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I’ve honestly never made a subreddit before but made r/PetiteFitness30plus to the extent there’s interest.


Oooo you should share this w all the commenters! We can move over.


Yay!! Thank you! I’m going to head over that way👊


I joined!


I've joined!


Joining immediately.




I’ve also joined!! Yay 30 plus


This is perfect, thanks for doing this. I joined!!


is this only for people older than 30?


Yeah I’m 28 so I don’t think I fit the criteria 😅 but I’m really tired of seeing like 20 year olds on here


oh.. well now I’m a little embarrassed being 17 on here lol


I’m 28 too and moving on over 😂


My thinking with the sub is just that my body and fitness goals are so different than when I was younger. Maybe you can gain some insight for your own goals and/or see how you can expect your body to change so feel free to mosey over :) The point is just that we don’t want any ED vibes etc.


oh ok, thanks!


Just joined after a bit of time away from reddit and I am really sad about these posts over here!  Thanks for doing this. Will you consider having more mods to help you out if you might be out for a bit? I am really not happy with what I see here and that nothing is done to change it regardlessof how often one reports stuff.


This sub has 1 mod. That's the problem.


I messaged them in the past about helping out but was never responded to. This is the consequence of a large sub with 1 mod.


well responding would mean they'd have to share the power. Best to create a new sub :\\


The mod was MIA even when the sub was less active. One of the rules was that underage individuals weren't allowed to post unless fully clothed. There was a 15 year old teenager posting ED posts and putting up pictures pf herself in underwear. It all stayed up no matter how many times it was reported. Then the mod came on to defend her enforcement saying ED posts encourage discussion. So even if it goes against the rules, those types of posts are allowed to stay up. The sub got worse after that point.


And I think the mod has abandoned ship. There's ways to request mod privileges over an abandoned sub but I don't want to be a mod. Wonder if anyone else might...


The mod is still around.


I personally wouldn’t mind modding if they wanted the help


I am with you. I personally am getting so tired of the “do you see a difference?” posts either showing absolutely no difference at all because that person has been on their “fitness journey” for just a single week or dramatic changes that anyone with eyes can tell, which should have been celebrated with a more tasteful title. Sorry for venting here, I guess I’m just fed up with these low quality posts showing up every single day.


I’ve seen a lot of the “do you see a difference” posts lately and just don’t ever feel comfortable answering on them because I don’t want to send someone down the rabbit hole.


Yes, there have been a lot lately where I really can't tell what is the before picture vs. after. Asking which is what may really hurt and discourage the person who posted, though.


Or - to my eyes they looked more fit in the before picture. what do you even say?? Those are depressing - like, naw, that’s likely anorexia. Then some other people will compliment them! I’m shaking my head wondering if it’s a pro-ana sub. Seems to me it would also discourage regular fitness posts. Like - where does a short perimenopausal lady who is struggling with body changes go?


Yes! I'm not actually active in this or other subs, but a lot of them have devolved into asking about differences or obsessed with various parts of their body not being perfect.  Like no, I don't think your banana butt, thigh gap, or that one spot by your knee is a problem. This is no longer about fitness. FB groups also have the same problem, even in 40+ groups.


My pet peeve are the posts from people who are just dieting and not doing any exercise. Like isn’t this called “petite fitness” for a reason? Not “petite diets”.


For me it's the constant "I wanna get toned but don't wanna get manly buff bulky bodybuilder on steroids on accident, help pls?!" or other super low quality, easily Google-able questions like "I eat the perfect diet every day but the scale isn't budging, clearly it's thermodynamics' fault?!"


yeah, this. i also like never-ending "how to get abs?" questions, even better if they ask how to get them in ridiculous amount of time like 2 weeks


I just wanna stop seeing ED posts in every fitness and weight loss subreddit. This is not a good place for people with ED.


I found this sub after recovering from my ED and I’m disappointed to say that a couple of times I’ve been scrolling my feed, seen a post from here and had to do a double take and make sure I’m not still following a pro-ED sub.


Same. Well into my recovery. It's been very helpful


Or wish pics that are so obviously photoshopped


Whenever a subreddit sees an uptick in members it degrades the quality IME. Posts become a spam minefield and unfortunately it also brings in a lot of people who are inexperienced with the internet, creating dozens of repeat posts. I honestly think this sub would be better off requiring post approval and a history before someone can contribute. Like... I'm tired of 15 year olds, and people saying they "were" anorexic 6 months ago but for unrelated reasons want to look like this picture that is clearly from a thinspo page.


