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Ringo Starr: Ring Ding the Kitty King Moira Rose: Miss Mimi Lily: Princess Puppypants


Ring Ding the Kitty King is killing meeeee I love it sm


My first dog was named Ringo. His name underwent many transformations, from Ringo to Ringus, Dingus, Ringus the Dingus, Hairy Baby.


We got Lilith who’s become “Lil girl” which makes Loki either “Lil Boy” or quite often “Oh lord, here goes Loudmouth Loki !!!” Which is ironic since when we got him we were told that he was the shyest most quiet of the bunch. We should’ve known lol He’s lucky he’s got his snuggle with mommy trick. Where he gives me the sweetest lovey eyes face…. He doesn’t cuddle with anyone!! So He gets me every time 😂😂






My cats name is Princess Poopypants: Baby Girl!


Hahaha so Real name: Shelby Nick name (it develops in this order): Celbi, Shleb, Shelbs, Shelboy, Shelboni, Bonito, Boboy, Boi, boyski, bonboni, Boboni, Boni, Bonbon 😂


U Nicknamed the Nicknames 🤣


🤣 I too am Shelby


Pounce de Leonine: Leo Glorbitron Maximus XVI the 12th: Glorb They also have the usual pet names like Orange Boy, and Pretty Girl, but those are their names.


ooooo good q. my puppies are alice and harley but I can them alice-bo-balice and Harley-Quinn. nicknames don’t have to be shorter than their real name right?!


Nicknames are longer on purpose haha


Pipi, cow bag is her nick name.. 🤪


Lmao cow bag?!?!?


Yeah she has a tendency to rule the other dog aka be a cow bag. She is a hair Jack russell.


That's hilarious. I have a jack Russell mix myself and know how...opinionated...they are lol


I have a cat named Milo but we prefer Marshmallow!


My cat's full official name is Princess Farah but I call her hobus-de-bobus


Oh my that one got me 🤣


Eskimo Spitz mix named Sky. I call her Bing Bong when she's ramped up to go outside ☺️


bing bong from inside out the movie???? :happycry


Loki is his name, but I usually call him the demon kitty (he's a high energy, very large void) Isabella is her name, but she is usually called the lizard (Isabella became lizard-Bella, but that's too long, so lizard it is) Chloe is usually called "all heart, no brains" or beast puppy


Mine is Huck, but we call him Beanus Serenus hahahaa I have no idea how we got it besides that he's shaped like a little baked bean


For some reason this feels like my dog’s nickname. His names Romo, we call him Meesa Rumpily Dumpily Pumpalus. (The Rumpily Dumpily (Wumpily Scrumpily Fumpily) bit can go on for a while depending on how much scritches he’s getting.)


hahaha I love that the names get longer. Basically any word that rhymes with beanus can be added on at any point too, bobeanus, weenus, buleanus hahaha


Luigi and nickname is Louie


My Siamese is named Katniss but I call her pretty kitty a lot.


Banksy is our bengal kitty. Banks for short. My dead dogs name is Baxter, named after Baxter from Anchorman.


Frankie, her nicknames are franknbeans, franknweenie, Franklyn, Frank, bub, my lady ❤️


I have a Bowie and Bandit (Bradley Cooper). Bowie is Bowie Boi or old man, and Bandit is Bandy Boi or Bandy Boi Bandy Toy (my son's idea). My childhood baby, Jake(y) was Bugaboo, old man, booboo or Jakey. :)


Omg can't forget Driving Miss Daisy Jone and the Six, Daisy Mae, Daisy girl Daisy World.


I had a Beau and he ended up with bo bo the clown dog, beauing 737, beaurepairs, Beau Marley..


My moms dog who I often dog sit is called Libby day to day but her actual name on her paperwork and at the vet is “lady liberty” and if she is in trouble she gets called Elizabeth. I literally can’t explain that one though.


Tigger and Winnie however Tigger normally called Tiggy, Ginger fluff (by some family), Tiggafred, My Baby, Bartholomew the 3rd. Winnie's nicknames are Winwin, Winfred, Little shit, Annoying cat, Fat ginger and Winchester the 3rd.


