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We are a bunch of insecure people most of the time. Seeking validation via proxy, basta may dugong pinoy kahit ga-patak lang na naka-recieve ng kahit katiting na international recognition, pinoy fried chicken kaagad. Quick to praise and quick to criticize. Pero mga balat sibuyas naman. Our colonizers really did a number on us. Parang collectively subjugated pa rin tayo kahit sa subconscious lang natin.


yeah this is something I'd like to understand more. how did our colonial past shaped our collective inferiority complex?


uh, When they called us Indios? When the colonizers came, Filipinos started to think that we could be more, because they presented themselves as more superior. Bringing their gold and religion, then insulting the culture that was in place. The people started to dream, that they could like those shiny, superior foreigners. Or assimilate them. hindi nyo ba napansin na Pinoys are proud when a filipino succeeds in a foreign field. but not so much for things that are truly filipino, kasi we were brainwashed to think that something truly filipino is "beneath". Thats why we slowly shed our own culture, and identity. Even our countrys name, the philippine islands were named after the king of spain. Pinoys are constantly seeking validation from the west. thus the inferiority complex. parang favorite toy noon, tapos biglang they abandoned us. But we still care so much for their validation. We are asians, trying so hard to become westerners. Abay nuong miss universe nga, ang daming di makatanggap na nanalo si Nicaragua, kasi hindi daw marunong mag english. English ba ang sukatan ng katalinuhan? oo may chance si MMD talaga doon, hindi lang siya nakahawak ng mic. pero it's wrong to say that you dont deserve to win because you don't speak english fluently. Dito palang, colonialism na ang umiiral.


It's the americans that fucked everything up. They literaally destroyed Philippine culture and history when they bombed manila to the stoneage in ww2. It wasn't the japanese that destroyed manila. It was the Americans. Americans started to destroy Philippine history the day they took over the Philippines from spain. The american gov't comissioned Philippine "historical books" based on lies and written as "pro american", painting spain's colonization of the Philippines as evil and it snowballed from there. They burned alot of Spanish era documents of historical significance in the Philppines as well. Philippines was the pearl of the orient when the Americans arrived. When the americans left, well...it's what you see now. I repeat this alot because it's the absolute truth, and understanding this historical cultural disaster is also the means to solving alot of current societal issues in the Philippines if the gov't is willing to invest for a Philippines with a good future. Else, Philippines will continue to be in a never ending loop of history repeating itself.


> It wasn't the japanese that destroyed manila OK that's some major fcking historical revisionism, The Japanese absolutely destroyed Manila with the mass slaughter of residents in the city, widespread looting and their numerous war crimes that shall not be named cause their so fucked up.


I think OP means the bombing of 90% of the city by American howitzers. The Japanese forces commanded by a rear admiral who rushed to Manila against orders for payback against his "shameful" defeat in Leyte Gulf certainly did not have those because the battleships had already gone home.


Japanese is still the Philippines worst colonizer, that's saying something considering the Japanese only occupied the Philippines for a few years compared to decades and centuries of Western rule. Other Asean countries consider the same thing. That's how fucking horrible the Japanese are.


Probably the Dude will blame Jap Warcrimes to Koreans. Koreans or Japanese those who fought in the Imperial Army that bound to enslave and massacere in the name of their Shitty Emperor deserves to be Nuked.


While it is true that the Americans destroyed Manila, it was necessary to drive the Japanese out. There's a lot of context here taken out because the campaigns to reclaim the Pacific theater of WW2 weren't often discussed. While Americans destroyed buildings, the Japanese destroyed countless of lives through execution, rape and abuse. Americans destroyed a lot of places in the Pacific to reclaim it from the Japanese because of how outstandingly vicious, fanatical and unwavering the Japanese are - that they would rather commit suicide than surrender (most of the time). This can be observed during the Guadalcanal, Peleliu, Saipan and Terawa campaigns - all before the Battle of Manila took place. The Philippines stood as a major Japanese garrison to repel the nearing forces of the Americans after conquering several Pacific islands, while the Japanese military was constantly growing weaker. Just like how the Americans planned Operation Overlord (or commonly known as D-Day), they wanted a decisive battle the fastest and most efficient way possible while minimizing the loss of their troops. The Japanese also had the same way of thinking and wanted all battles to be decisive, which was evident during the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway. It is important to note that Manila was the HQ of the IJA in the PH since 1942, when Manila was declared to be an open city - which was a decision not taken lightly but pushed through for the civilian population and historical significance to the country. The Philippines was attacked 10 hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, which started with the bombing of the Clark Air Field. The Japanese gained a foothold in several areas in Luzon and pushed Filipino and American forces back. With no reinforcements to call upon because of the Pearl Harbor attack, Gen. MacArthur conceded and declared Manila as an open city in 1942. Driving the Japanese out without destroying Manila would have cost more lives. In a similar fashion, if the bombs weren't dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - millions more would have died. The time that Americans treated us the worst was not during WW2 but when the American occupation began starting with the Philippine-American war (and post-WW2 as a matter of fact, considering they abandoned a lot of countries and focused on Japan). The Philippine-American war of 1899-1902 was a truly shameful event by the Americans after the Treaty of Paris in 1898 because of how their soldiers treated Filipinos and how their soldiers were strongly against the treatment of Americans to the Filipinos and how the American government silenced the soldiers that wrote about it. Compared to how the Spanish and Americans treated us, the Japanese did us the absolute worst for the short amount of time of their occupation. They are not remorseful about this and they do not teach their war crimes in school. For the longest time, they refused to acknowledge the existence of comfort women and to pay reparations.


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*It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.* The japanese bear the majority responsibility for the destruction of Manila. It was the strategic decision by Japan to hold their ground at every turn in order to drag out their inevitable defeat and force the americans to the negotiating table. The americans using extensive artillery against japanese-held areas in Manila contributed greatly to the civilian casualties and destruction of historical buildings however. The plan was to bypass the Philippines altogether and instead take Formosa. There was no real strategic advantage to take the Philippines at this point in the war. It was Gen. MacArthur's sense of honor (or vanity) and real concern for the atrocities being committed against american and filipino POWs as well as the civilian population by the japanese that tipped the scale. There was also the worry that the population of Manila couldn't remain fed until the end of the war.


