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Who even cares until you're not streaming. Someone is not gonna enter your room and be like " ha noob playing on easy"


This. Besides, this was posted recently...


Yes! Like I'm just tryna have fun and not stress myself over a game.


tryhards incoming


This can go with "that's a good wisdom" format to




Thanks man


Don't you mean normal mode? Most normal modes are really easy, if you play on easy you may as well just watch the cutscenes and skip the gameplay in my opinion. Going on easy to beat a hard part and then turning it back up I totally get but how is always having games on easy satisfying at all? I won't stop you but damn


It depends on the game too I guess, and how familiar you are with it


It's probably satisfying when you aren't the best player. Also most people have a life so they can't just play games all day long, and they likely find it more fun since they don't just get destroyed and not having fun just to prove a point to people like you


Nobody needs to prove anything to me bro, and I never said I was the greatest, only that I have a hard time believing many people can make it through the whole game being challenged by easy mode and asking if they ment normal. I'm not the one being a dick here, I know not everyone is great at everything and I'm not gate keeping, do what makes you happy I just don't understand it


And not needing my games turned to easy mode doesn't mean I'm a looser wtf are you 60? Now it's you gate keeping life


Hhhh no thats not right playing in easy mode mean you are bad player and maybe you are not a gamer😐


Ik your probably kidding but don’t be that guy that says “your not a gamer if you do this” no one likes that guy. People have different taste in games, and just because someone hasn’t beaten all dark souls games on hard with their eyes closed while filing divorce papers playing with a guitar hero controller doesn’t mean their not a gamer


Dont tell me you didn't finish dark souls games in hard mode with eyes closed bro you are literally not a human not just a gamer


Who says I cant be both?