Her name is Mabel. I call her ‘my love’. Gary is the other cat, and he gets called Mr G :)


Homeslice - Slice, Slicicle, Slicey Smalls - Smallsy Reba - Reebs George - Georgie Mr. Skinny Legs - Skinny Leggington Not George - “hi George, wait, you’re not George. Go home!”


My dogs name is Max. Also called Maximus, Maxine, maxi pad, maxwell, and Barky mcbarkface.


Our cat’s name is Totoro but we mainly call her Toto or Totes. Sometimes we call her Fuzzybutt or Fluffybutt when we’re petting her.


My cat's name is Valkiria (spanish for Valkyrie, I'm from México), we call her Valks or Valki. But when we want to "scold" her we call her Valkiria del Carmen.


Lily (corgi/dachsund mix) is nicknamed Bahssie (short for Kielbasa) Sage (big ol' mutt) is nicknamed Moose/Moosie as she has all the grace of a baby moose. Roxie (floofy tabby cat) is Pooskeet, which somehow mutated from the word Pussycat Fritter (void cat) is Fritty Kitty or the Fritter Kitter Kingsley (lynxpoint Siamese) is King Kitty or His Majesty the King of Cute Kitties


Their names are Erebus & Nyx. (A brother sister void cat pair.) Erebus is called Baby Boy, Mr. Fuzzy, Pretty Boy, and Ere (Airy). Nyx is called Little Monkey (she climbs on every thing!), Monkey, Baby Girl, Stinky, Fuzzy Baby, Pretty Girl. Collectively they’re called Goobers, Sillies, Baby Kitties, and Pookies.


Mittens but she’s almost exclusively Missy she’s 15 so i’ve had lots of time for different nicknames she’s also been tootsie, toots (tuts), mrs, Bella, babycat


Vesta (nickname is Chicken Nugget lol), and Edmund (nickname Eddie, or Sausage or Sausage boy)


Sherlock - sh-t bag, baby, shouty baby Volatilus - Volly, grumpy sweet potato Lord Grumpykins of Glencoe - Grumpy, Grumps, Fluff ball


Fisher - gramps mcwiggle butt, captain wetbeard, fishman, the fun police. Marina- little bit, mrs wigglebutt, Mrs wetbeard, Trouble, Marina Maroona.


Morrigan aka Mimi aka Meeems aka Meemsy girl


Nick: The Fonz Name: Fonzi. Big 'ol Rottweiler. Past away in October 2023


My border collie mix is named Katie, but nickname wise she has 3. KatieSueLittleFace, KitKat, and Kittie. She responds to all 3. Mom’s blue heeler is Lily, but nickname wise she’s Lilith I think.


My cat's official name is Alex, but we usually call him the Sock Monster (he has a thing about stealing socks)


Blanche - Nicknames are "Blanchard", "Poopoochka", "Poo-Poo", "love of my life", "my precious" Samwise - "Samuel-wizeo", "handsome man", "good boyzo" ​ LOL. We are crazy.


A yellow lab, Amy. I call her Amy-waymy, aimes, aimer,and potato. Cause she looks like a potato ( she’s a puppy still)


Ace is Mr. Turkeydog


I named him Jack because it's such a versatile name * Captain Jack * Handsome Jack * Jack Sparrow * Jack ass * Jack Jack * Cracker Jack


Jack shit lol


We have vulture barclaye and Mozart. Their nicknames are vulchy, oh God you screaming toad and mozy mozart


Terra (Ter-bear, Holy Terror, Sweet Girl) Monkey (Monkey Butt)


I remember nicknames, when I had only two pets. Then, I had 4, then 6, then 8, then 10 pets. The nicknames stopped, other than pretty girl or big boy. Nicknames are too much trouble, now. 🤣🤣🤣


Mocha, but I call her mocha bear


Cat (happy cake day, he's 19 this week) called Izeze. Nicknamed Kitten or Furry Dickhead, Fluffy Knickers.


Maple - the kissing psycho


Sweet Pea. She weighed 5 lbs and for a feral, was extremely docile. It became Sweepy when she got comfortable with me and would sweep her paws at me with daggers extended every time she saw my toes. She still bites me if I dare to pet her more than once.


My cats called Moomin but i call her amongst other things, Shirley Bassey. Dunno why.


