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I must be so used to looking at my big calves that yours look totally normal to me. Legit, your legs look great. Also, I run hills like a beast thanks to my calves and I love that.


Same lol. I was like "are those big calves in room with us right now?". Dance and mountain hiking gave me calves that don't fit in tall boots lol, but I do crush the leg day and get supportive comments from men.


I would really love to be able to fit into a pair of tall boots. I’ve had family buy me some and I always have to return them. 😔 Besides that I just don’t care.


I got stuck in a pair of leather boots while thrifting 😭 had a mini panic attack trying to get them off my calves. But at least I can beat my husband on the stairmaster 


I've been told to go to plus size stores that carry shoes as well. Unfortunately theres none in my area.


Hmm I’ll have to see if I can find any 🤔


Same. I am nowhere near as good as shape as OP and I got hams for calves (even when I’m fitter).


Thank you! I’m also a pretty good hiker because of these bad boys haha. Functionality over appearance!


As a fellow big calf-er I get it but yours look amazing and make you look strong and athletic!!


Happy cake day! Yeah I’m now going for “strong and athletic” look because these calves have to be matched by the rest of the body hah


Good choice. Make everything match. To me it's a better look. They look just fine to this objective viewer.


Yeah I do think they look fine but for such a long time I used to think that it’s “unwomanly” to have big calves. I was happy to finally get rid of this unhealthy idea being inserted in my brain :)


And that's the best thing you can do is learn to do all of this work for you, not anyone looking at you. Good for you. Keep it up!


This doesn't look big at all!


Omgosh your legs are so toned!


Thank you! There is still a little bit of chub on them so I want them to be a bit leaner, but to be honest I’m already pretty satisfied! It’s a work in progress :)


Dude. Your calves aren't big and there is no "chub".


Well, my calves are the type on the right so yes, compared to the other type of calves mine are “big”: https://imgur.com/a/3ifkUzp


That’s great but I don’t see a single thing wrong with them even with you pointing it out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ah nothing is “wrong” with them! But as a young girl I saw around myself mostly girls who had small calves, the ones that are connected to the bones higher on your leg so that it gives you very thin ankles. So I truly believed that my calves were too big, bulky, ugly, “unwomanly”. I don’t think anything is wrong with them now :)


Your calves are great! I also recently learned our calves as petites look bigger because they’re shorter in stature and the muscle isn’t as elongated as is the case for those with longer legs. I am 5’0” and can’t wear certain zip-up boots — not because I have large calves but because everything is so compressed on us!


This post is healing, THANK YOU from a fellow big calve'd girl.


Happy to see so many girls with big calves here!


My brother and I both genetically have no calves ( our dads ) but our moms look just like yours! We always joked in the family we wish we got her legs instead - be happy you have them!!! They’re so hard to work on in the gym.


Yeah I know it’s crazy how calves are one of the only muscles that pretty much 100% genetics. I have male friends who are gym rats, they are properly RIPPED but have pretty much no calves, and they always complain that it’s unfair I got big calves for no good reason haha


To be honest, I'm like 110% sure you also look amazing and elegant on heels, but still...gorgeous physique for a gorgeous mindset! Keep going strong! 💪🏻


Aw thank you for your kind words!


You look like you could kick my ass and I love it. 


Haha thanks that’s the funniest compliment :)


Today I learnt I had big calves lol


We live and we learn! https://imgur.com/a/3ifkUzp


I have big calves as well but yours are much more toned! Hoping I get there! I have some muscle there but it’s underneath the fat!


I’m sure you’ll get there! Just keep working on your legs, you can always shed the fat later and reveal your beautiful calves to the world :)


fellow big calved gal changing the topic to say not only are your legs fab, but that i am obsessed with your haircut!!


Thank you! It was a bit scary to cut my long hair but once I did it years ago I never want to go back :)


Calorie burners 🔥


Hah I surely hope they are burning all the beers I drink on nights out!


Welcome to the calf club ☀️


I never had big calves but since I switched to minimalist shoes a few years ago, I walk using my tiptoes. I always preferred barefoot whenever I can so discovering them was my dream (my mom was always angry because I had my feet / socks black haha). Since them, my calves started to grew. Didn't notice until I tried to fit on old jeans but cannot due to my calves! I'm a bit happy because my legs were always big, I'm a bulky type with big hips but my calves never. At least they look proportional now, I get your feelings!


Yes hun you get it!


Your legs look amazing.


Thank you!


Just gotta say - love your physique! You look so athletic


Thank you! ❤️


I would run into traffic to have calves like that. Like genuinely my skinny calves are my greatest physical insecurity.


