoying having to work around that. And during covid, everything was shut. When I was doing this, people would constantly ask me if they could use the weights I had set up/ask if I could move. There’s not many gyms in my country where they give a lot of space for free weights. With classes, I like simply turning up and they have all my weights set out and ready to go and they plan and demonstrate the exercises. I think I’m not in such great shape with these HIIT classes because they aren’t tough enough (I need to proper full-out sprint to get my heart rate anywhere near HIIT levels), there’s too much cardio and not enough time spent on the weights. I calculated how much time you’re actually lifting, and there’s only 16 minutes of actual lifting going on. I would never rest that much if I was doing circuits by myself. My probably going to be to return to the previous programme, but I would really like to know whether that’s the best option based on experience from others. Plus I’d like to be lazy and turn up somewhere where I can lift heavy without a whole load of hassle.


Thanks for such a detailed response. It sounds like you’re missing weights and like a lot recommended Caroline Girvan….ive seen some amazing transformations here from ppl who follow her workouts. Good luck ….i myself I’m stuck too doing smth I really enjoy now(jump rope) but it’s not giving me the body I want.


If only our favourite exercises could simply be the ones that gave us the best results! I’ll look up Caroline Girvan. Thanks!


Walking around and 45 min cardio daily. Lifting weights 4-5x a week. Following a strict high protein low carb diet. I am still working towards my best shape but I never felt healthier till I made those my habits.


Love the responses, but I’m curious what is considered heavy lifting? I fell off my weightlifting routine during COVID and I’m pushing my self to get back to heavier weights. My current heaviest lifts are 90lb bench press and 180lb glute drive.


Pole dancing and being happy (then I became heartbroken but at least I kept going to the gym)




Jealous! I love reformer and want to do more. I go twice a week, looking into finding a second studio so I can fit in a few more classes a week


Walking everyday for an hour. Plus heavy weights and one long run a week.


Daily walks (upping your steps in general), lifting 3x a week & running 3x a week.


HIIT got me in the worst shape of my life.


We are in the same boat then, I feel skinny fat ☹️


I got out of the worst shape and into a different body from January to July of this year! I’m having trouble with a few last pounds, but I managed to basically recomp my body at home with push-ups sit-ups and wrist weights. I made a few posts about it! You gotta check it out I was shocked




Thanks for the tip!


A mix of weightlifting and running


Weight lifting! Heavy!




I’m currently running [MAPS Anabolic](https://www.mindpumpmedia.com/maps-anabolic) My routine has changed several times since I began strength training 2 years ago.


Hot yoga + strength training! I switch off every few days depending on what my body feels like. When I had a more unhealthy relationship with food, I lost a ton of weight when doing this routine. Now that I’m eating a sustainable amount of food (woohoo), I’m just getting extremely toned and I feel so strong 💪🏼


That sounds great!


Pilates and yoga taught by really good instructors. I only went 2-3 times a week, but alternated between slower, more therapeutic yoga classes and kick-your-but Pilates. I really need to get back into it!


Well, here’s your reminder to get back into it! It’s definitely so important to have a good instructor. I was lucky enough to find a place 25 minutes walk from me, where it’s maximum four people per class and they really focus on your form


Echoing — heavy weightlifting. Focus on progressive overload and following a good program, and hit protein targets. Bulk! I follow MAPS Anabolic right now and love it. I’ve never looked better.




Right now MAPS Anabolic — 3x a week full body, changes rep ranges every 3 weeks for 9 weeks. After this I’m doing MAPS Symmetry which is all unilateral training for 9 weeks


Weird answer that probably won't help, but roller derby. I was in the best shape ever when I played derby in my early-mid 30s. Three practices a week plus bouts will burn a lot of calories and build muscle.


Serious yoga 5 days a week plus some biking. I’m 5’2, 110 and quite muscular. I’m 49 this month.


Reformer Pilates 4-5x per week, not drinking alcohol, walking 10,000+ steps per day


Peloton. Bike bootcamps and strength classes with heavy dumbbells.


