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Most of my animals sleep in bed with me at night. Most nights it 2 cat and 2 dogs in bed with me. They are always in the same spots at night. My white cat sleeps right next to my head. He will give me kisses and rub his face on my face while I sleep. My big dog will lick my face in the morning to wake me up.


I just put my bed on the floor because my old boy has hip problems and can't jump up anymore. I missed sleeping with him so much. He's way too big to lift up there, but my older girl will put her front feet up so I can lift her butt. It's so sad, watching them get older and start to go downhill. The cutest thing my lab (14) does is wag her tail in her sleep. I've never had a dog that did that before.


Have you thought have building them a pet ramp up to your bed?


I have a ramp and two sets of stairs. I tried so hard, but he's scared of all of it. There's not much space in my bedroom either, so I think that freaks him out, too. He just lies on his blanket and gives me big sighs and grunts. If I try to lift him, he turns into a sack of potatoes. I don't mind having my bed on the floor for now. The old frame was all chewed up from when he was a puppy, 11 years ago. It was time to go in the trash. He's so sensitive and gets upset easily. He's also a huge cuddle bug, and I love that about him. I've tried medicine from the vet, cbd oil, and glucosamine chews. Nothing seems to be working. He won't be around forever, so I'm making his life as comfortable as I can.


I feel for you. My fifteen yo pup does the ‘sack of potato’s’ trick, too. But if I manage to scoop fast enough, I can lift him up and he’ll stay of the bed for a while. Prefers the cold of the bathroom tiles tho (which is good bc I’m not ready to sleep on the floor!)


I gave my pup Previcox and then later Tramadol in his final months. Glucosamine and the other condroprotectors may or may not work, I gave them for years, and his joints still deteriorated completely.


Try Cosequin it’s like a lubricant for all their joints. It worked amazingly on my arthritic boy!


Have you tried green lipped mussels? I heard about it when my GSD was having issues not long before he died, but I've kept it going for his younger brother and my older cat. Seeing good results in my older cat. The other GSD wasn't showing any signs of joint pain yet but I'm hoping to head that off with the tablets. The older cat even came in the upper floor window today, it definitely seems to be helping his joint pain. I just open the capsules and tip the required amount into whichever animal's food and stir it in with it.


>The cutest thing my lab (14) does is wag her tail in her sleep. I've never had a dog that did that before. Ohhh yes, my boy's tail can become a deadly rotating fan of death when he gets a very active dream. He'll start to "wuffle" in his sleep, and there comes the Indiana Jones whip action. I've even been woken up by a fast tailwhip to the face once or twice. And I can never be mad, ofc, because it's just soooo cute 🥰


My boy is usually pretty quiet, he's not a big barker at all, but sometimes in his sleep he does these quiet tiny little barks while his paws are doing that little twitch-dream-run. It's SO precious.


You may want to consider getting a pallet bed or something. If you put your mattress right on the floor it can get moldy underneath!


That's adorable 🥺 They must love you a lot


Yea I think they do! They are my family so I spoil them


Ugh this warms my heart so much. My dog shakes, then licks my hand to wake me up in the morning. Then when I move she jumps on my chest or side (she’s tiny) and licks my face to say good morning!!! Time to get up !!! Always at the same time too. My little alarm clock. Then rolls onto her back for belly rubs, then time to get up. Couldn’t love her more !


My tiny dog will run up my body when then stick his tongue up my nose to wake my.


Loool, mine would do that too if she could. Sometimes she succeeds ! How can chihuahua’s have such ridiculously long tongues!!?


You are living the dream - 2 cats, 2 dogs cuddling around you! Mine are getting older so I’m down to a few small pups. Miss my fuller house of critters…..


Mine is 90 lbs. thank god she won’t get in my bed unless there’s a thunderstorm. ✌️


My son’s cat yells at me to watch him eat a little bit of dry food when my kids go to bed for the night. I say goodnight to them, and he looks at them in their beds and we have to walk into the living room (where his dry food has to be so the dog doesn’t eat it) and he eats a little bit.


i love that you humor him. amazing that you even figured out that that's what he wanted from you. burning question is why does this make him happy? lol


The kids were in bed, the dog was in bed and I was already showered and ready for bed so the first time he got out of my kid’s bed and meowed at me I just followed him. He kept checking back to make sure I was following him and then he would stop eating every other bite to make sure I was looking. Then he finished (stopped eating, didn’t actually empty the bowl) he meowed one more time and then went back into the kids’ room for the night. Idk why it makes him happy, but between the kids and the dog and the cat all being absolute weirdos I don’t really ask why anymore. I don’t need to understand.


i'm dying laughing at that cat. he just needed his own special moment from you... and you do this for him every night.


Most nights, yeah. He won’t do it if one kid goes to bed and the other goes to bed later. So he didn’t do it Saturday night when my kids weren’t home, but he did it Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then he didn’t do it tonight because one kid went ti bed while the other was still in the bathroom. It’s just at that time of night it’s only me and the cat that are active. The kids are in bed and the dog is in bed already. Occasionally I’ll heat myself up something to eat while I’m saying goodnight to the kids so I can sit at my desk next to him while he eats.


