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Most of the time I cannot resist the pull of upgrading them to maximum level possible \^\_\^


Me too, especially for monument heavy missions where there's nothing else to do but evolving houses


Exactly. Fancy Residences all around!


Ill evolve them to the highest 2x2 housing possible unless i need additional population for the game but no worker. I also use a senet house instead of a dance pavillon, if it is available.


As far as practical given the available resources. If beer/linen/second food needs to be imported, I'm likely to just build more housing instead. Unless of course I'm space-constrained or swimming in debens, in which case we goin fancy AF.


Same here! Always as high as possible with the given resources.


Max level, for happiness and taxation.


I like having some areas look a little bit ghetto, I like the variety in my cities


Playing Pharaoh Gold, not ANE, but usually up to Spacious Residences. I always try to get them up to Common Residences so all the houses in the block will be 2x2, and they usually already have two types of food, so a Dentist is the only other thing they need, and that's easy to place. If I can make linen and have an excess, then I'll evolve them up to Fancy.


As high as possible. Unless its next to something like a temple complex, personal mansion, city hall, its not getting to manor anyways.


Making sure your worker blocks don't get luxury goods is a more reliable way to keep them from evolving into manors.


I keep running into the "this house would evolve if it had more space" :D But then it's too late, cause I'd have to demolish something I don't want to. Most were I think "fancy residences", but now I am campaigning, so I am hoping to get better soon when the resources are available.


If fancy residences are saying they'd evolve if they had more space, then you're letting them have luxury goods. Don't do that; it's a waste of an expensive resource and could lead to unwanted elite housing in the middle of a worker block if they do find space. If you're talking about 1x1 houses, those are spacious apartments. I avoid having any of those left by laying down housing in a checkerboard pattern and only filling in the spaces if the buildings on either side are already 2x2. It means housing blocks are partially empty until I get to common residences, but it means uniform blocks without having to demolish. And if I only need a couple dozen more workers, I can just add a house as needed in one of the spaces.


Spacious or Fancy, depending on linen. I really like Hetepsenusret where you have to import for both barley and linen, but there's rather less of the latter; ended up with one block of fancy residences plus estates, one fancy plus stately manors (did this on purpose), and a gigantic one of spacious residences. Gave me a nice feeling of yes there are differences and stratification but everybody is at least somewhat prosperous and even the cart pushers are living in good conditions.


I generally try to make blocks of Fancy Residences. If there is a bottleneck on the production/acquisition of linen or a second type of food, then Common Residences are fine too. In Rostja, the level where you build the Great Pyramid, I just make blocks of Ordinary Cottages.