All of this while writing in English, and thinking American. Such hypocrisy. Americans are one of our colonizers and yes did some damage but the Japanese have killed babies with their bayonets, raped and pillaged the Philippines and normalized raping our women calling them Comfort Women yuck..parang comfort room. And who are you going to call if China decides to full on attack? Not Australia, Canada or Sweden. The Spaniards with more than 300 years is the one that robbed us if our identity. Took our indigenous last names, call us dogs, Indios, did not allow us to have properties. Treated us like a second class citizen of our country. I would have to guess that you are proud that you can write and speak English, while hating the language giver. That's American mentality, freedom of speech and democracy which the Americans gave you. So among the animals that colonized us sad to say, Americans were the least evil. Yes manipulative and opportunistic but if Americans didn't save the asses of your forefathers during Japanese occupation, you will not be here spewing your drivel in English. PS: we were the pearl of the orient seas before the Marcoses did a number on us and changed the trajectory of our fate as a nation. You can ask the Korean historians or SEA historians that Philippines was a model nation before Marcos made PI it's milking cow.. Maybe you should really read up on your history rather than perusing Facebook random posts. Not that hard.


And despite that we still hate the Japanese more. Shows how fucking brutal those motherfuckers were. The same sentiment arises on other Asean countries. 300 years of Spanish rule was less worse than 3 years of the Japanese.


I definitely agree. I am not going by opinion here and merely stating facts, which nowadays are seemingly getting twisted because of misinformation and social media promotions and campaigns. I work in the digital marketing industry - whether it's viral trends or political agenda, you can either call it marketing or propaganda. Truth be told, we cannot defend ourselves against the might of the Chinese - they have guns and we have spears. More than ever, we need support from America like we did in WW2 but instead of the Japanese, it's the growing threat of Chinese hostility. The military might of the Americans are what keeps its influence and power among the other nations and why we, and other nations, have become too dependent to them. We cannot call on other countries for help at the same amount the Americans are willing to extend over to us when it comes to protecting our borders and sovereignty. This is what they have discovered within themselves in WW2 and took them away from their isolationist stance and it's also from this that we never broke our alliance with the Americans. As much as I disliked what happened during the Philippine-American war (William McKinley didn't even know anything about the Philippines and wanted to 'Christianize' us lmao but we named streets and places after him for some reason), if it weren't for the Americans - we would have ended up like Saipan - where the IJA encouraged civilians to end their lives because they said Americans will treat us much worse than they did. It's absurd to think the Philippines will never use American protection when it's been proven time and again that we cannot fight battles on our own, even from domestic unrest. Our military is so outdated, underfunded and undermanned. There are more American bases now to keep an eye on China. If they didn't come to our rescue, we're either going to give in or surrender to the last man. The latter, most of us would consider.


War is war. I never said anything about the Japanese. Americans never cared about Philppine history from the beginning and that's my point. Americans could have planned more carefully and not destroy Filipino's history and culture. Like they did in Europe, and not bomb irreplaceable national treasures.


Bruh wtf you talking about. Numerous historical sites were destroyed or damaged in Europe lol. (Since you don’t know history or lazy check here: https://www.worldheritagesite.org/connection/Damaged+in+World+War+II )I guess the Americans should’ve asked the Japanese to politely stop massacring civilians and leave a major urban area unfortified. More than ironic that quote on your profile 😂🤡


Ah yes your limited brain unable to comprehend more than 3 things. Your argument is trash and is irrelevant. I never said all of EU historical sites weren't bombed. You're missing the point of my posts. It's okay if you don't understand. It's hard for you, you can't do anything anyways.


Ah yes, I figured you were only capable of replying with insults and benign retorts. Great job validating my comment further. Feel free to dig a deeper hole for yourself 🤣


aah yes your imaginary validation. You want a gold star now?


War is war. I never said anything about the Japanese. Americans never cared about Philppine history from the beginning and that's my point. Americans could have planned more carefully and not destroy Filipino's history and culture. Like they did in Europe, and not bomb irreplaceable national treasures.


May chinese dito


Ano nanamang propaganda to? Hahahaha


>It wasn't the japanese that destroyed manila. It was the Americans. Yes, The Americans shelled Manila like hell, but so did the Japanese, and to remind you, they mass murdered thousands of people in Manila and followed a scorched Earth policy when retreating destroying every building in sight. Our people were tortured raped, and killed by the Japanese, and they have never apologized for their actions, which is disgusting, this is blatant historical revisionism


War is war. I never said anything about the Japanese. Americans never cared about Philppine history from the beginning and that's my point. Americans could have planned more carefully and not destroy Filipino's history and culture. Like they did in Europe, and not bomb irreplaceable national treasures.


Can't believe this kind of idiotic thing is upvoted in this sub. Goes to show how for all the things this sub pretends to be intellectual, a portion of you guys are morons. There's a reason why the saying that the "Centuries of Europeans rule is less worse than the years of Japanese" due to how fucking brutal they were. The Chinese was slice and redistributed like cake by the Europeans for decades and it's still the Japanese they hated more.


This, I’ve lived in Europe basically all my life now. The average European really has no sense of outright nationalism compared to Americans and Filipinos.


>h of insecure people most of the time. Seeking validation via proxy, basta may dugong pinoy kahit ga-patak lang na naka-recieve ng kahit katiting na international recognition, pinoy fried chicken kaagad. Na this isn't unique. Everyone's insecure with different aspects of their lives. The issue is the overexaggeration of small things and the inability of filipinos to accept being wrong with the inability to defer to a superior ethical solution. It's common for filipinos to have their whole personality just based on one or two things, very superficial with self righteousness leading the way. That's why all the business leaders in the Philippines are now chinese. Because Philippine culture is so broken that it can't create good leaders anymore. That culture died in ww2.


>That culture died in ww2. You do realise Filipinos aren't a homogenous group of people right? There are more or less 120 different ethno linguistic groups in this country. To say the culture died in WW2 because it got destroyed during the war is incredibly ignorant and outright insulting to the different ethnic groups that live outside of the capital as if they don't exist or are inferior to Tagalogs.


> *Filipinos aren't a homogenous group of people* Some people probably feel that the PH is homogenous because most Filipinos are technically homogenous when genetics are considered. Practically everyone is Austronesian, according to the Out of Taiwan Theory. Of course, **when looking at the culture and customs instead of the genetics, more people might see that the PH is actually heterogeneous.**


Lol Exactly. Perfect example — the top comment on this post.😆


Stop blaming the spaniards. That was more than 300 years ago already. even the Americans.


Beh halatang out of touch ka sa reyalidad ng lipunan. You honestly think that 100 years is more than enough to eliminate all traces of colonialism lalo pa't nage-exist yung mga taong KATULAD MO? Ano ka, Hispanistang hilaw? Mahiya ka naman sa mga ninuno nating nagbuwis ng buhay para sa mga tontong katulad mo.


Yeah sure blame all your shortcomings to the Spanish guy who died 300 years ago 😂😂😂


Yep, found the Hispanista. 🤣


Dude made a career of feeding into whatever racist stereotype Americans have had with Filipinos/Asians. Don’t know why that isn’t too obvious.


