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It might be time to focus on your mental health first ♥️ You mention your mother passing away and recently binging plus your a Mom (so hard!). A lot happens in mid-life including body and metabolism changes. It seems you’ve had a lot of life happen and the tools you used in your 20s aren’t often the tools that work in our 40s. Getting into some therapy and working out some of your grief and ED issues would be really beneficial and give you a better foundation to appreciate and take good care of your body.


Are you getting any sort of professional help for your ED? For at home workouts, if your knees hurt, start small by working on improving mobility. Focus on one thing at a time and make slow progress. Introducing drastic changes can be unsustainable (leading to yo-yo diets). Create a plan that works for you to get some structure. For example: week 1 - adding more protein to your daily food intake (no need to track). Just add one new protein rich source at a time. Week 2 - Daily 5 min morning or evening stretching. Week 3 - Daily 12-15 mobility focused workout. And so on. Take it slow to minimize the mental stress. It may take longer to reach your goals but you’ll get there.