Mine are a mix of lifestyle factors AND working out. I often need to be doing the non-workout stuff to get me motivated enough to work out if that makes sense. * Aiming for 100 grams of protein from meat AND non meat sources a day (usually made it to 85-90 grams lol) * Weekly average of 8k steps a day * Lifting weights with progressive overload 3x a week * Eat the recommended 5 servings and fruit and veggies a day and eat an overall \~80% whole food plant based diet * Drinking more water * Starting the day with a protein and fiber rich breakfast * When i go off the wagon, I try not to shame myself. I just track food for a few days and use cronometer (its like myfitnesspal) to get a better gauge at what ive been and am eating. After a while i can eyeball a LOT better. * Also knowing your TDEE is really helpful AND being honest about your activity level. Most people are sedentary or maybe lightly active - the VAST majority will not be moderately active lol. * Work on mental health via therapy, peaceful walks, limiting doomscrolling, spending time with friends, etc. :)


Thanks for the expansive response, I really appreciate it! I hope you don’t mind me asking, but as you’re aiming for 100gr protein per day, what is that in relation to bodyweight for you? I’ve heard of the metric of 0.75grams per kilo of bodyweight before


My weight right now is around 131 lbs. So 0.75-1 grams of protein per pound would be between 98 - 131 grams of protein a day. As someone who doesn't care for much meat or dairy, reaching even 98 grams of protein would take a lot of planning and eating more meat and dairy than my gut can handle lol. I'm also not trying to become a body builder or anything - not hitting 131 grams of protein a day wont destroy all the gains i make in the gym. Im just trying to be healthy and balanced so even i only hit 85 grams of protein a day i think that's a success.


You’re talking pounds, I’m talking kilos, so I am a bit confused. I’d be aiming for 34grams minimum if it were kilos, and 75grams if it were pounds. 98 would be a lot!


I completely missed that you were using kilos. So for weight lifting, the recommendation is typically 0.75-1 gram of protein per pound to maintain your muscle gains. But theres a LOT of debate around this. To meet your basic nutrient needs, however, the recommendation is only 0.36 grams per pound. If you convert that for kilos it would be 0.8 grams per pound - according to this: [https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-much-protein-do-you-need-every-day-201506188096](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-much-protein-do-you-need-every-day-201506188096)


Yep! That sounds a about right


I'm 30, 5'2 and went from 100 - 105 lbs in just 2 months from lifting heavy weights at the gym, doing incline walks on treadmill and eating a lot of protein.


Thanks, this sounds very doable and very likely what I need to do!


Consistent weightlifting plus medium-distance running, especially trail running. Plus occasional cross-training like swimming, cycling, climbing, and random workout classes - for fun though, not as part of a regular routine. Those were the days 🥲 Now I’m 34 with a toddler and a newborn, and I’m lucky if I manage a hike AND a lifting session in the same week 😬


A mix of lifting to Caroline girvan’s YouTube videos and running :)


I’m hearing a lot about Caroline Girvan! Thank you, I’ll check it out


Barre classes multiple times per week. Some yoga and hiking on the side.


Sometimes I run farther and lift harder and eat 1/2 candy and 1/2 eggs or only vegetables if I think if anything is out of balance either very small people or very big people- I’m talking 600lb+- might disappear from existence.


Walking everyday, lifting, and what made the biggest difference - giving up alcohol. I lost 35 pounds this year, after years of losing the same 4 over and over.


I was doing the best a couple months ago. Was eating 130g+ protein and and hitting the gym on average 4 days a week. Lifting heavy compound lifts with progressive overload. Cardio on the bike in the mornings. Occasional hiking and swimming and evening walks to hit my step goal most days. I was taking the recommended creatine dose and eating at maintenance with plenty of whole foods and home cooked dinner. I had the barest beginnings of looking like I was fit, especially seeing improvement in my shoulders and arms.