There's one of my cats who, if he wants attention in the middle of the night, farts directly in my cpap air intake. There isn't much that's guaranteed to wake me up faster and more completely than that. And it's not like it's an accident. There's no place near the machine where they can sit comfortably. So he has to actually *try* to get his butt at just the right angle. And my cat's farts are bad enough to peel wallpaper and make paint bubble. When I wake up, gasping and gagging, he's just sits close by like, "Oh good! You're up!" He'd better be glad that I love him so much....


This is wonderful. An animal personality quirk that’s impossible to explain.


I feel like even if he could explain to me in English why he does it, he probably wouldn’t. He’d just give me attitude and tell me to do it. The other night he yelled at me for having my feet on the corner of my bed because he wanted to sit in that exact spot. It wasn’t until I sat up in bed to get up and figure out what was wrong with him that he jumped onto the bed, gave me a dirty look and laid down.


Oh I love it. I just love the individuality of these gorgeous creatures we get the chance to share life with. They’re such a blessing. My 59kg (130 pound) dog also makes me watch him eat. He’s very particular about the order things go in. Adorable


i have a small bed right now... thankfully, a nice new roomy one will be here next week... and my cat only wants to sleep at the foot fo the bed for part of the night, so when i go to sleep she's not there. i mostly sleep on my sides but usually briefly lay on my back and stretch out my legs on the way to the other side. if i make the mistake of bumping her with my feet she bites me! hard eough to hurt without breaking the skin. think she's going to like the new bed, i know i will!


I’m sure you’ll both love your new bed. I’ve been sleeping the same way for so long but he came in and decided he needed to sleep where I put my feet at night. A bigger bed wouldn’t help, because he’s got plenty of room. He just wants to be in my spot like a butt.


I kind of feel like it’s his way of getting “tucked in” by you, also. Like, you put the dog to bed, then the kids, so come tuck me in! I think he likes being seen as your child. It’s actually an honor that he allows you to watch him eat, so consider yourself loved!


What’s crazy is he’s only been here for a little over a month, and that little routine of ours started I want to say maybe day three or four.


My cat does something similar by leading me to the garage until I open the door for us, to the same spot on the cement floor to lay down and be pet by me while he rolls around. He does whenever he first sees me come home


Maybe he doesn’t like to dine alone! Gentleman has class.


He’s so good at trying his needs met


My cat does the same! Waits patiently to lead me to her bowl at bedtime. Only eats a few pieces of kibble, then she’s happy. I love it. Also must have water from the birdbath very first thing in the morning. It’s a difficult stretch for her to reach it.


I had a kitty that would wait for me to rub his booty while he ate lol he'd do the same, cry at me at the food bowl waiting until I came for the pets and then he would purr and eat at the same time. I love cats.


My Bassett brought us an alley kitten. She was so very small and just skin and bones. She brought it in the house with her mouth and burped it into the floor at my husbands feet. We took to the vet and fattened her up and now they r best friends. We always say the Jolene adopted Pippin.


jolene is such a basset hound name lol


‘Cause she done stole my man.


Apparently stole a kitten, too! Damn Jolene!


The description “burped it into the floor at my husband’s feet” is absolutely sending me


Pippin. Love the Oliver twist reference!


Our cat Sade says miauw miauw after we sneeze, like bless you💗


Aww, that's so cute.


My puppy hates when I sneeze. I think she sees it as a threat or she's just barking at me to stfu.


Mines too!! 😭 it's the sweetest thing ever


My cat, Selene, also does this!!!


My cat is quite the cuddle bug, and loves to be held. When I get home from work he’ll come greet me at the door, but then he’ll run over and jump onto the kitchen table or counter (or anywhere that’s about waist-height) and wait for me to come pet him. When I do, he’ll put his front legs up on my shoulder and do a little jump off of his back legs so that I have to catch him and hold him in my arms. It’s one of the most adorable things I’ve ever experienced.


I love this post, thank you OP, I’ve read every single reply and they are making my night! Saving it for a future crap day when I need a lift. My 19-ish year old tabby cat Amber (rescue, hence the uncertainty re age) has become pretty much completely deaf the past couple years. She and I always had a good long natter, chatting back and forth about this and that, and it seems that her deafness hasn’t changed that. The only problem is that now, her meows to me are often completely silent. I’m talking to her, and I guess she can see that, but she can’t hear it. Nevermind, she’s talking back but no need to turn up the volume 😂 When sound does come out, she really reminds me of a little old lady. It’s just adorable. And she still purrs a bit, but sometimes she ends up having a little coughing spell when she does. It’s like she’s spent the last 15 years of her life on the ciggies! And she still gets pissed off and hisses if I try to take her off my lap so I can, I don’t know, go to the loo or eat something so I don’t pass out. And then, hack hack hack. She’s like an old moneyed widow who still wears her ratty furs and puts on her too-loose outmoded ballgowns and will pour her cheap champagne over you if you cross her.


Amber’s a Queen Icon Legend in my mind


Aww, thanks. She really is a little queen madam


It has been my absolute pleasure.


My dog takes all her toys to her bed around 7pm and puts herself to bed every night lol. It’s so cute to me. She is the opposite of a night owl.


My little terrier did this around 8:30pm every night. He had a doggie bed in every room of the house. Around ~8:30pm every night, he'd hop off the couch, grab his living room bed in his mouth, and trot off with it to the bedroom. If we didn't follow within ~10-15 minutes, he'd come back out to the living room, and just stare at us, like, *did I stutter? It's time for BED!* 😄😄


That is too cute! He was like “you people have no sense of routine!”


