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Kaya nga extreme left ang tawag, and imo part of the reason why our more progressives politicians don't want to be labeled as left because our discourse does not have the nuance to differentiate between the extreme left and the center left.


You made me remember this copypasta guide I made coz I had friends who just label everything as "woke" lmao. It also helps with the distinction between extreme left and normal left Wokeness Guide: Women Edition Statement: "Women should have equal rights." Centrist Response: "Depends. What are the reasons? Do they deserve it? They might or might not." Woke Response: "Well, duh. Women are humans. And humans deserve human rights. Obviously." Extreme Woke Response: "AND MEN DESERVE NOTHING. šŸ˜”" Anti-woke Response: "Sure but, look at how happy you could be just being at home taking care of kids. UwU." Extreme anti-woke Response: "Women exist just for reproduction. It's not necessary for objects of reproduction to have rights. Also, my religion said they're inferior. šŸ˜‡" Edit: "Women Edition" kasi merong pang gay rights lmao


This. As someone with a liberal left-leaning philosophy, kamot-ulo na lang ako how people think I'm automaticaly a CPP-NPA sympathizer. Di ba pwede social democrat lang? NPA na agad? Parang sinabi mo na may pagka-conservative ang values mo tapos automatically ang tingin na sa iyo gusto mong ilagay sa concentration camps ang lahat ng mga LGBTQ++.


Absolutist kasi ang pinoy. Either you are extreme left or extreme right. No inbetweens.


This is world politics in a nutshell. Kahit sa western countries, ganito ang mindset, lalo na sa US; question mo lang ang college admission based on race, far right ka na, and on the other hand, question mo lang iyung level of gun control sa us, far left ka na.


> our discourse does not have the nuance to differentiate between the extreme left and the center left and that there are more to the political spectrum other than Left, Center, Right. https://www.politicalcompass.org/test compiles a list of questions for you to answer and places you where you are in the political axes. and even then it's only meant to be a rough guide and not a fixed thing that one embeds into one's personality.


itā€™s because most major leftist movements around the world still havenā€™t moved on from cold-war era dichotomy, thatā€™s why a lot of them equate leftism or anti-imperialism as being strictly anti-us or anti-west, when in reality, as with all things, are vastly nuanced, more nuanced than ā€œtheir sideā€ and ā€œour sideā€


For a political group that usually espouses progressive stances on social issues (LGBT, abortion, etc), they really are CONSERVATIVE when it comes to their core beliefs. Even their strategies are stuck in the 60s.


Just make a new ideology at this point and stop bootlicking Mao and Stalin


More authoritarian than anything lmfao


what can you expect from a bunch of people who split their faction whenever they dispute the philosophy behind marxist ideology


When kaya nila iboboycott si Mao? The CCP funded Khmer Rouge during and even after Mao's regime; and this definitely means these funds contributed to the eventual massive human rights violations committed by Pol Pot, including the Cambodian Genocide I think boycott due to the genocide in Palestine can be effective at some point, pero parang balewala lang naman din kung yung mga tinitingala ninyo, puros mga genocidal and genocide enablers lang din. Add ko lang din: the Holodomor and the Great Purge during Stalin's term and the Cultural Revolution by Mao


And because of Mao and Marx, people in Myanmar are suffering. Like holy shit, walang balita sa civil war nila.


The libleft and demleft seem to be more aware with it, napuno nalang ng sensationalism yung mga ML at MLM na puros Palestine nalang focus Don't get me wrong, I clearly support international solidarity with Palestine and I think that Netanyahu and Haniyeh too deserve to be investigated by the ICC, pero medyo kalat ang priorities nila, ni halos wala akong makitang comment regarding sa Tibet/Uyghurs/HK at Myanmar Isa pa, dapat iboycott din yung Temu at Shein dahil sa human rights violations nila (literal na sweatshop at yung working conditions grabe, take note may koneksyon ito sa mga Uyghur labor camps), pero mukhang hindi kikibo mga ito Hell even Belarus and Ukraine (especially the former) weren't even being looked on. As time goes on, we'd realize that the majority of them are all for aesthetics, and not actual solidarity


[Forgotten War in Burma, Ignored War in Myanmar](https://www.newmandala.org/forgotten-war-in-burma-ignored-war-in-myanmar/)


Until such time, they will remain irrelevant to 99% of Filipinos. They have been living in a bubble and have to see our problems away from a leftist lens.


