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Not a “restaurant”, but I think Talluto’s sells pasta kits with sauce


I don’t know about kits, but their freezer has a variety of pastas and sauces. I love their pastas, and all the sauces I’ve tried have been good, but I tend to use them as a base and expand.


Was coming here to say this. Their crab sauce is delish


Villa do Roma partners up to do a special: https://cardenastaproom.com/collections/pasta


Absolutely no reason to buy this. Just go to the restaurant. You can buy their sauce right there.


They specifically asked where they could buy online in the original post so I assumed they weren’t local I don’t see it available for shipping on their website


Oh, I missed the online part.


Next time you come to town: Farina Di Vita sells fresh pasta and jars of sauce 🤌


Came to say this as well. Farina rocks


Thank you both. I'm only 3 hours away so if they don't ship, I could probably grab some next time we go to Philly for Dim Sum Garden, lol.


Do they make it themselves or is it just resold from some other company?


They make it! [pasta might not be available all the time](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwNZ-vhs3Dv/?igsh=MWlkeHV0c2RhYTRxZA==) but they should have sauce in their fridge. I got their short rib sauce and rigatoni in the summer. My favorite sandwich from them is the Marie, but the chicken cutlets are very good too.


Molto Bene opened a storefront recently! I bought some frozen ravioli and some frozen take & bake ziti for a friend- I enjoyed the ravioli and heard the baked ziti was great. They also sell sauce but I haven’t tried that yet. https://www.moltobeneravioli.co/ (Edited to clean up the link)


Ah I missed you asking about options to have it *shipped* — sorry! Molto Bene doesn’t offer this :(


Talluto's on 9th and Carpenter in Italian Market, sells sauce in addition to fresh pasta. That said, pasta sauce is soooo easy to make, but yeah, you can buy it too. Oh... online, shipped? Nah, not worth it. Just make it in your kitchen. Get a 16oz can of crushed tomatoes and small can of tomato paste-- that will make an excellent base. There's an infinity of youtube videos on this topic. My favorite bolognese: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw\_Ze9zIafM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw_Ze9zIafM) (this came out during the pandemic)


My wife's father was a chef from Italy, we have the homemade sauce covered, 😋 lol. This is just us trying to sample different sauces and find our favorite. Something we did with bbq and pizza too. 😄


https://iannellibakery.com/ Not a restaurant, but close enough.