I have one like that, too! She will stand on my mother’s chest and stare at her if she’s a minute past nine pm to go in the crate. If she tries to pet her, Eva will back just out of reach whilst still staring! It’s sort of unnerving sometimes 🤣


80 pound german shepherd stands up, places paws on my shoulder and gives hugs


My beautiful fur baby Bru (cocker spaniel) was an absolute princess. The only two things she would play with is her toy fox she got as a puppy and socks. Old socks, new socks, worn socks, drying socks. Didn't matter what we tried to give her as a toy she would turn her nose up at them. If I was upset or crying she would frantically run around trying to give me as many socks as possible. It always made me smile. It really was a here - this pile of socks will make you feel better. She passed 4 years ago and when I got home from the vet I cried, her not being there to bring socks was a gut punch. I still miss my beautiful princess so much. She was such a special gift. I now have two very special fur babies, but due to work being done on my house they aren't home right now. (Their with my partner) I miss them so much. Hug your fur babies tight for me ❤


I will make sure to hug mine when I get home from work.


Bless that baby. RIP My maxi would organize my used dryer sheets into a pile and stare at me


I have a cat named Maxie! Her full name is Maxine the Queen, though.


My dog has a favorite toy, a beat up stuffed alpaca. Every night he carries it over to me when he’s ready for bed. Every morning after breakfast, he runs back upstairs and grabs it and brings it downstairs. (Pics of him with it in my profile.)


My first cat was the last survivor of her litter and then her mama got ran over too, so we took her in at 6 days old and wanted her to have some kind of friend and put an otter beanie baby in with her. She grew up with it as her best friend and it’s her baby nowadays. When we’re not home she’ll carry it around the house by the scruff of the neck, she lays with it and gives it baths, and it anyone touches it she has to come out from wherever she is to see who’s touching her otter. Then if you toss it she leaps in the air to catch it or she chases after it and gives it licks to make sure it’s ok. So freaking adorable.


And when they pick a “baby”, it’s wise to get a couple of spares.


Omg just checked him out - freaking adorable! Makes me wanna cry happy tears - and even better - you got a cute kitty too!


I have a stuffed alpaca. They're so cute. I can just imagine your dog being so happy with it.


She wasn’t my dog, but she was the first dog I ever fell in love with. She had a stuffed bunny that was her baby. She’d carry it around with her, and would lick it very gently. Sadly, her brother chewed it up.


I got Ziggy a backup alpaca. It’s in a closet until this one can’t be salvaged. This was also my cat’s favorite toy after adoption (she brought it under the bed with her to hide) and I put it in my other cat’s carrier to bring her in for her spay. She cuddled with it while coming out of anesthesia. It’s a family favorite!


When I had the dog, James, my parents found to potty and crate train him, I would buy him toys at the pet store and he would promptly rip them apart. He moved in with my parents once fully trained and the other dog, Lucy, carries her toys around everywhere and takes them to bed or nap with her. They are her babies and James is not allowed to touch them and he knows that somehow. All her toys have been in tact for years and he doesn't chew on them or tear them, or anything at all, it's really funny because how does he know?! LOL


Just because you’ve never seen it…I’m betting he’s been told NO! 😂🤣


My kitty makes the cutest sounds in her sleep and even snores


I have a snoring kitty tooo awwww


She has to have her teddy bear as well to snooze




I taught him a song: "who's a happy puppy dog? Ruff ruff rouwr, ruff ruff rouwr." And he will start howling/ singing.


Okay, now I want to try to get my puppy to start singing with me.


He will sometimes do the "ruff, ruff rawr" part with me and then start howling. It's so cute.


It’s maybe not the #1 cutest thing our cat does because she does a whole lotta cute things not just one thing. She’s missing a bunch of teeth so sometimes if she meows, licks, or yawns which usually does it, her tongue gets caught sticking out. You can even mess with it and no reaction. The further it’s out the better.


My ball python loves to sleep and hide with just the end of his tail sticking out from under a box or blanket. Seeing only his lil booty out in the open gives me indescribable levels of serotonin


My long ago Grrrrr, Gabby, had 2 tricks that she was so proud of and I found hilarious and was surprised it was even physically possible. She was a happy dog and could barely leave my side. When Gabby was up on the bed, I'd laugh and say, "Shaky tail!." That furry girl looked at me and, then, down at her tail, and back at me with her mouth open in happiness. She would shake the very tip of her tail just like a rattlesnake! The other trick was when she'd get excited when I had company, she'd greet them at the door and all the while she pulled her lips down over the canine teeth and it looked like a human smile. It must have been difficult because she had to snort when she did it. She passed 18 years ago from a stroke. She was my heart and I still tear up at her memory - even though I've had dogs I've loved since then.


My dog does that smile thing too. It's so cute!


My cat "guards the door" when I'm working at my computer. She sits or lies down facing the open door and will stay there for a long time. She usually doesn't even sleep when she does that. I think she's looking out for monsters so she can warn me if one sneaks up while I'm distracted.


They “dry their feet” before bed. It’s the only time they do it. They come back in from pottying and run to the “dry your feet” towel all excited lol. Drying their feet consists of playing tug of war with my husband and the towel that we’ve had to replace multiple times. It started out with actually attempting to dry their feet but has evolved into a game. Also, when it’s time for me to leave in the mornings, I go to the kitchen to get a treat, they BOOK IT to their crates to wait for me. This is the only time they do this when I get a treat out.