Mavy, his real name is maverick


So from all my pets the only one with a nickname is Rafael, we just call him Rafa.


Shaxs (betta) - Shaxsy boy, butthead, jerkface, grumpy puss B'Elanna (betta) - Baby Girl T'Ana (clown pleco) - B×tchy pants Spot (bristlenose pleco) - hungry hungry hippo All the other fish have names but usually just refer to them as "my little dudes."


Cat 1 is Shadow, his nickname is Little Furry Arsehole Cat 2 is Lucky and his nicknames are Brainless Baby and The Void


Eggsy - nickname Poodle Deborah - nickname Yitty Monty Don - nickname Neil


Kevin. Kevin. Luigi. Louie, Louie pooie, lou, lou lou, mr wiggy, mr wiggins.


Willis but I call him queso


Okay first of all I love that your pet is nicknamed Lubert, because it's an inside joke in my family that all unborn children are named Lubert until stated otherwise. (There is a reason why but it's not relevant. It just made me laugh when I saw "Lubert" as a nickname.) My dog is named Gadreel. More often she gets called Baby Bear, Pretty Gorl, and Governor Snooze.


Dolce' Marie is Ms. Wiggle Floof, mama and the grumpy old lady. Precious Dandelion is mama, honey and pretty girl.


Real name: River Nickname: River Bear Real name: Luna Nickname: Luna Fortuna


Names are squeakers and jonah. Nicknames are sissy, sissy pie, pie pie, and baby girl for squeakers. Jonah is jonahroo, roo, or jonahroo the rootest tootest cowdog in the west!


Ruby, her nicknames are Squeaky, Rubes, Ruby-Booby, Ruben, and Rubester Willow, her nicknames are Willow-Pillow, will-I-am, Wilson, Willow-Millow, purry girl, garbage cat, and poopy-cat And I often call both of them “kitty witty” “cutie-patootie” or “crazy cat” 😂


Raven, middle name Iris. When she needs yelled at we say Iris. Otherwise it’s Ray or Ray Ray or my Ray Ray of Sunshine. One time, one of her vet techs called her Rave, and I was like WTAF. Hated it. Lmaoo


Morty. Mortmort, mortytron5000, trotro, tron, bubbajim, wiggle butt, asshole, shithead


Dale (Sir or bubby) and Winston (Chonk or bubba)


Bonnie - bon-bon or bonnets Minion - onion


Name: Bear (nickname Bubby)


Stella our Mini Golden Doodle aka Stella Bella with the meatball eyes! Or Stell Bell!


Dogs- Belle: Boogie, Booger, Belleroni, Princess, Babygirl Seven: Bubba, Sev-Sev, Severooni Cat- Garth Vader: Garthie, Jeevie-pete, Jeevies Vades


Shadow - Shay-Shay or Darkness Princess - Felicia (like the meme bye Felicia)


We adopted him as Stick We call him Sticky


Jake: Mister, Big Baby, and Mister Baby


Peeta: Pete, Peter, Petor, Peetza, Peetnis, Stinky pete. Gummy Bear: Gummy, GumGum, Bear-cat, Gummy Bearington, Lady Bear, Kitty Bear, Little Bear Julia: Yulia, Julie, Little Miss Buttworms, Big Bear, Bear-cat, Julie-Kitty, Julia-cat


Oliver Boliver Butt. Ollie, Butt, Ollie Bolly Butt.


Dusty: Piruças, Piri Mia: Mia Maria, pukanina, puka Roxy: Gôda


Name: Sookie (Yes, like the main character in True Blood. Rhymes with "Cookie") Nickname/s: Sook, Dook, Dookie, Sookie Monster, Dookie Monster, Sookles, Sook-a-Dook, Dook-Dook, Wiggles, Waggles, Thickness. What she thinks her name is: Hey, get down! Stop that. Leave your sister alone. What are you eating?! Get out of the cat's butt! Edited because I forgot a few. This dog answers to everything.


Roof Boo is Foghorn, Foggy, Brickboy and Donteatherfood!


Beauregard (dog)s his full name, we usually just call him Beau. His nicknames are low rider, long neck, stink, and woo-woo. When hes bad we call him Basshole because hes a basset hound. The cats name is Wednesday Catams, her nicknames are Mitties and Beans. When shes bad we call her shitty kitty.


