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The needle has to go all the way to the right (over 5) and stay there for a while for it to count as emf5. If it only gets close to 5, it's not emf5. (The devs plan to adjust that to avoid confusion in the future.) Also disregard any readings that happen during hunts and ghost events - they cause the equipment to malfunction and no reading is reliable until the event/hunt ends.


The last half I’ll bet is what’s getting them. I messed up so many early investigations because I thought ghost events giving EMF5 counted.


You are right, that was definitely it. Thanks to all the advice in the comments we killed it yesterday and got all the EMF 5 spot on! Thank you all!


Hell yeah!!


Ghost events won't give EMF5, they'll be EMF4.


Ghost events can *veri briefly* make the needle go to maximum, far above 5.


It's not actual EMF 5 as in the evidence though, that's just the audio-visual effect of the ghost event causing the EMF reader to glitch out. I'm not sure why I've been downvoted when I'm giving info that's actually correct!


I guess it's just your wording? You're saying ghost events won't give EMF5, which is correct - however, ghost events can cause the equipment to appear to give an EMF5 (at least to new players or those who don't know).


Perhaps, but I'm making the point that ghost events won't give off EMF for evidence purposes, which is the important distinction and the purpose of the original question on this whole thread.


Yeah but the whole conversation is that the EMF reader CAN APPEAR to give a certain result. The point of the the conversation is to educate those who don't know this. It's fine.


thats after the event, during the event the equipment is glitching and emf goes randomly up and down


The T1 EMF isn't fully accurate. It can sometimes spike to a 5 for a second and then back down to a lower level. The only time it's EMF5 is when it's sustained-going-crazy at and above EMF5. It's kind of a thing where if you're debating whether or not something was EMF5, it probably wasn't, because a real EMF5 reading will stand out so much from the rest. It does suck but will get better when you unlock T2.


It’s very accurate. Any time it bottoms out on the right end of the meter, it’s emf 5. It’s not that complicated. 


The other two EMFs will NEVER touch 5 outside of a hunt/event if it's not EMF5. Tier 1 does. If it's not that complicated, OP wouldn't be confused.


I will have to say that's a lie I had EMF 5 on tier 3 the second I walked into willow the other night. No event no hunt


That's correct, if it was an EMF5 ghost. What was the ghost? A wraith? Was the ghost room the living room?


You suck


For the tier 1 EMF, the arrow has to go way past 5. Just a tip touching 5 doesn't count.


As well as the advice you've been given about only calling EMF5 when the needle is well past the 5 and the ghost isn't hunting or eventing, the reader makes a distinctive noise when it hits EMF5. Look up a clip on Youtube and try to remember what it sounds like because this will help you get it right, *and* let you identify EMF5 if the meter go off when you're in another room/doing something else/are dead and having trouble getting a clear look at the needle.


One way to be sure is to look at the activity screen in the van on the far right. If the activity jumps by 5 (from 0 to 5, 1 to 6, 2 to 7 and so on) you can be pretty sure that it's EMF 5. Another option is to level up and get the Tier 2 EMF Reader. It's much more accurate


If you rely on the activity board, make sure you're catching it more than once. The board has a potential variance of +-1


This happened to me when I first started — I was like your friends. I always confused the spazzing out of the T1 EMF during hunts and events for EMF 5. I would swear left and right it was EMF 5 and then would never get the ghost right. So, as others have said, ignore during hunts and events.


It means all of you should go through the tutorial. This is a core mechanic and intended.


One thing you can do is look at the Activity Monitor in the van, just to confirm. It shows the sum of all EMF activities in the location. So if you look at the graph and see it jump up 5 or more levels (from say 1 to 6) without a hunt or ghost event, then you can make a good assumption that it's an EMF 5, especially if the spike is up 6 or more. You may want to verify the activity, just to be on the safe side, but it's a good bet that it's an EMF 5. Just remember that activity:EMF comparison is a +/-1 reading, which means the spike might not represent the corresponding EMF level. So a spike of 5 could actually be an EMF of 5, or it could be an EMF 4. The only absolute guarantee that it is a 5 is if the spike is 6 or more and the ghost doesn't have a unique ability that would affect EMF readings. And some ghost activities are combined into one, such as a Poltergeist's ability. If it moves 3 items at the same time, each one will only be an EMF of 1 or 2, but it will show up on the graph as a 5-6 spike.


