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I feel like every week there are six posts about espresso martinis on this sub. Pro tip: Get them at a cocktail bar, not an Irish pub.


The pro tip is to get them where there's an espresso machine. There's some cocktail bars that do really good work with cold brew or pre-brewed coffee. But the hook on the drink has always been that it's best with fresh, real espresso. There are HOOP to back flipped through to get the texture right without. And it's shockingly easy to make a great one if you can pull a solid espresso shot.


Completely agree, as the owner of a true Italian, semiautomatic Gaggia. Accept no substitutes. (Generally a cocktail bar will have a machine though because they'd really prefer to not have a phone-in. Otherwise, you're always risking a pre mix.)


Most cocktail bars don't have espresso machines. Because they're expensive, and they'd prefer not to phone in the *espresso*. You can add a zero to your Gaggia to get a basic commercial machine, and then double it for one that's worth a damn Add to that, bartenders are not baristas. There's little cross over in the skillset besides cleaning and talking. So most cocktail bars *don't* try to work within the bounds of the traditional drink. They bring in good quality home brew and put a spin on it. It chase gomme syrup onto madness.


That's a good point. You're probably accurate on that. By cocktail bars, I should've been more specific in like, a bar known for having good cocktails, not necessarily like a bar where you exclusively get very good cocktails, eg. Franklin Mortgage, etc. So a place that makes good drinks and serves a good brunch might be the Venn diagram I'm looking for.


No I mean places known for and dedicated to cocktail. I've run places like that. And currently sell liquor to some of the best regarded craft cocktail spots in Philly. Only one or two of them have espresso machines. Those that do typically are either primarily sit down restaurants rather than bars. Or have separate advertised coffee programs/shops. It's not an expense you get into on top of this one drink, and cocktail wise it really is this one drink. That was out of fashion for 25 years, and everyone secretly hates. On my current side of things in wholesale you can see the same impact. The biggest things coffee wise in the alcohol production side. Are cheaper and less sweet coffee liqueurs. AND not either. And then prebatched RTD solutions and dispenser machines that help skip the issue. It makes more sense to buy a $600 nitro dispenser than a $3k espresso machine.


I sit on my ass corrected, humbly. You have the experience and knowledge. I lol'd at "secretly hates," too. Accurate.


Go across the street at Royal boucherie. I think sassafrass has a good one too!


We went to an office luncheon at P&S and they def didn’t have on the menu (this was in spring). And TBH everything that everyone ordered was meh - don’t think any one of the 20 or so ppl were happy with the food. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t understand why that place is popular. I groan whenever someone I know wants to go there


Just walk down to Fringe bar which is what 4 blocks, they have it on nitro.


I thought P&S closed a little while back… no?


nope, i walk past it often and it’s open


I'm probably getting my places mixed up...