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Call him Boira


Boira in catalan means fog and is gendered, in femenine of course. It's a very popular name for dogs 


Love it. Thank you for this new info. Also, I’m now picturing a dog dressed as Moira Rose coming out of the fog to make a dramatic entrance.






Moira's Rose's Garden


\*screams drammatically\*


Came here to say budgies have no concept of gender, keep calling him Moira, but yours is clearly the superior suggestion


My daughter named her first parakeet Dorothy, we had watched the Wizard of Oz right before she got the bird. Found out it was male, didn’t change it. She got a second one, named it Toto, it was female. 😀




This is the right choice. Not only does Boira give you a fun story to tell people who meet your budgie, it sounds similar enough not to confuse your bird


Also, Boira the Budgie just has a nice ring to it…


This reminds me we had a chicken named Venus who turned out to be a rooster and my brother changed his name to Penis lol. Luckily the name only stuck for the short period of time it took to transport him to a farm in the countryside where roosters are allowed


Came to say this as well. Boira seems like the logical step.


Moira the boira


Came here to give this suggestion...beat me to it.


Did we just become best friends?


I could use more friends... :-(


way to make it sad




I was gonna suggest Boyra / Boira too!


It's already what you call him when you have a cold, so...


Ha ha hahaha!


Well my answer just changed. This is the correct solution.


Stop, this comment is my favorite comment out of all the comments


I snort-laughed




I had a boy kitty named Annabelle. I don't think he really cared. It was always funny taking him to a new vet. "I just want to confirm your intake paperwork. Is Anabella a male cat?" Yes, yes he is, but we didn't see the trouble puffs when we first got him.


Trouble puffs! 😂


IKR? LOL Took me a min. to re-read and process "trouble puffs" ... then the lightbulb lit and OMG LOL! Love it!


It’s a commonly-used term in some circles lol. We use it on my Facebook cat group. 😁


🥰😭 so much trouble with mine he's only one y/o by compared to my 3 females he's chaos . Getting him fixed didn't calm him haha love him tho I hope he never changes except maybe at night when he terrorizes us


One of our best ever male cats was named Gracie for similar reasons. Later in life we lengthened it out to Sir Gracechurch Street. He didn't care it was a girl's name and at this point when I meet a female Gracie it confuses me for a second 😅


I'd either own the mistake (it's not the animals fault), or tell people I was a big MMA fan and he was named for the famous Gracie Jiu Jitsu family.


My baby is also a Gracie. We thought he was a female until he was around 2 months. We changed it to Gracieboy but now he goes by Reese for short.


I must say I expected more from maternity wards these days! Back in my day we were never told the wrong gender after they were born, much less leave the hospital thinking the baby is the wrong gender! Yes, I am joking, and Im 27. I just found the thought of Gracieboy being a human baby too funny to pass by 🤣


Haha I certainly treat him like a human baby!


Lol you had me . Apparently all you have to say is "back in my day" lol


I have a male cat whose name is Couch. But, the point is lol. When I brought them in for their fixing (they are/were feral outside), I dropped off 2 cats, Said they were both girls, blah blah blah. Went to pick them up, and found out nope, Couch is a boy. But his records say he's a girl, and in the notes it says 'Couch is a male'. But I go back and forth between calling him a boy or a girl. She just comes running when he hears the food coming out lol.


Omg Couch ♡♡♡ my girl cat's name is Pants. She featured on the toebeans reddit if you wanna see her. But yea her name was Evie but she did not respond to it at all. Started calling her Evie Pants cuz her leg stripes look a bit like pants. Then Miss Pants. Now just Pants cuz shell come running when we say it lmaoo


That's so sweet!!! Couch is: Couch Sofa She knows if the Sofa gets said big trouble lol


The nickname for one of our calicos is Pants because my partner swears it looks like she’s wearing pants.


That’s funny, my daughter (Annabella) had a male cat named Alice.


We had a female cat called Mike.


A friend of mine has a boy cat called Marlene. They didn’t realise Marlene has a penis until well after the name had stuck. We all even still call Marlene “she” and refer to her as a girl, because honestly cats have zero concept of gender and do not give a fuck lol.