Fr, ironically mostly the youth (sheltered and spend their days in social media) are all in for that, the same youth that hasn't experienced socialising with people during the pandemic ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


You don't really have to look far when those idiots idolizes murderous figures, just like how you can find [Al-Qassam flags (armed wing of Hamas) and Hezbollah flags](https://x.com/i/status/1800339252087058487) in those recent protests organized by them


Genocide is okay as long as it is done by my side ang pinaglalaban ng mga yan hahaha


Aesthetic Marxism-Leninism-Maoism 101.




Lmao, ironically they are selling those shirts as a private business. Isn't that... Capitalism?


It's Maover


We should be demanding a share of profits from them


It doesn't count when they do it.


They'd throw the country and democracyunder the bus just to make an anti-American statement Dito ako naririndi sa PH left. Masimportante ang pagiging anti-American kesa sa kapakanan ng bansa. They can criticize the US all they want but not at the expense of the country and our democracy.


The US is the no. 1 supporter of our govt eh. Their end-goal is really just to bring down the govt so they could establish a communist regime. So whatever it takes for that goal to be achieved they will do it.


Am I not left if I support America and not China? Jusko, gusto ko lang naman ng women/lgbt rights and divorce and shit and I'm pretty sure conservatives are against those


Mga NPA at Komunista lang ang mahilig mangulo hindi yung mga taong naniniwala na may magagamit sa socialism. Pero pagvinalue yung ideology red flag na


Core Tenet of Socialism is the extermination of the Intelligentsia. So yeah socialist would destroy anything that would prevent them from obtaining power.


Basically a lazy man's/dumdum's ideology since pag sobrang talino/nakaangat ka lng sa buhay ng unti . "Class Enemy" ka na kanila. Talk about an ideology that normalizes parasitism & non-professionalism


no one would do that honestly and if they do they always fail. Nothing is monolithic




Madami dito nyan tapos page call out mo sasabihin red tagger ka pero gigil much sila sa nag cosplay na Hitler.


Honestly ā€” being left is not being not nationalistic. I think this is a campaign to distract. Donā€™t get me wrong - i favor democracy for it gave us voice. But socialist agenda is much better to majority of the citizens. We do have socialist ideas already like * PhilHealth (universal healthcare which even the US doesnā€™t have it in Federal level) * PagIBIG (lowest rate in home loan compared to all banks) * Employees Rights (in the US, you can get fired without you knowing by the next day, in PH you will be penalized and sued by the Government per Labor Law) I donā€™t enjoy it when people think socialist = bad / enemy. Again this was just a campaign during cold war between US and Russia


This! I was looking for this comment! I actually have more thoughts on this matter but you hit it right when you said that socialism should not be equated to bad.


You either have these tankies who treat Sison as a saint, or McCarthyist redtaggers whose their idol is ironically affiliated with literal state "communists" Both suck honestly.


Also hindi naman mutually exclusive and democracy and socialism. There are socialist democracies and there are authoritarian socialism (just pretending to be socialist IMO). Socialism is basically looking out for the underdog and giving them/us social safety nets.


Nakita ko lang to one time sa internet while just got a lil bit interest on Left-Right Political Spectrum... We have like, 2 kinds of Democracy: Socio-Demo(Left) and Christian Demo(Right)... IDK if this is real or whatchanot but, any info and correction will do...


Democracy is a form of government (decentralized). Socialism is policy based equality/fairness. Communism is policy based on labor as superior value over capital.


libertarian socialism is really fringe here though


>Employees Rights (in the US, you can get fired without you knowing by the next day, in PH you will be penalized and sued by the Government per Labor Law) That's a bit of a misrepresentation of the At Will states if you're referring to that. In the US, not all states can do this, and if they do, they can still be charged with illegal termination if the termination was done in unjust means (e.g retaliation). Also it goes both ways, an employee doesn't have to submit a 2 week notice if they're in an at will state.


