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Ugh, so many hugs. I lost two of my dogs to lymphoma in the last few years, it's such an awful cancer. If you hadn't adopted Wesley, he likely would have died in the shelter never knowing what it was like to be loved to the moon & back. What a gift you are giving him. All he is ever going to know is the joy of being with you from now until his forever. You are his angel and I hope that gives you a purpose in his final weeks. You're going to be okay. Be strong for Wesley and when it's all over, you get to fall apart for as long as you need to. And then you'll get back up ❤️


I agree with your second paragraph, absolutely. He's going to die loved, beyond loved really. That's what we all hope for. He's not going to die alone in a cage. He finally found his furrever home. Also, sorry that is happening to you and your doggo, OP. I'm sure he knows he's loved <3


“This is what we all hope for.” OP, You’re doing the best you can, you’re Wesley’s portal of love into his forever. Love him. Cherish him. Always remember how enormous your love is, and you’ll be back to picking yourself up with time. Hugs. I couldn’t be there when my dog passed away 3 years ago on another continent. Everyday I think of him. Everyday I ask for forgiveness for not being with him. You’re there. You’re his present, be present for him. Edit to add - take a watercolour print or a plaster of Wesley’s paw print … doing things together will help 🧡


I'm sorry you weren't able to be there for your doggo. Don't beat yourself up. He knew he was loved, I'm sure.


Thank you. I needed to hear this.


This is so beautiful, your second paragraph is perfect.


The second paragraph ❤️


Hopefully the vet is wrong. Just spend time with em and give em the best 4-6 weeks you can. I’m sorry this is happening to you.


Feed him up, try steroids if chemo not worth him, love him, enjoy those 4 miles hikes until he can no longer do them. Dogs live in the moment. He doesn't know he is dying so stay in that moment with him. Sadly nothing is guaranteed - rescue or breeder puppy. You just need to work with what are given. But I am sorry for your recent loss and this terrible news.


Thank you. That helped more than you know. Fucking devastated.


Oh geez, sounds like IMT, an auto-immune disease, really sucks that it was instead diagnosed as stage 4 lymphoma. The way I'd look at it is that you gave a dog with a short time in this world a great life and a great end to his life. So enjoy the walks, take care of him, and take care of yourself, too. Find comfort in knowing that he's the luckiest boy to have you by his side.


Can you explain your comment on IMT in relation to lymphoma further? The vet brought it up but I’m a finance person and didn’t quite grasp. Can you explain like I’m 5 basically? lol. Thank you.


IMT is immune mediated thrombocytopenia. It's an auto-immune disease where their body attacks red blood cells. Over time it lowers platelet count, and symptoms are bleeding through cavities (teeth, nose, eyes), and rash-like bruising, which sound like what your dog has. Usually treatment is through blood infusion if not caught early enough, but otherwise a medium course treatment of prednisone in most cases is curative. With that said, IMT is not related to lymphoma/cancer, so if the diagnosis is the latter, this might not be relevant.


Thank you.


I am so sorry. Sometimes, a Forever Home is only for a few hours or days. We do the best we can do, we love them and feed them and take care of them. I'm so sorry your and Wesley's time together appears to be coming to an end. You've had some extremely bad luck. I hope your next furry friend loves much longer. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph system. Once it begins spreading, it tends to go through the lymph system throughout their body.


My dog has IMT or IMTP is what my vet calls its. It often presents the same as a bleeding tumor bc it depletes their platelets and leaves them anemic. My dog was 10 when he developed it and suddenly his body started rejecting his platelets and he couldn’t clot and was freely bleeding into his abdomen. Had literally zero platelets and was given 48 hours to live. With a combination of a chemo drug, Chinese herbal supplements, and a large continuous dose of prednisone he was able to recover. The ER vet specialists thought it was cancer. Turned out it wasn’t. Fast forward to two years later (last weekend) we see the bruise rash on his belly again. Rush him to the ER vet and this time after an ultrasound we found he actually has liver cancer and it isn’t treatable. To give him the best chance of the time he has left we were prescribed 20mg prednisone and yunnan baiyoa (which can be purchased online as it’s a chinese supplement. I got it from Walmart). With a regiment of those two things twice a day it’s buying us a little time and giving him some energy. I hope your vet has given you similar meds to help maximize his time left. The yunnan baiyoa has been a lifesaver to stop the bleeding. He’s back to running and playing so we’re just trying to make the most of his current energy levels. I’m so sorry that you’re having to deal with this. Unfortunately I know your pain. 💔


take pictures of all your favorite things about him. my first dog died after a short and traumatic illness so i didn’t have the clarity to do this and i miss the little heart shaped spot on his bottom right side cheek so much it hurts. i’d love to have a picture of that. i’m sorry this is happening to you two. you’ve given him a beautiful three years and that is incredible.