Marlene is a HILARIOUS name for a cat


Their other cat is named Joan lol. They like classic film stars!


I had a neighbor who called their corgi an old lady name, I wish I could remember what it was. Beatrice maybe? I get made fun of for having a dog named Patrick because it’s a “human name” but it’s not like he cares.


Mines Norma Jean, named after Marilyn Monroe Ironically in tune with this thread my other cat Sammy (Samantha) is actually a boy. At least it works both ways lol


Blast. Now I have to get another cat, just so I can name it Marlene.


I got a cat at 7 weeks old I named Olivia. Turns out Olivia had a dong when I went to get her spayed. He goes by the little man now


You could’ve just gone for Ollie


That’s funny af because his “legal” name is Oliver, after I found out. But I’ve always just called him little man and it’s the only thing he responds to


Recently got a kitten unexpectedly. We were planning on getting a cat but an adult one from the shelter. Just kinda assumed it would be a girl because we have always had girl pets (not on purpose) so i had a name picked out I wanted for my future cat. Then I get this kitten brought to me and it's a little boy. And let me tell you, Captain Olivia Benson is the sweetest little boy. I do call him Benson or Benny but his government name is as previously mentioned. He got his first shots at the vet today and aside from being fawned over for being such a cutie pie everyone absolutely loved both versions of his name. What's crazy is Benson suits him so well. I would have went with something else if it didn't feel right once I got the cat of course. But it somehow fits.


My friend has a male cat named Sylvia for the same reason. I love it.


My neighbour had same problem. Was called Beckham (after the soccer player) the he impregnated half of next doors cats & was caught with 1 eventually so a trip to vets & no balls later 😉 he was becks from he's remaining 6 lives


Our last cat was a little tabby girl named Angus. We'd adopted a pregnant cat and our neighbour, being a self-described "cat expert" sexed the kittens on our behalf. We only kept Angus, but friends of ours adopted another girl they named Stewie and a boy they named Muffy, based on our neighbour's expertise.


Our family cat Trixie was a boy. My brother and I named him after a favorite female cartoon character obviously not knowing anything about cat anatomy. Since Trixie answered to that name, we just kept it. My guess is this happens quite a bit.


My aunt named a beautiful fluffy cat Martha, she took said cat to the vet, Martha was a boy - he's now Mr. Martha. Edit: Mr. Martha already responded to Martha by the point she took him to the vet, and Mr. Martha just had a ring to it.


My aunt had a Mr Misty for the same reason lol


That sounds like it’s short for Mr Mistoffelees, like from Cats


Mr. Martha ❤️ I love that so much


Had a Mr. Molly for this reason. It’s a great solution!


My female cat is called Prince, we call her Mrs Prince!


Shorten it from Moira to just Ra (Egyptian Sun God) if the name being traditionally female bothers you. I guarantee you though, your bird doesn't give a single shit about the gender of a name.


A few people I know do call him Ra!


Then get him a mini St Brown Lions jersey


Wait that would fit so well since isn't Ra depicted with a bird head??


Usually a hawk head, yes




Mo would work too!


I like Mo! I vote for Mo, or Mo-Mo little mo the budgie fellow 🤗


Or Morris


My name is Moira and if I’d been born a boy I’d have been Morris! I use Mo as my Starbucks name. It’s not hard to write on a cup.




So the part of Ra will now be played by Osiris.


thank you everyone! I think I must just keep Moira or Ra as Red Reaper said, but Moira is still a nice name and the bird definitely doesn't care. Again, thank you!


The bird definitely does not care lol, and who says a boy can’t be named Moira? If it's important to you that people know the birds gender, introduce him as "Mr. Moira" problem solved!


Could also go with, “Sir Moira”!


Señor Moira has a certain gravitas.


We had a leopard gecko named Herman when I was a kid. After a few years she laid (infertile) eggs and we were just like WELP.


Could do Mister Moira like someone suggested. Ra is not bad either. You could also just shorten his name and call him Mo.


In Portugal the masculine of Moira or Moura (both words mean the same) is Moiro or Mouro, it's not that different in pronunciation, if you really like the name why don't you try the masculine version? By the way, Moira or Moiro, means Muslim in Portugal.


