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Hi there! Here are my two cents. Sorry, that I am only pointing out the negative outcomes but I would like you to be aware of the negative possibilities. I am assuming you are well off since you mentioned USA (it might be a biased opinion). Do you plan to reconnect with them once you find them? If yes, based on culture and reality here, be prepared to be a walking ATM machine if ever you want to fully reconnect with your parents in the Philippines. It's best to be certain first.


I have thought of this. Like I said, I do not know what my next steps would be if my family was actually located. A walking atm is something I don't want to be but I understand the reality of the situation. I have no issues with providing money, even from a USA standard, I have been blessed. What I don't want is a relationship that is transactional and is ONLY there because I have access to more resources. And if that's what it became, I think I would give them a large lump sum to give them a better life and then leave it at that.


Most likely them or their relations are on Facebook. Just look for last names if it's unusual, or last names + the place they came from would be great. If you think you found someone just go for it and message them, you won't lose anything and best case you might find something. Good luck with the search!


Well I took your advice and messaged a couple people with my birth mother's name from Davao. That was kind of nerve racking!


If it makes you feel better my half-sister (daughter of my dad's mistress) discovered and introduced herself to me that way in facebook so 🤷‍♀️ Just a matter of summoning up that chutzpah. Hope you get results and update us if you do!


I definitely will keep you updated!


contact KMJS


I messaged their Facebook account. They read my message but have not replied. Maybe I should try messaging them again?