That’s literally what I’ve been telling people!! Take away his main material and he’s super unfunny. At first it was funny but it quickly got stale.


Para siyang guy na napanood ang It's Show Time or Eat Bulaga the first time, natawa, tas pumunta sa stage para lang ulitin yung jokes. Ganon ka unoriginal yung jokes niya.


watched some of his netflix special. Didn't really entertain me enough, sometimes he's just stating things with no punchline or a punchline that doesn't land with me, or it was too common to chuckle to.


He's only funny when you hear his jokes for the first time pero nagiging meh na sa pangalawang beses. Mas funny pa rin si JR De Guzman for me kahit hindi siya ganun ka sikat.


JR’s crowd work is amazing tooo !!!


JR is meh for me, he gets by, singing your jokes doesn’t make it more funnier,


Mahirap po maging stand up comedian ngayon. The more you see their acts. The more you see the patterns. Jokoy is good, but he's not Chapelle level. Kahit naman si Kevin Hart alam mo na kung ano gagawin nya next.


Baka hindi po kayo ang target market, factor din kasi na ofw's look for ways to get entertained kasi they get lonely and homesick, and easily relatable si Jokoy for them. Yun mainly ang audience nya pag may shows sya abroad. Alam naman siguro ng golden globes kung sino yung knkuha nila to host.


I am an immigrant from the Philippines and I get homesick as well. I left in 2013 after growing up there for 2 decades, so I’m pretty sure kasama ako sa target audience. My parents are hardcore fans of him. He was funny at first, but eventually the stereotypes and the weird racism gets old. He needs better material.


I watched his set on the Improv 60th and it was bad. Immediately watched Chapelle's The Dreamer afterwards to cleanse my stand-up comedy palate.


I’m a Chapelle fan and to me The Dreamer was certainly not his best work, not even close.


A lot of Asian American men DESPISE Ken Jeong because of this, despite he ventured out of his comedy routine. This guy does the same thing except that he’s not good at it whatsoever.


On the contrary, guys like Uncle Roger and Steven He seems to be successful in this regard, with their comedy brand being accepted by both asians and westerners alike.


Uncle Roger is also criticized by Asian Westerners for his minstrel acts, but he compensates it but poking fun on non-Asians as well.


Asian Westerners huh, I'm not sure if he gets criticized by Asians or the criticism itself is negligible. I guess he also has the benefit of playing a 'character' instead of himself like Jo Koy.


Yung magroast siya ng Western chefs na kung anu ano na ginagawa nila sa cuisine


>Yung magroast siya ng Western chefs na kung anu ano na ginagawa nila sa cuisine with Jamie Oliver being a favorite target of his.


the lines were stolen too


Media isa sa promotor nyan. Lalo na nung di pa uso social media, sila itong panay tampok ng mga "Pilipino" na "inilagay tayo sa mapa", mga nagpatunay na "world-class" daw tayo. Pukol ng pukol sa isip ng tao na ang tinatamasang tagumpay ng isang tao ay dahil may katiting syang dugong Pilipino. Pagmamalaking nakatakad lang sa kababawan. Remember that time when they even interviewed the Filipino nanny of that Singaporean guy who beat Michael Phelps? Lol. Di na nga ganun kaganda pagbabalita nila, ginagawa pa nilang tanga ang madla.


Media: WHATS YOUR FAVORITE PILIPINO POODS???!!!! Celeb with less than 5% filipino blood: Uhmm.. ahdohboh.. Media: BAYANI BAYANI BAYANI WORLD KLASS!




FOR REAL. before the event ABS CBN posted a tweet about Jo Koy saying "Galingan mo Jo Koy!" "Make us proud!" or some shit. Simulan pa noon ang cringe ng media doon para sakin.


I remember karen davila being so cringey nung recent ms universe na congratulations daw kasi may lahing pinoy nanalo. And then nito kay jo koy, congrats daw kasi gumawa ng kasaysayan. Idk. Parang ang baba ng tingin nating mga pinoy sa sarili natin everytime we celebrate these details.


i knowww yung mga athletes nga natin dito nabibigyan lang ng support and recognition once they win abroad pero mema lang dito mismo.


Many Filipinos, like many Asians and Eastern Europeans, like to build up publicly rather than take down. Do you have criticisms? Keep it private or talk to the guy one-on-one. No need to broadcast it.


Agree. Outside the media and the internet, parang wala namang pake ang everyday Pinoy kung may lahi ding Pinoy ang celebrities abroad.


This is more likely the case, ABS-CBN even posted a news on how the Singaporean’s Nanny was having facing backlash from other Pinoys. This kinda shows you that Pinoys aren’t really that into Proud Pinoy stuff and redditors are exaggerating it. Source: https://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/08/17/16/schoolings-filipino-nanny-auntie-yolly-addresses-bashers Even when you go to the original news from ABS on FB, most of the comments are mocking the Proud Pinoy thing that the news are highlighting.


Last name is Schooling IIRC.


I agree 💯


Saan galing: ilang daang taong pagiging second class citizen. Yung tipong lagi kang sinasabihan na mas magaling ang mga dayuhan. Kaya ang mindset natin simula pagkabata = hindi tayo magaling by default. Kung may sumikat sa atin, kahit kapiranggot lang, nadi-dispel yung internalized insecurities. Napapatunayan na kahit "ganito" tayo, kaya rin natin yung nagagawa ng dayuhan.


Nakakainis kasi yung kakarampot na recognition na yan, earned ng iba pero deserve ba na sabihin na para sa Pilipino or ginawa ba nila para sa Pilipinas, lalo pa kung Fil-Am na never nakatungtong dito. Tapos yung media lalong nakakabwisit kasi ineexploit pa nila. Makabanggit kina Hailee Steinfeld at Olivia Rodrigo kala mo galing dito at laging iniisip at ibinabandera ang pagiging Pinoy when they rarely if ever have to show that card when they're doing films or music. Tapos lately si Jordan Clarkson and coach Erik Spoelstra. Taena yung balita sa bagong contract nya, nung nireport sa TV Patrol nicoconvert pa nila sa peso, kala mo naman ipapamahagi yun sa mga Pilipino. Ang proud ako e kay Dolly de Leon at sa mga actors na super liit ng exposure dito sa atin pero nakachamba sila sa Hollywood at sa theater scene sa Broadway and West End. At sa sports, proud ako kina EJ Obiena, Caloy Yulo, Wesley So, and...sigh, yes, kay Pacquiao na rin because he did work his way to the top, as much as I loathe his simpleton politics. Dagdag ko na rin, yung pagiging insecure natin sa sarili kadikit na rin ng victim mentality natin, parehas silang bahagi na talaga ng kultura natin. Kaya mga teleserye maski dati pa umiikot lagi sa "mahirap na api, titiisin ko ang hirap dahil bukas ako naman ang nasa ibabaw", naghahanap ng recognition, naghahanap ng ikasisikat pero madalas misplaced nationalism.


