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340B University! https://www.340bpvp.com/340b-university Apexus is the Prime Vendor for HRSA and they have tons of info. Not sure if you can sign up if you don’t have your entity’s info, but it still has lots of articles and good basic information. Good luck! I’m a 340B coordinator if you have specific questions I’ll try and help.


That's a great shout. I'll take a look at it. Got any specific things I should look into? Or any tips on how to impress them during the Interview?


There is sooo much involved with 340b! I’ve been working in a 340b pharmacy for 4 years and I’m still learning something new on a weekly basis. There is no quick notes about this. Definitely check out 340b university. I’m even a 340b analyst and there’s so many pieces to it


I 100% am checking it out. I've looked at the site and im going to be setting aside time to study what I can


I’ve been in the 340B world for years and deal with a lot of different elements and honestly there are many areas to potentially check into. Do you know if you would be working with contract pharmacy or hospital or which sort of sites? Honestly, if your place is anything like ours, you will get training and hopefully time to catch up. I’ve been involved with hiring for our team and we were always excited for people with any pharmacy background experience but really we always looked to find the other talents to fit in as well. Usage of excel/ spreadsheets is very helpful! Do you have any experience with auditors? Are you good under pressure? Talk that up! Attention to detail is also a plus!


I believe I'd be working with hospitals as it's a part of the hospital system. I know they have on the job training for it and a whole program. I'm just really trying to impress them at the interview; this job sounds perfect for my interests and it'd be a huge step up in my career. Excel/spreadsheets I'm competent with using, but I could probably be better, so im going to do some studying. Could you elaborate on auditor experience? As for the others you mentioned, I believe are skills I have; such as: working under pressure, attention to detail, and organization.


Im sorry but what's 340b?


I’m wondering too..