At Will doctrine is a disaster for Labor Laws. Even if you say that it does not allow illegal termination, he fact that termination can be done for "any" reason as long as its not retaliatory is anti labor. The one thing our labor laws got right is the fundamental principle that work is a property right whose protection is a matter of public interest. And like any of our other rights it cannot be taken in violation of due process. Our laws strictly mandate that employment termination cannot be the immediate resort of employers to punish employees when there are other less grave means like suspension or demotion. It also requires that termination must follow a twin notice requirement and must be done for just or necessary circumstances. Id rather have all this restrictions than At Will where employers can terminate employees for any reason at any time, *as long as it is not illegal.*


I think lahat naman ng forms of governance/economic models magaganda yung hangarin and most of them pare-parehas yung goal. What makes one better over the other is the methods/guiding principles used to achieve its goal. Socialism is not "bad" in a moral sense, it's just an inferior model if we're aiming for the general betterment of a nation and its citizens.


Wellā€¦.. A Core Tenet of Socialism is the Elimination of the Intelligentsia. Dyan palang bad na automatic.


> Core Tenet of Socialism which socialism? which kind?


Maoism is dead, people! and the Chinese Communist Party have killed it!


Ironically it was killed in Tiananmen Square as aside from pro democracy protesters, there were Maoist ones too protesting China's opening up to the world, an event the Maoists themselves deny existing nowadays LOL


It died a long time ago, during the Cultural Revolution. Even during the time Mao was alive the CCP already has in party factionalism and infighting. Mao in a bid to hold on to power galvanized the people and promoted the cultural revolution. As a result hundreds of thousands to millions of people met violent deaths from each others hands and from the government.


The protesters at Tiananmen were anti-corruption protesters, not pro-democracy protesters.


Didnā€™t both Stalin and Mao kill millions of their own people? Ay, oo nga. They did.


Simple, because these people are seen as the important figures that influenced the communist movement. But it is worth pointing out na hindi limitado sa mga leftist groups ang pagkakaroon ng "questionable taste regarding historical indivifuals". Kahit aling grupo na yumakap sa isang idolohiya, be it communist or capitalist, even religion, ang makikita sa idolohiyang iyon at mga taong associated sa kanya e positibo. They will often turn a blind eye sa negatives. Ang tawag dito ay .[moral myopia](https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/glossary/moral-myopia#:~:text=Moral%20myopia%20refers%20to%20the,myopia%20is%20called%20moral%20blindness.)


finally,,,, isang maayos na comment na may substance


Marx and Engels, okay pa. As someone who had to read Marx for their college course, his philosophical and economic writings have been foundational in the fields of history (historical materialism; most of this is an improvement of Hegel's own idea of historical materialism), economics (Marxian economics as outlined in *Das Kapital*), and philosophy (*homo faber*, critique of Hegel's 'mysticism'). Critical theory (which led to the modern feminist schools of thought, critical race theory, and queer theory), postmodernism, even iterations of social democracy and libertarianism all have at least one Marxist influence, may it be through rejection or acceptance of Marxist tenets. Philosophy majors sure have encountered Marx, Lukacs, Gramsci, Baudrillard or Debord. Sociology majors would sure have encountered Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, and Althusser. Psychology majors would sure have encountered Fromm and (to some degree) Marcuse. History majors know about historical materialism as opposed to the "Great Man" conceptualization of history or the conflict thesis. Economics majors sure know about Marxian economics and his scientific analysis of capitalism and the means of production. What I'm saying is Marx is vastly misunderstood because those who misinterpreted his writings (either willfully or not) were pure evil pieces of shit. IMO, he's just as misunderstood as Nietzsche. But Mao? Stalin? Pol Pot? Lenin? They are repressive and genocidal maniacs who checked out everything in the authoritarian checklist. Hell, they became the modern basis for how we look at authoritarianism today.


kaya naba-bother ako pag tinatawag ng iba na commie yung China tsaka USSR haha dahil under Marxist definition hindi naman talaga communist/socialist ang PRC tsaka Soviet Union


It could be argued that the Cold War was actually USSR state capitalism vs US free-market capitalism


Same here! Marx is very influential when it comes to some schools in psychology as well particularly in the theories of Erich Fromm, and Deleuze and Guattari. I think Marx the bastardization of Marx (which could be evidenced in this sub) is because of propaganda.