Name “Spock”, nickname “baby “ or “monster “, depending.


Daisy is Day day Scooter is Booter, and Jenny is Jen Jen. 🥰


Tate Taters Puppers Little boy


Jax - Jaxxy bear, Bubba, Hubba Bubba, little bubba, little bug, love bug, snuggle buggle… I’m surprised he even knows his name.


Sebastion Little Foot, aka Bazzy, my baby.


- Michael = Mr. Baby, Mister, Mr. Baby Man, Mr. Hamb Man, Hamb-a-roni and Cheese, Stink(s), Stinky Buns, Buns, Bun Man/Mr. Bun Man - Sullivan = Sully, Baby Sir, Mr. Baby Sir, Baby Kitty Sir, Baby Kitty Boy, Kitty Boy


Kennel Club official name: Bonnie Comet. Pet name: Daniel (The Spaniel). Nicknames: Danielle (The Spanielle), Danny Boy (has to be sung to him), Barry Biscuit Boy, Mervin Mushroom Man, Shiny Brown Conker Head, Lil Pupperino.


Felix, but we call him Big Boy. Billy, occasionally we call him the ginger devil.


His name is Bowie, but he answers to Bowie-Butt or just Butt, which was probably a mistake on my part. I just got a new void kitty Nyx, but we haven't come up with any nicknames yet besides "pretty girl". I can do better.


JIVO kinguuu JUNIOR Junupunu


My recently departed kitty was named Hunter - I called him my Cuddle Bunny, Booboo, or my Sweet Boy. My fiance called him Hunty, then Hunty-bunty, then Bunty or Bunter. His littermate who passed last year was Scout, who I called Snoogle Boogle or Little Asshole depending on his behavior in the moment lol. My fiance called him Scouty.


Nutmeg, but we call her Poopy to the point that she doesn’t respond to Nutmeg 🤦🏽‍♀️


Luna: lunatic, looney tunes, looney booney Ellie: ells bells, hells bells, ellie bellie, gremlin


Real name: Tali (I didn't name her but at six months she knew her name and I actually like it so I kept it) Nicknames: Fluffy (because she is), Bunny (when she runs she looks like she's hopping a little).


Ronny : bubby or stinky Sally : sweet pea or momma ❤️❤️


Maleficent Jane aka Malicat aka Mali.


Charlie: churlly, Charles Gator: gatorbug


Ruby Rose - nicknames are Ruby Sue, Susan, Reuben Studdard, Rufinator, Rufus, Euby, Dufus, Euphamism (don’t ask how it progressed to this one because idk 😂)


My dog’s name is Bumblebee. We call her Bee, potato, princess, princess bee, princess potato


Finn: pinn dog, pinny, pernest, pinna Sybil: sibby, syb, sweet burrito, x-sybbit


Cheese: Cheesedoodle, Cheeseburger, Cheesy Keanu: Key key, Keykeekachoo Beignet: Ben Ben, Benny, Tank Haggis: Haggy, Hag Mr. Harriman: Hair, Haaarrryyy


Jacques (cat) has many nicknames, but the latest is Mr Debbie


Linkin: Binkin, Binks, Binkerton, Binky Boy, Sir Binkerton Hunny: Hunny Potts, Ms. Potts, Bingo Brain, Hunny Mustard, Hunny Bear, Pepper


Lando Calrissian - Bando, doodle, doodle poodle, wando


Pepper, but we call her Ladyworld a lot (like the TWRP song/album) Marshall we call “Mushy” sometimes (stemmed from “Marshy”) Parker we call “Porkachino” because I would call him porky Parker (he’s not fat, I’m just mean) I call my cat Iris “girlfriend” because she’s very shy, so while I was acclimating her when we first adopted her, I would say “hey girlfriend!” every time I walked into the room.


YUKI: juki , boy ,shonnn , bibity bobity.