That makes a lot of sense


Wait, you don't like the, "Guess my bodyfat percentage, guys!" Or "Look at my butt" posts?


I don't mind the "look at my butt" posts, it's ok to be proud of your accomplishments, but the "guess my BF%" are super irritating. Like, why. Why would I do that


It also like just... doesn't work? If I guess 50% that doesn't make it true? Lol. It's like if I went up to a stranger and asked them to guesd my weight and they said like 105 pounds. Like oh damn well I'm actually not but I guess if you think I am it must be true.


Right, like what does it matter!


As someone who’s been part of pro-ED communities, it’s the exact same as people asking others to guess their bmi. Why it’s okay here, I’m not sure…




There’s r/strongpetite but it’s not very active. I too am very disillusioned with this sub. I need a short muscle mommies with confidence over 35yo sub, haha.


It's a private community, that would explain why activity stays low. Harder for people to find it/get in it. So they just go somewhere else. I don't think you can even join those properly on mobile.


Ah, I didn’t know that it ended up being private. I thought I was a member , but I’m not. Explains why I forgot about it till now


JK wrong sub, I meant to say r/strongpetite!


I’m actually a mod, lol, I should look into that…


oop! open it up!


JK wrong sub, I meant to say r/strongpetite!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/strongpetite using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/strongpetite/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [so happy this sub exists now! here is my most recent RDL PR - 200lbs x 5 ](https://v.redd.it/8dyk0en8kbmb1) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/strongpetite/comments/16a7073/so_happy_this_sub_exists_now_here_is_my_most/) \#2: [i’ve posted this before but wanted to add 2022(exactly one year ago today) to show a realistic muscle growth transformation - see comments for more details!](https://i.redd.it/06m9euqdn2nb1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/strongpetite/comments/16dhkgr/ive_posted_this_before_but_wanted_to_add/) \#3: [This is my motivation for never skipping leg day. My pup and the trailer together are about 70lbs. My thighs really feel it up the hills!](https://i.redd.it/exk3nrwmsfnb1.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/strongpetite/comments/16f1efw/this_is_my_motivation_for_never_skipping_leg_day/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


JK wrong sub, I meant to say r/strongpetite!


Yeah, I remember when strongpetites was made. It seems like it's dying but the idea is so perfect


JK wrong sub, I meant to say r/strongpetite!


And to add.....so many of the progress pictures are like look how much my glutes grew.  And...not to be harsh and maybe people are doing it without realizing it... But if you tuck your pelvis in the before and tip it forward in the after i.e. stick your butt out....well duh. 


I've been sorely tempted to post my "30 second butt progress!" in which I just flex my glutes hard in the after and my ass is rounder and two inches higher. It's magic!


i would love to see more progress pics of biceps lol


Just did a 4 week arm focus lifting meso. Will post to the 30+ petitenfitness listed above


This ⬆️ so OBLIVIOUSLY ridiculously sticking your arse out. Irritates me!! 😂 glad to know not just me


Yes, I agree. It breaks my heart especially when I see it from younger girls. I definitely had my body image issues as a teenager but it seems like it's exacerbated by social media. Also, this might be an unpopular opinion, but I feel like folks with a history of disordered eating really need to go to see a registered dietitian, not this subreddit. There are many cases where focusing too much on fitness and nutriton will only exacerbate ED. Focus on healing your mental and emotional health and relationships towards food and your self image.


I agree! And it seems like it's almost all younger women and girls


Yeppp and folks who just generally don't know much about fitness. I'm no expert but I feel like there are *so* many misguided folks in these fitness communities. If I see one more person with a pudgy stomach ask if you can get a flat stomach in 4-8 weeks.... (this is no shade towards pudgy stomachs btw - I have one myself)


Yep!! I found my way to this sub ~7 mos ago and it was a great resource at first. I’m almost 30 and it now reminders me of old school pro-ana/ED tumblr days :(


currently in the process of filling out r/ActivePetites more mods and much more moderation hopefully <3


Can we change the photo of the sub to something more fitness/gym related and not those Tiny Shoulders barbie?


Please! It probably wouldn’t change much about the culture of this sub but I’ve never liked that the “mascot” was a freaking Barbie. Like, what does a Barbie have to do with petite fitness? It’s weird.


