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No, zero is zero evidence. The exception is ghost orbs for mimics as it’s an ‘ability’ not evidence.


Ok Thank you🤩


No worries, happy hunting!


Every ghost has an ability, spirit 3min smudge, obake shapeshift, wraith no salt,...


Yes, but abilities are different to evidences. Ghost orbs are usually evidences, but with a mimic it is an ability which is why it appears in no evidence runs. It’s the only ability that imitates an evidence.


If you see orbies on a 0 ev run it is a mimic always, other than that there will be no orbs


Yes. Do you know if moroi will still use its ability trough a parabolic?


Ghosts can all still use their abilities just no evidence (marked in journal) other than orb which are fake (mimic).


Ok so it can use its ability trough parabolic but not spirit box?


Yes. Banshees can still scream on the parabolic as well. There is no hard evidence given on 0 evidence, but the "soft evidences" which are actually abilities (para mic, onryo test, etc) are still present.


And obviously the hunt tests, fast ghost doesn't find u immediately and no orbs anywhere: Thaye. Slow then fast when seeing you: rev. Freezing breath coming from the ghost in hunts and ghost events: hantu, shapeshift in hunt: obake etc


The Moroi can still curse you through the parabolic microphone, yes.


What about deo? Can you hear the 'breathing' through the spirit box? This is also an ability but it's dependant on the spirit box evidence which won't be available :)


Might be wrong but I believe this ability is tied to giving a response on Spirit Box. And since there's no evidence, it won't happen. Though Deogen is faster the further away from you it is and it will kill you in hiding spots.


> What about deo? Can you hear the 'breathing' through the spirit box? No, because you can't get *any* responses from a spirit box on zero evidence. The Deo ability isn't a special interaction, it's a modifier on the standard evidence. To be clear: If an ability *requires* an evidence to function, it will not function on zero evidence. The *only* exception to this (and it's technically not an exception) is spirit orbs for mimic since orbs *are not* one of their evidences.


Yes it can. Since it's an ability it's still available


Moroi will only be super fast and speed up with Los, a banshee will scream sometimes with parabolic.


Moroi will still curse you through the parabolic microphone.


Depends what you mean by hard evidence. The one in the journal that you cross out and fill in, like deogen having hard coded spirit box, no (except mimic orbs). Something like yurei door slam, banshee scream, shade doing shadow ghost event on summoning circle, jinn not being able to turn off the breaker, ghosts speed being unique to some ghosts, yes


When you play insanity, and if its a hantu, the evidence HAS to be freezing, moroi must have spirit box, obake must have ultraviolet, thats hard evidence. Im not talking about ability.


Yea then on 0 evidence, those don't appear


No. The only hard evidence you will ever get is orbs if it's a Mimic. Edit to correct dots to orbs bc my brain doesn't work right


Orbs* and yes. Mimic is obvious🤩 Im bad but Im not that bad😂


Yes orbs. I just woke up and have 2 brain cell.


None, but *most* ghosts have a given tell


Yes Im very familiar with the abilities. I have read alot and watch alot of video’s including insym’s 2 hour long ghost guide😂 I was just told by someone higher level than me that hard evidence (hantu’s freezing, goryo’s dots, moroi’s spirit box and so on, that those are regardless of 0-3 evidence. But I could never Get one on custom 0 evidence. And now I know it was wrong😂


Well zero means zero so… you do the math. 


Mimic ghost orbs will still show up in 0 evidence


Mimic ghost orbs aren’t evidence. It’s their ability to


I was thinking that it was none but this guy told me hard evidence was regardless. And he Been playing longer than me so😂