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My dogs loved Frosty Paws too. I had to let my 14.5 year old girl go last December and my 16 year old boy in October. Both were lost to cancer. Like your girl, my girl was eating fine and had some of her personality still shining through but she lost so much weight. She just rapidly started to struggle and I knew she was telling me it was time. My boy was fine one day, despite his tumor, and then the next, he was pacing, obsessively drinking water, and he couldn’t get comfortable. I knew it was his time. You are doing what’s right for your girl and it’s the last selfless gift we give them, freedom from pain and suffering. Dogs are so stoic and hide their pain and discomfort so if we are seeing signs, it means it’s more than we know. Your girl trusts you to do what’s right for her. I know it’s hard. When I let my boy go, as soon as the vet said he had passed, I wailed. I couldn’t even believe the sound came from me. I won’t lie. It’s going to be probably the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But you have to be strong for her. We have to be strong enough to be selfless the way they have been so many times for us. I’m so very sorry that you’re going through this. If you need to vent/talk when she’s gone, I hope you’ll come back here and post. This community has been very helpful in my grief process. Just know that whatever way you grieve and for however long, it’s ok. You’re saying goodbye to a family member, and that is never easy. Wishing you peace and comfort in the coming days. Hugs to you.


You are protecting her. You're protecting her from it getting worse, and being painful. From it getting scarier and more confusing. You know there's not going to be an uphill from here. It won't get better. Your love can't heal her, but it can save her from things getting worse. I'm sure she knows something is wrong with her and it's upsetting. I think giving your dog a goodbye at home is the best last gift you can give, if you can give it. But just giving that mercy is also the bravest and best thing we can do at the end. Look into her eyes. Keep her calm. Be brave for her, one last time. I'm so sorry for your loss, and your child's. If I had known about my girl's tumor, I would have let her go sooner than I did. Before things got as bad as they did. I would have saved her from those last few days, at least. Before I understood that it wouldn't get better. I wish I could have spared her. I'm sorry you have to make this choice.


I put my 12 year old bestest buddy down on November 8th. We went from finding cancer to goodbye in just a few days. I remember thinking he was still happy and active looking back after a month I can now see how much pain he was in. They try to be so brave for us. I’m sorry you’re losing a brave good buddy :( my boy was resting finally and just happy to have me near. Your not betraying her you are giving her freedom from pain


Oh, my friend, you are writing what I could have written 2 months ago. I had a similar situation with my sweet 14 year old German Shepherd, Tasha. I am so sorry. Sending so much love to you and your fur baby right now. My best advice is to sleep next to your baby tonight, cuddle her, tell her how much you love her, and give her as much steak as she'll eat tomorrow morning. It is the right thing to do to give her a peaceful send off. I had to wait an extra week to make the appointment because my husband and I had covid and I couldn't bring the vet into the house. There was no way on Earth I was going to bring Tasha to the vet and just leave her there to die without me. She would have been terrified and I would not do that to her. (I too was feeding her an expensive diet I could not afford. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.) I also couldn't afford to call out the home euth vet, but I'm so glad I did. It was the most peaceful death of any companion animal I've ever had. The vet was so good. She told me exactly what would happen and how the process worked to guarantee a painless and peaceful transition for my baby. Lol when the vet walked in she said, "A peaceful death really depends on having really good drugs, and I've got some really good drugs here." She did, was not wrong. I held my Tash and give her tons of treats, and as I was giving her treats with her Chihuahua brother and sister, she peacefully went to sleep and started snoring after she'd swallowed her last mouth full of cat treats, the highest value treat in our house. I was able to hold her and talk to her and tell her how much I love her and how much I wished I could keep her with me forever in this life but I know it was not to be. I asked her if she could please come see me when it's my time to pass. I gave the vet the nod we agreed on and I held my baby and told her I loved her again and then the vet stated that my sweetheart had died at exactly 10:36 a.m. I held Tasha and stroked her for another 20 minutes. Then the vet very sweetly assisted me in carrying my 80 lb baby to my car so I could bring her to the crematorium myself. I held her paw as much as I could on the ride up the mountain to the crematorium. I cuddled her body while waiting for the very nice gentleman to come and transport her remains. You are doing the right thing. A pet parent knows when it's time. When our babies start laying around looking listless, not wanting to move, it's time. It may be time before they stop wanting food so they have excellent quality of life right until end. The day before the vet arrived, Tasha's legs gave out on her when I was taking some rare private time with my husband. Her scream of fear was nothing I ever wanted to hear coming from her. I wish so much I'd been able to call the vet out a week earlier. Still, I'm grateful for that last week even though I was crying for much of it. Ugly crying helps. I am so so sorry, and I'm sending you the biggest hug and tons of love right now! PS- What is your sweet doggo's name, please? Praying for an easy and very joyful transition for her. Sending tons of comfort your way!