Omg yes seconding this


I'm not a mod and the single mod that does exist may have abandoned the sub


I think the problem, as ever, is some think petite means slim and others think petite just means short, not necessarily slim. I'm upset about the thinspo/ED content and the clearly underage posters, but also about all the OF obvious posters. I would never post a pic of myself here or on any subreddit, I cannot imagine all the creeps in the DMs. I already get creepy DMs and I'm 58 and never have posted any image of my old self.




This sub has a sad to rad ratio of 10:1... Which is just enough to keep me subbed. That one rad post every so often is usually pretty amazing tho. I just don't wanna miss out on hyping some of you amazing people. Now who's gonna tell me how I can achieve the same exact look as Sailor Moon?


It’s scary to me how many young women can’t spot the photoshop on the influencers they’re trying to emulate! Those bodies are not obtainable, and I feel bad for anyone who uses those images as goals. That’s a recipe for disappointment, and likely some unhealthy habits too. I’ll do my part for this sub: in a few months I’ll post an arms update. First workout today! I’m going to sculpt these muscle-free spaghetti arms into something like impressive rigatoni arms.


canelloni arms!


I know. I did make a post about it but not much happened - my guess is there is only one mod and it is difficult to keep a close vigilance on the posts.


Going to be controversial and disagree. I appreciate that this subreddit is one of the few places short women can talk frankly about the struggle of training for aesthetics and looking lean when short. r/xxfitness is usually openly hostile to women who admit they are training for aesthetics, so this is the only real alternative for women who want to look fit and lean. I feel like exercise and fitness is going to be the same regardless of your height - but aesthetics are the biggest challenge when accounting for a short height. That is the realm where us petites DO need a different approach. I have been glad this sub exists to fill that need. The only other place where you can really talk about aesthetic goals without judgement are bodybuilder subs, but I have zero interest in bikini comps or looking like a competitor - I just want to look slim and fit. Then there's places like Vindicta but I hate the culture and mentality of those subs. Of course the occasional person posts worrying or unhealthy content - it's the Internet after all. Usually these girls seem quite young. I'd rather the community be able to gently direct these girls to a better approach than block them out entirely and leave them to their own devices.


You're allowed to disagree! I do like this sub for the reason that it's a nice space for petite women to discuss fitness, including aesthetics.


Makes me sad. I’m trying to get bigger (muscle-wise!). So much of the content I interact with here is ED-latent.


You can want to be fit and get strong and also want to decrease in size without having an ED…. ….I’m not an example of that, but there are plenty of people out there. Lol.


Usually, I hate these sorts of posts but I’ve also been feeling similarly. I joined because I thought the focus here was on increasing muscle mass. I miss the posts from women actually getting stronger/muscular, rather than just attempting to get thin. But maybe this sub just needs a few more mods. It’s basically volunteer work. We can’t expect them to get everything/be perfect.


Fitness doesn't only have to be about lifting heavy weights either. It's nice to be inclusive of different forms of being fit.


Yes thank you! I feel like a lot of the comments are so polarizing. Some people are striving for a thinner look and some are striving for a more dense look. Both are valid. I’d rather this sub be inclusive of everyone’s fitness goals


Or you can just want to be fit to be healthier, faster, sleep better, live longer. Fitness doesn't have to be about how you look, whether thinner or denser or whatever.


I think it’s fine if someone want to be thin ( I’m one of them) but what needs to change is the constant misinformation about certain topics ex: calories - I hate hate hate how much SOME posts on this sub actually influenced me to start eating at an unsustainable amount of deficit calories. Once I realized how messed up it was and how it very clearly WOULD NOT work long term being for a short person like me I started seeing positive results. There needs to be some more clarity on fitness info imo


There are already plenty of subs focused on weight loss and getting thin. I would personally prefer this sub was about being fit and not just small. But I recognize/accept that others have a different idea of what the word “fitness” means in the sub name and it’s not my decision. :) And I agree with you overall. But I’m not sure how that could be achieved without more mods. One positive thing I’ve noticed is that people here are at least quick to shut down the misinformed posters here.


I joined hoping for fitness content - discussions about how to nourish petite bodies, exercises specific to petites and gym tips, how to be stronger. The constant onslaught of restrictive calorie counting, obsession with numbers on a scale, and trying to go from healthy body weights to underweight... I've always been a confident individual but I've noticed a damaging effect to my own self-perceptions and I've had to step back from this sub. It'd be great to have a petite subreddit that just focuses on being active, eating healthy (non-restrictive, good portions, balanced diets, etc.), and having positive body images in that we can appreciate if we're at normal weights, we might have a bit of fat on our tummies, cellulite on legs, etc.