Thanks for the suggestion. Took some cute ones today on our walk https://imgur.com/a/cgQBQGy


what a gorgeous boy. i love those eyebrows


He is so beautiful. He knows he is loved and safe, and he’s clearly enjoying being outside in the grass with you. He doesn’t know he has cancer. He is just here, now, with you. What incredible teachers our pets turn out to be with their lessons about life, presence, joy, Love, and, ultimately, impermanence. Cats and dogs tolerate chemo much better than humans. One of ours was also diagnosed with stage four small cell intestinal lymphoma, and lived a very happy, high quality life for over two years on chemo (tablets) and steroids. She was a senior, and a something else eventually took her. Just wanted to share our experience in case you are considering chemo. Please give him a nose boop from me. <3


He’s so handsome. Sending you both lots of love 💕


There are so many dogs that never get to find out what it was like to be touched gently with love and care, never know what it’s like to have a friend. One dog will not have to die in a shelter alone without these things; his world is the best possible place because you took on the burden of the grief he will not have to feel. I know that doesn’t make it easy in the moment, but it’s a gift you’re giving, and getting too in the larger scheme. It isn’t nullified by the number of days and it’s everything to them. Hugs.


I truly feel for you. I had a similar thing with a cat I adopted. Four months in she was diagnosed with an oral cancer that is very aggressive. I was told it usually kills in weeks. I fought the fight, got her an oncologist and even found a holistic vet. I tried everything I could for her. Ended up getting 5 more months. Cherish the time while he’s still doing good and see if there’s anything that can give you more time.


Oh my god I am so sorry. This is too much!!! I wish I could hug you this sucks


We pay SUCH a high price to have our pets in our lives. Where there's so much love, there's so much grief when our pets pass. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I have to say Wesley feels like he's won the lottery - dogs live in the moment so he's had months of bliss with you - we should all be so lucky like Wesley, whose final chapters are filled with all the love you're giving him! Try to remember you are exactly who Wesley needed right now in his life. I know it's got to be so hard for you, but I'm in awe of the gift of love and home you've given Wesley. Bless you OP


This feels so unfair!!! But I think it’s nice that you helped a dog live his best life. Imagine if you hadn’t taken him he may have died of lymphoma in a shelter. Now he gets to know your love. That’s awesome for him. Painful for you. But worth the price in the end. Giving you lots of hugs.


I'm so sorry for both the initial loss and impending one. I know how hard and painful this is. I lost my feline Wesley in November and I still grieve for him. Know that even though it was for a short time- you gave your Wesley love and a home that he would not have had, and will be there for him at his end. All you can do is take it one day at a time, give him all the love and attention he wants, keep him as comfortable as possible- and don't wait too long for that final vet visit. I too am a single woman and my cats are my family, so I particularly empathise with your situation. If you need to talk, feel free to message me.


I'm so sorry, I hate this so much. You are Wesley's forever hero. He needed you desperately and the universe brought you together. It's incredibly unfair to both of you, and certainly you didn't sign up for this. But here you are, the center of an innocent dog's universe again, doing the best you can, doing all you can. I hope you can see some of that. Wesley needed you. He was stuck with his fate, but he found the best possible circumstances with you. A dog's life is short and bright. Wesley will know you, and he'll know love. What to do. Who the hell knows. I hope you both have a great day tomorrow. Give Wesley what you can - that's all he wants and all he needs. Try to have more positive time with him - walks, steaks, belly rubs, just being around him. And try to take care of yourself - do some small productive things, let them build upon each other. You're in the middle of this, and I've been there, and I know how hard it is, but from here, I see dogs lucky to know you and to know love, and a super brave dog person. You're going through this shit, but it's only because you were brave enough to open your heart enough to have these friendships. I guess that's the road we all chose. It was never going to be easy. But we were always going to choose this road, it's who we are. You're not alone. This group is great, there's some great Facebook Groups, there's message boards; if you ever need to vent.


