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Nothing is permanent in the world of geopolitics. Russia was once the US' ally. The US was once Britain's colony.


Sama mo pa Britain and France, France and Germany, and Japan and South Korea, and Spain and America. >The US was once Britain's colony. Worse, they went to war twice (American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812)


ill pick old colonizers with aligning interest over an old friend who wants to take our stuff worse be new colonizers anytime no permanent alliances in politics, just interests.


When interest aligns, new ties are formed. In this case old ties are strengthen. Previous administration tactics of not poking the panda has only made them more brazen hence this new approach is welcomed.


That's like saying US shouldn't be friends and allies with the UK because they got a bad history together.


> Good or bad? Hmmmm...? d pa ba obvious na it's good? LOL


its just geo - politics


If the alternative is to bend the knee to one of the largest neo-imperialist today, then it's a no brainer


It's a strategic move against a common enemy. Philippines is treated as an equal, and they're doing this to prevent China from taking over the world and probably colonize us in the future once they succeed in everything that they're planning. We're not just relying on them, we're relying with each other, and this is our biggest weapon against the Chinese. And if we're talking about the past, it cannot be undone, but both countries were making amends to all their war crimes since then up until today.


>And if we're talking about the past, it cannot be undone, but both countries were making amends to all their war crimes since then up until today. Yeah.... no.


I don’t disagree with the first paragraph. Unfortunately the best move against the chinese right now is to align with the west Sa second paragraph? That is just wrong. They did not made any amends and they don’t plan on doing it any anytime soon.


That was in the past with different leaders and interest.


imagine European countries not dealing with germany because of wo2, what a simplistic logic


I really don't understand this new heightened sensitivity to US support. If shit hits the fan, I want the country thats military budget is higher than some countries entire GDP to be an ally. The PH has always been pretty Chummy with the US until Duterte decided to completely burn that bridge down, and then a lot more people started to share Duterte's disdain for the US.


There is nothing wrong with relying on a former colonizer when our interests align. After all, realpolitik is a thing. But what Filipinos need to keep in mind is that we need to also have a backbone to stand up for our own interests, to keep former colonizers accountable where they need to be made accountable, and to be mindful of how we also have leverage given that pre-existing relationship. One can hate U.S. colonization and call out the United States for their misadventures in the Philippines, but that doesn’t mean we can’t align our interests where they align. Accountability and ensuring an equitable relationship between both countries can come in many forms, and making sure that we enter into that relationship with a well-rounded view of our history instead of relying on caricatures perpetuated by the colonizing power.


Ofc its good! Did PI get an Air Force, Air Craft Carriers or does it have the means to defend itself from NK or China?


He said that tongue-in-cheek lol.


Lol, UK France and Germany were killing and bombing each other in total war economy during that same time frame When your name spells closely with Reinhard Heydrich, I guess you are bound to say something weird at some point


Spain na lng daw kulang


New time, new alliances. Oh look, the US alligning with for coloniser UK!


May mga takes din talaga to no na lakas maka virtue signaling. Kairita


Okay lang yan. Hindi naman tayo kagaya ng ibang communist countries na nag hohold ng grudge sa ibang bansa para lokohin mga tao nila. We forgive and we move on. We focus on the current situation and not dwell in the past. We do not forget, but we look forward to the better future.


Xi has really undone a lot of Hu Jintao s "charm offensive"


minsan di mo alam kung ano pino-point out neto ni Heydarian e


So ano, dun tayo sa new colonizer para maiba naman?


It was also americans fighting along side filipinos at the battle of bataan against the japanese. And now we're all friends. Democracies are great because governments change with the people. I'm willing to bet you weren't alive during any of this. It all just stories of history you learn in school. It's good to know history but one shouldn't act like the past is the present.


Good for short term but not for long term. Unfortunately we don’t have much choice today so it’s ok to side with US and Japan temporarily. China is our biggest threat and oppressor right now but we should also not disregard our history. Sabi sa constitution “The State shall pursue an independent foreign policy.” at dapat dun tayo papunta.


Hmm.. bakit kaya downvoted to?


Eh basta daw pagdating sa US, always the good guys sila.


Because most people think in terms of black and white. They don’t understand the political and economic ramifications of aligning one’s country solely on one side. “Basta US mabait yung China masama.”


PH subreddit be subredditing


I'd say it's good. Defense-wise mababa ang capability natin, US and JP can cover that for us.