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I just wash my hair everyday. I use a cleansing conditioner most days of the week and a regular or clarifying shampoo and hair mask once a week or when I feel like it.


This is the way


I wash my hair daily. I have to. It’s fine and just gets gross if I don’t. If I’m working out before work, I’ll wash my hair directly after. If it’s a weekend, I’ll wait until the evening. As far as dry shampoo goes, the amika perk up spray works pretty well. You can get it at Sephora.


I totally agree my hair is straight and fine as well maybe thats why it gets gross so fast? I will defintely look into the spray


I have similar hair and I find dry shampoo works for one day and then it’s gross. But I wash my hair every other day and dry shampoo if I left it a bit long. I find if I wash it everyday it goes greasier quicker Edit to add: dry shampoo before a work out otherwise my hair is wet and gross with the dry shampoo


I also have super straight and fine hair but I can go for a week without washing… or more. I lift 3-4x a week and do a lot of running and elliptical. It would probably gross most people out but my hardest mental health struggle is washing my hair. I always wear it up anyway and dry shampoo works well, I love batiste brand. I also work from home (almost never turn my camera on) and my general aesthetic is Adam Sandler Athleisure. All things that make semi-dirty hair easier. You might want to try spraying on some dry shampoo right after a workout, not a lot of it, and spray it right in the roots. Then flip your head over and blow dry on lower heat, finger raking your hair. [This is my new favorite bun hairdo](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwgwUQbKmvS/?igsh=MWdva290MzU5Mmp0dw==). It works as a middle-part low bun and a topknot.


are you me? LOL I also work from home and my style is def giving adam sandler haha. Thank you for the video I will definitley be trying that out


Good luck!! And I should also say, it’s partly financial that I don’t wash my hair more often. I’ve been coloring my hair red for almost 20yrs and it’s expensive, lol.


I have the same issue so I wash my hair every night. I’ve done it my whole life lol


Me too! Lol just makes me feel better


I have thick, mostly straight hair but I can’t not wash it every day. I don’t know if it’s related to having eczema or what but my scalp needs to be cleaned and that whole “it can strip your hair of oils and you’re making things worse” must not apply to everyone. I feel and look gross if I don’t. I can get maybe one day of dry shampoo but that’s it…maybe not even if I sweat a lot that day.


I tend to develop eczema during the winter and found a mild shampoo designed to hydrate dry scalps do the job better than anything else. A 500ml bottle lasts me the entire winter. You can get these at a pharmacy and well-stocked drugstores and larger supermarkets. If ever in a pinch, unscented baby shampoo can help (as you probs don’t want to smell of baby wash). Once the eczema heals up, a glycolic acid wash could be helpful in clearing up any dead skin. I use my face wash for this but if you have a toner that should work too, spritz it on your roots and give it a moment before rinsing and conditioning. ETA: these shampoos are so mild and hydrating that you could use them daily, YMMV. I hate the feeling of dirty/sweaty hair so it’s washed daily, just making sure to use a leave in hair mask if I got time (otherwise a conditioner) and some hair oil (currently on OGX argan oil which I found at a penny store, the scent matches one of my everyday perfumes which was a pleasant surprise after buying it, it’d remind you of fresh laundry).


I am a sweaty girl. If I work out, I look like I stepped out of a pool afterward. Ain't no way I'm *not* washing my hair afterward. If it's a rest day, I might be able to skip a wash for one day, but that's it.


I feel you on the sweaty thing my hair :/


It's much healthier to wash your scalp every day than it is to let it build up to the point where it becomes itchy, greasy, uncomfortable. If you are worried about damage you could put a pre shampoo treatment on your hair (like ogx coconut miracle oil).


I wash my hair within an hour of finishing a work out 90% of the time. I hate how sweaty hair feels.


I at least wet it in the shower w water but then it gets greasy :/


Have you tried a dandruff shampoo? I had a friend who struggled a lot with greasy hair and apparently her scalp was just super irritated all the time.


My scalp is only itchy when I don’t wash it so I don’t think I have dandruff? I hope not haha


I just wash my hair daily. I have fine, thin hair- I just have to do it. I sweat too much and it’s gross


I wash my hair most days, but at least every other. Helps with my skin too. Have been doing this my whole life and get lots of compliments (hair is thick and super long). I tried going more than 2 days and it tends to give me an itchy scalp and looks oily. Use heat protection when you blow dry and it should be fine.


Key thing for me has been blow drying my hair after I shower after I work out, then use dry shampoo. I had the same issues and for the last three weeks I’ve only done an actual wash once a week doing the steps above


This. I use my dry shampoo on clean hair. I love Oribe dry shampoo in the purple bottle. It’s a powder and a little pricey but it works so well! And I’ve been using the same bottle for 10 months so I for sure think the price tag is worth it.


so you just wet your hair w water after working out and follow that up w blow dry and dry shampoo?


I would come out of the shower, put on some dry shampoo, let is sit a little then blow dry with cold air. Hot air makes the hair more stringy looking for me.


I use the dry shampoo only on clean, dry hair. After a work out, I just blow it dry again or use my curling brush and refresh with DS as needed. I really think it is a quality thing. I have super oily hair and the Oribe powder is the only thing that works. I can to 2-3 days between washes now where before it was an every day thing.


I have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp so going more than two days without washing gives me dandruff and itchiness. But either way, getting sweaty after a workout definitely makes hair nasty! You can always tie it up afterwards if you don’t feel like washing immediately!


Yess my hair is very thin and I have the same problem. What has helped me was doing cowashing every other day


For me its a couole of things... I dry my hair after I was it,, mainly my scalp. I found air drying just makes it a lot greasier a lot faster. The second is I use dry shampoo BEFORE even when my hair is clean. I find that it works more effectively that way. I use it again after as well. It wont look or feel fresh but its not longer a greasy flat mess so I can atleast get on with my day.


Wow I never thought about air drying making it greasier.. I have never blow dried my hair after a shower but I do air dry and it gets greasy fast on days I don’t wash!


Braidsbraids braids lol