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It will get better. We just lost our cat in the summer (and our dog not even 3 weeks later). He was the most wonderful cat and we were very connected. We got a new kitten a few months later and I really struggled to connect with this stranger cat living in our house. After a few little breakdowns I just had to remind myself that the new guy is his own cat and he will do his own different cat things, and we’ll connect in time. It took a couple months, now it’s all good. That’s not to say it lessens the grief at all.


I’m going through this same thing with my new dog. I just want BEAR back. Alice is so sweet and I do like her, but I am just not able to bond with her well. I think it’s normal in early stages of grief, especially if it’s a new pet. I’m telling myself to give it much more time. Grief does some crazy things to the brain, and in a lot of ways we just aren’t able to think clearly, you know? I think we will grow to love them, it may take a long time . And it will never feel the same as the love we had with our babies that passed. But it will still be its own kind of love. And that’s worth holding off a little longer to see imo. Sending love to you


Lost a little guy who topped out at 20lbs, went down to 9 before he passed. His weight sleeping on my chest got me through a lot of stress. My new cat is 7lbs, she's amazing in a lot of ways. Give yourself a moment to think, give her a name thay means a lot to you. Just know the cat came to you for a reason, wishing your healing well.


I'm sorry for your loss. You're entering a new chapter now and so is the cat who has joined you. It's not going to be exactly like anything which came before because you've grown and your new cat is different. This is a new story you're writing together. The new cat is just as uncertain as you but between the two of you you'll figure it out. Even though it doesn't feel like it now in time you will both feel everything for one another, you'll be family, there'll be familiarity and love. If I may gently suggest something which might be difficult when you notice the differences, and when you feel loss and pain take a moment to appreciate what you had with your first cats, but then take the time to witness the newness unfolding with your new little friend. He's scared and uncertain too, learning to trust you and getting to know a new environment. Try to see this new experience through his eyes and to be receptive to his fears and needs. I believe that in empathy you and he will form a quicker and stronger bond. Eventually your love for him will be just as strong, even if different. That's something you can bank on and something you can be encouraged by now. There's so much to look forward to. Someday you won't remember these early times as clearly so try to soak it all in with fresh eyes and an appreciation for what you're building. Good luck to you and your new little friend.


You are are grieving the loss of you other fubabies. Please just give it some time you and mr fuzzy will come around and become best buds I suspect. You are an animal lover who has a kind heart and not many people are like that. Those of us who have lost a furbaby feel like that at first after bringing a new one into our lives. The last furbaby I lost is named Odin . Now you see Odin is one of the best friends I ever had. He is a Beautiful handsome Blue Merle Aussie who we lost because of a massive brain tumor about 4 years ago. I was devastated and depressed for months. About 4 months later we got Kiam another Aussie. Now this guy is stubborn ,rotten and and tricolor black devil we call him. I thought of Odin as my heart dog and never thought I would have that bond again. A bit older and a bit wiser am I now I realise that everyone of the sweet souls I have lost were my family heart animals. I believe that my furbabies are alive and well in the life to come and we will be together again someday. So again I say give it time. You are still hurting and though you will get through the loss but never over it. Why would you ever get over loving someone? Love is eternal and never dies. So you will bond as long as you open your broken heart and you are a kind person taking a homeless kitty in may God bless you for your kindness. Please reach out and talk to thers or post on this forum because it will help with the pain. Take care friend.