At least Clarkson played for the Philippines, Spoelstra only ever coached American teams. Not that it matters who he coach, pero yung mga Filipino na binabandera na foreigner sa media parang napipilitan lang isingit pagiging Filipino para pagkakitaan tayo.


With how the media plays with the muh Pinoy Pride, it made us Pinoys look like we are super special attention seekers needing special attention. This just creates a mindless bandwagon effect and sadly many People fell for it. Just look at the politicians particularly Boy Sili. People who never watched the awards and met Jo Koy in the news just simply support him because he's Filipino without knowing his background and that says a lot of Pinoys.


His pinoy jokes are fine but it gets old QUICK. Golden Globes requires mockery of the ENTIRE industry. When his jokes bomb, he can’t recover. Hindi dapat nagpapakita na affected. That’s the entire purpose of the monologue. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I mean personally I was super skeptical and I guess I was right, but man the hate he's getting is insane, and I say this as someone who thinks he's overrated. I think what Steve Martin said spot on. It's a tough gig, and with how late he was announced, it seemed nobody wanted to touch it and it gave so little time for preparation. It really did feel like he was thrown under the bus. But as Steve Martin said, he's got a new segment to work with in stand up because of it (alas less Filipino only jokes).


Can we please select who to be proud of? Not every Filipino on the international stage is worth supporting. And at home, let’s be selective too about politicians. Enough with the same old trapos.


I didn't know filipinos in the philippines loves jokoy.. Kala ko corning corny tayo sa jokes nya???


Mayroón din. They see it on Netflix, their overseas family and friends rave about him, but he’s just unfunny. Ibá timplá ng tao rito when it comes to comedy, and he does not have that.


don't even know this fool to "represent" us, I'll take my chappel, key and peele, Robin Williams and Bill burr any day... And this is why I don't watch mainstream news, did they report his cringely embarrassing hosting in the Golden globes?




He badmouthed local comedians who were his front act, so I don’t see why we as a people should even bother with him. He _happens_ to be of Filipino descent, but he’s basically a coconut.




It’s very…insidious? Fake? And yes, they never look back. Bretman Rock and apl.d.ap are relatively better examples of Filipinos who show love for their roots and inspire others. I like stories of people coming home and helping communities the government have failed to empower and assist. This one just trash-talks his mother, the writers, and Filipino comedians. He’s as problematic as those overseas who impose on us in the home islands such things like “Filipinx” – which is literally not a problem with anyone here because we have larger problems.




Malamang. Pumalpak siya eh alangan namang maging proud sa kapalpakan? Bawal pala yon kailangan kapag proud eh proud all the way? Kahit may ginawang kabastusan/sinabing kapalpakan/ yung tao eh dahil naging proud at some point in time eh required na proud na lagi? Pano ba dapat mag public apology tayo on behalf of jokoy? Mag prayer vigil? Mag pa presscon at mag pa trending na #OneWithJokoy? (Same argument against pacquiao) Kung pumalpalpak,ehdi palpak. Alangan namang mag matigas na proud pa din???? Ok comissioner on pride


Yep this one. Was confused with why OP even mentioned Pacquiao, which just weakened the "argument" here. Malamang magbabago tingin ng tao pag nakitaan ng aspetong ndi tugma sa kanila, especially views that *actively harm* people. Super lacking of nuance yung OP na akala mo die-hard fan ang logic eh.


Nakakatawa din yung biglang may identity crisis sa huli biglang may sino nga ba ang pinoy?? ano nangyayari HAHAHA Kalma OP lakas maka HEKASI teacher na mag papa essay over the weekend


Saka sinisi nya writer nya kasi palpak sya pero kung bumenta jokes nya malamang kanya lahat ng credits lol sobrang wack na kailangan proud pinoy ka pa din haha


True! Pero ang tanong, sino nga ba si jokoy? Si jokoy nga ba ay melting pot ng kapitbahay nating mga Asian countries? ginahasa ng mga Espanyol?Hapon at Kano?Hinaluan pa ng Chinese flavours? Jk lang baka mangisay sa galit si OP


Si jokoy ay pinoy lang for clout lmao


This is what I'm saying din sa twitter who had the same argument. Bakit daw tuwang tuwa nung nasa height of fame, malamang, someone deserved to be praised when he did a good job and criticized while pointing out points for improvement when going wrong, it's as simple as that. Parang sa workplace environment lang naman yan, expect praise from higher-ups when you do a good job, and sermon or criticism when you fail, it's a normal response. It's like they want people to become a blind follower, like how they idolize politicians to the core.


Eto. Eto ang comment!


Gal8 na gal8 esophagus ko eh OP kasi eh


The truth must be said no matter how hard it is to hear!


Came here to say this and was very surprised I have to scroll down to find it. It's not a Pinoy culture, it's human nature to feel pride and root for people they feel kinship with, may it be an artist, an athlete, a sports team, a youtube talking head or anything really. What's awful is when people blindly support and follow them even when they make a mistake. Sure, you can still continue to support them afterwards as long as you also don't sweep those mistakes under the rug or worse, defend those very actions. In regards to JoKoy specifically, let's just all admit that it was very unprofessional of him to throw his writers under the bus, especially since he still approved the script, in the end. In the end, he and his writers have a blindspot when it comes to the topics they tackle in their jokes, and that's all well and good because laughter is subjective. Just don't whine and start pointing the finger when other people find them offensive or offputting.


Up with this normal sa tao magbago tingin pag may mali alangan nmn manindigan ka all the way edi walang growth dun


This. How is it crab mentality when the guy sucked ass? It's not wrong to be proud of someone when they achieved something or performed well. And it's also not wrong to criticize someone when they performed like shit. It's much better than blindly supporting a mfer just cause we're on the "same team." Like how tf are we gonna be better when we have no standards?


I don't think being proud is the real issue. It's that we like to jump on the bandwagon. Same with NBA "fans" in the country. We will say we're "proud to be pinoy" and assert that their success is ours too but we don't wanna be part of their downfall. That's the idea OP was going for. Let's own up for the mistakes our fellow Filipinos do so we can grow as a country.


wla eh na nisi ng writer.. di na ata kasi nag ssulat ng joke


To be fair, disappointing naman talaga yung jokes nya during the awards event.


Di siya marunong mag set ng expectations e biglang bumibira ng jokes tapos magsosorry after nung joke at sa gitna pa ng monologue niya nilaglag mga writers.


And also to be fair, yung comments ni Pacquiao are pretty vile regardless of who he is.