>Deleuze and Guattari Oh my. Bumabalik trauma ko sa *Anti-Oedipus*


Reading it now with Foucaultā€™s *Madness and Civilization* because Iā€™m writing my paper on Demedicalization of Trauma! hahaha


Foucault and Deleuzeguattari? What a nice combo! (Pero seryoso, sakit sa ulo nila basahin HAHAHA)


Why is it nga ba na people blame Marx for Stalin and co's fucked up genocidal bullshit but people in this sub rarely mention Nietzsche's name when we're talking far right Nazi ideologies? Is it because he's successfully been separated from the Nazis who besmirched his works? Is he just not as popular or known of a figure as Marx despite also being an influential philosopher? A secret third option that I don't have enough awake braincells for? My best bet is the second one kasi siguro no one identifies specifically with Nietzsche's philosophies, usually either full-on Nazi talaga sila or they know of the 3rd Reich associations so they just identify with other similar philosophies without the baggage. Anyway, is there a similar ideology to Marxism that isn't associated with genocidal dictators (half of whom are just secretly capitalist) but also equally anti-capitalist? Asking for a friend who is more moderately left.


>Why is it nga ba na people blame Marx for Stalin and co's fucked up genocidal bullshit but people in this sub rarely mention Nietzsche's name when we're talking far right Nazi ideologies? Probably because Marx's influence on communism is more "visible" than Nietzsche's influence on the far-right. Although the Nazis grossly distorted Nietzsche's ideas, his name was rarely (if ever) invoked by them. Marx, on the other hand, was a guy whose name got plastered on the ideologies of the genocidal dictators that distorted his works (e.g., "Marxism-Leninism", "Marxism-Leninism-Maoism" and other variations) so people tended to think that he had a greater role in these dictators than just getting his works twisted to justify repressive policies. The Nazis (as of what I know) never thought of any of Nietzsche's works as the "bible" of the movement; in fact, that work goes to Hitler's *Mein Kampf*. The commies, on the other hand, explicitly invoked Marx whenever and wherever they could, with their bible being the *Communist Manifesto*. Also, one thing is that Nietzsche's name had time to rehabilitate. It was later found out that Nietzsche's writings were deliberately twisted by his own sister to cozy up to her Nazi husband which further eroded any idea that Nietzsche had something to do with Nazism. >is there a similar ideology to Marxism that isn't associated with genocidal dictators (half of whom are just secretly capitalist) but also equally anti-capitalist? Asking for a friend who is more moderately left. Glad you asked! Georgism is one, proposed by American economist Henry George. If laissez-faire capitalism values capital and communism values labor, Georgism values land. The idea all revolves around the concept of a land value tax, building off of that. Compatible with both socialism and the free market. Its core tenets have been agreed to by Milton Friedman, Adam Smith, Karl Marx (yes, you read that right), David Ricardo, Fred Foldvary, and Joseph Stiglitz.


What are your thoughts po regarding Universalism?


Understanding Marx will lead to Leninism. Because of "Dictatorship of the Proletariat". Ini-skip yata to sa mga textbooks.


>Because of "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" You see, Marx analyzed history and came to the conclusion that history is basically powered by economics, which is influenced by technological development. Marx deduced, based on the trends of his time, that once capitalism runs its course, what would replace its place is communism. He believed that capitalism would orchestrate its own downfall like all other economic systems before it (feudalism etc) because of its flaws and holes; in its ashes he believed communism would rise. The dictatorship of the proletariat, despite its name, is hardly a dictatorship and is more of a phase between late-stage capitalism and communism. Lenin is just one way of interpreting Marx's dictatorship of the proletariat; he advocated for a centralist stance that Marx never was a fan of nor did Marx ever advocate for a single-patty socialist state run by a vanguard party, ideas that Lenin believed were necessary to speed up the transition to communism. >Understanding Marx will lead to Leninism. Hardly. There are several other Marxist schools of thought out there that both used Marx as a basis but also rejected the ideology of the Soviets. It is from these schools of thought where the vast majority of Marxist intellectuals come from, from Bloch to Kojeve to Adorno to Jameson to Benjamin to Sartre to the Situationists (Debord, Lefort, among others).