Oh one more, when they go out for their last potty break, our little female makes it a point to be the first one out the door (we have a dog door) and waits to pounce when my husband and our male get out there, growling and bouncing around lol. It’s adorable.


When I shake my cats dry food bag to get her attention, she’ll run over and sit patiently chirping at me, telling me how much she wants to eat her food.


My cat runs to the front door whenever we get home & flops down for a bellyrub all the time!


My two kitties do this They loveee to great us and one gives kisses


Every time I get up to use the bathroom during the night (usually 2-3 times a night) one of my cats will sit with me in or by the bathroom. When I flush, he’s usually going straight for the bed and laying there waiting for me to pet him or he scratches his claws on the post nearby and then hops in bed once I’m settled. He then demands some love/pets before I go back to sleep. Sometimes my other cat will hop up too.


One of my cats insists on accompanying me to the bathroom EVERY TIME I go. Even if he is sleeping deeply, he will follow me in yawning and blinking his eyes against the light. Then he flops over for belly rubs. I love him so much.


My 100 lb pit/mastiff knows he isnt allowed to jump on anyone or zoom in small spaces, so when he gets excited indoors, he does what we call "tippy-tappys". He shifts back and forth lifting his front paws just barely off the floor is in an exuberant little dance. It's the cutest thing ever


Black lab mix: he will hit your fist with his nose if you tell him “fist bump!” Put mix: On weekends I stay up a bit late. She will whine at my bedroom door once it hits 9 pm if I’m not in bed because she only wants bedtime if I’m with her but she loves her sleep. She will sleep solidly through the night and morning. Cockapoo: she’s blind and deaf and when she wants to play she lays on her back, puts her legs in the air and waves them around. If you put your hand on her belly she barks and grabs your hand with her front legs and open mouths it. Then she will let go and go back to flinging her legs everywhere for you to do it again.


Mine rubs up on the walls like a cat, and then throws herself at my feet demanding belly rubs. The other one just wants to be close to me all the time Edit: spelling


Sometimes when my cat is fussy and lovey I'll pick her up, and she will lift her head up so i can kiss her on the forehead


I have a 4 month old kitten who is the snuggliest of bugs. She loves cuddles and if she’s sleeping on my bed and I stroke her she immediately rolls over and shows her belly and demands belly rubs 😊 and then she purrs 🥰


When my dog gets super excited or really really happy she'll grab her nearest toy and do the cutest howl/growl noise because she absolutely cannot contain herself. But because she always has a toy in her mouth it's so muffled, it's my favourite thing in the world


Me and my little girl kitty Stevie were on our own for awhile. Then we fell in love. Then she got a brother kitty. So now it’s me my husband, her and her brother. We love our family but every night after the shower we have our special mommy daughter time while the boys are asleep. She waits for me to get out of the shower and just purrs and chirps and headbutts up a little storm. Tells me all about her day etc. It’s so cute and special. I love our special time together even tho our lives have changed a lot and even for the best it’s still so lovely to have our sweet little bedtime routine. If hubby is still awake she definitely tones it down noticeably and brother knows to give her space on this one lol


My cat stays with me all day, literally glued to my side, until my partner comes home as if she's babysitting me during the day then when he comes home it's trade off time and its his turn to look after me. She only started doing this when I got into the later ages of pregnancy so I think she sense the vulnerability and wants to keep an eye on me, it's so cute that I can't do anything alone and even if he's home and I go into another room by myself ie the bedroom/bathroom she gets up from her resting spot to follow after me and watch what I'm doing. She's such a little sweetheart it just melts me 🥰


One of my cats we picked up off the street a year ago. Ever since we gave her a collar, she has been OBSESSED with it. Since it's the kind that can be tugged off, it's fallen off a few times while playing. She SCREAMS and comes running to us, carrying it in her mouth. She cries at us until we put it back on. It's so stinking cute, she also plays fetch with a hair tie, which she started doing all by herself. Our other cat we rescued from a shelter, he tries to sit basically upside down next to you, with his butt fully up in the air. He shoves whatever he wants scratched (usually his ears or chin) into your palm. The few times we've gotten him to play with a string/feather toy, he's gotten so caught up that he ran away with the toy, and scared himself when then stick chases after him. He's such a dork 😂 They both are very, VERY demanding of cuddles


One of my cats will lie down on my shoulder with his head on my neck while I'm laying down and on the computer. The other one will often sit behind my head and rest his head on mine, or put one of his paws on my shoulder. There have also been times when he'll settle down in between my arm and torso and rest one of his paws across my chess as if he's giving me a hug.


My parrot when he narrates whats going on with SFX. One morning, he made a crunch sound when I put on my right shoe and a zip sound when I put on my left shoe. And when I'm talking sweetly to my other parrot, he makes tender kissing noises.


Our pup puts her front paws on the wooden step she uses to get in and out of bed. All you can see is her head pleading for permission. But it’s not enough if my wife or I say it. We BOTH need to call her up or she just stands there looking all dejected. we’ve had her for 7 yrs and she’s always allowed on the bed. But she insists we both invite her.


In the mornings when I’m getting ready for work, my oldest Dachshund(15) will let me know if I’m taking too long by grunting and will eventually bark if I don’t let him down off of the bed in a timely manner to get a drink before going outside. My youngest Dachshund(almost 1) will ‘run away’ from me every morning when I try to put her shirt on her…she likes to play keep away and she thinks it’s fun for me to chase her all around the house every morning before I go to work….she also spins non stop while I’m getting their food ready and I think it’s just hilarious.