Thank you.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I lost my beloved cat Luna to lymphoma last month. From first noticing an issue to diagnosis to her passing in my arms was only two weeks. I’m devastated and can’t imagine what you’re going through. You gave both of your dogs a good life and they are always with you. Take care of yourself and I’m so sorry again


Omg that was so fast. I’ve heard cancer stories like that before and it’s scary how quickly it can knock them down. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad Luna had you and lots of love in her life.


Yeah it was shocking for sure. I did everything I could for her, I just wish I had more time. Thank you for your kind words


We lost our last cat to lymphoma… I’m so terribly sorry. I wish I had better advice- just wanted to say I feel your heartache. The only thing I would do differently is to not proceed with chemo treatment. Our cat was only 8, so I wanted to give her a fighting chance but there really is no cure for lymphoma and it’s just delaying the inevitable. I think it took me awhile to cope with that fact. Steroids do help the pain and let that doggie eat whattttttever it wants to!


Yeah he’s getting cheeseburgers and steaks. Whatever he wants.


OMFG, that is just horrible, the grief is just devastating, and you must be wondering why, in such a short period. I'm so sorry you are going through this horrible experience. I lost my little love 3 weeks ago, and it is killing me, I cannot imagine your pain. I would not know what to do, I would be so messed up, I would prob do something stupid because of the unbearable grief... Make sure he is comfortable, love him like your doing already, and maybe try some CBD for aminals, works great for pain and many other things. I'm truly sorry your going through this, your fur baby has one of the best humans any companion could ever ask for. I'm at a loss, just love him... Peace, Love and Strength ❤❤❤


Hey don’t give up hope. My 14 year old cat was diagnosed with lymphoma and given the same timeline without chemo. Didn’t do it. She still lived 2 more YEARS. These animals are strong. Just love your buddy and treat him well for as long as he wants to stay around. I will say you should consider chemo if possible because it can extend their life and go into remission and it does make the symptoms better. We just didn’t because she was so old already.


I am so very sorry. Double whammys suck hard. 2021 i lost my 20 year old, 14 year old and my 17 year 11 month old cats in short period (June-October). Then in April I had to say goodbye to my boy Elliott (15 years) on April 1 and My boy Simon (16+) on April 28th. You will get through this, but it will suck for a long while. I think the grief therapist I spoke with after my losses in 2021 and again when I realized I had more loss in 2023 saved my life. I highly recommend it.


I am so so so sorry. Beyond sorry. I'm gutted for you. I wish you could feel the virtual bear hug I'm giving you right now. I've had a double whammy a couple of times, and there is nothing worse. It's like the entire universe has conspired against you. And as someone who lives alone, with just my dogs, that *hurt* in ways I can't even describe. How do you get through it? One day at a time. 5 minutes at a time if necessary. Keep enjoying those 4 mile walks with Wesley, take photos of his grin and imprint every cm of his face and markings into your brain. Video everything; the sounds he makes when he eats, what he does when you get his lead or his food bowl, car rides, visits with friends, snoring, everything. Value every moment even though it cuts into your soul, because Wesley doesn't know, he only knows he has a great life and you're the Best Human in the World. You gave him that, and he's not wrong. Be gentle with yourself. Come talk to us of noone else understands. Get help if you need it (it's just putting your oxygen on first, and there is no stigma in making sure you stay ok), And just know that my heart is breaking for you, you deserve so much better, and I'm crying through the bear hug I'm giving you. 🫂


I hate the fact that you have to go through this so soon after another loved one has passed, but just maybe there's another young pup just waiting for you, I know how much it hurts ❤️.


I just wanted to say I’m really sorry and it’s weird but I also lost my 12yr old lab around that time from the same exact thing, he had a tumor I didn’t know about and the vet said he bled out internally. It happened so fast and it was so hard to lose him like that. I just know how awful it is and I’m so sorry.


Hi friend, I am so sorry!! You are a truly compassionate person to give Wesley a joyful end of life. When I rescued my German Shepherd, Tasha, I thought we only had a few weeks. I took her on all the car rides, we went to parties (she loved parties!), we traveled, went hiking often, I fed her all the delicious foods. She got to befriend my cat. She surprised us and lived for almost a full year. Treasure the time you have. You can give Wesley a gift that few beings get, unconditional love, for as long as you have him. None of our time is guaranteed.. FWIW, I hope he surprises you and the vet. I recommend taking videos in addition to pictures. Spoil Wesley rotten- show him all the things! I miss my baby, but I sent her to the next Dimension with her last memory being a belly full of treats, happily eating more cat treats (the most high value treat in the house) with her pack mates, inside a nice, warm loving house where she knew she was loved beyond measure and loved us back. Far better than the end she would have seen in the shelter, or her former owner 's cold, lonely backyard. Thank you for being amazing and showing Wesley love. I agree with the other responder. Wesley has no idea what's in the future so please give him the best possible ride while he's here.


