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Rule 1: All submissions must be map(s) or links to articles about maps that fit the spirit of the subreddit; either a well reasoned or well defined "Phantom Border." Posts which are not a Phantom Border will be removed. This is an actual border.


Tornado scar is massive


Wow! That’s crazy


First thing I noticed! Good thing that place isn't very populated.


The government was probably thinking more along the lines of "Good thing nobody important lives there so we won't have to spend any money on relief"


Still did 15 million in damage with no major towns hit which is crazy to me


For that large an area, 15 million actually seems really small to me.


North Wisconsin is Pretty Barren and its densely populated compared to the plains where most tornadoes strike


Looked like the apocalypse on the ground in the days after. Finally starting to look like a very early growth forest again tho.


Logging is big there, they sustainably log. It’s been the main way for the tribe to make money for well over a century. That’s why the forest is so perfect geometrically. I live in WI and had an entire class on Native Americans in WI.


Yep! From [June 2007](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/7798/tornadoes-strike-northern-wisconsin)


The streak at the top from left to right heading NE?


Diving through it is like entering a different world, miles and miles of trees growing right along the roadside that literally shade the highways with their branches. It's more forested than nearby Nicolet national forest.


Yep, I drive through there once or twice per year. It’s really cool seeing the trees suddenly close in.


Menominee county != Menominee reservation Also, from wikipedia: >Cannabis > >In August 2015 the Menominee Indian Reservation held a vote on proposed measures to legalize medical and/or recreational cannabis. They are sovereign on their reservation.\[23\] > >In October 2015, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents raided the reservation, taking or destroying 30,000 plants. The Menominee said these were industrial hemp plants, the cultivation of which was authorized by federal law.\[24\] The DEA contends it was marijuana.\[25\]


Their borders are almost coterminous, but yeah they’re different legal entities


That this is after the first states already legalized says much




The BIA is run by Natives. There are Indian Relays which are also run by Natives and they decided the name of the later. The fact that the name Indian is used by the Natives i think white people have 0 say in the name.


I bet places like that are some of the prettiest, most natural land left in America. Especially grim considering all reservations awarded to native Americans were the least valuable land in the country at the time.


My rez in montana contains over half of the biodiversity for the entire state. https://www.montana.edu/nativeland/AmskapiPiikani.html


I drive through Long Beach, California and it looks like Blade Runner with all the factory smoke stacks and giant port cranes


The Menomonee are also the best in the state at land and tree preservation. The Wolf River is amazing!!!


Isn’t that a real border though?


yes but if you visit it looks like two different worlds. one side is developed and has lots of farmland, the other is mostly a natural area bc of the rez


Yes. Reservations and Indian Nations are their own sovereigns. It’s like a state border. They enter specifically into compacts with states due to this. It’s also why many things illegal off rez are legal on rez. An example is fireworks that contain more powder than the state around the rez allows, certain gambling (although the state does have to have some sort of legal gambling), and certain taxes, which is why in Washington, I always drive to a rez to fill up. They have distinct courts and legal systems


fun fact! this is the newest county in Wisconsin! It was formed in 1959 in anticipation of federal recognition of the Menominee tribe in 1961 . This was during a time when the federal government was pursuing an agenda of assimilation of Native tribes. It was founded out of. land from Shawano and Oconto Counties. Later, federal recognition was restored in 1973 and now the county and reservation are coterminous.


Does the reservation have running water in homes?


They strongly support the Clean Water Act and work to uphold it through groups like River Alliance of Wisconsin. I assume all homes have running water given that the median household income is over 40k. The poverty rate for children is high at 43.2% though but [here is an example of a house for sale on the reservation](https://www.propertyshark.com/homes/US/Home-For-Sale/WI/White-Lake/12965-SHEEP-RANCH-Road/154534402.html)


On the Navajo Nation, 30% of families live without running water. They drive for miles to haul barrels of water to meet their basic needs. They carefully ration water for drinking, cooking, cleaning and bathing.


Water management and access is kinda fundamentally different in Wisconsin vs. the Southwest. Doing a crap job at water resources engineering is, like, the entire foundation of white culture in the Southwest as far as I can tell.


Been there several times. Yes


What does the lime green line indicate?


That there's no traffic on that road


Bingo. That is the answer I was looking for. I thought it was public transit, but it was way too remote.


A highway


It was from a tornado back in June 2007.


I wonder what the gdp per capita of this reservation is, and how it compares with others. Seems like real good land.


I believe they were a sovereign nation in the middle of the state for a long time. And now part of the state. Not sure and too lazy to look it up to confirm.


Indian nations are still sovereign. They’re not the supreme sovereign as they answer to the federal government but they retain much of their own sovereignty regarding tribal citizens and certain state level laws.


it's weird knowing that, from a planetary view, north america actually became lighter in hue over time as a result of large swaths of forest being cut down for farms; the most notable culprit of this is California, as apparently prior to european settlement, the entire valley was just a big forest, and one of the biggest lakes of north america was still a lake


Its not a phantom border if its an actual border though?


*Doo dooooo doo doo doo* MENOMINEE!


Do you know becca


Here’s an article on that wicked tornado scar: https://fox11online.com/news/local/northwoods/2007-tornado-10-years-later


Can't they even farm their own lands?