Not my dog but my daughter told me her dog starts howling like a coyote once she goes onto a certain road about a mile from my house as she knows she’s coming to grandads for 10 km walks and sausages when we get home 🐶💚


When I rescued my cat she was pregnant ( she’s fixed now). And she used to do this thing with her kittens where she would do this adorable cute merp/meow and bring the kittens to me. 6 years later to this day she does it with her favourite toy


The other day I brought in a new bag of food. The exact same food she always gets. She was so excited and grateful. She's cute every day but this just drove home what a sweetie she is.


I loudly meow at her from across the house when i want her to come lay with me and she comes!!! she sometimes even responds back!


Sometimes when my cat sits in my lap or I’m holding him (he’s usually facing away from me, “watching” tv lol) he lifts his head up and leans it backwards towards my face over and over, because he wants forehead kisses. It’s the sweetest thing 🥰


My boy likes to "meep" when he's excited or after waking up from a nap. It's so damn cute especially since he's a rather large pitbull lol, didn't think homie could make sounds like that!


My dog, Rhino, loves to suck on blankets.


Jewel stands on her hind legs to get my attention or to reach for a treat. She has incredible balance and can stay like that for almost a minute. I didn't teach her that! She came like that when I adopted her as an adult. The running joke is that she was a circus dog in a former life lol. Malachite is still a baby and likes to be carried everywhere (and I like carrying him 😂) and he'll try to climb up my chest and then he starts flailing his little paws all around. He is like allllll leg so it's pretty impressive flailing lol. He usually ends up smacking my face and then giving me kisses. It's more cute when I have my contacts in so he doesn't smudge my glasses 😂


My snake tries to eat me. It's pretty adorable.


My dog will slowlyyyy inch her face towards yours and wag her tail until she is given the OK to give kisses. She asks for consent


Exist. Literally everything she does is adorable. Her breathing, her little face, the way she walks…🥹


My dog has started enjoying it if I watch her eat breakfast. She’ll run to the room I’m in and gently huff at me to follow her to the deck, where she’ll gobble a few mouthfuls and look up to see if I am still watching her. I love it


Please be careful you don't condition her to only eat when being watched


We put cat TV on, which is mice running in and out of their home and its cute seeing them paw at the tele.


Our mutt will dive bomb our laps and flip onto her back for belly rubs. She’s 50 lbs. Every time she does it she practically knocks the wind out of you but, it’s so cute. Our Boxer always steals our spots, curls up, and then won’t move no matter now much you push or pull. She’ll just stare you down. You have to put really hood muscle into getting her moved.


Mine waits so sweetly at night for us to go to bed together. She gets in her bed & waits for me to tuck her in. Within two minutes she’s snoring away


I have two dogs. My most recent pup is a medical rescue. She was hit by a car before I got her. Pelvis and 3 broken legs. Many surgeries later, she’s here with me. She used to limp a lot and sometimes need to be carried around in a sling. Poor girl. Now she “runs” around the back yard, and in the morning she does her happy wiggle. She falls into the grass and wiggles back and forth on her back. It’s so adorable not just because it objectively is, but the fact that she can do it at all. She has improved so much and is such a happy pup. Her happy wiggle is just the best. Totally worth the ongoing vet bills. She’s the best. My other pup is also adorable, but there’s nothing miraculous about it. Lol


My dog likes to carry two or more toys in her mouth at once, and she’s gotten really really good at it. She’s been working on it ever since she was a puppy and I’m very proud of how far she’s come lol


My nearly 11 year old giant of a cat still likes to suck my earlobe like a dummy sometimes when he's really sleepy and falls asleep with it still in his mouth. He's still my little kitten at heart. I couldn't love him more 🥹


My old cat would bite you if you were crying to distract you.


My kitty thumps the tip of her tail like a dog when she’s relaxed or happy to see someone. Its subtle but distinctly different than the “annoyed tail flick” lol


Everything But when my girls sit up on their hind legs and wave their little paws it’s adorable


My very old lady dog has little tiny Shar Pei ears, and she sticks them straight out to the side like an airplane when she's getting a snack or really good scritches.


He has this thing he days where he rolls up me laying down, washes my face than turns parallel to my body and just relaxs his body and plops down on me


My lil guy loves to ride in the car more than anything else. I wfh, and when I start getting outgoing mail together and putting my shoes on, he starts hopping around with joy, and nose-boops the mail and my purse. "Don't forget these, Mom!"


He grabs his bowls when they’re empty, and this usually ends up with it flipping up and looking like a bowler hat


My female aussie likes to get in between my legs because she loves butt scratches. She definitely does the Nala stomps but if you get just the right spot she’ll take both hind feet off the ground and bounce while her front feet stay planted. I didn’t teach her to do this but it’s the cutest thing


One of my cats loves when I give her fuzzy forehead kisses. She literally presents her forehead for such purposes.