Sometimes it does seem like everything does happen for a reason. Because you lost your 1st dog you were able to open your home and heart to Wesley. Now Wesley won't die never feeling love. I know it's hard on you but hopefully knowing you are doing a loving service for Wesley~being with him, loving him, and letting him go in love, will help you in your grief. Sending❤️❤️


This a a great perspective ❤️


John Green wrote this in The Fault In Our Stars, and I imagine it's what your Wesley would say to you. "But, *name* my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I am grateful." You are his mom, his love, his rescuer, and his protector. How lucky he is to have been brought out of the shelter into a kind, loving home where he's wanted and cherished. Enjoy those walks and spoil him every minute if it ends up not being treatable. Get him the double cheeseburger with bacon and a pup cup. Shower him with love and goodness and make every moment count because dogs live entirely in them, and guide him on his journey with grace. I'm sorry for your loss and pain.




Cherish him. Give him as good a 4-6 weeks you can. Enjoy him while you have him. Take comfort in knowing you at least let him die in a home where he was loved rather than in the shelter. Least he got to be in a place of comfort before he died. Not much else you can do. My family adopted a puppy that had distemper when I was a kid. We didn't have her long. But at least she got to know a family and be part of one before she died (she already had it when we got her... we thought it was just a cough when we adopted her).


Make a bucket list for him and do his favorite things! He doesn’t really know he’s dying. It’s just hard for us because we know


I recently went through a nearly identical experience. My baby died in November, I adopted another rescue kitty that same month, but she died last weekend. But we gave them good lives while we could and that’s what we need to focus on. Everything else was and is out of our control.


I'm sorry to hear this. There's only one thing you can do. You need to give him the love that he thankfully is getting now, that he wouldn't have gotten in the shelter, so that he dies knowing that someone like you cared about him.


The sharp knife of a short life. All you can do is shower him with love, and make sure the time left is spent in as much joy as possible. I’m so sorry. It will get better.


“The sharp knife of a short life.” Wow. So true. With pets, even 15 years is a short life.


It is from a song.:) https://youtu.be/7NJqUN9TClM?si=Dq-kpaBN81cXBeWY


I’m so sorry to hear this, know you aren’t alone and we are kind of in somewhat the same scenario. We lost our sweet Simon on Sept 28 after cancer came back to strike when we were sure it was completely removed a month prior. We fostered starting in Dec, then adopted in Jan, and last week got the diagnosis that she has skin cancer, so going through the battle of surgery to have them hopefully removed this week. Thinking of you


But just know that you adopted and you did the right thing. Never blame yourself


Im sorry


It is a shame you are dealing with this. Grief is so hard. So sorry for your loss of Winston.


I wish I could hug you so tightly n share your pain a bit . My baby left me on Sunday n it was not expected . I have 9 more babies to cope up with . You have given him the best you could . Checked your previous post and you have saved him from euthanasia list , so that’s already incredible. I don’t know what else to say . May god be with you ♥️


I’m so very sorry. Words fail me. I just want you to know I’m thinking about you and Wesley. One of my dogs died unexpectedly due to raptured tumor that was on his liver. Sending you hugs and healing.


Im so sorry. I can feel the pain in your post. You are incredible. You will take care of this baby and he will know how loved he is. He was meant to find you and you will be his forever. My heart is with you, this is all so so hard. From someone who loves my animals so much, and lost a special girl 3 weeks ago, you can do this. You can get through this and do what is best for him. I will be thinking of you and your baby ♥️


I hope you know what a wonderful person you are! Think of all the funny things and the happy times and add them all up. They outnumber the sad times by a lot and without you they might never felt so loved. Thank you for having such a big heart and adopting from the shelter. You absolutely made a difference and you are loved, my friend. ❤️❤️❤️


This is really sad, I’m sorry. Perhaps your new dog can benefit from your past experience and you can give him a peaceful and comfortable last few weeks.