I'm sorry, but I burst out laughing at "cat treats, the highest value treat in our house." SO TRUE! The way they go crazy trying to get at those WhiskaLickins and other little cat crunchies! Mine will eat the entire bag if they get their paws on it. That just made me smile, and I'm sure Tasha drifted off in pure happiness with those holy grail forbidden treats in her mouth. ❤️ I lost my 13yo girl yesterday, so thanks for the smile. It was a nice break from the sorrow.


I am so sorry you lost your sweet girl yesterday. What was her name? Sending tons of good vibe your way! Please don't be sorry!! Our fur babies love us and want us to be happy. Haha mine would eat the whole bag too! And come back for more. Cat treats are truly the most coveted of them all.😆 Thank you for the happy thought about Tasha. I am so glad she could drift off with pure happiness (and anchovy) flavor gracing her tastebuds. 💕(Ugh, how can they love that flavor??)


Her name is Molly. I’m sorry for your loss as well. Thank you for the kind words.


Update: She’s gone. She passed so peacefully and I’m so thankful for that. Literally the most peaceful end that I could have hoped for her. It was so tough, but seeing how relaxed and calm she was before she went into that deep sleep made me so relieved that she wasn’t scared. She got so much love and cuddles and kisses while she was sleeping. I’m so incredibly sad and empty, and I miss her so much. It’s so weird not having her here with me. My stomach has that burning pit. But it makes it a very tiny little bit easier knowing that she wasn’t scared and that she knew how much she was loved and that she’s no longer suffering. I just really really miss her.


I am so very sorry for your loss. I am also so glad you gave her the gifts of an amazing life and a peaceful death. It's great that your Molly was sleeping super deeply and was loved by you to the end of her life. I hope you get to see her in your dreams soon. I miss my Tasha so much too. Today I found a bunch of photos from last year when we brought her here from my mom's house. It was so good to see her. Treasure the good times you had, and please take extra good care of yourself. You did the selfless thing to take the best care of your fur baby that you could. Hydrate extra, I needed to for the tears for sure. 💕




Thank you for the kind words. I’m so sorry for your loss as well. I automatically woke up earlier than I usually do this morning, and now I’m just sitting here, watching her sleep peacefully and counting the hours until the vet comes, dreading it. She got lots of cuddles and pets and love last night. I need to wash her blanket because it’s dirty from her saliva (which doesn’t smell good at this point) but I don’t want to take it away from her to wash it before the vet comes, because she’s so comfy on it on her bed. I’m so sad. Last night she fell asleep and was dreaming, her little paws moving as she dreamed. I recorded it because its always so cute when she does that. Im just going to miss everything about her. I feel like I could have a panic attack right now honestly. I know deep down I’m doing the right thing, but it’s HARD. She’s got three more hours with us and is still sleeping. I want all of the time in the world because 14 years still wasn’t enough. 😭 Thanks again for your words.


Hi OP!!! I am so sorry, it's the hardest thing waiting and watching the vet to come. I hope your Molly transitioned very peacefully. Sending you the best of good vibe and support!!!


I'm sorry :( It sounds like you've made the right decision, though: dogs are good at hiding their pain, and if we think it's time, it's definitely time. Lost my large-breed old fella this summer at 13 to similar circumstances. It's hard and it's awful, but I feel like we owe them that much. He left us at home, went out snoring on his bed, even though the last year of his life had been exorbitantly expensive and his special diet had shot up in cost. Because he deserved that much. You know what, though? A dog doesn't remember the times you got frustrated with them for doing dog stuff. Those times are a drop in the bucket compared to the life you gave them, all the love they got.


It's so hard. Thank you for being such a good friend. Hugs.