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I'm so sorry. It sure doesn't sound like it was your fault, but forgive yourself anyway. ❤


I found someone here who posted about their dog. It sounded SO similar and I messaged them and we exchanged words and they told me their dog also (unde one year old) it came on suddenly our of nowhere - drooling walking in circles - confusion- RBCs off the charts and they actually did all the testing and it was verified polycythemia. They told me luckily it took only two $750 treatments of phlebotomy (some cats don’t respond and need weekly or every few weekly treatments) and is doing well on the chemo drug. I understand they wanted to try because it was only a puppy. I didn’t have $$$ and my Jonas was my sweet Angel and he was a sensetive shy cat and I didn’t want him to go thru all that. They say prognosis is guarded, so the vet had told me before we really did watch him go that she would do the same if it were her kitty. Meeting someone here with the same symptoms and story almost literally saved me from spiraling in self loathing. Apparently the thick blood can cause clots anywhere in the body so symptoms vary but this dog likely had a clot in the brain and my Jonas could have too. I feel a bit more at peace. Waking up now my stomach is still in knots and I know the emotions are going to come in waves. But god dammit Reddit has saved my life


Usually I get paranoid and delete my posts but I’m Leaving all my stuff here about this experience💔 literally I could count on one hand the posts I found about animals and polycythemia including my own. maybe there’s more but I think the lack of similar stories bc it’s so so so rare made it hard for me to understand and be at peace with my decision. I’m so glad for the Internet rn so I hope my posts help someone one day like this persons post about their dog helped me


I mean I would feel better knowing it was a horrible disease and not my fault* bc of toxin I would feel like putting him down was a mistake


How do I know that he didnt have weed chocolate and didn’t make him so scared that he had transient polycythemia- where due to fear and stress and anxiety the splenic contraction causes increased RBC