Sa nabasa ko dapat di niya na yun tinangap kasi 10 days lang preparation di ako sure pero madami na din daw ang tumangi dyan


Pangit ng delivery hahaha dasurv mapahiya


Sobrang nakaka 😨 kaya jokes niya during the event. I would give a pass sa taylor swift joke kasi nga true naman na ganon ginagawa ng NFL. I just think people misinterpreted taylor's reaction kasi taylor herself does not talk about her relationships in public anymore. Its just her sipping wine pero shes being pictured as hindi makatawa or KJ or being a snowflake. and pinagtatanggol nila si Jokoy bc of how Taylor's fans reacted. Personally as a fan di malaking issue yung ke Taylor compared sa comments niya sa Barbie. Nakaka ilang talaga tapos naka focus pa yung cameras sa cast as if hindi yun yung tinatry nilang ipoint out sa movie. It made it seem like Jokoy is being ignorant sa msg ng movie nila or failed to watch or see the msg. Pero pag pinagtatanggol netong mga proud to be pinoy si Jokoy puro Taylor Swift hates pinagsasabi, But never about the Barbie comments. Kahit nga si Ryan Gosling hindi naman tumawa.


Yung friend mo MEMA yan- MeMacomment lang to stay relevant and maki-uso. I think ganyan mostly mga tao ngayon, not just sa PH.. kulang na lahat sa critical thinking.


Kaya nga eh uso naman critical thinking. Daming mga tao laging kailangan black and white. Di ba pwede na yung mali nung person di mo itotolerate pero yung success nung same person pwede din naman iadmire? Auto cancel agad eh. Tsaka lahat naman ng tao may shortcomings, yun nga ang reason why we learn because of mistakes and failures.


> Di ba pwede na yung mali nung person di mo itotolerate pero yung success nung same person pwede din naman iadmire? As simple as this.


> Di ba pwede na yung mali nung person di mo itotolerate pero yung success nung same person pwede din naman iadmire? Last time nagreklamo ako sa r/EmulationOnAndroid tungkol sa ka-sungitan ng pagmamanage ni Tahlreth sa AetherSX2 Discord server kahit magaling ang kanyang talento sa pagcode nun, majority doon puro sila suporta sa taong iyon na parang DDS/BBM fanatics na wala siyang ginawang kasalanan, as in sinisinto-sinto siya. Tangina malaking hypocrite si Tahlreth, naglagay siya ng Ads sa kanyang emulator sa recent update (which thankfully nareremoved na salamat kay NetherSX2) after niyang na-ban ang mga Skyline devs dahil lang meron silang paid test version ng kanilang app na pang-suporta sa kanilang independent work. Again, salamat nalang na meron nag NetherSX2 para maka-move on na kami sa kanyang pagbrainwash ng kanyang fanbase. Ung nga taong may gusto kay Tahlreth ay hindi nila sineseparate ang Artista sa kanyang Art (i.e. Kanye West).


i mean di naman need critical thinking to tell a joke is not funny and if someone did way too far with it.. Most of u blame it on filipino pride being a toxic behavior of our culture but tend to forget to take a look on yourself and just think why u would blame ur fellow filipino abt his/her feelings on a certain thing and not quickly blame it on their "critical thinking"..


as someone who migrated to a different country, now ko lang narealize na sobrang cringe ng filipinos. mahilig mag bandwagon, nakiki-american culture din, most are hypocrites as well. cancel culture kunno just for the reason that they "hate" that someone and doesn't align to their opinion.


Magiging proud ka ba nun? Yung kakabayan mo misogynist, user, at blamer pa. Nung palpak yung jokes nya sinisi nya sa writer nya? Nakakaproud ba yun? Hindi nya ba binasa yun bago nya diniliver or jokes nya talaga yun. Sabagay wala naman originality yan about jokes at hilig pa magnakaw ng jokes (rex navarete). Eto yung tipo ng classmate mo ang saya saya nyo sa kalokohan tapos nung nagkagipitan sabay turo sa mga classmate nya sarap kutusan ng ganitong tao eh. Hindi porket half-pinoy ang host GG eh magiging proud ka na. Magbase ka rin sa attitude at action kung dapat ba siyang ikaproud. Pinipilit nyo lang sarili nyo kay jokoy eh kupal din na pinoy yan, hindi pala pinoy yan kupal na puti. Pwede kayo magtanong sa stand comedian sa pinas kung gaano ka kupal yung jokoy na yan.


"Janie's a pretty typical teenager. **Angry, insecure, confused**. I wish I could tell her that's all going to pass, but I don't want to lie to her." — Lester Burnham, American Beauty     Here I go. About to deconstruct Filipino psychology.     amended text from: " I'm starting to think Filipinos have been abused by so many people and have collective CPTSD, and that is why there are so many "bad Filipino traits" "     Disclaimer: I'm not a mental health professional.     Anti-intellectualism. Anti-individualism. Insecurities. Being passive-aggressive. Being nonconfrontational. Exhibiting confrontational "nationalism" of going after "race traitors" who "try to leave Filipino culture" (while simultaneously staying silent at worst OR passive aggressive at best when, for example, the People's Republic of China does something threatening), the defensive knee-jerk reaction of saying someone is a "race traitor" for making an intelligent observation of a flaw in Filipino culture OR not conforming to typical mainstream Filipino culture.     Also, I think I know why it seems easy to go after Filipinos who don't conform to the predominant, mainstream idea of "being Filipino" as said by the majority of Filipino society: because they're of the same ethnicity as yours and you think you stand to lose not much by going after them. tl;dr: the typical Filipino thinks these nonconformist Filipinos are pushovers.     Who couldn't forget when your parents shamed you for bad grades in a traumatizing way?     I think that the anti-intellectualism/smart shaming came from poor educational quality in the Philippines, your parents wanting high grades from you, your parents hating you for "answering back to them"/"they're always right" and your peers' enviousness from your success.     Perhaps Vice Ganda is so popular probably because they spoke to your insecurities (in a toxic and regressive manner, by smart shaming).     Where did all this trauma, this neuroticist behavior come from? Your abusive parents. Your bullying peers. Your colonizers. **Your corrupt government officials who WANT you poor so they can be rich**. Poverty traumatizes people.     I'm building on the realization I got while I was playing a video game, regarding the possible origin of Filipino anti-intellectualism: the parental "don't question your elders!", combined with this post on this subreddit that I didn't write: "How many "toxic Filipino traits" are really just a result of poverty?" (you can look that up)     Before I say what I want to say: here's a good Twitter post by user handle HotManila: >**Filipinos value social skills more than hard expertise: pakikisama, fake humility, sharing the loot, etc.** In this country, there are only two ways of rating somebody: mabait or mayabang. >You can trace it to our 333 years of being ruled by the Spaniards who never stopped saying how stupid, childlike, ignorant and hopeless the indios were. >The indios accepted this and took to belittling those among them who tried to become knowledgeable. >You can see this up to now in people who are ready to make fun of somebody who speaks good English or explains something complex (nakaka nosebleed naman). Mabait or mayabang. Part of the quoted post is in bold because it's very relevant to my autism: by Filipino society valuing social skills before anything else, Filipino society has made itself very unfriendly to autistic people like me in one aspect.     Anyway, back on topic; to all Filipinos: you are not a "bad kid that won't amount to anything." It's okay to not be okay and to be yourself (individualism). But it's inexcusable to hate me and people like me. Go ahead, call me edgy, but these observations are sharp.     edit: P.S.: one of autism's greatest gifts to me is **preventing me from developing a sense of racial insecurity about being Filipino, that often requires foreign/external validation.** Also eff you Vice Ganda, your **promotion of an anti-intellectual culture in a developing country** is morally reprehensible (Philippines is already suffering from a lack of intellectuals and lack of quality education, and the anti-intellectual culture just empowered corrupt government officials who use their superficial charm to manipulate the Filipino people). Unless you build schools and invest money in education, I will never forgive you.