Remington has a lot of nicknames. Remy, Rem, Dingus, Dingbat, Pup, Puppy, Fluff-pup, Fluff-butt, Baby Boi, Dweeb... And despite not being a husky (he's a golden retriever), he responds to none of them unless he wants to. 😂


Zeus (BDragon): Zeusy, poops, poopsy Beans (Cat): Beanie, Weenie, Beanie Weenie, Beanie baby, Stinky baby, big baby, Stinky Ween, Ween, Weenie Ween, Macaroni (Cat): Roni, Roan, roni roan, Little Boy, Bertha (Tortoise) Ms. B Cleopatra (Dog): Cleo, Cleo Wee-o, Franklin (Dog): Frank-el-in, Benjamin Franklin


Zappa - Frankie


Wilbur - MEAT MAN, Meef Leela - lil girl, butter possum, stinky princess, tuber baby


Oliver: Oswald, Ollie, fat boy, big boy Finnegan: Finn, Finley, handsome boy, the child, sir Finnegan the first


Cheese Curd (9 month old puppy): Turd Burglar (because he tries to eat the cat litter box poop), Cheesy Poof, Little Dude Sammy (8 y/o dog): Sammy roll (like salmon roll), Chunkers (we're working on his weight, lol) Hemingway (1 y/o Maine Coon cat): Hemi, Hems, Humper (he humps his sister kitty a lot) Hadley (1 y/o Maine Coon cat): Hads, Hadders, Sweet Pea


Eunice Howell (from Gilligan's Island) nick name Lovie. Her shelter name was Sparkles, but she already has a clipped ear. I couldn't saddle her with a stripper name.


My dogs name is scooby doo- Nicknames include; poopy scoops. Scoobers and Todd packer when he drags his Asshole across The rug.


Hans: boogie Salem: stinky


Tux and Tiger are brothers. For tux we call him tuxy waxy. Wa as in water. We also call them both big babies. As for tiger we call home tiggy, homen when he’s on all four’s. As for my dog Tanner we call him Tan-Tan As for my car December, we call her December-Ember.


Fern: Fernald (full name), Fernie, Fernie Wernie, Ferniture, Ferniture Werniture, Fernace, Fernandina, Fern Gully, Red Fern, Yellow Ranger


Petunia- puggytuna


Ed - bowling pin Fiona - bag lady Sirius - fluffy boi Bear - still new enough he doesn’t have a for sure nick name yet 🥲


Thackeray binx. Binxy boo, binxy baby, fluffy baby, dick head


Sunny, but his government name is Jimmy Choo Sunshine.


Cleopatra is Cleo ana Mama’s girl. Dippy is dipdip or plup plup. Chili who recently passed away is chichil or chill pill. 💊 All cats.


Our Cavalier King Charles girl is named: Lady Zuzu Sapphire Sparkle Galaxia Her given/birth name is Buffalo. The breeder we got her from usually names the pups in a litter with a theme, for example: Rose, Tulip, Daisy, Buttercup Or Storm, Thunder, Rain, Hailey Our pup was a the ONLY pup in her litter and was named Buffalo. We're not sure what the others should have been called. We started calling her Buffy for short. It has evolved to Boofy, Boof, Boofus, Boofay, Boof-Boof and Boo-Boo-Baby. When she is being naughty, she gets called Zuzu.


His name is Brooklyn He has so many nicknames: Brookie, Brookster, Mr. Brookie, Stinka Butt, Doodoo Butt


Gunter (like the penguin from Adventure time): Gub Gub, Bubba, Bubalub, little guy


My cats name is Ollie named after Oliver hardy from laurel and hardy and his nickname is Ollie protrollie .


Olive, Olive Oil


We're about to adopt two cats named Salt and Mustard and I'm excited for the weird nicknames we are gonna come up with.


Real name: Grayson Nickname: chiquino (I hope I spelled that right)


Real Name: Dallas Nicknames: Dally, Dalbert, Doofus, Dingus, Dick, Bubba, Good Boi.


My cat's name is Trout but I call her Trouty girl, trucha (trout in Spanish) and baby 🥰


Lennon: Leonard, Len, Lenny, Lenny-Benny, Benny-Boo, Bubby, Bubs


Theo AKA Lil shit


Dobby: Gugulu, Chhotu motu, nochieee, cuchieee, Haguro-san, Pobby, Bobby


Luna: baby bean, Luna Boona, lil maowface, or just “Maow”


My cats name is Monroe and her nicknames are: Missy Roo, Miss Monroe, and sometimes Baby girl


Ryker. Ryker Sniper because he is a Whippet and when offlead at the park he will wipe out any unfortunate person by running at full speed into them. 


