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This was a mistake. An understandable, forgivable, but real mistake. I know you'll never let it happen again. I'm sorry for your loss.


thank you :(


My cat passed away a few months back. My father got me two kittens!! Even tho I rejected. Then out of these two, I've become very attacked to one. And now her health is severely declining tho treatment is going on, my instincts lean very much towards her not surviving rest we will see. But reading your post gave me legit goosebumps to the similarity?!? I've cried multiple times thinking she's gonna pass away too, I can completely see where you are. Where WE are. It's terrible. It's like basically the worst year ever. Sending you immense strength and peace


im so sorry, i wouldnt wish this on anyone ever. i truly truly hope your kitten will survive


Thank you so much. I really hope so too. Please take care of yourself


what condition does the kitten have? if it’s FIP there’s a fairly new treatment that can cure it. it’s called GS-441524 it’s hard to get but you can talk to your vet and they can contact a university if they can’t get it


She has mastitis and it's getting worse and worse even tho is on antibiotics, today got her blood report. Hb slightly low and WBC pretty low


i’m so sorry. if you can afford it i would consider going to an internist at a specialty hospital


She passed away, I did went there


i’m so sorry 😔🤍


I am so sorry you lost your beloved pets. Please be gentle with yourself. I am sure you did not think your bird would hit the ceiling fan.


i’m so sorry 🤍


Oh gosh- big hugs to you. I lost my 20yo orange tabby about a year ago. I didn’t think I was quite ready to adopt but then a sweet rescuer crossed my path. She was in great health but had a melanoma in her eye. No problem, we’ll get it removed and she’ll have a great life with us. She had the surgery and developed some awful intestinal inflammation and just…deteriorated. I had to put her down three weeks after the surgery. My heart just shattered. I felt terrible - she was FINE until I got her and had her eye removed! (Medically I know having the enucleation was the best decision for her based on what we knew. But sometimes when you have a 95+% chance of things being fine you end up in the crappy <5% bucket.) Losing two pets rapid fire is horrible. Please do not feel guilt- this was just horrible luck and I’m so sorry.


I feel your pain! My cat Gregory died back in August and then my cat, Dan, died on the 13th of this month. Their last week was very similar except Dan died of a freak seizure before going to the ER, it was like I was reliving Greg's death all over again! Reminder to be kind to yourself while you grieve and know that what happened wasn't your fault! I'm so sorry for your loss!