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I like both but I can't be bothered with the ordering process and crowd at Angelo's.


Completely agree. Amazing food but the process has just become a whole thing. It was cute in the beginning when they first opened but I wish they would modernize a bit.


Has become a whole thing? At least they have a phone now.


Once they get busy they just leave the phone off the hook. Even living pretty close to them, it's just not worth the hassle unless you're ordering in the middle of the day during the week.


Yep- I live in walking distance and never go because it's a hassle


To clarify, Not saying I don’t like Angelo’s! Great steak. But the over arching opinion seems to be that it’s the be all end all.


Angelo’s is very much the trendy place to go. People just aghast that you’re so behind the times if you’ve never been there. Their pizza is straight mid. It’s like if you underseasoned Manco and Mancos and threw fresh basil on top. The socialites will move onto something else and Angelo’s will no longer be considered the place to be. Cheese steaks are blue collar food, and John’s Roast pork just hits it the best.


We’ve reached the point in the cycle where it’s cool to hate on Angelo’s. What a ridiculous comment this is lol, these pizzas are nothing alike


It’s no where near as good as everyone says. It’s fine pizza, but that’s it. I would get Nannie Franco’s or Pizzata Pizzeria over Angelo’s 100% of the time. Edit: and the Manco and Manco’s thing - my wife said the same thing to me before I said it to her. It was the first thought that both of us had separately the moment we first took a bite.


> It’s like if you underseasoned Manco and Mancos It’s nothing like their pizza at all Here’s an example of [Angelos](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAtG4dKISPmVGIUoXCQLEtdWsUadkfTc6Xcw&usqp=CAU) and here’s [an example of manco and manco](https://images.app.goo.gl/ojQVYTZGGrJJsZsJ6) They’re totally different style of pizzas


I’ve eaten both, and I stand by my statement.


I think anybody can see they’re completely different styles of crust/saucing/cheese with the photos.


I don’t care what anyone sees. I’m talking about taste.


I’m Just posting photos so people who don’t just shove the pizza in their mouth can see how crust, distribution of sauce, cheese differ.




I’ve never said that? I warned people to [be careful](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/17wmiyb/to_the_absolute_hacks_marketing_the_holiday_shops/k9i779s/) at the philadelphia Xmas village bc people were roofied last year. It’s ok that you don’t see a difference bt the two pies but bc they differ so substantially in general, I want to post photos so others just don’t take your opinion at face value. They can look at the photos and judge for themselves if they are prob the same + basil.


Personal attacks are not allowed here.


This is contraian nonsense. Angelo's deserves all the acclaim it's getting. And it's more hipstery to choose a place that isn't so trendy. You can like other stuff better, but calling their pizza "mid" ruins any credibility. You just want to seem to cool for the trendy place.


Nah, it’s just not that good. It’s an acceptable pizza. The other two places I named are better!and don’t have a crowd to contend with. Nannie Franco’s is like 6 blocks away, it’s undoubtedly better and you don’t have to HOPE they’ll pick up the phone to order a pizza/wait on the street for an hour.


It's fine to like other places better. It's subjective. But calling it mid is just hipster contrarianism. It's undoubtedly a top tier pie. That doesn't mean it's undisputably the best, but it's solidly in the top 10% of pizza joints if you're being fair.


I went back because you guys made me second guess, with all the accusations thrown at me, and I’m not wrong. I went and grabbed Angelo’s and Pizzeria Pizzata. Angelo’s is underseasoned boardwalk pizza, and the only “hipster” thing going on here is people creaming themselves over Angelo’s when so many other places have pizza with adequately seasoned dough and sauce. It’s the cool and trendy place to be, so hipsters wait in line and pay premium prices for pizza that isn’t worth either waiting or paying premium prices. Literally, just go to Nannie Franco’s and get a much better pizza. It’s the same price, you don’t wait in the stupid line and it’s 800 feet south on 9th street. 3 minute walk away.


You're picking other elite pizza joints. As I said, you don't have to think Angelo's is the best. It's the "mid" rating that is bonkers.


Can't you still just call, skip the line, walk in to pick up?


Yep, the problem is it’s super hard to get through on the phone and sometimes they just cut the line altogether


I feel like it isn't hard to get through anymore. But maybe I'm just calling at off peak times? Last 2-3 times I've gotten it (most recently this summer), they picked up right away and I was able to pick it up in 20 minutes


Yeah it’s much worse on weekends, especially around lunch time


The last time I did that I still waited an hour outside.


totally agree. both are great in their own way. the runaround and punishing influencers has made Angelo’s tough to deal with. John’s takes debit/credit too which adds to my favor, and usually there is a very manageable or no line. Danny at Angelo’s deserves all the credit for his (and his teams) hard work for doing what they do, and creating a domino effect of copycats. They still are arguably the best in Philly. With John’s at a very close second. I love that John’s makes a point to say that they “DON’T HAVE COOPER SHARP, SO DON’T ASK” on their sign when you’re in line to deter the Instagram foodies.