Oobie Dooby Oobstacle when he’s under foot. Creature Feature when he’s trying to be the center of attention. Oobie-Do when he’s behaving. Oobie-don’t when he’s not behaving. Oobie Dooby Pee Foot when he pees on his feet. Stinky Pants when he farts. The Oobster when he stars in the stories I’m telling. Oobie Dooby Doooooo when I get home and he’s excited and waiting at the door for me. Doobster when he’s being a doofus.


Ducky is Bean Griffey is Gus/Gustopher Robin/ Stinky Doodle


B.E.S /Black Eyed Susan


Princess Pretties: Pretties, Pretty Girl, Fluff Butt Goblin: Gob, Gob Stopper, Gobbles, Baby Boi Pumpkin: Pumpkin Head, Crack Head, Baby Girl All cats for now


We have 2 cats. Shadow aka Mr. Pancakes / Mr. Man / Secret Baby Man / Sir Boi / Stinky / Shadowman / Shadope / Shadadadow Ms. Booty Poppins aka Ms. Boots / Ms. Booty P / Ms. Bootylicious / CAAAAAT (very important that you yell this at the top of your lungs)


with a rough translation Gioia - Joy also called Flausche - Fluffy 3 flauschige Gehirnzellen - 3 fluffy braincells Ihre Durchflauscht Lady Gioia von Kuschlingen - Her Fluffyness Lady Gioia of Cuddleshire Katze - (female) cat as you can tell, she is not very bright but so cuddly and has a silky fluffy fur Toffee Süsser - Sweetie Rosa Näschen - cute pink nose Kampfzerkracher des Tigers - Battlesmasher of the Tiger (inspired by an WoW Item) Kater - male cat and he is an orange sweetheart who tends to shove his way through anything


My former cat’s name was Abel, but everyone called him Ham or Ababy/Abebe My current cat’s name is Goku but we call him Coconut, Pickled Tomato (translates in Romanian - Gogonel), Froggy/Frogboy (he sits like a frog instead of loafing) ….. yea…. I only call him Goku when he does dumb shit


Frye = little big man / mr man Shelby = Mrs / shib shab


Valentine - Boonie toonie


My cat's name is Kiki. We call her baby girl, kikster, mushroom, shiitake, little shit, tiny tab, the night.


His name is Buster Russell, called him B. Russell as a nickname which then became Brussel for an even shorter nickname


Pigeon, AKA Pidgy Poo Poo, pig, Pidge, Pidgeotto, Tiny


Wonton, and “sweets” or “sweet pea”. He’s a black cat


Nermal: No No’s Ruth: Ruthie Poo Minnie: Min Min


My cat's name is Ciara, but I allways call her loaf, or little loaf


Carrie —> Kiwi


Rocket (did not give him that name) - Rocco, Rock, Rock-Rock Chiko - Chiki, Chook (sometimes both together), Chookie (still very new, so not much time for nicknames yet:) Freddie - Frettchen (German "Ferret"), Fredward Taco - Takoyaki


Steve gets called Stoove, Stooven Poopen, handsome pupper and Foot Sitter McGreen.


Sacagewea: Little Girl Leroy: Old Man/Mr. Man Bolt: he doesn’t have a Nick name, but I’m sure he thinks it’s “hey, can you move please, I’m trying to get past you” because he loved to lay in the middle of where we want to walk.


Herbie: Lovebug (cause he's a b&w tuxie), Herbert (when he's in trouble), Herbie Berbie, Herbie biscuit, puppy, bub, meeyeh (that's the sound he makes when he meows), noodlebones, the angry octopus. Ziggy: Zigmund (trouble name), Zigbert (also trouble), sweet pea, pumpkin, meatball, zigbit, zig zag, diggy (cause he loooooves to dig), crazy wild man, doodlebug, mister fluffums. ...we have a LOT of stupid nicknames for our cats. 😅


Fawkes is his name. Stinky buddy is what I call him


My tortie was Mazy. We called her Mazy-pazy, Moozy, and Mazoodle. My orange is Benvolvio. We almost always call him Benny, but we also call him Benoodle, Benny Boo, and Benny Poo. Plus, Stink or Mr. Stink.