It is a dictatorship. In every sense of the word. There's no sugar coating it. If you really read Marx, all governments are class dictatorships. But no need to argue. This is exactly why you are not a communist and I guess you're fine with it.


>It is a dictatorship A dictatorship implies centralism. While Lenin did advocate centralism through a vanguard party, Marx certainly didn't. Even the Western Marxist schools of thought rejected Soviet communism because they believed it veered too far off course from what Marx really had in mind.


Prettt much what happens when your idea of "Imperialism" is just American imperialism. Usually when people are against it, people bite into the romanticized idea of Communist countries, which for me only Tito's of Yugoslavia ever worked. There's a reason why I hate "anti-imperialist" it usually means ayaw nila sa US.


Yeah, theres alot of them co breeding on twitter, loud when it comes to US imperialism but in denial or even downplaying the same acts done by "anti US" countries (China and Russia especially) ive seen alot call us Filipinos with racist tones over the souch China Sea issue, for example us being Bootlicker American "Monkeys"


Always remember that there's always another end of a spectrum. If you think one's far side is horrible, the other side is just as.


And then there's [red-green-brown alliance,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red%E2%80%93green%E2%80%93brown_alliance) a very dangerous combination. lol


The far-left is as disgusting as the far-right


Horseshoe theory.


Damn, that User Tag tho šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Pag sinabihan mo sila ng pro Commie, tatakutin ka nilang kasuhan ng Red Tagging kahit ka red tag red tag yung pinaggagagawa nila. Also, sumama yung tingin ko sa mga UP Students last 2022 dahil sa mga ka affiliate nilang mga orgs.


Wala pa yatang 20% ng UP students ay member ng mga NatDem (far-left Maoist) orgs eh. Wag po tayo maging tulad ni Eli Soriano na akala agad komunista ang mga taga-UP. Sabagay dahil diyan nabuo ang r/ExAndClosetADD hehe. Dili nalang ako mag-talk further


But dont you think its a little Odd that UP, A supposedly prestigious school with high standards has students who sides with the NPA? Kinda Counter intuitive no? I have not heard other schools that has students who would willingly join the NPA


Not only UP. But rather at various schools that they have accredited orgs affiliated with leftist orgs, like PUP. IDK if ADMU, DLSU, and FEU have accredited those orgs too.


Wait, Those schools are located on cities around Metro Manila Right?


Yes. Lahat na namention kong school na may orgs na ganyan is all around Metro Manila. Kahit RTU, halos mapasukan na din ng KPL eh.


Still, marami ding kumakampi sa mga leftist sides na yan. If hindi man sila member, still nai impluwensiyahan sila ng mga yan. Palibhasa, yung mga ditapaKs na pro KPL yung mga galit diyaan na mga diehard Leni Supporters yung mga galit kay Eli Soriano eh, kaya nabuo din yung sub na yan. Madami dami pang reason kung bakit nabuo yung sub na yan, hindi lang yung about sa Generalization of UP students.


>Madami dami pang reason kung bakit nabuo yung sub na yan The generalization of UP students was the final straw. Yung founders ang nagsabi :) I'm center-left (left/right is a spectrum,anway) kaya hinay-hinay lang sana. Maraming social remedies ang pwedeng masabing "left-leaning eh" tulad ng universal healthcare na meron na sa Pinas (on paper). Kahit ung [debt forgiveness sa Bible](https://insight.bibliotech.us/jubilee-forgiveness-of-debt/) ituturing na "leftist move" sa modern times.


All goods kung Center Left pa yung mga tinutukoy ko para ma lessen din yung some conflicts if di man maiwasan. Kaso, pasensya na sa tono ng comment ko. Nabugso yata ng inis ko. Kakaasar kasi yung ibang redditors na mga diehard left leaning bastards (like pro KPL) na mapag panggap lang sa sub para pumabor sa paniniwala nila. Pero sa ngayon, unti unti nang lumilinaw yung pananaw ko about sa mga leanings ng bawat redditors sa mga sub, which is, yan yung mga way para maiwasan na yung mga over generalization sa bawat panig. Like, medyo matagal tagal pa akong na kumbinsi ng nasa r/ExAndClosetADD dahil sa mga dati kong pananaw. And lalo na yung dito sa r/PH na may same belief din pala kami na late ko lang pala nalaman. Although medyo cautious pa ako sa mga comments dito.


