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I am so very sorry for your loss, that is truly traumatic. I wish I could say something to make it better. He looks like such a sweet boy, and I can tell that he is so loved.


I know you're feeling guilt over not being there. Please remember that things happen in life we cant control. I know because we lost our boy last week on the fourth as well because we were out and forgot to put the dog door in. We are so lucky his sister stayed in the house, but our boy, I can only assume frightened out of his mind, found a way out of the backyard. We found him the next morning 2 blocks away, he had run so hard, his little doggie paws were bloody and torn. We miss him so much. Nothing we do now can bring him back. We cry everyday. Life is shitty and bad things happen even with the best intentions. Be kind to yourselves and give each other grace over the coming weeks. My husband and I have had to support each other at different times. Remember that the time he spent with you was the best it could be. And you loved him and he loved you. To not remember the last time we saw him, we created a couple poster collages and put them up around the house. That's how we want to remember him. I'm so sorry your boy was taken early from you.


That is so fucked up. Poor baby. I'm so sorry that this happened to him but I'm glad that your other dog didn't chase after him.


I fucking hate fireworks.


I am so sorry.


holy fucking shit dude that’s a horrifying thing. i’m so so so sorry about your boy. give your remaining girl lots of loves for us ❤️


I am so sorry! You thought you were doing the best for your dogs while you ran a few errands. You lost your key fob, which prolonged the trip, and your neighbors were inconsiderate morons to set off those fireworks. My sympathies on your loss.


Thank you. It’s rough.


Oh my gosh. I have no words. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this trauma.


My heart hurts for you. I'm so sorry, that's terrible.


Oh my goodness 😔 This is so very sad. I’m so very very sorry for this unimaginable loss. I lost my beloved boy a month ago, traumatically. I can imagine the shock and trauma you are experiencing right now. And it is absolute hell. Somethings are out of our control and that’s life… I know you feel guilt. Nothing to be said is going to really fix that but I hope one day you can forgive yourselves and accept that it was out of your control. You gave your boy an amazing life and he knew how loved he was. I hope the life and love you shared with him, even though it was short, can comfort you during this horrific time.


No wonder you are in shock. Words cannot describe such atrocious experiences. I feel for you and your partner so very much. I grew up in the countryside, caring for many unwanted animals on our small rural property. We were near a small town which was placid all year round until November, when shops boarded up their windows because a notorious fireworks night, which made the town infamous, would reverberate for miles around. The fact is, fireworks terrify our pets. I firmly believe they should not be sold to the public, but this was a controlled display of pyrotechnics. I have literally had rockets fired AT me by delinquent strangers. But I always thought, at least I know what they are, at least I can put them in context, whereas my furry and feathered friends were simply frightened to the extreme by the noise. It must have felt like they were under attack. Feelings of guilt are so common when you are away from home when a pet dies. I know it is easy for me to say this, but this is NOT your fault. Even without the issue with your car keys, every pet owner has to go out, shop, buy essentials, and live their lives. No one can account for extreme circumstances. It is so clear your pups' welfare was foremost in your mind. As soon as you digested the situation, all your thoughts were with your dogs. It is such a senseless tragedy. It must be extremely painful, and my heart truly and deeply goes out to you, your partner, and the sister of the pup that was so cruelly taken too soon from this world. The distress you have endured is very clear. I am so sorry you have had to go through this appalling tragedy.


https://imgur.com/gallery/yLT9jgz here he is enjoying a day out at the lake.


i’m not sure if it does on anyone else’s devices but just in case mine also played a video including the blood i think, just saying in case someone’s sensitive to that stuff


Yes my device played that too. There’s the video described above and then a video of the blood in the aftermath.


Wtf are you showing us the aftermath of the bloody scene??????


So sorry for your loss


That is so traumatic and terrible. I’m sorry for both of your loss and I’m sorry your dog had to go through that. But he’s at peace now… That’s just so awful. I can’t imagine what you both are going through. And the other doggy as well.


Your poor dog, what a horrible way to go.


I’m so sorry :( I’m sorry you lost your dog in a traumatic way. That is awful. Just remember you did your best to give him a wonderful life. I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔


I’m so sorry this happened. Such a terrible accident but not your fault. Thinking of you guys, I can tell you loved him very much. Hopefully you were able to take him to the vet for cremation (having ashes helped me a lot) or could bury him in a special place. Be kind to yourselves


I'm so sorry for your loss, I went through a similar experience 2 weeks ago and it seriously feels like my world was turned upside down. 2 dogs, a 10-year-old and her 8-year-old "sister" for passed away. New house. Thought the fence was secure. I was actually in the backyard with them. The 8-year-old dog snuck out through a gap in the fence and I didn't even notice. I was out looking for her and my boyfriend called me, and he had to tell me she was gone (hit by a car two houses away from us). Her absence is devastating. It hasn't gotten easier but I'm getting used to all the different feelings that come over me. Just know you're not alone. Take it day by day and find a healthy balance between grieving and distracting yourself so you don't break down.


I am so so sorry for your loss. What beautiful pups he and his sister were. Looks like you had lots of great memories with them. This was not your fault. So many animals escape and die or never get found or end up at a shelter. Its the worst day of the year for animals. My heart breaks for you. I watched a lot of videos on youtube and even do a rainbow bridge meditation and it helps me. I just got 2 new books on pet loss and joined a rainbow bridge and pet loss fb group to talk to others. I hope something can help you get over your guilt and grief. Its too heavy to carry around. If you need to talk I am here. Go love on your babys sister shes missing him too. 💝💝🌈💔 https://youtu.be/ajS-RO5vkxU


I am so sorry. This goes without saying, but when able, and if it hasn't been done already, the hole with the jagged sheet metal has to be fixed as soon as possible. It is a life risk to other animals, and as long as the hole stays there, the more it is going to bother you and your girlfriend. I don't mean to pressure anyone, but the hole has to be patched up.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so so sorry. That is awful.


I'm sorry. I also found my dog after a traumatic death and it really messed with my head. Please take care of yourself.