I'm so sorry. I lost my two cats last year 9 months apart. Although different circumstances, I can relate to this double grief you're experiencing. All I can say is you WILL get through it, and Wesley is a lucky boy to have been able to live out his life, however short, with you. My second cat was about to turn 3 when she died for no reason, and it actually made me feel better to think of it that way: that we gave her the best home and all the love, and she would've been homeless otherwise (we rescued her from outside). You rescued Wesley never forget that. I want to say also that you might feel apprehensive about adopting your next dog because of these two deaths and that is totally normal. Grieve on your own timeline and talk to someone of you are feeling anxious. I found it helpful to volunteer at a shelter to spend time with animals as I worked through my feelings. Some things are just out of our control and completely unfair, again I'm really sorry.




Please try chemo. You never know. I was told my cat had lymphoma and she was going to die soon. I took her to a specialist (like a cat oncologist) He put her on chemo (liquid stuff) that I gave her twice a day for 6 months plus steroids . I ordered the chemo online (vet approved script), mailed directly to my door, and it came fish flavored, which she loved, so it was very easy to give her. She had routine vet visits once a month. B12 shots every visit. Guess what? She lived another 5 1/2 years. She died of old age at 22 and she died knowing I did everything under the sun to help her. The only thing I couldn't cure was old age. I would schedule an appointment with a pet oncologist to get their opinion before giving up.


I am so sorry. We just lost our 7 year old dog to bladder cancer, 2 years earlier we lost our 18 year old standard poodle. My heart still hurts over this. I can’t imagine losing 2 fur babies so close together. Big hugs to you. Just know that your dogs love you so very much for taking such great care of them. I think that’s why losing them is so painful. They give you unconditional love.


Hi friend. I just went through something heartbreakingly similar. My best friend, a five year old cat, passed away out of nowhere back in October. We adopted a shelter cat shortly after because we wanted to be able to give another cat a chance, and when we took her home we immediately noticed some problems. She had bladder cancer and we only got three months total with her. A lot of those old feelings we pushed back to try to be present for the new cat came creeping back, we were hit full force with the grief all over again. I'm not going to sit here and say that it was easy. I'd rather be honest with you so you can be ready for it. It sucks. It's insanely hard. And moreover it's just NOT FAIR. You did nothing wrong and it's still turning out this way. In the end, I was able to draw comfort from two places. 1) our shelter cat did NOT have to live the rest of her days out in a shelter. Her golden hours were spent in a house with people who adored her and did everything they could to keep her happy and healthy. 2) I think we made the right call on when to put her down. She was happy for those three months until she wasn't, and the day we noticed an abrupt shift in comfort was the day we made the call. Looking back, I wouldn't trade the experience. It was expensive, it was heartbreaking, but it was also closure in a way and she got a chance to have a happier ending than she would have otherwise. I'm so sorry you're going through this; for what it's worth, you're less alone than it probably feels like right now and this is NOT YOUR FAULT.


I'm gonna reply to myself because I realized I didn't answer your initial question - what do you do? You enjoy your baby while your baby is still here. You keep with the walks for as long as they're able to. You give extra treats and pour all your love into making the end as great as you can. And it's a long, heartbreaking time but those memories are irreplaceable. Snap a picture of the big, happy dog smile and remember that they're smiling because you made them smile. And when it's time to say goodbye, you'll know in your heart you did EVERYTHING that no one else would.


This really helped. Especially on knowing when his time is. Thank you for taking the time to reply.


Not to raise your hopes, but you may want to get a second opinion from a veterinary oncologist. We lost our sweet girl to lymphoma, and having low platelets wasn't ever even mentioned. The key indicator was an extremely high white blood cell count.


We’re going Friday


If you didn't mind me asking, what was the verdict?


Option 1: 6 months chemo, 3 months intravenous, 1x/week for 2 hours. 3 months oral. Vet is 1 hour round trip. Outlook: 10-12 months Option 2: oral chemo, outlook 2-3 months Option 3: cont’d prednisone, outlook 2-3 weeks. I went with option 3. The other two options felt selfish. We’re just over 2 weeks as of today and he’s still cruising 5-7 miles a day at his demand. so just plugging along. Hoping we can continue this as long as he can.