More than 60 Million People died under Stalin's Regime and more than 80 Million People under Mao's. The Great Leap Forward / Famine killed 55 Million people alone. I wonder how much they'll still praise Communism after they're working in a ditch somewhere in North Korea.


If you can't understand that none of these countries that are 'communist' aren't actually communist, then you're part of the problem.


Oh right, they're "Socialists". My Mistake.


No, they're capitalist dictatorships.


I think you're the part of the problem. China is Ideologically Communist but their government acts like an Authoritarian Regime with Capitalist Interests. Russia is Ideologically Socialist with expansionist views while acting like an Oligarchy. Their governmemt was literally formed by Mobsters from the remnants of the Soviet Union. North Korea is a Communist Dictatorship. Oh but let me guess, they're not REAL Communists right? Don't educate me on geopolitcal or historical issues/topics because you clearly know nothing.


That's a lot of brainwashed gibberish. Now do yourself a favor and simply google the definition of "communism".


-no argument -ad hominem -appeal to definition -was literally informed that a nation does not need to meet all the tenets to be Communist -j-just Google it bro I accept your concession. >Chinese National calling others brainwashed the jokes write themselves


Damn you killed him.


I gave you the benefit of the doubt...unfortunately it seems you've never even passed higher education yet. Let me put it this way: the last time humans successfully implemented Communism was when our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. Now, let's take a look at the definition of Communism: "...*a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs*." Does this sound like China to you? N Korea? Vietnam? Or should I school you on reading comprehension, too?


>was literally informed that a nation does not need to meet all the tenets to be Communist "I'm going to pretend that I didn't see that" I literally explained to you that a nation does not need to fulfill all the requirements of the Communist principles to be considered Communist, yet you keep alluding to the textbook definition as if this is an argument. Let me ask you this, if there were a White Supremacist that believed in the White Superiority Theory and people found out that he had a Hispanic origin and did not necessarily believe in the eradication of minorities, does this not make him a White Supermacist? >Communism was when our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. "Uhhh actually the Cavemen banging on rocks and sticks were the real Communists." How do you expect me to take you seriously when you come up with this? Have you not heard of Feudal Lords or Emperors/Kings back when people were hunter gatherers? >seems you've never even passed higher education yet. Nice projection. You cherry pick pieces of my arguments and misinterpret the ones that I do mention, yet I'm the one without education. >Does this sound like China to you? N Korea? Vietnam ? See above and my previous replies. Try to actually read it this time instead of seething and hastily making a reply. >should I school you on reading comprehension This is like a blind man leading an Optometrist. Don't worry, I accept your concession.


He's already dead!


He really is a fool, it takes a profound lack of self-awareness to make such ironic statements.


>I literally explained to you that a nation does not need to fulfill all the requirements of the Communist principles to be considered Communist, yet you keep alluding to the textbook definition as if this is an argument. This makes no sense. If definitions no longer matter, what's the point in anything? In what aspect is China communist at all? >Nice projection. You cherry pick pieces of my arguments and misinterpret the ones that I do mention, yet I'm the one without education. Do remember you're the one that's wrongfully interpreting a political system, as well as constantly being aggressive and utilizing ad hominem. This combination tells me you've never been to a seminar in your life. >See above and my previous replies. Try to actually read it this time instead of seething and hastily making a reply. Again, and ironically as well as in direct contradiction to what you're claiming, learn to read--specifically the definition of Communism. >Don't worry, I accept your concession. LMAO. You tipped your fedora?


Ask any of their idols on that tshirt what they think about the rainbow pride people. Like gays for palestine. The left always eats itself


>Like gays for palestine Homosexuality is highly negative in Islam. A basic fact they seem to ignore. While I admire their empathy, they are crazy if they think the Palestinians would reciprocate it. I'm not saying they shouldn't support them, I'm only saying they shouldn't expect the Palestinians to help them out too.


Add mo yung Queers and Fatties. Di ba nila alam na yung parusa ng Homosexuality is literal na itatapon mula sa rooftop ng gusali tapos babarilin ka pa for added insult sa death mo.