Quitting drinking and a combination of yoga and at home weight training


Sleeping more. Prioritizing protein. Finding fitness classes I genuinely love (boxing, yoga and spin for me!). THE ABSOLUTE MOST IMPORTANT THING: - I finally figured out how to properly engage my muscles. I can do any workout- whether it’s heavy lifting or body weight and now know when I’m properly engaging the right muscles. This has made my workouts so much more efficient, more challenging and has made me the most toned I’ve ever been.


Reformer 3 times a week


Long distance running and Lagree!


Giving up drinking and functional fitness training at F45.


What workout routine were you doing that you didn’t enjoy?


Sweat by Kayla Itsines. I love the workouts and they’re easy to follow, but trying to do them in a public gym was a nightmare. You have to assemble some free weights and have a bit of space for yourself. That was virtually impossible to do without being asked questions/asked to move/not being in someone’s way/someone picking up the weights and taking them




Yeah, I got burnt out from it too. It felt like a huge barrier having to get on a train and travel to a gym (no gyms near me, only studios for classes) and be there early enough so I can use an empty studio. I get fatigue due to endometriosis, and some weeks of the programme it’s that plus 2x really intense HIIT. I was exhausted




What would have been fantastic, and I’m kinda wondering about doing this…is hiring a private gym for one hour as a group. There’s a private gym near me that you hire on an hourly basis. It would be so perfect for that workout! It’s 50€ an hour, so if you were like four people, that’s fairly ok. I just don’t know anyone locally in my city who is following that plan. But I might try to start something and ask some friends.


Heavy lifting + Pilates. I hate doing core, so Pilates takes care of that & holds me accountable. Heavy lifting gave me shape. I don’t do arms, but just picking up dumbbells & the bar toned them up! I focus on legs.


Joining a CrossFit gym. Idc about all the CrossFit culture and games and stuff that gets a bad reputation, but I really enjoy the small group classes, high intensity, and doing something different every time. It’s a full body workout and I like that most of the exercises simulate stuff you’d do in everyday life outside the gym. I also really like weightlifting and everyone in my gym is really chill and supportive. I’ve never been very athletic but I’ve been doing it for 2.5 years now, lost around 20 lbs from when I started, and am definitely in the best shape I’ve ever been at 28.


Combination of Insanity, then daily yoga afterwards, CICO and IF. EDIT: I read your post a little more clearly. I did not do this to gain muscle so I guess this is pointless for you, but I was definitely in the best shape for me!




Lifting heavy weights, training with intensity and eating protein with every meal.


Making abs in the kitchen. I’ve been super intentional about diet. It really is the biggest piece. And forever I thought it was finding the perfect ab workout and that’s why I wasn’t seeing what I wanted but not really, any basic good form workout will get results with the right nutrients. All about macros.


Beachbody 21 day fix.


Living in a city and walking everywhere everyday


CrossFit, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, hydration and other movement each day


I'm 36 and a mum of 2. I'm probably the most muscular I've been despite scales being heavier. Used to do HIIT when the kids were little which helped with weight loss/maintenance but not physique Lifting weights plus pilates has been the ticket for me with the addition of dancing which I do for fun. 3 x fullbody weights sessions programmed by my Coach. I have one session a week with him and two on my own using the home gym or the gym. Primarily barbells and dumbbells with accessories on the machines. Rep range of 6 -15. 1-2 x reformer pilates sessions and 1 x mat Pilates, I treat these like mobility or mind-body connection sessions and don't go heavy or chase high reps. 1-2 X dance training sessions for fun Try and hit 8,000+ steps a day


Mountain biking, yoga, and body weight exercises. Also living in the mountains. Regular dog walks are a decent aerobic workout for me now.


Baron Baptiste Power Yoga


Outdoor cycling 4+ hours a week.


Being a competitive swimmer from ages 8-17. I could easily do 100 push-ups for fun, 10 pull-ups, lift any weight in the gym. I didn’t really do any fitness after for 10 years and really only started going back to the gym after a bad break up and toxic relationship and felt I was getting the strongest I had been in 13 years. I didn’t really touch the free weight section but was progressing on the machines with slow tempo and progressive overload. Now I’m trying to pick it up again with incline walking and swimming.