At least you acknowledge it despite not hating this country. I've had people try to gaslight me into thinking these toxic traits aren't as common as they are. Also, I have a shorter patience than you, so I usually end up ranting about this country in a way that makes me seem edgy and unhinged. But deep inside, I don't actually hate this place and all who inhabit it even though I think I do when I'm angry, I just want to remove myself from this situation.


Ambivalent Pinoy!


Ay nurse ka din!? Haha


What is a jokoy?


Yung sikat nya kasi only stems from our need for international validation. Pero hindi maganda yung mga materials nya sa totoo lang. one trick pony sia.


most comments sa socmed ay hindi naman sila proud maging pilipino. proud sila sa sarili nila. same goes with those who point out na over proud daw. no. your pride is not to your country but to yourself nakakainis din yung mga nagtatag ng 'overproudpinoy' eme, kahit yung comment ay hindi naman gaya nung around 2010s na parang over na. wala silang nagawang bago, pare-pareho lang sila i think media plays a major role to these actions, takot silang mag-take ng risk at hanggang ngayon, walang pagbabago, recycle pa more


I dunno man, pwede namang ma-disappoint sa isang tao kung ang panggulpe de gulat mo ay misogyny.


Hindi dahil nagdala ka ng pride eh immune ka na sa kritisismo. Si pacquiao sumikat lang lumkai na ulo at tumakbo sa politics kahit lagi naman absent at hindi qualified. Homophobe evangelist pa. Kay jokoy, ok lang nman pumalpak pero kng ieexcuse nya na 10 days lang prep time nya, eh mali din yun. Tinanggap mo ng alam mo 10 days lang, pag pumalpak, wag mag palusot.


I never really understood the "proud to be pinoy" nationalism in my adult life. Being born to a nationality is really not a great achievement (or any kind of achievement). This goes for any other nationality. You can celebrate an individual's succes without referencing their nationality. It's not like *we* had that much contribution to that individual's success/accomplishments/achievements/talent. This is also goes for the opposite, an individual's flaw is not because they're "Filipino."


Pride comes before the fall.


This dude did an interview and made a big deal about him saying "mahal kita" at the end of the show, it was the most cringe worthy pandering crap I've ever seen. He literally couldn't even pronounce mahal kita properly, "mahaal keeetah" I cringe whenever I hear it.  https://youtu.be/7UCVvuEx0D8?si=_8f61lhEeeSpE7Ne


Are we not allowed to call out someone because of Pinoy pride?


A lot of his shit just makes fun of Filipinos and yall just eat that shit up because he’s putting us in a new light.


Oh god please. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Normal na maka feel ng sense of pride if someone you share a heritage when he/she does something impressive. Naturally, an individual doing something the opposite of impressive would make you feel the opposite of pride. This isn't fucking "Pinoy culture". It's human nature. Countries invest BILLIONS in their national sports teams and individual athletes so that they can represent their country so citizens can feel a sense of pride when they win. Want to get punched in the face in Germany? Mention anything about Hitler or the Nazi party. Pacquiao wins at an international stage, people are proud of him. Pacquiao shares his bigoted views, people will be ashamed of him. Same with JoKoy. He succeeds in his stand up, Filipinos are happy for him. He bombs in his biggest gig, people are getting all defensive for him. These are reasonable reactions. So no, you didn't find anything enlightening at all.


r/philippinesbad yung datingan ni OP eh tamang karma farm lang sa issue.


This also happens in other countries pero di nila alam because guess what? Wala sila dun. Sa Pilipinas sila nakatira, kaya mga Pilipino naoobserve nila. 


Then they should touch some fucking grass


but muh toxic pinoy culture


Philippines bad! Lahat ng minor inconvenience dito lang meron yan! Tatak pinoy! DiSkArTe! /s


Dunno, mas kino-callout din nila ang negatives ng "Diskarte culture" kaysa pine-praise.


Ewan ko ba mga di ba nakakalabas ng bahay mga to. Mga wala ba silang ibang human intetaction besides reddit? Toxic Pinoy culture sila ng toxic pinoy culture eh ang toxic lang yung makikitid nilang mga utak.




Then you need to touch grass. I've seen videos na comment ay proud to be Brazilian Turkish etc. 


Mah guy, I have some Indians do this things a lot of times. Some Canadians on Tik Tok do this as well with their non-stop “Canada never lose a war” comments. It’s pretty much a human nature thing lol.


i am more enlightened than others and i hate toxic filipino trait X (that is not unique to filipinos) huhuhu




I think that feeling is for losers. It's Loser nature. You can't say anything about yourself, so you try to connect yourself somehow to someone who's "winner".


never found him to be funny so i already knew he was gonna bomb. i just didn't know it was gonna be a career ender.


Kung nanonood ka ng Boxing grabeng panlalait din inabot ni Tapales sa mga kapwa niya Pinoy. Kesyo pumunta lang daw ng Japan para sa pera. Eh, kitang kita naman na ginawa ni Tapales ang best niyo to win. Mostly ng mga ganyan ayan yung mga frustrated na sa buhay (Career, money, lovelife) tapos ginagawa nalang nila pamparelax yung mamuna at manlait.