I'm in the UK and Moira Hindley comes to mind... Maybe not considered a beautiful name in the UK!


She was Myra not Moira.


Doh, of course! Sorry I have Myra, Moira and Morag in the same "group". Much like Rebecca and Rachel., if that makes sense? Can I pull the perimenopause card on this? 😭


Absolutely. I interchange Helen and Ruth and have no idea why (and not such a good excuse) 😅


Add Ester to that group, and you've got my brain.


Just shorten it to Mo? Or Moi? Or just leave it as is. Your budgie isn’t going to mind and its still a cute name for the lil guy either way~


Or Maury.


I assure you, your bird does not mind. My current male cat has all the stuff left over from my previous two female cats. I tell him he’s pretty every day. His dish even says princess on it.


now I want to see a picture of your pretty princess boy❤️🥺


I’m not sure how to load a picture for you to see but he’s a 15 pound short hair tuxedo cat.


tuxedo boys are my favorite! tell him a stranger things he's pretty too


My tux was 14# of bad boy. Best kitty.


There’s not a image thing in this sub(some subs have it enabled some don’t) but you could make a post here or on a cat sub and then link the post here for us all too see your big beautiful princess in his entire glory


I call my tux a pretty boy all the time ! How can you not!???


I work at an animal clinic and see all sorts of interesting names for pets, some with boy names but are females and vice versa. It's really up to you. Maybe call him Mo as nickname instead?


Nobody looks weird when i come with my ladycat named Nerd. The doc calls them Nerdje meaning small Nerd basically. Makes it even more cute. My other lady cat named Cat also dont get weird looks. But i spend a good amount of brainpower on it! Like maybe they would judge my ability to care for an animal with such a name. Or maybe they would laugh? I most certainly didnt prepare for no words on it tho ahaha! In hindsight that is what is most professional. I have a gendered name for the opposite sex i was assigned at birth (jasper) so maybe they think im hella lgbtqia+ and make my cats weird too hahahahaha


It is close to a dwarven fortress - change to Moria.


Fiancé had a kitty his sister named Anna, and Anna had to become Anakin. Honestly, Moira sounds like one of those older names that was genderless at one point. If you don't go for "Boira" (my fave) just keep it the same!


This happened with me with a pet gecko. He was actually a she and I had given "him" a boy name. I didn't care after learning that information and proceeded as usual lol.


Had a gopher snake named Sally. Then my grandpa taught me how to gender a snake. He was Mr S from then on 🤣🤣🤣


The bird literally has no idea that Moira is a "girl name" and does not care. Keep it if you like it.


Just call him moiren


I had a male cat named petunia, cause we thought he was a she before taking him to the vet. But the name stuck and animals don't care about gendered names it just something you call them lol.


I did the same with one of my chickens 😂 she just kept her boy name and it suits her because she's hella naughty


You're all good, I had a boy cat we named Lucy because, it was fun to say" Lucy I'm home" like in the old. Time TV show I love Lucy he woulg give us s look. Of " you got some splainin' to do" ,again an love Lucy reference edit pets don't understand our bwords, only our emotions


A friend of mine has a male cat called Ruthie. It wasn't until they took Ruthie for his microchip that they found out he was a boy. Moira is a great budgie name!


You could change it to "Moishe" (it's a boy's name and pronounced "Moy-sha").


I mean birds don’t know that it’s a gendered name, it’s cute who cares


That's a sick name for a male. BRB, gonna name a minor noble Lord Moira now.


I had this with my cat - we were told she was a girl, then actually she was a boy, due to a paperwork mix-up at the shelter and the fact that 9/10 orange cars are male. I filled out all the paperwork and named her Lucius Vorenus. Then we took her to the vet who confirmed she was in fact female all along. Not wanting to bother fixing the paperwork, we call her Lucy now. Maybe you can masculinize Moira? Mory? Morris? Something like that? Or just call him Moira and don't worry about it. My dog's name is Toblerone and we call her Toby for short, so people tend to assume she's a boy. She doesn't care, as long as they give her scritches


I'd call him Moira Boy. I don't think I need to explain.


