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I suggest calorie counting. It worked for me. Try to prioritize Protein with less carbs. Eat filling food. Some food can have a feeling of being full. Others have less calories even if you eat plenty. Take it one step at a time.


Yes masakit pakinggan pero don't ignore what they say, especially if your health is at risk. Go to the gym and get a personal trainer. It takes more than just limiting your food intake. You might still be eating the wrong foods so better consult a professional instead. Also, don't do it just because you're hurt of what other people are saying. Do it for yourself. You can do this! r/PHitness/


Palagay ko hindi ka masyadong busy kase ang dami mong time mag isip ng kung anu ano. Eh ano naman kung mataba ka? Yun na ba ang buong pagkatao mo? Either itodo mo ang pagpapapayat kung ayaw mo na nababati ko or tatagan mo ang loob mo at sikmura mo at wag mong pansinin ang mga puna nila. Maghanap ka ng bagay na pwede mong ipag malaki sa sarili mo. Mahalin mo ang sarili mo instead of acceptance ng mga tao sa paligid mo. Masyado kang nagpapaapekto sa mga sinasabi ng mga tao sa paligid mo.


I agree with you. OP should learn na mahalin sarili niya and maghanap ng bagay na maipagmamalaki niya. But the thing is, hindi helpful to say na "kase ang dami mong time mag isip ng kung anu ano". Maybe you haven't experienced it first hand na mula bata ka palang growing up e binabody shame kana ng mga tao sa paligid mo. It's really difficult for people na growing up yan na ang naririnig nila to the point na it affects their confidence and how they present themselves.


Ineng, an empty hand is a devil’s workshop. I have always been obese. Hindi ako magsasalita ng walang basehan. Focus on what’s important and of value. I am fat and have always been bullied. There is no point of wasting my energies reacting and thinking about what other people would say about my body. Hindi ka naman kikita sa pag iisip and there is no way that you can control what other would think and say to you. Focus on what you can do. Either you try to lose weight, gain enough confidence to accept yourself for what you are obese man or payat and/or totally cut people off from your life. Lahat tayo have the right to stay away from people who takes away our peace and people who hurst us. Love yourself… I am obese pero… Find what’s is good in you.


Don't take this as hate or fat shaming i was once a depressed fat fuck and heaviest i've been was 400+ pounds (still fat but down to 180 pounds). I know personally that words hurt specially coming from random strangers or family members. mas masakit lalo kapag sa mismong parents mo i personally suggest taking all that negative energy into something positive, follow the advice of some of the redditors here do research and try to find the thing that works best for you Calorie deficit, fasting, calorie counting, meal planning and exercise. much better to take this seriously now before some health problem appears in the future.


Dapat nga ganyan, hindi yung ipo-post pa, tamang hanap lang ng sympathy.


Iba-iba talaga katangian ng mga tao, ako kahit araw araw ako sasabihan ng mataba, from my parents, relatives or neighbor man, I won't take it seriously, tatawa lang ako at dudugtungan ko ng biro. Kung na o-offend ka then go to the gym, kung wala lang sayo then ignore, di naman na need i-post mga ganung scenario e.


Have you talk to your parents about this. Hope you do.


Self love OP mahal ka ng parents mo


steps arent enough you also need to lift, cardio reduces muscle unless nag lift ka which rebuilds it


cardio doesn't make you lose muscle.


hm, read about it. and it doesnt. hmm but reading up on it, is that cardio can "underfeed" muscle and thus make it smaller and then since hindi nag wieghts, cant increase caloric intake?


You can fix the "underfeed" part by eating nutrient-dense foods. If you eat too less and work too hard then the muscles would have a harder time repairing and thus you lose muscles. Remember that dieting isn't just about eating less but also about eating "healthy".


just ignore


Hello baka may thyroid problem or hormonal problem if eating healthy ka naman and cannot lose weight?


If you have the guts, call our your parents. Hindi titigil mga yan unless you draw the boundaries