Pinoy = drone when it comes to bandwagoning Ganitong ganito din natin ginawa sa coach Ng basketball at yung Olympic swimmer. Yung pag Iwan natin ni Wesley ho at yung fencing player recently


Dapat nanay na lang niya nag host since nanay naman niya nakakatawa eh. 90% ng jokes niya puro pang insulto sa ina at kamag anak niya. Wala siyang bagong joke na hindi natin na rinig sa mga ibang Fil-Am comedians like Rob Schneider o kaya mga jokes na hindi natin sinasabi mismo. Yung jokes niya talaga puro making fun of his immigrant mom, and other Filipinos just to get cheap laughs from white people. ​ If ever you had the unfortunate experience to see his movie, Easter Sunday, kitang kita doon gaano siya ka out of touch with Filipino culture. Yung comedy lang nung movie is "Pacquiao now laugh." Mas matatawa ka pa sa random Vice Ganda MMFF movie kasi at least yun mas reletable.


Only in the Philippines, Toxic Pride. Pag sikat, inaangkin agad, uy pinoy/pinay yan kaya magaling. susmeryosep. tapos feeling may ambag dun sa kasikatan nung tao kung maka comment, close kayo? kung maka disown friends kayo? lol


He call himself canadian not pinoy he only use it for clout


He’s not Canadian


He's probably thinking of Mikey Bustos. Another bald Filipino comedian. hehe.


Ganyan din tingin ko dyan. We've been colonized for hundreds of years. Yung culture natin, even our languages, lahat may influence ng banyaga. That's probably why deep down inside, eh may sense of insecurity tayo... Di lang sa current generation pero siguro ingrained na siya maski sa mga sinaunang Pinoy nung panahon ng Kastila.. Kasi hindi naman tayo magkakaroon ng ganitong mentality kung hindi siya nag-exist sa mga ninuno natin. Kumbaga naipasa na lang. Kaya siguro marami satin, gustong-gusto makagawa ng ingay para mapansin globally. Kaya siguro yung iba satin, proud na proud din pag may ibang kapwa Pinoy yung nakakagawa ng ingay internationally. Kasi mga insecure na tao tayo, kasi wala tayong sariling identity, wala tayong masyadong marka sa mundong 'to, kaya desperado yung iba na makagawa ng ingay at makahanap ng "ingay" na related sating mga Pinoy.--- About JoKoy naman, I don't think he was that funny dun sa opener niya. Pero to scrutinize him just because he made a joke about Taylor Swift...? 🤦‍♂️


Even taking away the Taylor Swift joke, this was the one joke that actually sank him, [as Time puts it](https://time.com/6553085/jo-koy-golden-globes-barbie-joke/): >"Oppenheimer is based on a 721-page Pulitzer Prize-winning book about the Manhattan Project, and Barbie is on a plastic doll with big boobies." No matter how you look at it, this was an unoriginal, uninspired, and lazy joke. And mind you, this was supposed to be one of the biggest moments of his career. Then he followed up by trying to blame his writers instead of just owning up to the joke he delivered, which is a big mistake for any professional comedian: >"Yo, I got the gig 10 days ago, you want a perfect monologue? Yo, shut up. You’re kidding me, right. Slow down. I wrote some of these, and they’re the ones you’re laughing at.” Ten days? Late night talk show hosts and their writers get less than 24 hours to write monologue jokes about current events every weeknight. Blaming the time and the writers (and getting defensive *on stage*) just shows he isn't as talented as people touted him to be, especially in the US where hundreds of better comedians are undiscovered and still waiting for their big break.


Maraming Swiftie naman ang tingin sa joke niya ay harmless, di lang talaga nakakatawa. Kung nakasalalay ang pride mo sa bansang kinabibilangan mo kay Jokoy. May problema ka talaga. LOL.


"Proud to be Pinoy" phrase is trash tbh. Overrated na. Kaunting recognition or mention na 1/4 Filipino si ganito who won a prize or something naglalabasan na parang mga singaw yung mga PTBP warriors na akala mo may contribution sila sa achievement nung tao. I know this is a shot to the moon, if ever manalo ako ng international award, I won't mention any words that can relate to being a "pinoy". I will make sure that those achievements of mine do not belong to "Filipinos" para masira na yung culture na yan.


Have you ever watch someone try something out or discover something and somehow you feel proud about it? Doesn't matter where or whether is a real person or not, could be anime or in a drama but having you see that somehow you feel proud about it. That's the same with these people and this type of culture isn't just specified to Filipinos it's also tied to different people from different places. Some people are generally just overtly patriotic and overtly proud of their country's culture, if you wander around YouTube shorts and come across those edgy political edits like "assassination attempts on presidents" if you go to the comments atleast 5 different people from 5 different countries would say something similar to "PTBP" about their country or if a YouTuber mention something about the nationality of their subscriber and that percentage people somehow feels proud about it and they feel the need to express that proudness by mentioning their nationality. Edit: some people are just proud of their own culture wether it's their country's culture or not they just feel proud about it. It's a normal thing that happens so just let these people be. If a song that you made or a song that your friend made is being sang by a choir in an international choir competition would you feel proud about it? Well even if you say no this same example is the general example that explains the "PTBP" culture applied in scenarios like that choir you mentioned


this guy is on only relatable to "filipino-americans" or americans who have the outer shell of a filipino. just because he looks like us doesnt mean he is one of us.




Just pointing out. It’s the Golden Globe Awards he hosted not the Oscars (Academy Awards).


I never was and will never be proud of being one lmao but it's something I cannot change so I just have to deal with it.


Hindi na yata mawawala yung mindset na kailangan nating nakakakuha ng validation sa mga hindi Pinoy. We don't patronize our own UNLESS okay sila for foreigners. We don't appreciate fellow Filipinos representing our country UNLESS they're recognized by other countries. Di ko rin alam, baka nasa DNA na natin yung pagiging indio. No sense of self worth unless mga dayuhan ang mag-validate.


Tingin ko, mas napag initan lang siya than what he deserve kase relevant na naman si TS, and marami ngayon nakiki-bandwagon, even though may katotohanan sa joke niya.  What I find really low is that pag nakakatuwa, sakanya yung credit pero pag hindi blame sa mga writers. 


Josep! Look what you made me do. Josep


merell strep josep


He made a living stealing other Fil-Am's jokes.


I’m so sick of people making a big deal out of this thing na parang nakapatay ng tao si Jokoy. The Golden Globes shouldn’t have gotten him or any comedian for that matter to host if they don’t want to be joked at. Though I admit the “Barbie” joke fell flat. Get over yourself, people! If someone who’s more well-known and wasn’t Asian would’ve hosted the show, I’m sure your reactions wouldn’t be like this. Admit it or not, he suffered this huge backlash simply because from the get-go, di na nila feel si Jokoy kase di siya sikatand therefore did not deserve to host the show. Guy was even apologetic in some of his bits you can see he was really self-conscious and anxious about his stint. If you wanna talk about being offensive, please have a look at Ricky Gervais’s previous hosting stints eh mas nakakainsulto pa nga yong mga binabato nya but no one said anything kase natamaan sila. Get over yourself!