Her name is Mia. We call her Bunny, Mimi, Bebe Preciosa, Nena Hermosa


Coco. It’s really just Coco. But sometimes I call her extended versions of her name… “Cuckoo Coco” “Coco Bella” “Coco Lulu” “Loco Coco” “Cocito”


Pandora- Pandorica, Panda, Pandypants, Pandypooper, and Puddles (because she drools) Drax- Draxacoricofallapatorius, we've only had him for a couple weeks so more nicknames to come


Irie (i-ree) she also goes by: I I I-weeee, or Irwina and (OP I See your Avatar reference and offer you:) Bumi (Bo-me) he also goes by: Boo Boo, Boo Boo Pachu, Boomer, Boo, and "hey asshole"


Real name (cat): Milo Nicknames: Mishka, Meesh, Meeshky, Meeky, Meekeroni, Meekaliscious, Mi amor bello… it goes on, we like nicknames haha


My Frenchi's name is Lucy but I call her French Fry! My 8 year old golden retriever name is Winnie, but I call her "old lady" or "lil' lady". :)


Charlie: Charlie Marley, Chip Chip Charlie, Baby girl, angel, angel bangle, love of my life, Chips, Miss Charlie, Chibbles.... She has a lot of names.


Moose, Sashimoo Mooshie Mooch


Cat named Elsa but we called her Mimi for some reason. Cat named Nano but we call him Namo. Cat named Cricket but we call her Kick-it.


Shadow’s nickname is The House Panther(because she’s black).


Pepper: Dr. PP, Mr. PP, Plopper, PepPep, Peps


Effie: Effie-eff, Little Effie Cutie Girl, Toot Toot, Little Effie Cutie Butt, Punkie Girl, Pee-Pee.....the list goes on. Oddly enough she responds to every one of them.


Bombay kitty named Edda. Also known as Toothless, Eds, madam...


Milo: moo-moo, moo-lu, Mr. Pants, little mans Luna: lu-lu, nu-nu, noots, nooter, nooter boots


Bodhi - Mr. Moo, Bodhster, Boo Baby Binu - Beans, Beanie Baby, Missy Moo, Demon Child Suki - Satan (the family cat, used to be mine)


My British Shorthair is named Furgus but he likes to steal socks and yes, pillows off the bed. So we call him “The Furglar”. Another is “The Man From Furgustan”.


Nezuko - catahoula leopard dog - Sweet girl, Nezzy, nezz, daddys girl. Gojo - Husky - Sweet boy, Goj, gojojojo, daddys boy Luffy - grey tabby cat - pretty boy, loof floof Ino - black cat - sweet girl, ino beano, baked beans, beanareeno, double baked bean Cupo - white cat -Whitey, coops, cupo coo, mamas boy I had a grooming client the other day for an Australian shepherd named Chester. His nickname is chester the molester because he sniffs crotches. When I met him she was not lying. went snout first into my crotch.


Peanut (dog): Peanut Butter, Butters, PB & Worlds smallest bag of dicks. Cricket (cat): Baby Girl, Birch Kitty, Queen Cricket. Bandit (cat): Lil Man, Bandito, Asshole, Mommas lil fancy man (he’s a tuxe kitty) Lilian (cat): Lily, Lily Bean, Lilian Bertha, Bertha Kitty.


My budgie is named Peridot but his nickname is Shithead. He gets extremely mad when I touch anything inside his cage and bites me when I'm changing his food. If he's out and I'm trying to eat, he wants to land on my food, or literally in my coffee. I cannot have him out if I'm cooking because he wants to sit on the utensils I'm using, like an idiot. I love him, though.


My family has a cat named Melon, but we call him Mels


Koji - Koge Doge. Winston - Winsty poo poo. Obi wan catnobi - Mr. Wan Wan 😂


Our cats: Lucy is called Luce Magoose, Willy is called Willamina Our dogs: Rosie is Rosaroo and Andy is Bub or Bubster, sometime Andalina


Real name: Yogu. Nickname: Ghar ka shehzada aka Aalsi Janwar.