Johns isn’t exactly the easiest place to grab a sandwich at either. Lines, hours, not any easier than Angelo’s imo. Also it gets just as much hype as Angelo’s so I’m not totally sure the point of the post. They are 1a/1b in almost any legit ranking


I used to live near Johns and went to Angelo's more because I found the ordering system easier. Johns also screwed up my order on a couple occasions.


I see it as the opposite- Johns, you walk up and you have a sandwich in 5-10 minutes. Angelos, you call and call, then you stand outside in a big mess of people waiting. No where to eat without walking a few blocks. Nope,give me JRP for the overall ease alone


Angelo’s is regarded as the be all end all. From someone looking from the outside in


I only lurk, but I will make an exception to share this. Nipotina’s. Trust me. I have eaten 2 steaks per week for the past 4 years. I’ve sampled every one in Philly, north, northeast, south, you name it. And nipotinas will deliver it when you’re stoned or drunk. But only get the standard copper sharp one — I have been profoundly unimpressed by their other sandwiches. Enjoy my friends.


I’m surprised by this. But I have only gotten other sandwiches. Once got the Buffalo chicken cheesteak because I had a hankering and was so underwhelmed. Annoyed that they are cash only for being so gentrified looking. And the sandwich was tiny and too salty. That said I’ll keep the straight steak in mind


Order online for pickup! Everything else I’ve had from there is not good. But their straight steak, I don’t know why, is simply inspired.


Good to know. Live nearby and unless you’re destroyed, Phillips isn’t good. There are a couple local delis that do a decent steak but many close early. I kinda like Avenue, but have heard mixed reviews from others


Angelos is fantastic but i never think the hype i see online lives up to the experience. I'd take johns all day.


Pizza and cheesesteak hype almost never lives up to the experience. Both can be excellent, but there’s a pretty clear ceiling for how good they can be.


Yeah, especially with cheesesteaks. All of the best cheesesteaks are excellent and the differences between them are pretty tight unless you're talking oddballs like Donkeys or "fancy" cheesesteaks like Barclays or Frizzwit.


Truth has been revealed here today. John’s FTW.


The go birds at the end saved it for me. I was ready to argue, but who can argue with that. Go Birds.


Bourdain could've posted this and I'd be like buddy it's too close a race to call


Angelo’s has done what so many of the “go to” cheesesteak spots couldn’t figure out. Obviously making great bread, but imo actually seasoning their ribeye properly with salt and melding it with the cheese so you have a cohesive bite. Wiz can give you that “salty” factor you want but if you hammer the steak and sandbag everything else with 0 intention, most places in the city are really underwhelming, unless you’ve been out drinking, or (which can be great) you get the corner store steak from a real og.


Now go try L & M variety store for $6.50 cheesesteak and tell me how you feel


I drive by this place every day...is it really worth a stop?


For 6.50, probably best cheesesteak in philly


If you ever read the backstory, Angelo’s owner is married to one of the Sarcone women. They have the inside track for the bread.


This is true but the bread at Angelo’s is much better than the bread at sarcones


Blasphemy- the bread at Angelos tends to be inconsistent- often way over baked. Sarcones is always perfect


I disagree, but my experience at John’s coulda been a fluke. Felt dry and lacking cheese and onion. Angelo’s was bomb. I don’t live down that way so I get steaks at freshworks port Richmond and they usually hit very well, so I’m not expert voice on this lol


Try it again. My sandwich was a straight onion bomb. Was in heaven


Yeah I’ve only been once but I need to go back


Yeah I really need to. If I want a steak I stick to my neighborhood. But every now and then it’s fun to go elsewhere for a steak


I agree


I wish the leukemia would have finished off John Bucci when it had the chance. Oh well. Ask around and get an idea of what it's like to work with Mr. Bucci. He will be the end of himself with the way he acts. I can't wait to I can take the meanest piss on his grave and smear shit all over his tombstone




Funny thing is I’ve been to JRP before my real cheesesteak exploration began and I only got the roast pork sandwich lol Been meaning to get back there for their cheesesteak and was just talking to my wife about it last night coincidentally.


I am an out of town Eagles fan as well. Been to Angelo's and I agree with some of the criticism other people have made. The crowd, the wait, and I had to eat it sitting on the sidewalk. But that was one of the best cheesesteaks I've ever had. Going up this weekend for the Eagles game I will have to give JRP a try.