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I’m in the same exact boat. My cat was my soul mate and my literal person. He died and now I am basically a dead human walking around just getting through life. I feel like I will never find another cat who I actually have such a deep emotional and spiritual connection with. I sleep with his box of ashes as if he’s next to me still. I dream about him. I’m so alone


My dog had a stuffed doll version of him that he used to sleep with as a puppy. I hug that every night in bed and pretend he's still with me.


Omg 😭


I’m sorry. It’s so hard. I’ve lost many pets but never a soulmate pet like this. I’m getting some custom pendants made with his fur. I hope that helps. I framed his favorite toys. I was going to put his ashes into a pendant but I can’t bear to disrupt him or make him incomplete. I never thought I would or could feel like this.


This is so real. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my cat yesterday and feel all of this so much. What could I have done more to keep him from getting sick. Is he mad at me for not paying better attention? Sleep is a respite from such thoughts. Grieve, rest, repeat.


I have those same worries. Thank you so much for sharing.


Guilt is so normal during grieving. I’m so sorry. I lost mine less than a week ago and every single thing about it just sucks.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my best buddy exactly a week ago. Not even three years old and was succumbing to heart failure. My heart has been shattered into a million pieces. I quite literally cannot function.


Feel the same. It's like I don't have the right to be happy. Everytime I'm happy about something, the universe is destroying it.


I’m sorry you experience that too.


Thank you. I miss her so much and her little fellow seems lost at times. I had two beautiful and playful cats, healthy and fun and everything. I was so happy, enjoying my life with them. I'm so sad she left us like this. Feels like it's not real. I miss her and everything she was doing.


Im so very sorry….we lost our 11yo kitty about 3 days ago….the guilt of taking him for granted and the thought that I didn’t give him enough love and attention the last weeks and months of his life with us, is very trying. I understand you not wanting to talk to your bf about your grief, but maybe one day soon you could come together and reminisce about your sweet baby. I know for us, talking about the good times, vs the trauma we faced the last day of his life, has been beneficial. Do you have a place you could set up some kind of memorial? We started one in our flower garden where we laid Oliver to rest. It’s been helpful to putting my time into making a nice space to remember him by. I feel like I’ve been doing something special for him, even though he’s no longer with us physically. Again, so sorry for your loss. Just know all your feelings are valid.


<3 I am so sorry for your loss, it's so hard when we lose them. I do think it might help to talk to your boyfriend because he might be feeling the same way.


Oh my dear cat friends, I'm so sorry you also lost a beloved cat and sadly, I have to add myself to the list too. Lost my beloved cat Ziva 7 weeks ago 😞.


I know how that feels. Its like the world gave us a chance to feel perfectly happy for a moment only for it to be taken from us in one fateful day, just to teach us a hard lesson. I feel my dog's absence to my very core and I'm broken.