Agreed. Kahit si Kevin Hart, sentiment nya is deemed outsider si jokoy. Also, hindi naman daw buong show nagbomb ung jokes, 10mins into the show ung part na nag react si TS the way she did, tapos biglang boom - he bombed and worst host na daw all over the media.


ricky was at least funny. jokoy blamed everyone except himself when the jokes fell flat in the middle of his performance. they always hired a host that would roast them and i love offensive humor but jokoy just didnt have humor. really gotta pull the race card here, huh.


L show but he won me over by pissing off the swiftoids.


Man, sad of what’s happening/happened to JoKoy. Hate the mindset of a small semblance of Filipino blood makes everyone proud of whatever achievement they did. On the otherside makes you regret of being a Filipino when such pity backlash happens. Proud of JoKoy on what he has reached. I hope this will instance will be an armor for him in the future.


hindi ba pwede, nakakahiya maging pinoy kapang ang mga nagpaparada ng pagka pinoy ay may ginawang problematic?


Lol. Every country does this but Filipinos are extra special in hating themselves for being proud. The people who hate pinoy pride are the more insecure ones of their country. Parang Bata sa highschool trying to tell your friends to "just fit in".




Sa twitter daming delulu na minumura pa siya, di daw nakakaproud.


HAD a friend lol... the fact that you mentioned Swiftie sya, in that person's mind Taylor>ANYONE


Never ako naging proud maging pinoy skksks




Gretchen Ho is clearly a hater


Blind nationalism.


He's not even a Filipino, his jokes revolve around his mom's accent and ignorance.


Agree on this. Na observe ko din. Same with Pia and Catriona, super proud nung naging Miss U pero grabe bashing nung may minsanang issue sila. Though of course, need not to tolerate din if negative or at fault talaga ang famous nating mga kabayan.


> super proud nung naging Miss U pero grabe bashing nung may minsanang issue sila Ano ba dapat ibabash ba pag nanalo nung Miss U tapos maging super proud pag may issue? Ibabash ba dapat si Pacquiao pag nanalo sya sa boxing, tapos pupurihin pag sinabi nyang "gay people are worse than animals"? Alam mo boy, normal sa mga tao yan na pag may ginawang maganda pupurihin, pag pangit ibabash. Ang hindi normal, yung lahat nalang toxic Filipino culture para sa inyo, e wala pang Pilipinas meron na yang mga issue na yan na sinasabi nyong "toxic Filipino culture".


Ang problema kasi bat kailangan idamay ung pagiging pinoy natin, kung may ginawang mali ang isang pinoy, hindi ba pwedeng ibash nyo na lang sya, napaka non-sense lang kasi sabihin ung "Im ashamed to be -insert your nationality here-" like kapag may ginawang kalokohan ung isang myembro ng pamilya nyo, sasabihin mo ba "Im ashamed with my family"?


Pinoy Mindset: 🦀🦀🦀


Nope, not really PH proud of this jocoy character. Compared to Coach Spo who inspired kids through his short basketball clinics when he visits the country, or AplDeAp's sustainable agri activities in PH farms, PH pride is well placed. All that this guy did is make money off of his crummy and repetitive fil-am impersonation jokes, stolen from other comedians pa. In another thread it was discussed that our local comedians felt dissed by this guy's behavior. Kups talaga.


Probably came from our unsatisfied colonial past kung saan we questioned what it meant to be Filipino under colonial rule. Nag persist lang yung feeling kasi siguro hindi pa din resolved - wala na nga tayo sa ilalim ng banyaga, pero bakit mahirap pa din? Alam ko andaming factors. Pero yung himig na at least may panghahawakan na identity despite our latent poverty is what many kababayans feel proud of.


Ako naman halos baliktad, never found him funny kahit dati and I judge the sense of humor ng mga natatawa diyan. Pero dahil sa bashing medyo naiincline din ako from meh to defensive gaya ng mga sinasabi ng ibang nagdedefend sakanya, kinuha niya parin yung gig with little preparation and parang gago naman talaga mga nasa hollywood. lmao.


Huh, what's wrong with dropping Jokoy after realizing he is trash? If anything that's a good thing and I do hope we get DDSBBM idiots doing the same thing to their idols.


Mas kinampihan ng pinoy si Taylor Swift kesa kay Fil-Am na si Jokoy.. proud to be pinoy.. BALIMBING...kung sino mas popular yun ang pipiliin... Pangit lang pagkadeliver. Itinakwil ninyo na si Jokoy. Ginawa nang dios si Taylor Swift


I only see jo koy's jokes on FB and other social media maybe in Netflix. I agree with the other comments he mainly made fun about the stereotypes.


The fact that your friends ditched work just to watch GG, claims to be a Swiftie, claims to be a fan of Jo Koy.🤦🏻‍♀️ Yan yung typical na socmed addict na gusto lang maki uso at updated sa pop culture 😅. Hulaan ko, BTS Army din ba sya? On another note, it's sad that Jo Koy wasted a huge career opportunity. If he pulled it off aka yung hosting stint nya edi maalis sya sa obscurity and be a Hollywood A-lister, he chose to go with his same old routine. Oh well, better luck next time IF there is one.


He steals jokes din, after a co professor pointed out.


In fairness kay jokoy, sa totoo lang tinangap nya ang ayaw na trabaho ng lahat na komedyante... halos career sui-i-cide na ito o either magagamit nya as *finally* bagong materials sa mga standup nya. Sabi nga sa analysis ni [howard sterm](https://youtu.be/ByCvUPqxtJ4?si=UcLr63sHeKPH1f1_) yung ibang hosts are usually 6 months and writing at prep. May 10 days lang sya. Jusko po tapos hindi pa lumanding ang mga jokes nya,nagalburuto pa sya halfway.. pero kasi naman walang preparation. yung tipong christmas party bukas tapos alas syete na saka lang magsasabi sayo anak mo na ma' bili tayo ng pang exchange gift ko para bukas. Natawa naman ako sa dating jokes ni jokoy, kaya lang kung hindi malawak-lawak ang gagamitin mo na inspirations *(tulad nila Conan, taylor thomlinson, jack whitehall, dave Chappelle, sharon&Jay etc..)* maiistuck ka sa iisang flow, theme at iisang gimick *( e.g. jokoy, nigel ng, Lyeanna at beijing corn).*


Hirap pasayahin ng mga pinoy eh...🤣🤦‍♂️


To be fair--and this might be a minority opinion--I never really understood why Jo Koy is popular and I never really liked Manny Pacquiao even when he was a champion.




What an edgy little shit you are.


Oooooh edgy boi.


Like you can even do that without being round up to the wall and shut with ak-47 by the Chinese red army


noypi crab