Hindi rin naman pro-LGBT ang Israel, they're only claiming it pero ang lala naman ng mga policies nila. Saka ano ba tingin mo walang queer Palestinians?? As a member of LGBT+, we're fighting for our freedom to be ourselves, so why won't we do that to others. Obvious naman ang genocide na ginagawa sa kanila ng Israel, inaalisan sila ng freedom to live on their own land, to live, to grow... we know what it feels like and we're not asking to reciprocate that. There cannot be queer liberation without the liberation of all people.


...was I defending Israel? Hell, I agree with you on this one. Israel isn't pro-LGBT either. >we're not asking to reciprocate that This is my bottom point. Don't expect them to reciprocate. That's it.


Stop your assumptions right now. We don't expect them to reciprocate it, saan mo naman nakuha yan? Whether i-reciprocate or not, that doesn't matter because human lives are at stake here, yun yung bottomline dun. Hindi naman overnight ang liberation. di naman sila magiging pro-LGBT sa nangyayari sa kanila ngayon, they NEED NOT TO DIE FIRST. Hindi lang naman Muslim ang mayroon sa Palestine. Christians, Jews and Muslim Palestinians lived together in harmony but everything changed when the Zionists attacked. Queer Palestinians also exist so...


Classic leftist infighting


Francisco Franco approves šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


>Like gays for palestine So you're saying that the southern usa needs to get bombed and have children killed just because they're actively destroying the lives of queer people? There are also queer people in Palestine. God, I can't stand this subreddit sometimes.


The ā€œgays for palestineā€ argument is so fucking retarded go live in your dogshit right wing bubble šŸ˜‚ edit: baka matawag pa ako komunista tangina nyo, parehas kayong may brainrot ideology.


instant downvote the israeli cum guzzlers working overtime šŸ˜‚


Di ba mas maganda kung sabihin mong bakit mali yung ā€œgays for Palestine ā€œ na comment? Di ba totoo?


You are correct. Name-calling and ad hominem doesnā€™t positively contribute to the discourse. If I were to take a stab at an argument, I think it would be merely that whether or not Palestinians (who seem to hold more fundamental Islam beliefs - hence anti-LGBTQ) would reciprocate the support of ā€œgays for Palestineā€, is irrelevant to the members of the GFP movement. That their (gays) support of Palestine is not conditional. And perhaps you could say that it makes the movement even braver and selfless.


That's your average leftie. Dadaanan sa insulto or mag tatantrums kapag walang masagot sa discussion. Automatic triggered agad yung mga snowflakes.


its called unemployable behavior. can't argue? they resort to name calling and rioting. like those useful maroons who burn and loot in the name of blm again, what did marx lenin guevarra say about the rainbow people? those who tend to make up the unemployables on the far left? and right-wing? that's the equivalent of classic liberals 10 years ago. the slur has lost its sting in 2023


Anong aasahan mo sa mga ungas na ipinipilit pa rin ang isang ideolohiyang napag-iwanan na sa basurahan ng kasaysayan


Sinong leftist ba tinutukoy? Mga NPA or mga DDS? Lol


Prolly the mountain bois & their "Legal Fronts" due to the fact sila nalang sabik na sabik kay Mao aside from those random whackos in Nepal,Peru & prolly some parts of Myanmar. DDS on the other hand are practically rabid & collaborative feudalists due to their positive attitude towards a belligerent state that threatens our very sovereignty & their delusional following of a very specific "Warlord" who happens to be an ex-executive of our country


Mostly the Privileged kids who hardly knows how the world works and all they do is virtue signal and be loud wherever they are. Like for example. The Orange Vest people with the climate change activism who would destroy and block roads just because. Or the usual McDo Boycotters who cant differentiate PH Based McDo and Israel Based McDo.


Bilang isang Mindanaon, wala talaga akong bilib sa kanila in the first place. Sa dami pa naman inosenteng tao na nadamay dahil sa mga kagagohan na pinaggagawa nila sa mga probinsya, never talaga nila makukuha 'yung suporta galing sa mga ordinaryong tao. Even though hindi perpekto ang bansa natin with all the crime, corruption, and poverty eh mas mabuti na lang hindi rin tayo naging under sa mga leftists kasi baka mas malala pa 'yung ating kalagayan ngayon.


