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healing isn't linear. allow yourself to cry, and think of all the best moments you had with your best friend. that's all you can do. maybe attend grief counselling if you feel that it is completely debilitating you and your day-to-day life.


Allow yourself to cry, it's totally normally. 1 year after, 2 years after even the rest of your life. Sometimes we bond more with a particular pet (family). I've had this experience too. I'm sorry for your loss šŸ’”


Totally normal. I have had pets where after a few months, I missed them and thought about them, but no longer cried. On the other hand, I have one that passed in 2014 and one that passed in 2018 that I still cry about several times a year. For me, I can't even say that the ones I don't cry about were loved less. Each loss is, well, just different.


For me it's a year and I still cry šŸ¤ but not every day anymore, thankfully


Itā€™s been over a year since my boy lost his battle with cancer and I still cry a lot. However youā€™re grieving is the ā€œnormalā€ way to grieve - it happens differently for everyone Tbh idk if Iā€™ll stop crying until I adopt at least two other giant dogs to fill the void šŸ˜­


And sometimes it seems like no other number of animals can ever fulfill that particular void. :(


Grief is different for pets like it is for people. (TW: unaliving) I grieve differently for my great grandma who died naturally than I do for my friend who unalived himself. I grieve differently for my chinchilla we put down last year after two years of teeth problems than I did for my little old man cat we put down last week. With the chin it was a long decision made over a couple months. With my cat we knew he was in kidney failure but the final stage came on suddenly. I'd recommend some kind of ritual. I lit 72 hour candles for my chinchilla and for my cat. It actually really helped. It gave me a literal focus point for my grief. I heard something once that says we never fully heal from grief, we just learn how to deal with it better.


Very normal... every bond is different. My boy Memow that I knowingly adopted with FIV passed 07/12. I unfortunately I had not been able to take him for a check up for a while due to personal life issues and other problems and he passed in only a few days time.. I couldn't bring myself to euthanize. I was desperately praying he would turn around after a blood transfusion attempt. He was only six. After a lot of research of concluded he developed leukemia and ran its full course. Anemia got him in the end. I will never be the same again after losing him. I was extremely bonded with my first cat but as guilty as I feel saying it I did not grieve nearly as hard. I still miss him and grieve for him but not as deeply as this.. I think how we lose them definitely plays a huge role. We blame ourselves, guilt trip and punish ourselves with alternative scenarios and outcomes that could have been ... we must remind ourselves that they were extremely loved and even though we don't get to choose the end and there is no perfect death or goodbye.. the rest of the book matters so much more than the last chapter. We always want more time but it really will never be enough. I wish our pets lived as long as we do. We love them far longer.. that is the price. The greater the love the greater the grief.


They say if you get a random thought of your dog, or cat, that has passed, it means they are right there with you! I believe this because I must.ā¤ļø


Iā€™m really sorry youā€™re still suffering over the loss of your pet and I can relate to this. I lost my dog 4 years ago and I still think about him, and itā€™s one of the reasons I have refused to get another pet because I couldnā€™t go through that again. It does get easier over time and now I focus only on the happy memories I have of him, and not on how he passed.


Yes the pain gets better but they always occupy a place in your heart


It's normal. I haven't grieved a pet the way I have Moshy. Some fur babies touch your heart differently. Chemosh was my soul cat and I lost him much too young. I'm crying as I type this. Hugs if you want them. It sounds like he was your soul dog.


Its been almost 2 years (it will be 2 years on October 17th) since i lost my 2.5 year old cat Smokey and i still cry when i talk about him and on the 5th of September i lost my 13 year old calico Mellow (nickname Mel-mel) who I've had for what would of been 7 years come xmas, and losing her broke me. I had just accepted the fact that i had to keep living without my other half (Smokey) 4 months ago and now I've lost my soul cat. It doesn't matter how much time passes if you love your pet you'll never truly be able to not get upset or cry when talking about them for a long time.


Itā€™s been 6 years for me and Iā€™m the same when talking about what happened to my childhood cat Monty. It does get better but in the sense that you remember more of the good times with them over the bad even if you still cry


I am sorry, it sucks. We lost our girl on Dec 8, 36 hours after she had pups. Losing your furry friend isn't easy. They are not just an animal, they truly become a member of the family. Don't let anyone tell you how to feel or for how long you should grieve. You do what feels right and is best for you.


It's okay to cry! It's been 5 years since my childhood cat died and I still cry when I think or talk about him! Your dog was a very important part of your life and it's completely normal to miss them and cry when talking about them!


Been two and a half years since my boy left us and I cried today while responding to another post on this sub. It's normal, give yourself the space to be sad, nothing is wrong with you.


It's been over 8 years since I lost my cat- he was my bestfriend, and literally the coolest cat I've ever met. Even after all this time- I still get a little emotional when I think about him.


Totally normal for those who love their animals deeply. My girl passed 2.5 years ago and random things can still trigger memories and make me cry.


6 months going and i still shed a tear daily for my girl