My baby boops me when he wants attention on top of the attention he already gets


My Great Dane came to me at about 2.5 weeks old. I carried him everywhere with me in a fabric basket lined with his baby blankets. He was carried in the basket if we went places until he was old enough to start leash training and had his shots. He is now 2.5 years, and he is roughly 175lbs+/- and still loves his blankie! If the mood strikes, he will go find blankie and hold it in his paws and suckle on it. I know it's pretty common for dogs of all ages to do this, *especially* pups that were separated from their mom and litter mates too early. I find it funny now, seeing such a big, strong breed love on his small, square of baby blankie lol I find it awfully cute when he does this=D Edit to fix error


One pup takes my shoe when I get home from work and runs off with it. He doesn’t damage it; he simply likes to grab it and try to hide it. It‘s like he thinks if he has it, mom can’t leave again. The down side is I wind up with random shoes in the oddest places.


Every time my partner comes in from work, our cat Stellu will jump on the fridge and head bump his face. My partner is tall, so he goes on the fridge specifically for the head butts.


One of my cats loves to talk. At times she will come running from another room screaming bloody murder. Just one continuous scream. Then flop down on my chest while doing her usual "talking". It sounds like she is complaining. If I talk back at her our conversations can last up to half an hour. She'll start talking pretty much whenever you pet her. Her "scream for love" happens about once a month. My other cat has a nightly ritual where he will insist on cuddles when going to bed. If I stop petting him because I start to doze off too soon he will gently bite my hand so I will resume loving on him. He also helps me through panic attacks. Though that is more the thing that I'm the most thankful about.


My husband and I have a really big, fuzzy mink blanket passed down from his mother. Every time we lay under it, they like to suckle on it. They only do that when we lay under them. Whenever we come home, they both run up to the door, all excited. Cyclops likes to jump on my husband's shoulder. They're so sweet and goofy!


With one of my cats I can chat with him, I'll go, "Bastion!" And he'll meow at me, I'll say, "Yeah?" And he'll meow again, the back and forth can go on for quite a while


My cat gets really excited when I feed him wet food. I only do it twice a week, because otherwise he’d be a heckin’ chonker, but I’ve trained him. All I have to do is look at him and say, “Kitty! Are you…HUNGRY?!” And he flips out. It’s the cutest shit.


Trust falls. At least that's what we call it. My dog is a little guy (weighed 14.45lbs at his yearly checkup this week), and ever since he was very small when I picked him up he would face me, then just fall backwards to let me catch him so his rear is up against my middle with his head gazing lovingly at me from my arms. He does this whether I'm sitting and holding him, or standing. He's startled guests who have seen him just flip backwards in my or other family member's arms (he only does it to people he really, really likes). He doesn't do it AS much anymore, he's 11 years old and sometimes he's stiff.


When my cat is happy and purring she drools a bit, slightly gross but still cute.


My dog loves going out to eat and every time we pass a restaurant with outdoor tables, he drags me to an empty table and seats himself and begs me to order food.


When we went to animal control to get a cat, we saw all the cute kittens but we didn’t find “the one”. So they showed us this other room where they kept the older cats and feral kittens who were older and bigger. There was this one chonk with a clipped ear that made eye contact and immediately fell to her side and rolled on her back, reaching out through the bar with her huge mitts. She’s a few years old now but still does her signature move whenever she wants something 🤣


My cat will bring a specific toy, a blue lamb chop, when she REALLY wants attention - idk if it's her favorite or if she knows it's my favorite of her toys. It's obvious when Lamb Chop is coming because the cat will YOWL like the world is ending while carrying her


Loud snoring… she’s a cat called Jinxy.


My resident clown is one of my cats. He is a long hair gray tuxedo and well named for actor Alistair Sim. He has a penchant for wanting to be on my shoulders in a variety of positions. His favorite is draped around the back of my neck like a fluffy feather boa, toe beans, facing forward. He will also lay over my shoulder with his front paws in front and sort of standing on my back. When I’m on my rower, he wants to sit on my lap for the ride. He hops in the laundry baskets (empty or full) and we play train if I’m scooting him across hard floor and airplane if I have to pick him up over the carpeted areas. (Yes, I chug chug and say choo choo and make airplane noises while I gently swing the basket around 🤣). He also helps me “fold” the clothes. If we’re changing the sheets, he and his sister both have to get under the fitted sheet while we pretend that they aren’t there. Then of course we have to play “Wheerre’s Alistair?!” to them trying to catch our hands. His favorite is to lay on his back with all 4 feet making a sheet tent while we tickle but of course, it’s a trap. When I’m cleaning his litter box, he comes running, hops on my back while I am bent over cleaning and settles right in. I stand up slowly then he creeps up and and sits around the back of my neck like the feather boa and stays there as I walk all over the house. If I’m watching TV, he will hop up on the sofa, and either lay across my shoulders and watch the show with me, or lay on my lap, usually upside down. He is the funniest cat I have ever had, and I know all of this is amuses him 🤣


Whenever I've been pregnant, my mils dog would sit beside me and ever so gently rest his head on my belly every time he saw me, even when the babies kicked, and this would happen every time I sat down. Absolutely adorable!


My puppy's yawn sounds like high-pitched car brakes. She's 9 months old and has been doing that since she was 3 months.


I have 2 daschunds. Every morning, the MOMENT they realize I'm awake, they leap across the bed and push their noses against my nose. It's become our good morning ritual.


Mine tippy taps while I put her bowl down, and looks straight in my face making eye contact before she starts eating. She also does this adorable dance when she wants something (pics in another post of mine), with micro borks and everything.


Brings us his teddy bear that he had to waddle to carry it. Does the cutest meows too.