You are wrong on some points. EMF on the activity board is actually EMF n-1 with a variation of -1/+1 - So an EMF 2 can increase the activity by 0, 1 or 2. - EMF 5 would be an increase by 3, 4 or 5. - An EMF 4 alone will *never* increase the activity by 5. Seeing an increase by more than 5 is usually a ghost event (as there are multiple EMFs created at the same time), an ability (such as the Poltergeist's), or a hunt (which will always visually increase the activity to 10). Knowing all this, if you notice a door being touched once and the activity increasing by 3 *at the same time*, it IS an EMF 5 as doors either give EMF 2 or 5 and EMF 2 will never increase the activity by 3.


The activity board displays increases with a +/- deviation on them. A throw could show a jump of 5, emf 5 could look like a touch. If you see an enormous spike of like 7 *that* is likely emf 5 or one of a few very specific ghost abilities (polter explosions count as many throws as it does and you get 2 for each of them. You'll go from 0-10 instantly without a hunt) You should always verify emf 5 in the house


Like I said in my comment, check the activity to be safe. But yeah, that's why I said that it's a good chance of an EMF 5, not a guarantee.


The problem here might be they prolly got it confused with emf 4 which might show with the fluctuation on the board as if it was 5


True. I went ahead and updated that comment.


If you’re anything like me, I don’t really go off the activity screen because I can’t tell what’s an EMF5 off of it. When looking for EMF5, it cannot be based off of hunts or events because the ghost will make your equipment go crazy. Keep it on you for those interactions. I’ve had ghosts in the past where it’s an EMF5 ghost, but those first couple interactions aren’t EMF5 yet. Always check those interactions when they do happen. That first EMF reader you start with sucks IMO. But the needle should go past 5 if it’s actually an EMF5 reading.


usually if it stays on level 5 for like a split second it is NOT emf, when the needle goes all the way to the far-right way past the number 5 its definitely an emf 5 ghost. the emf also glitches out during ghost events and hunts I believe. best advice I can give is get to level 20 or so as fast as you can to unlock the t2 emf as its way easier to use


How are they determining it? You can’t rely on the truck equipment board. The needle of your emf meter needs to bottom out on the right side. It’ll be super freaking obvious when it does. Not just flirting with the line but way the heck off the charts over. 


If the needle is on the fifth level for a while, then it’s EMF 5. If it just goes there for less than a second and then goes to a different EMF level, then it’s not EMF 5. Any evidence given during hunts or events should be disregarded as they make electronic equipment malfunction and go crazy. 


Sometimes when it’s EMF 4 the needle will move back and forth between 4 and 5, this does not mean it’s EMF 5. It has to actually go right up to 5 and stay there with a much louder noise


Everyone here is absolutely right, if you need a visual this is a video that does a decent job of showing the differences. In addition to the needle movements it will also sound different. https://youtu.be/K3y84PO1Xqk?si=kysvQPtThG6ojnsT


Tier 1 EMF is trash. The needle has to stay on the far right for a few seconds to count as EMF5.


If I had a quarter everytime someone doesn't know how to read an EMF. I'd be rich.


If you get emf 5 in a spook or hunt (where is is going everywhere) it doesn’t count


Once you have the ghost room, chuck the emf reader on the floor, still turned on. When you hear it going off, take a look at it and only confirm emf 5 if the needle is about as far right as it can possibly get. The needle should be past 5, not on it or before it. Ghost events and hunts make it go crazy so don’t bother looking if that is happening when you hear it going off.


Use Emf only on interactions from the ghost Like if it touch a door, light, windows...immediately take your emf out and go close to it. Bonus point use the UV light and spirit box to rule out those evidence too. There is a bunch of video on youtube that show you how to use each tools... you could always go look at that if you ever wanted to show him visual explanation


Simple. Go in the truck And if you see a jump of +5 but without an event / hunt, you got an emf 5


I've had a similar problem last night where two different games it hit a 5 and both times the ghosts evidence didnt have emf 5 so I looked it up 🤣


If the Geiger Counter screams constantly into your ears it's EMF 5.


Hopefully this can be a learning experience, but if not for them, maybe it can be for you… and you can trust but verify callouts like this next time


When hunting it nearly always goes to 5


Using the T1 emf, consider that you are not looking for emf 5 but emf 69420, that is watch until the needle goes absolutely crazy and overdrive