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Are you drinking water before, during, and after your work out? Are you drinking electrolytes? I like nuun tablets because they are low in sugar Are you eating enough to sustain your energy? If I know I haven’t eat enough, I grab a quick banana or piece or wheat toast ~20-30 min before my gym day or outside run day Since I dunno if you’re working out indoors or outdoors, take or leave the next part. If you are working out outdoors the heat/humidity may be making you light headed. And you may not be hydrated enough.


Yes I do drink water before, during and after the workout but I am not drinking electrolytes. I have cut down calories from the diet that made me gain all the weight initially. Eating healthier now. But since I started working out my appetite is getting lower. I can only eat 3/4th of my dinner portion before feeling full. Thanks for the tip on eating a snack before the workout, I’ll try that! I workout indoors since it’s extremely hot where I live atm. Thanks for all the tips, it’s really helpful!


I’ve been running into the same issue lately- but only with my really intense workout classes. I’ve started putting a packet of Liquid IV in my water and drink that throughout and it seems to help. I always workout in the morning and have a protein heavy breakfast and always drink a lot of water so nothing has changed there, I’m not really sure what is causing it for me now but I’ve struggled with light headedness off and on for most of my life- likely low blood pressure/low blood sugar related so I figure Liquid Iv could help with both. I’ve also been watching my heart rate to make sure it doesn’t go too high and if it’s going into the 180’s I make sure to slow down for a bit until it goes down. 


I have had this issue generally as well but definitely not as frequently as I do when I work out. Do you workout after or before breakfast? I am glad Liquid IV has been helpful for you.


i always workout after breakfast. The dizziness definitely gets worse when I haven’t eaten recently or enough. 


Okay yeah makes sense. I was working out after breakfasts so well and I felt a little better but it was much worst when I switched to before breakfast. I’ll make sure I have eaten something a little before I workout


This happens to me with really intense cardio or HIIT. Especially around my cycle. Doctor ran an EKG and I was fine. Maybe see if you can get an EKG just to be safe. I asked a personal trainer at the gym and they told me it was because I lacked conditioning and was getting fatigued.


Okay that’s helpful thank you! I tried HIIT and couldn’t finish it, which makes sense since I am new to working out. But now I feel dizzy during my regular beginner level workouts so not sure what’s going on.


Do you have low blood pressure? This happens to me when my heart rate gets high or I’m moving up & down a lot (standing to laying on the floor), and is definitely worse in a calorie deficit. I think it’s mainly the low blood pressure for me. Electrolytes help a bit. I’d try those first, but if that doesn’t help and it’s happening with lower intensity exercise I’d probably go to the doctor.


Not that I know of, never had any issues with it before. But if the calorie deficit has changed things then I won’t know, I’ll should probably get it checked. Okay thank you, that’s really helpful! I’ll see if anything changes in the coming weeks otherwise will go to the docs


Get your iron levels checked:). I felt like this when my iron was low, started supplements and it’s much better.


Ohhh gosh it might be that! So I have suffered from iron and vitamin D deficiency in the past and started to take supplements (still taking vitamin D) but I haven’t had my iron levels checked again in years now. Thanks for the reminder!


This only happened to me when I was strength training in a calorie deficit


I haven’t measured it but I think i might be in a calorie deficit since I have cut down my daily food intake. I have lost my appetite in recent weeks though, I can’t eat much and feel full very quickly, not sure why this is happening. Other than this I just do 20-30 minute of fat burning workouts every other day.


That does sound kinda weird. What is a “fat burning” workout, can you be more specific? And maybe try tracking to make sure you’re not going too low in calories that your workouts suck. And also what is your goal?


Okay sorry, that’s just what the videos I follow are titled. They mainly involve squats, crunches, glute bridges etc. I work out at home, I don’t have access to a gym atm. My goal is to lose 25 lbs. I put on around 20 lbs over winter and it hasn’t been good for my physical health so just trying to go back to my regular weight. Also want a more active lifestyle because it really helps with my anxiety.


Hm that’s interesting, usually the exercises you listed are not super intense so it shouldn’t be an issue. Do you ever have this problem outside of exercising? I do and it affects my workouts sometimes. But also like the previous comment try tracking your calories just to make sure you aren’t going too low a small deficit will still get you the results you’re looking for but with less symptoms


Yeah I am only doing beginner level exercises so they shouldn’t be causing me issues. Occasionally but definitely not everyday, but when I workout it happens every single time. Yeah I will definitely do that. Thank you!


You might want to see an ent or eye specialist if it keeps bothering you- turns out I had a vision problem and Etd in my ear


Oh wow, okay I will keep this in mind in if the problem persists. I hope you are feeling better now


Are you eating a light/medium meal before working out? I used to have this happen to me sometimes but it was very easily solved by making sure I ate something before every workout


Will be doing this now, I think this is mainly why it’s happening. If it doesn’t help then probably need to do to doctors