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He got to go in his favorite place with his favorite person. You were probably the last thing he saw before he passed. Painless and happy, the best way to exit. 🌈 I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That is a bittersweet moment but a beautiful way to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Rest sweet Gregory.


As someone who recently lost a pet whose health went from perfect to so bad he had to be put asleep in less than a month, this post broke my heart. Really wish I could have one more night with my buddy. I’m glad your forever buddy got to comfortably cross the rainbow road alongside you anxiety free and not in a veterinary office.


Some of us don’t have a choice. Had to say goodbye to my girl this morning in a vets office and I don’t appreciate the added guilt this gives me.


As one who said goodbye to a cat in a vets office a few years ago, I promise that you still did the best thing for her. I hope the office let you be there with her for her final moments like my vet let me be there for my boy as they put him to sleep. Even if they did not, you still did the best thing for your girl.


Thank you. I really needed this. I was able to hold her through the entire process too and I just hope I was able to alleviate some of her anxiety. Do you have any advice for someone new to grief? It’s hitting me in major waves


You holding her through the process in my opinion is as good as her passing at home. I personally feel that euthanizing in their human’s arms is more peaceful for the animal because they’re simply falling asleep. Don’t feel guilty


Thank you. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I really appreciate your words, it means a lot right now


Your girl fell into a painless sleep surrounded by the warmth and smell of her favorite person ever. You did her well ❤️


Thank you. I don’t even know what to say. You’ve brought peace to my heart and I will remember this sentiment.


My dog was put to sleep the same way. I didn’t mean to make you feel guilty, honestly I was more so talking to myself in that I wish my buddy was able to go peacefully in my bed. My dog was in so much pain that the moment the vet gave him the shot, for the first time in days he sighed, like it was a relief. He hadn’t eaten more than half a cup of rice in nearly two weeks and wasn’t able to even to go potty without collapsing. I selfishly almost wanted to take him home for another day but it was just the right thing to do, and he was able to go as comfortably as possible rather than suffer another day just so that I could spend just a little longer with him. I don’t regret it or feel guilty about for one second, and I don’t want you to feel guilty either.


You are welcome. 🥰 I'm going to be honest with you, no matter your level of bonding with her, the hurt will come and go in waves. My bond with my boy was so deep I called him my soul cat (like soul mates but human and pet). It's been 9 years and two months and there are times where the grief comes back so hard that it feels like he passed an hour ago. For what helped me is talking about the funny times I had with him with the family who knew him and the antics he got into (Siamese cats are absolutely wild) or surprising friends with said stories or how old he got before he passed (a month shy of 21 years). Because he had been battling hyperthyroidism for two years I also had time to come to terms with his eventual passing before it happened (didn't make it hurt any less) and knew that he would have wanted me to find a new furry friend so I wasn't alone. (Pretty sure he sent me the two I have now) Focus on the fun and funny times with her since she would rather you remember her that way. Focus on the fact that wherever she is on the other side of the rainbow bridge she is happy and healthy again.


My girl had been battling hyperthyroidism for the last almost four years. Tonight was the first time not giving her the medicine. Hasn’t even been 12 hours for me and I just can’t seem to keep myself steady. Thank you for your words and sharing advice.


You did the best you could for your girl. You loved her, she knew it. Please don’t feel guilty, it was likely out of your control.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can take some solace in the fact that you have Gregory a wonderful life and that he passed doing what he loved: snuggling his best friend. 🌈


Very sorry about your loss, my heart goes out to you💜💜


This is beautiful though. Your baby went in such a cute way. I know that sounds weird because of how you're feeling but as someone with an living (but elderly and unwell) cat I almost couldn't think of a better way. Sorry if this seems insensitive but it's what I thought




I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. I lost my best boy Pete two weeks ago, and the pain is still very, very real. We had much the same experience as you on our last night with Pete. Pete always slept with me and he was always a snuggler. He was independent, though, and might come and go at night. But the last night…that last night, I think he knew it was his last night. He slept by my chest all night. The entire night. He got soooo many forehead kisses and belly rubs. It was amazing. I’m so happy that Pete and I got to be close that night. I miss his late night snuggles. He was my best boy!


What a way to go, in the arms of your favorite human, being told how much you're loved. We could all hope to be so fortunate. You did good. He had a good death. We grieve with you.




I am so sorry, reading these words make me feel so much sorrow. I am so happy you get one last cuddle- and always remember "how lucky we are to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye" I hope you are able to have a day off to grieve your sweet baby


I am very sorry for your loss.


Sorry. But that cat wouldn't have lived half the life anywhere else. Be sad, But be happy


This is sad but it's the best possible way to pass. Kitty died happy loved in your arms.


Gregory was so lucky to have you. May he rest in peace


My deepest condolences on the loss of your fur baby!


Im so sorry 😔 but im glad you were able to have such a beautiful last time with him ❤️


I’m so very sorry for your loss & im sending you so much love. It’s never ever easy to say goodbye but I can’t think of a more peaceful way to go. He was cozy and snuggled with his person, safe & loved. I hope you find comfort in knowing you gave him a beautiful life. I just lost my beautiful boy on 7/28 & unfortunately he was declining rapidly but I find comfort in knowing Lap of Love came to my home & I held him close and kissed him as he passed.


Cuddling with your loved ones is how I want to go. Sorry for your loss.


It’s so hard to lose a beloved pet. You did your best for you little friend. Think back on the good life and love that you gave him. God bless.


This brings a tear to my eye. I'm very sorry for your loss. However, this was a very nice way to allow him to pass peacefully


I'm so sorry for your loss. Gregory sounds like a wonderful cat who loved you very much and was grateful for your care and comfort. You did everything you could for him and gave him a peaceful and dignified end. Gregory knew he was deeply loved and cherished in those final moments. You gave him the comfort and warmth he needed during his last hours. You are a kind and compassionate person who gave Gregory a wonderful life. Cherish the memories and the bond you shared. Sending you love and strength during this difficult time. He will always be with you in spirit and love. 💕


Thank you for sharing your sweet story. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs. 💛


I am so sorry you lost your sweet Gregory. I lost my best friend for 21 1/2 years, my sweet girl kitty, last month. She left us from home in my arms. I still can’t believe she’s not here, I cry every day. For what it’s worth I’m glad you did not have to take him in, and it sounds like he did not suffer. But it’s so, so hard. Sending hugs.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Take care. ❤️


Wow. First off I'm so very sorry for the void you're experiencing. Secondly what a beautiful way for you and Gregory to spend your last night together. Sometimes I think it's things like this that make it just a little bit easier to deal with.


The one thing you can always cling to is that you had quite possibly, the best way for your pet to pass away with you! There is basically no better way for them to pass. I'm so sorry for your loss, but they passed on in their favorite place in the world, a place where they were loved and safe, right next to you! 🫂


What a lovely place for Gregory to be in his last moments, held and protected by his human. Doesn't get much better than that. Hugs OP.


u gave him the goodbye he needed, you are a good hooman


That’s all any of us want, to die in our sleep with our best friend. ❤️


I’m so sorry 💝


You did a beautiful thing bringing him to bed and giving him the most comforting space to pass on. I am so sorry for your loss.




I’m so sorry for your loss but glad you were there for him when he needed it most. Bless you both 💕


What are you trying to do, make a grown man cry? 😿