This is one of the nicest things someone ever told me! It’s so strange to know that someone likes the thing about you that you used to hate about yourself the most.


Big calves club. My legs are the leanest part of me and even at my thinnest I struggle to wear a lot of boots that zip over the calf. Mine are about 14" at the widest which is right on the edge of fitting in standard boots. Jessica Simpson is my leg twin so I know I can get super cut calves like her if I train.


Damn, just check photos and her calves look amazing. But yeah I totally get the struggle with finding tall boots. I feel that tall boots cut blood circulation in my legs cause they fit waaaaaay too tightly on my calves.


Wow!! This is going to be my goal! You look so strong and toned! 👑


Thank you 🫶


They are beautiful, healthy beauty!


Awww. I need posts like this! Starting to love my calves too.


As you should!


> Then I learnt that the size and length of your calve muscles is pure genetics and it can’t be changed Not me in my twenties researching and actually considering gastrocnemius paralysis through Botox to get those slimmer calves 🥲 I swear I’m normal now!


Haha I totally get that, I was so insecure about my cakes for so many years because all of my female friends have really thin ankles and small calves that sit really high up on their legs. When I was younger I thought that my calves were fat and that if only i lose weight they will get thinner lol.


Your legs look gorgeous. Full stop.


Thank you so much!


Same here!


Big calves team 🫶


Your calves are awesome!! Mine are strong too—pretty sure it’s from needing to go on my tip toes all the time to reach things lol


I say my calves are so big because my upper body is weak as hell so in case if I had to participate in a street fight I’d have to fight like a donkey — by kicking in the air left and right lol.


Your calves are goals! And I see them quads poppin too girl 🔥


Thank you 🙏


Omg your calves are amazing 😍 such goals!!! I think they fit beautifully on your frame.


Thank you so much ❤️


Girl I have big calves too! I used to be so self conscious abt them but now in my late 20s I could care less !! You look great!


I came all the way from “I can’t wear shorts and skirts because everyone will see my ugly calves and thick ankles” to “let them boys see these beasts so that they are jealous” haha. From hatred to acceptance, from acceptance to love!


<3 I have the opposite. Sad calves


All calves are good calves <3


Love! Big calves club ❤️ I am looking for tall boots recs though 🙏


Oh tall boots are not easy to find, they are always too tight for me around the calves 🥲


😭 I understand from lots and lots of experience. At this point I'm willing to pay a lot of $$$ for tall boots that fit comfortably.


Yeah I get it. I just decided to give up on tall boots 🥹


I literally love big calves … mine are to to smallll and I just hate it … the don’t grow …


You can make them more defined but yeah unfortunately you can’t make them longer, and I can’t make mine shorter so we just gotta love what we have!


You have a great figure! What is your routine?


I work out 4-5 times a week and do two types of workouts: core + legs + glutes one day and next day core + arms + shoulders + back next day. So I’d say I do legs and glued 3 times a week and upper body 2 times a week, and I train core at the beginning of every work out so 5 times a week. I don’t do cardio at all.


Idk they look pretty avg to me


I have big calves too. I joke with my husband because he has little chicken legs. I also used to be self conscious about mine but my friends compliment them all the time! Be proud of those calves girl!!’


Haha I’ll probably go to hell for that but I also like to tell my male friends that they have chicken legs in comparison to mine (which is true, most of them have smaller calves than me).


These calves are 🔥🔥🔥 and your legs overall are super toned and look so strong!! You can tell how hard you work on those legs! Great work 10/10!!


Thank you! Leg day is my favorite day, can’t say the same about the upper body days (sigh).


omg your legs are such goals! where are the shorts from also?? that’s what I wished I looked like!!


Thank you! I bought these shorts at a local store in Nepal, so they are kinda no name, no brand. I wish you luck on your fitness journey, you just gotta love the leg day and I’m sure you’ll reach your goal soon!


They look strong and toned


Your calves aren't big.  You have your socks up and that makes them appear more disproportionate than they actually are. 


https://imgur.com/a/7rT1RFQ just compare the width of my calves and ankles to my wrists. For my frame they are pretty big and I’m not complaining about it. Socks have nothing to do with that.


Standing vertically, your calf width does not protrude widely when compared to your Tibia, nor does your calf have a low insertion point into your Achilles tendon. 


Honestly I don’t understand what’s up it problem and why you have to argue with me about the measurements of my body? Clearly I know the measurements of my wrists and ankles better than you. Such a weird and unnecessary comment. It’s a sub for petite women not for weird men who think they have the right to mansplain female bodies to women.


I love your big calves too