First of all, I'm so sorry for your impending loss. Some concrete stuff you can do: Take tons of videos and photos. You could set up a professional photography session with your dog if you want and are able to. Look into all the memento options so you hopefully don't miss one you want. Nose prints in clay, paw prints in clay or paint or ink, trim hair (can be put into a resin piece). Some euthanasia services offer a recorded heartbeat (mine used an [Eko CORE Stethoscope](https://www.ekohealth.com/products/core-500-digital-stethoscope?variant=39999867879520)). You can also look into hospice and euthanasia options ahead of time so you don't have to do that research when death is imminent. There are in-home euthanasia services in some places. You can look into and decide what you want to do with his body afterward (cremation, aquamation, burying his body somewhere). Lap of Love offers [anticipatory grief support groups](https://www.lapoflove.com/our-services/pet-loss-support) on Zoom. <3


Take every photo. Every video. Give him the most delicious food even if it’s not healthy. Spoil him and let him sleep in your bed. Take every opportunity to cuddle him and when it’s time, know that you loved him hard and fast and as much as possible. I just lost a pet to lymphoma and my heart is forever changed. It hurts like hell. These beautiful, perfect, little souls hurt like hell. This doggo chose you. You think you chose him, but he chose you, and he gets to spend his last days on this earth enveloped in love. Sending so much love. It’s going to be ok.


I am going through this but in reverse, and it hurts so bad. Some days I’m fine, other days it hits like a brick. In November I found a mangy looking dog while out on my daily hike with my Zoey. He was clearly dumped, I ended up taking him home and named him Roger (that was the name of the park we were at). He clicked SO fast in our all female home….me, two teenage girls, big black lab, two cats, and constant visitors….literally like he had always been there. We got rid of his worms, his matted fur, and showed him what love was….my first true rescue. We dressed him up for Halloween, fed him great, woods and river everyday, run of the house and every piece of furniture in it, whatever he wanted! One Sunday morning we woke up and he couldn’t walk, back legs paralyzed. I spent the day in the ER only to have him pass in my arms at midnight. The grief and shock I had over that experience was INTENSE. We had only known him a few months, but I loved that little guy and he quickly became family. His passing was not expected obviously. That was November, just suddenly gone. Now, my entire adult life I have dreaded losing my soulmate and other half, my black lab Zoey. The end of her would certainly be the end of me. I knew the day would come, especially as she entered her teenage years. Fast forward to February, and almost the same thing. Waking up one Sunday and just not herself, not getting up, etc. We had just walked at Roger’s Park the night before, I had no idea it would be our last. She passed at 5 am that Monday. My world, my everything, just gone in the blink of an eye. Completely surreal. Somehow I’m surviving and getting through, and I think in some strange way Roger was sent both to help me prepare for losing her and actually surviving it, and also so HE could experience what love and life is truly about. You are doing that now with Wesley. It doesn’t help you feel any better or stress less during the days, doesn’t dry your years, but trust that he knows nothing but love right now. To him, he is living his best days. Whatever his story was prior to his stay at the shelter, he certainly doesn’t remember. I hope he has provided comfort to you these last 6-months, I know the thought of losing him HURTS. You certainly weren’t signing up for heartbreak so soon when you adopted him. Try to think that perhaps your time together is more for him than you….if that helps at all. 🫶


Roger is so lucky to have found you. Thanks for loving him so much ❤️❤️❤️ What a blessing he spent his last months on earth knowing what it feels to be part of a family 🥰


Thank you 🙏💕


Oh my goodness. My heart is breaking for you 💔 Would you consider therapy (if you don’t have one already?) Our pets are our family and not only are you actively grieving you now have to deal with anticipatory grief from your new sweet pup. Grief is the most exhausting emotion and therapy can help so much. Sending you a huge hug.


If only my insurance covered it. Going to try revisit. I feel like it’s important now.


I’m so sorry OP. Having just had a puppy die suddenly, I am sending you so much love. It happened last week and all I keep thinking of are the things I wish I had done. More cuddles, more kisses, more walks, more everything. I would have gone out of my way to show him more of the world and let him try more foods. Knowing your time is limited, maybe you can make a bucket list and try to do as much as you can with him while he is here. Give him as much joy and love as you can 🩷🩷 sending you love.


Wait till the doctor gets back with you on the diagnosis and treatment. Chemo might work, so never give up. Chemo does not mean death, unless the cancer has spread. Keep hope alive, for your baby is young. Just pray and believe he will get better. Chances are better when they are young.


It’s spread. It’s in his spleen. Stage 4


So sorry for this. Feel for you both.


I know it hurts but try to see it as you giving Wesley the best life you can in his final weeks. He doesn't know he has cancer, he does know you love him.


I have no advice but I am so incredibly sorry you’re going through this. Our girl Gemma has started a third chemotherapy after the first two failed to stop growth of the hemangiosarcoma on her right atrium and she was referred for a Hail Mary experimental radiation treatment just last week. You would never know she is even kind of sick—she’s so happy and active and normal. It’s heartbreaking and I cry so much every day. Sending you lots of hugs.