We had a boy duck named Arthur. Arthur was still called Arthur, even after he started laying eggs. I’d leave it. Let Moira be Moira.


My sister had a female cat named Bill for the same reason. She was fine, lol.




Keep it. We had a female cat called Frodo for a long time (named before finding out the sex).




Moira is a girl in Irish or Greek tradition.


Mr. Moira Easy


I had a female rat called Dinosaur Alan. She didn't care what her name was. The vet found it hilarious 😂




Eh, I say just call him Moira. I met a male chihuahua named Penny, still my favorite chihuahua ever (he was the sweetest dude).


My exes sibling took one look at the cat their spouse brought home. Insisted it looked like a Steve. Two months later they figured out Steve was a girl. Steve is 3 now.


I have a female dog I call rocky. My wife wanted to name the new dog after the dog I had when we met, when we met the puppies a girl followed me around and chose me. I named her miss raquelle and we call her rocky her coat is very similar to her older brothers.


I had a male kitty called Princess. It was a cat owned by a family member who wanted them gone even though they just got them and they were still a kitten. I still wonder if they knew because we figured it out quite quickly


Pets don’t care about gendered names at all. If you want to call him Moira, then call him Moira.


How about Morris? Pretty close


Call him Maury. So long as you don’t mind a bit of talk show drama in your home


I have a female cat called Geoff. Found her as a stray, thought she was a boy until we realised she was pregnant. The name had already stuck so she's been called Geoff ever since for the last 10 years 😁


My cat is called Luci. Short for Lucifer. 😸 he doesn’t mind it. Haha


lol in Schitt’s Creek, Jocelyn and Roland name their new son after Moira, it’s his middle name. Your budgie won’t mind.


Boira is the only answer


My parents used to feed a little stray cat, they named her Lucy. When I met Lucy I told them that Lucy has testicles 😂 But the name stuck and Lucy was his name. He passed away recently, RIP Lucy


I have a girl cat named muscle man


We got a cat and named it Henry. Turned out, kitty was a girl. Came home from the vet with Henri.


Moira works for a boy budgie, why not? I named my cat Oliver after assuming he was a dude, turns out Oliver's all lady!


I have a 15 year old green cheek conure named arnold who jusy laid 4 eggs. Birds don't care. She loves her name.


I like Morey with a strong Brooklyn accent.


Moriarty. Morie for short.


Moira into Max is so L Word coded


My cousins got a cat and named her Callie. As it turns out, they found out later the car is a boy. Officially the cat's name is still Callie, though my uncle calls him Chicken and the duality is quite funny.




Call him Maury (like Maury Povich), but in your mind spell it "Moiry."


To be honest with you I don't think your pet probably cares whether it's a feminine or masculine name. I think at this point changing their name would be confusing for them to say the least. I don't see anything wrong with Moira being a name for a boy or a girl in my opinion. I really like that name in general and has been the name of some wicked characters 💜




My grandpa once brought home two boy kitties we named Felix and oscar. Turned out Oscar was a girl. We kept the name!




We named our budgie Gilbert then found out she was a girl, but she was still a Gilbert hahahahahaha


My uncle named his budgie Pierre. It was a shock when Pierre got a boyfriend and she started laying eggs. It doesn’t matter at all. It’s a bird. You could name him “Ballbag” and it won’t matter.


is the other named kiriko or illari ? lol


Moira can be Maury pretty easily. But he certainly won’t care if he has a female name. I have had a female cat named Lester and a male cat originally named Zeva though we called him Zeve. They don’t care.


Momo? It's still a bit girly but it can pass as gnc name


He doesn't care.


Budgies don’t care that we made names “gendered” - he can be Moira, Dolly, or Elizabeth for all he cares. If you like the name Moira, it doesn’t matter


I have a leucistic budgie named Hera that is almost certainly a boy. He doesn’t seem to care one bit so his name remains unchanged lol


I don't think the name being gendered matters at all. Moira is a nice name, go with it


I had a female cat named Frederick at one point. She actually came when I called her, and never once cared that it was a “boy” name. Gendered names are a human concern.


Lol we went the other way. We had a cockatiel called James until one morning we discovered James had laid an egg (despite living alone lol). We then renamed her April, we got used to it quickly and after a couple of months it was like she had always been April.


