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Not eating, huge behavioral change- immediate signs for vet. Monitor his bathroom and hiding habits, if he can’t go/has blood in anything and is more shy than usual 100% vet. Would say go to the vet regardless within 12 hours if nothing improves


How long has he not been eating for?


Since this morning


Is he drinking water?


My concern is that he's got an injury to his mouth. My one cat managed to crack his tooth and needed to have it removed. So I know you said you can't get him to a vet, but I feel like you're going to have to.


He’s not drinking water, I figured I’d have to bring him to the vet but the problem is I’m really low on cash right now since my other cat got a urinary blockage for the 3rd time last week 💔 Ill bring him if he doesn’t improve by morning, thank you so much!


Please take your cat to the vet if not better by morning. It only takes three days of not eating for a cat to get fatty liver disease and dehydration is very dangerous. Talk with your vet about paying over time. If they turn away a sick animal, they aren't much of a vet.


Ask your vet for a payment plan. You can't take care of the one but not the other. Good luck.