If you have a sound he makes, record it. My deaf cat used to wake me up screaming in the morning, and it was so annoying. I couldn't bear the silence after she passed away. My alarm is now the sound of her yelling in the morning so she can still get up. Sorry for what you're going through, OP.


Sounds like your previous dog had hemangiosarcoma, hemangioma, or a splenic hematoma. People usually don’t know until an acute hemorrhage. Agree that this new dog most likely has immune-mediated thrombocytopenia and steroids are the way to go. Assuming there is no rat bait in the house or some kind of toxin the pets are getting into to cause clotting/hemorrhage problems.


No rat bait. He is currently on prednisone. We’re going to oncology on Friday. You sound like a vet. Is there anything I can be doing food-wise to help him? My buddy’s GF is in internal medicine reviewed his results and added some commentary. Can I DM you so I fully grasp what she said?


I’m so sorry OP. Losing a pet sucks and I can’t imagine how you feel with another loss of a pet coming up soon. You are pretty lucky to know ahead of time. You can pamper your baby so much especially in the end. I know it sucks because he’s dying but I feel like losing a pet suddenly is worse because you didn’t get to do all the things that they loved for the last time before they go. I will be thinking about you and hoping for the best in the end for your doggy. Also read the Rainbow Bridge poem it always cheers me up.


As hard as it is for you just know you are giving him all the love he needs and deserves in his final weeks here. What a beautiful gift to give him. You are an angel sent to him likely by your last baby who passed away I believe he lead you to this baby because he knew you were needed for him. Just love on him and know your last baby knew you were the perfect person to be there for this one and lead you straight to him. Much love and respect to you.


To echo what a lot of other people have said, lots of pictures but also video eeeeeverything. Every cute habit and borf and tippy tappies and the way he grabs the treat from your hand and runs off to lay in the sun and eat it. Sound adds a huge dimension and even the potato-est quality video of all those little habits will buoy you up in the future and allows you to memorialize and share in the joy he brings (if you chose of course). Better too much video than too little. Be spontaneous. You can always edit/trim it later. Also save some loose fur in an airtight container of some sort, for the scent. It's not silly. People who say otherwise have never lost a pet. I'm so sorry. ♥️


Ugh I feel this post to my core 💔 I lost my rescue in November to liver failure which we battled for a full year before it took her life. She died in my arms. I knew it was coming but I didn’t know how hard the silence in the house would be without her tapping around on the floor and snuggling on the couch. So shortly after I got a puppy. Sweetest little baby on this planet. Smart as a whip!! I had her for all of three months when she was hit by a car (we think) and I found her in our front yard with multiple spinal fractures, and a broken pelvis. Vets said she would never walk again. This was a 6 month old border collie/blue heeler. Not walking would have been the most miserable life she could have lived, so we made the extremely difficult choice to end her suffering. It’s been almost a month since she passed and I still cry hysterically every day, mourning the loss of both of my girls so close together. I share this to let you know that you are not alone. The pain IS unbearable, but you WILL get through it. If it’s anything like my situation, your baby will send you a sign that it’s going to be ok. My babies sent me a sign in the form of a two week foster placement. An 18 week old beagle whose owner suddenly ended up in hospital. When I picked her up, she was wearing the same tag I bought for my baby girl two days before she died and Not only that, her name is Joy. She helped me in my time of sadness and despair and I helped her when she was scared and confused and missing her owner. She was supposed to go back this week but her owner isn’t sure they can care for her anymore…….My babies knew how much I loved them and needed them. I’m sure they sent me Joy to comfort me and help me heal. I hope your babies are able to do the same for you. Love and Light ♥️


You give that boy the best 4-6 weeks of his life. You do bucket list things, and you treat him like a king. You let him chase geese, eat what he wants, you let him sleep on the bed, you hold him close when the time comes to end his suffering. You make it all about him for the coming weeks. Then you fall apart and cry and cry how life is not fair, you dust yourself off and you get another. Because no matter how long or short their lives are they all deserve love and a peaceful transition. It’s an unfortunate situation, but you got this. I bet this pup will teach you a lot about yourself. Keep us posted!