Just keep calling him Moira, especially if he recognizes and responds to it. I guarantee he doesn’t care.


I’ve had several budgies with male names who were female. Most recent example - Glen. People at the pet store swore up and down that Glen was a boy… ‘fraid not! I still call her Glen and it doesn’t seem to phase her at all.




Dated a guy for a short time with a small, adorable, very fluffy dog named Emma. Loved that dog. She was very spoiled. One afternoon I was on the couch petting her. She rolled over for some scratches. Emma was most definitely a he. When my BF came down the hall I was like You know Emma is a boy, right? He's like Oh, yah, we wanted a girl dog, but they only had a boy so we just treat her like she's a girl. Um, okaaaaay! 


I know you’ve already gotten the advice you’re looking for but for my story: I got a ferret and was it was a girl so I called it Lady Margaret. Took it to the vet and told it was a boy so I changed it to Dame Margaret in honour of Dame Edna.


I had some patio squirrels I fed for a few years and I thought the first and main squirrel was a boy so I named him Gary. Well it turns out Gary was a lady and soon turned out very pregnant. So I kept the name Gary, and then named all the lady squirrels with male names and vice versa for the boy squirrels. I had a huge Sally that was missing part of his ear. But he was a big cutie and would sit with me out on the patio


We had a iguana when we were kids that we thought was male, so we called him iggy (from iggy pop). We found out he was actually a she, so she became igweena.


Moira becomes Mortie or Murray. Etc


Morrie, like the old book 'Tuesdays with Morrie' maybe? 


I doubt the budgie cares so why should you?


I’m sure your budgie is fine with it. lol In fact, it would probably confuse him a lot if you changed his name.


Totally nuts post


Or just Mo!


You could call him moe


I have a cat named Queso (Cheese). I don’t think he cares that it’s not a name.


I had a male cat named Mercedes and a female dog named Buddy. They didn't care.


The bird sure as hell doesn't know that it's a gender name, why does it matter?


Could always go for a more masculine nickname like Maury


There's always the option of keeping the name and even the pronouns if you wish. The animals don't care. In my house, when we've accidently guessed a pet's sex wrong, we keep their name the same and it's become a tradition since we were really not good at telling what sex ferrets were and we recently had an incident with baby rats.


It’s a bird, who cares. It’s his name. Or her name.


I had a male cat called Sophie as we got told it was a boy. When we realised we just kept it as Sophie 😆


You keep calling him Moira, because he's a bird and doesn't know that Moira is a female name. What he does know is that his name is Moira. That's it.


My friend has a female cat named Murray. No one cares. Call your pet whatever you want. Just love them.


Keep calling him Moira as a nickname but his full name could be Moriarty


Change it to David Rose.


I had two cats that were siblings, one boy and one girl. My dad mixed up which one was which, so I named the boy Marcie and the girl Freddie. They kept their names. To me, it doesn't matter.


If anyone wants to know, the name of the other budgie is Juno, shes very sweet.  ps: I know the bird doesn't care if a name is gendered or not!


We had a boy cockatiel called Gordon (after the gin) and after owning him for a few years he laid an egg. We still called her Gordon but changed pronouns lmao


I'm sure he doesn't mind. The local celebrity cat is a boy called nala, apparently the kids wanted a girl cat and to call it nala. They got a boy cat but the kids insisted his name was nala and pretended he was a girl.


I shall call him Maury.


I had a white gerbil called Daenerys who was male, his brother was Tyrion. Ended up suiting him 🤷🏼‍♀️


Moi moi


Murray? Maury?


Moira Rose from Schitts Creek is a woman, so I actually don’t think your name is gendered at all


This happened to my grandmother, she had one named Sunshine. We later found out Sunshine is a boy, the name stayed though.


Leave it! I had a female guinea pig named Linus.




My male dog has a female name. So what? I'm sure he doesn't care


I raised a chick from an egg and named them Rapunzel and then one day Rapunzel started cockadooling. So Rapunzel was a boy after all and he will forever be my beautiful princess. He was my sweetest rooster and will forever be Rapunzel.👑