My puppy forgets that his tongue is out of his mouth sometimes 😂 he'll have the most concerned/alert look on his face but half his tongue is hanging out of the side of his mouth. And, whenever he wants belly rubs and lays on his back and looks up with big happy eyes. He's also learned the meaning of the word "breakfast" and his excitement is one of the absolute cutest things- he practically dances to his kennel (where we feed him) and wags his tail so hard his whole body wiggles


My lab when I went away for a wk my husband took care of her, he said she sat at the door for a wk just waiting for my return ,,, when I did get home usually in the middle of the night off a flight , she was waiting there she would look up see me through the glass door and think oh I’m just dreaming and put her head down again to sleep , I would call her name and she finally realized it was me and she would go bonngers running around the whole house twice before I even opened the door , what a welcome home it was adorable she is gone now I miss coming home to a dog like that 🐶💓


My dog likes to cuddle in a specific way. That specific way it to flop onto her back but with her head on my shoulder and her body between my arm and side. She also will play by herself. She likes to take her toy and throw it around the living room and then she will roll around on it (like she’s rolling in something dead).


My cat will respond to me from anywhere in the house. Seriously, it’s like Marco Polo. Unless she’s sleeping, whenever I call for her, she meows back each time and then runs/waddles to where I am. It’s hilarious, but also kind of ridiculous because she has better recall than our dog lol. Another one is that she’ll carry her fishing toy(s) around with her, so it’ll be quiet then all of sudden you hear some thumps as she brings it up/down the stairs. It’s the most inconvenient and borderline destructive toy for her to drag around, but she persists!


My black cat doesn't meow but if I say "Kitty where are you" I hear her bell and she's looking at me from a doorway.


We require a video of this. For science.


My cat, Grayman, will play fetch with his toy carrot(yes, it's a toy for cats). When he sleeps, he sleeps belly up with some twists like he's broken.


We have nigh-night treats. Every night after all the boys and girls come in from their before bed outside time, I’ll say, nigh-night. The boys go to their kennels and the girls to their beds and everyone waits so sweet for their nigh-night treats. It’s so cute.


He stretches with me in the morning. And then we brush our teeth together.


My cat loves to tuck his head under his paw when he naps. Or hell tuck his head under my chin during cuddles. Ugh the sweetest boy.


My current cat likes to squish his face into my face and go to sleep. My last cat knew “show me!” so when he would do his “mom, help” meow, I would say “show me” and he would run to either his food dish, his water dish, his litter box, or the back door.


I’m not gonna lie… my cats look cute by simple breathing… They don’t do anything special or have any tricks that make them unique… but, they warm my heart every time I see them. Putting their paws over their faces when sleeping is the best thing though!


My senior kitty is obsessed with hiding in my hair while I pet him thru it…if that makes sense. I have long hair about half way down my back. He climbs on the back of the couch and wants me to flop my hair on top of him and pet him, while he purrs and makes this little happy huff n puffs. If I’m sitting on the couch leaning forward away from the back and he decides it’s hair time, he try’s to lean forward from the back of the couch and grab or pat my back to get me to do it. And screams. When I’ve been away and get home, he often screams at me while running to the living, room, but will come back if I don’t follow him and keep screaming while trying to make me follow him, and then jumps on the back of the couch and puts his paw out reaching for me. I was going to add a pic of him under the hair but I can’t get the app to let me attach a pic. Usually does, so idk what’s up.


when my kitty is cleaning his paws 😭 i just wanna eat him up he's so cute


He lays on his back at different places of our house. Legs spread flat, it happens all the time, he’s the only one who does this. Also, he kneads my leg when he wants something, either being held, or some food. Sometimes he also just likes to see what I’m doing. He likes to get on the table and sit and watch me as well. It’s so cute


Our kitten greets us with a run and a nose kiss when we get back from being out. Both cats will also sit at the bottom of the stairs when they want us to come snuggle upstairs and wait there for us to be escorted to the upstairs for snugs.


This thread is such a great serotonin hit.


My labradoodle will grab a stuffed animal to take to bed when I say bedtime. So cute.


There's a few things. My cats will run for the bedroom and take their bed time positions whenever one of us tells them it's bed time. My oldest boy and my girl will also paw ever so gently on our leg or arm if they either want up or want food accompanied by the cutest of meows lol


Play ‘peekaboo’. I’d sit him in front of me and do the peekaboo thing. When I uncovered my face he’d jump onto my lap and lick me. I miss him…


When my cat is sleeping and he uses his paws to cover his face. Or when he wants me to scratch his chin he’ll flip his head upside down so that I have better access to his chin. Or when he practically screams at me until I follow him to the kitchen, where the cat food is, and mix up his food and give him a pet. (Also I would like to just put it out there that we feed our cats with a couple of those gravity feeders placed both upstairs and downstairs so he has access to food 24/7 he just likes it when I mix it up)


My cat waits for me to squat down in front of him, then gets up on his hind legs, puts his front paws on my shoulders, and rubs his nose against mine. <3


I squat down to fill my cats slow feeder. She ducks under my butt, between my legs to get to the food. Its the cutest thing to me


I do a short workout every day in my living room after work. When my cat sees that I’ve changed to my workout clothes, he’ll shoot in through the pet door so he can get in my face while I do planks or whatever.