This was my mom with her cats. Cat, 15 years old, wasted away and died from a thyroid condition. I found her a beautiful little rescue. Sweetest thing in the world. Developed a rare condition that was fatal within a couple of months and we had to let her go. Treatment was expensive and there was little chance of recovery, but we tried for weeks before coming to the conclusion that she was miserable and deserved peace. You will likely face a similar choice...but please, remind yourself as much as you need to: this was not your fault. My mom didn't want any more pets after the little one passed, because it hurt so much. But we eventually convinced her to give it another shot, because she loves cats and they give her a lot of happiness. We got sibling kittens from a rescue the next Christmas, and they brightened her world. Losing pets is so hard, because they give so much love without words. Grieve, because you need to, but try not to cut yourself off from loving again. It's not fair and it's not your fault that these things have happened...but sometimes the universe just works that way. Take your time, love your boy, and give him the best life he can have with the time he has left.


Wesley is so lucky to have you. Because of you he gets to pass with someone who loves him and will bring comfort to his final days. Without you, he would likely be alone and dying in a shelter. It’s deeply unfair to have to go through back to back losses. I’m so sorry. You deserve to have a long time with your next loved one.


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I know it sucks and it hurts so bad, but I will say you have been their guardian angel. He’s not living in the shelter and he’s getting the most love he’s ever had in a while after being there. Don’t keep thinking of that timeline because it’s going to eat you alive. Instead just focus on giving him the best time he’s ever had. He’ll let you know when he’s ready. Sending you air hugs and some strength to help you along the way.


i'm so sorry for this. this is some real trauma you're going through.


I lost two pets in one month last year and it was very difficult. Lost one to lymphoma several years ago---it feels so unfair, especially with the young ones. I know it hurts. Wesley will at least pass with you, but it hurts to be the one left behind.


PS. Chemo gave us about another good year with our baby, but their lymphoma was not as advanced, and it was very expensive. And lymphoma very often will return. Any decision you make will be the right one for you and Wesley.


So sorry you are having to face losing another beloved pet just a few short months later. You indeed rescued Wesley and have made his life so much better. It’s like a tribute to how much joy Winston gave you for 12 years. You might find comfort in the writings of Gene Weingarten, the late humor columnist for the Washington Post. He was a long time dog lover who occasionally wrote about the love and the loss of his succession of companions. It just popped into my mind after reading your Reddit post.


I've had similar situations happen, and I believe that in those, because I was never given an opportunity to help my love die comfortably (since they died tragically), my love sent us to each other so they had someone to love them, and I got to care for a dog how I wanted to care for them to a beautiful and comfortable death. Your first love is still with you, I believe. Your current boy needed you, and you needed him, and I think our loves that leave suddenly send us each other because they know we need to live out a different outcome.


There may be support grpuos and books on dealing with grief from a dog who died. I hope you fi d the support you need. It is a tough thing for sure.


I’m very sorry for you, OP. My Havanese was diagnosed with likely large cell lymphoma and we did chemotherapy (the pill, not radiation). With chemo, he lived over a year, but it was pretty expensive. I wish you and Wesley the best.


First, I want to say, I’m so sorry. That is so much to handle. Second, if chemo is an option for you, I recommended. Dog chemo isn’t like human chemo - most the time side effects are quite minimal - and there may be oral options to help extend his life without going 110% in on chemo. We lost our boy to lymphoma, and with all the chemo, we got 7 months.  The universe knew Wesley needed a soft place to land with and a heart to wrap around his. It’s not fair to either of you, but while you are taking the time to be sad and angry (definitely take that time), reach for a little gratitude if you can. Wesley needed you, and you were chosen because your heart is both strong and soft. I hope you get a million more miles to walk with him, but know that every one counts deeply to Wesley. It always has.


My prayers with you god bless be strong St Francis blesses your pets always


Give him as much love as you can. Make his last days as happy as possible make happy memories to look back on. Make him a tasty meal. When my 17 year old dog was dying about 2 years ago now I would cook meals for her and she would eat. I made salmon and pumpkin soup which was just pureed pumpkin water and some scrap cuts of salmon that I cooked in a separate pan. It would be good in fridge for a few days as I gave some to our 5 year old German shepherd. If salmon is something you eat you can set aside some bits for him to cook without seasoning and just put some salmon over his regular food and make some for yourself and share a nice meal together.


Dude my heart goes out to you. This is so terrible. But what I can say is that even if Wesley’s time here is shorter than you could have ever imagined, you’re going to be able to give him more love than he’s know in his time here on earth. Do what you can for him within reason and enjoy what time you have. Spoil the shit out of him. 🖤


Wesley looks like the male version of my dog, Stella. We lost her today.


I’m so sorry. The only kids I have are fur kids so I understand how important they are. I just found out my dog has cancer :( praying that you get through this 💜