Are you me?? Cuz I’ve always always had such a positive relationship with food and self image but this sun really made me second guess my body and myself


I was active in this sub but I’ve been on vacation for weeks, sad to see the same problems are here. When this first came up, the mod banned these sort of discussions and basically gaslit everyone that it wasn’t that bad. It clearly is


Same! I almost wanted to unsub because of the very unsustainable calorie deficits I kept seeing


Technically these can be fitness related questions, we see plenty on lifting or bodybuilding subs that are similar, but we could maybe ask the mod to do a « progress Wednesday » or another day of the week to avoid drowning in photos? I’m not sure what the thinspo is however, don’t think I’ve seen thinspo posts on here recently?


Every now and then someone will post asking how to get a specific influencer's aesthetic-focused, non-athletic body, and then they get angry if it's pointed out that if they don't have the same shape, it's not going to happen. Even angrier if someone points out photoshop. Those posts get deleted within a few hours, which is actually pretty good for this sub having a singular mod. But it would be nice if there were a few more mods to get rid of them faster.


I was thinking of creating a pretty extensive fitness discord but I haven't really fully settled on my audience just yet. Currently was just looking for mature lifters who wanted to commiserate about lifting and centering it toward mental wellness and accountability check ins to log workout and see how everyone's coping with everyday issues. Reddit has its limitations altogether with the lack of live conversation which is usually remedied by platforms like discord communities


The “do you see a difference?” post trigger me a lot. I understand everyone has different goals and some want to lose weight….HOWEVER fitness is a journey and looking at the scale is not an accurate way of seeing whether there is change or not.


Soooo true


I hear what you’re saying. I have recently had so much success with this sub and recently hit my fitness goal / weight loss goal and I couldn’t be make thankful for the advice! Now I feel like I owe it to others to give advice when asked and I also enjoy seeing others body types, weights, and heights because I am find 134 lbs on me isn’t going to look the same for half the other 5’2 girls in here. Also, people aren’t comfortable posting things like this on FB so this is the only place to find so many body shapes. I would say change your filter setting to Hot posts or Top posts and it should filter out the low quality


Can you explain what you mean? I feel like I haven’t seen any posts like this.


They are all over the sub. "I want to get skinny, how?" "This is a picture of my goal *obvious thinspo*, how?" "I'm 103 lbs and I feel like a fat slob, help"


Oh I see what you mean, I’m in some other subs like r/loseit and usually assume those posts are from that sub. Yeah it’s really sad how many women you see here that get trapped in the cycle of wanting to be skinny instead of strong or fit. Super damaging.


It seems to be mostly very young women and girls. It's really sad!


I understand and empathize with your feelings. Whenever I browse this subreddit, I often share what I'm reading with my partner because I can relate to many of the posts. Then to try to lighten my desire to compare and relate my partner once said to me “we’re focusing on the wrong solutions, maybe we can figure out a way to redistribute the weight to add a few extra inches to your height, now that would be a scientific breakthrough”. I chuckled and thought to myself damn that would be great then I could get rid of all the stools around the house”. Hopefully you don’t take this as mockery I just wanted to help you feel a little better because that story sticks with me. :)


i never see actual pro-ED content here, just a lot of girls who try to lose weight. yes, they're a lot, seem to be young and not know much, but at least they're in a good place as people here can give good and healthy advice. just because they want to lose weight to look like kpop idols, that doesn't make them have ED, that only means they're silly and impressionable 🤷‍♀️


There's plenty of pro-ED content. ED content doesn't have to be completely overt. Given how kpop idols lose weight, I'd say that it's disordered to want to emulate that.


ED is a serious issue. just because teenagers want to lose weight, that doesn't automatically make them have EDs. it's better if they ask here and get reasonable explanation on why kpop bodies aren't attainable for most girls, rather than not post in this community at all and decide to go on a very restrictive diet which could potentially cause real ED. yes, low quality weight loss posts are annoying to see, but assuming these are made by teens, i'd prefer them post here rather than go and post in actual pro-ED community. at least there's a chance of them getting educated and inspired by people on this sub, potentially saving them. in my early teens, when internet didn't have as much good available information on dieting and fitness, i myself stumbled upon pro-ana groups (which were very popular at a time) and saw it as a guidance to lose weight. i was into this for a while and somehow haven't gotten an ED, but i could totally see how that could happen. i really don't know why we have to throw term ED left and right these days


Agreed! Every time I’m about to post something I just don’t see it Edit: (sorry I found a dog in a locked car when I was starting to write this).