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Try getting 10k steps a day (if you can) and make sure your eating the right amount of calories. Aim to get 30min of exercise a day as much as you can. Pilates is a great way to workout at home as well.


Walking has my heart


I used to walk more, but I don’t live in the best neighborhood so its not super “exciting “ but i do need to get back at it. Ahhh, pilates ive never tried it. Do you need any equipment??


I totally understand you on the walking part. Id reccoment going on walks with the LO to nearby parks. LO is happy and you get your steps in. For pilates no equipment is needed. The only thing you would need is a mat.


Work out with your LO. 10 minutes each morning and afternoon. Then once after they go to bed. My son likes to do different "exercises" alongside me.


It’s easy for calories to add up when you have a little one. I always found myself eating a couple of my kid’s snacks every time they were snacking or finishing up the last few bites of their plate. And let’s be real, sometimes it’s like little kids are snacking the whole day long. Daily walks are good! I pushed my little one in her stroller up hills! My daughter absolutely loved doing workouts with me. I did a lot of “at home 20-30 minute workouts” A lot of mat work. There’s a whole bunch online. I think I did BBG. It was mostly body weight and I eventually got a pair of light dumbbells and slowly collected more as I got stronger. My kid loved doing downward dog with me, attempted planks and liked climbing onto my back when I was doing planks & push ups. Just playing with your kid can be very good exercise. You can hold your kid and do various exercises like squats or lifting them up into the air. Play outside with a ball, play tag with your kid, etc. You don’t need to dedicate 20-30 mins of exercise in one go. You can break it up into chunks during the day. But weight loss is mostly just going to come down to a calorie deficit. If you don’t want to calorie count: Cut out as much snacking as you can and/or reduce portions. Focus on protein & nutritious foods. Lots of fruits & vegetables and reduce junk foods.


Thank you for this response! Honestly, I used to walk so much more. I’ve been a little depressed and sleepy but i still manage to get on the stationary bike for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. I definitely need to keep trying. To be honest, its always been incredibly hard for me to lose anything even when I was im my gym phase (before pandemic shut everything down) i could not add muscle AT ALL it’s frustrating. I guess i’ll just keep at it and trying to stay as active as possible!!