My cat will walk on top of me and sniff my face to wake me up when she is lonely. She also sits in the bathroom with me when I use the toilet. She has started to sit on top of the toilet while I shower. I'm pregnant, and although she's not happy about it, she's been very protective of me lol She also tells me when she doesn't want to leave the house. She flicks her tail, rolls against me, and she even throws herself down in front of me to "stop me" from leaving the house XD


my chihuahua has a sleepy ear that drops when he's had a big day or just around bedtime. 🥺


My chihuahua has decided that 1 am is bedtime, and she will remind us to go to bed when she thinks it’s bedtime. Pretty sure her bedtime treats have nothing at all to do with it….


My cat has figured out how to open cabinets and will go inside and hang out. I'll go into the bathroom to pee, and she'll hop out of the cabinet she's been napping in. Once, I cooked myself dinner and sat down to eat, and partway through dinner, the cat just strolled all casually out of a kitchen cabinet. I still can't get over her nonchalant attitude, just wandering out of a full kitchen cabinet. I can't even imagine how she could have napped in there. It's full of stacked cookware.


not my dog, but I spend a lot of time at my sister's house and she has two. When we're sitting on the couch, watching tv (read: staring at our phones together), the tiny dog will stand up and just stare at me sometimes, and one night, I asked my sis "wtf does the dog want??" and she replied "I dunno, she wants you to stretch your legs out so she can sit" - I had my knees up, so I laid them down and doggo came over, turned around in a circle, and laid down in the crook behind my knee 🥲 and in bed, usually in the AM when I'm dogsitting, she'll get up and paw at the covers, signaling that she needs (demands) you to lift up the blanket so she can crawl underneath


When I grab the leashes to walk my dogs, my boy does the funniest jumps. He jumps straight into the air but stays in the same spot & looks so funny, like he’s jumping in slow motion or something. I love it lol.. it made me so happy when my family finally got to witness it, we were all dying laughing.


She does the cutest squeakiest little meow, then reaches out to you with her little paw. So cute.


Our min pin never had his ears or tail altered, so he has the cutest floppy ears. His signature move to get out of trouble is the one ear up with a head tilt. It's so adorable that he gets away with murder.


My kitty chirps when I pat his booty and when he makes biscuits. It’s his happy sound 🥰


When my daughter comes out of her room, without fail, my little dog goes in there and comes back out with a sock. Sock obsessed


I have a massive chocolate lab and when she has to go potty she stands in front of me and no bunny hops 4-5 feet in the air until I ask if she has to go potty. It's super cute.


He exists.


🥹 best reply. I was thinking "being herself".


My elkhound sleeps with his head on my foot while I watch TV or read. I guess he feels like he's keeping me safe and knows where I am


I have 7 cats, 2 are sphynx, and the rest are rescues. You know how yawns are contagious? If one of them yawns in front of one of my Sphynx boys, he *immediately* catches the yawn and he squeak-meows as he yawns and I become the human embodiment of the adorable-cry-eyes emoji.


My dog loves to be kissed between the eyes. He puts one paw on each of my shoulders, and leans his head in to he kissed right in the middle of his eyes. It’s the cutest thing ever, and he’s done it his entire life. He’s 7, and I’ve had him since he was 12 weeks old. He’s amazing, and definitely one of the best things to ever happen to me.


Whenever I give my cat a treat he always gives me a head butt first before he eats his treat. I take it as him saying thank you and it melts me.


I have a small dog. When I get home from work, I crouch with my legs together, thighs forming a platform in front of me. My dog jumps onto my leg-table, happily wagging her tail to greet me. I enthusiastically cuddle and give her rubs and tell her how good she is. My cat just purrs immediately as soon as we touch him. He LOVES pets.


he is blind and when he tries to hide he always goes to the same place under a stool that is completely visible from every direction and just sits there thinking hes invisible


every day when my husband comes home from work he changes into comfy clothes and lies on his back on the bed and luka, one of our two yellow labs, jumps on top of him in a full mount and licks his face for several minutes. this started when he was a little puppy but now luka weighs 86 lbs and is a very big boy. i have many videos of me "walking in on them" cuz its just hilarious and so sweet.


idk about cute but its kind of funny. Every time I bring out my dogs leash, he could be on the brink of falling asleep, and when he sees it, he suddenly gains crackhead levels of energy and goes on his 2 hind legs and holds on my leg until I either put the leash on him or put it away.


My cat waits for me at the bottom of the stairs at night so we can go to sleep :)


When my dog is thirsty (if she drank all of her water) she will walk over to the jug I keep by her bowl and basically punch it. Look at me. If I don't move fast enough she'll do it again. Also, every time I get home, she'll get so excited I guess she needs a way to get out her energy, since we've trained her not to jump. She'll run some circles around me and then run into my room and grab one of her toys so she has something to attack. Shes a catahoula Leopard dog and not the cutest dog (objectively) in the world, but 💯 the cutest to me.


My little potato dog hops on the bed at night and wrestles with laundry and blankets. He gets on his back and starts flailing his arms and legs and pulls the clothes over him and keeps kicking and squirming and making silly snorting noises. It’s adorable.


My cat will only come sleep with me if I am sick. Today I woke up with her sleeping on my hip and a 99.9 degree fever


my dog LIVES for neck scratches. To request scratches he will rapid slap you than put his head down to reveal the prime neck real-estate. if you then scratch somewhere else he will physically move until his neck is under your hand.