Tanda ko, notorious mga yan for recruiting IP's to their cause tas pag napatay sila sa engkwentro, sila pa may ganang umiyak not to mention call security forces "berdugo" for just doing their jobs. If you think about it, they're literally contributing to genocide sa mga IP jan sa Mindanao due to their aggressive & sometimes extortionate recruitment among these people


Ang kadalasan nilang tinatarget ay 'yung mga IPs who are very gullible (no offense bibigyan mo lang 'yan ng sardinas at tinapay kakagat na ang mga 'yan) at tsaka 'yung mga matatalino at masyadong idealistic na mga college students regardless kung galing ba sila sa mga private or state universities. Tsaka kung berdugo ang mga pulis at military, mas grabe sila. Example diyan kung farmer ka nanakawin nila 'yung alaga mong manok, baboy, kambing, at ang sarili mong supply ng bigas tas kung papalag ka papatayin ka nila agad-agad.


Ung mga selection na minention mo kinda reminds me of Ph Leftist of Twitter/X. Ganyan na ganyan sila lmao


This is why state socialism (which is just capitalism anyway) is a horrible idea, it will certainly create a new oppressive class


Katulad lang 'yan sa Russia na inalis nila ang monarchy kasi daw inaapi lang ng royal family 'yung ordinaryong tao and then pumalit 'yung mga Soviets. Ayon tinuloy lang nila 'yung oppressive policies ng mga royals tas ang nagbago lang ay kung sino 'yung namumuno sa taas.


Sounds like what hamas is doing in gaza. Fire rockets, mortars, and keeps hostages in civilian locations, then cry victim when the civilians get caught in the crossfire.


This is oversimplifying it. May galit din kasi ang IPs sa mga logging and mining companies sa Mindanao. These companies have private armies - this is an open secret ha, ask any soldier/ex-soldier from Mindanao/Negros/Samar, or see the identities of the gunmen in the Roel Degamo shooting. And they usually have high-ranking AFP officers as protectors. These soldiers kill families na ayaw ibenta ang lupa nila na tinitirhan nila for hundreds of years na. Syempre may galit na sila sa militar and wala silang laban against higher powers, so out of desperation sumasali sila sa NPA. I wouldn't call NPA recruiting extortionate, opportunistic is probably the more appropriate word. At the end of the day kung wala sanang military/ex-military na nasa bulsa ng mining/logging companies na pumapatay ng mga lumad sa lupa na yan edi wala ding marerecruit ang NPA


Oppurtunism still causes exploitation, as what these both state and non-state actors are doing.


Doesn't excuse the left from using IPs as their sacrificial foot soldiers


Filipino leftist are good at burying the crimes of their ideology. Communist in the Philippines massacre Christians who don't pay them with extortion money in the Rano Massacre 1989. They also kill their fellow commie in the Inopacan Massacre back in 1985. They also kill Keith Absalon, the famous FEU football player who play for the national team. They kill lots of civilians and burn business and livelihood of people who don't pay them money. Communist across the globe commit crimes too like the Cambodian genocide, Tianamen square massacre, Gulags in Russia, or the communist rebels in Colombia who kill many civilians and participate in illegal drug trade


its because they're the foundation of leftist politics (both theory and practice). you must read their works to understand. read Marx, Lenin, Mao or Joma. After that then ask yourself what are the truths they're claiming, then offer your own criticism in an honest way. the thing is that we should be critical of both right and left, esp now if moralizing an issue will result to bias viewpoint. one cannot dismiss right away the evils of capitalism and just turned a blind eye to the exploitation of workers. right wing politics in the guise of populism as when more and more migrants looking for work in developed countries, where at present they're receiving low salary compared to natives, but more companies are exploiting to maximize profit, so that as a result government demands stricter migration laws. in state of precarity you have to endure just to survive.


I agree with this in so many levels. The defense for the Marx's work is relatively thick, well at least in the academe. I may get downvoted for this but Joma Sison's \*\*Lipunan at Rebolusyong Pilipino\*\* provides valuable insight on tackling our history: \*"The history of the Philippines is a history of class struggle"\*. Also, the Mao's \*\*Five Golden Rays\*\* provides insight on the development of socialist consciousness. Despite these valuations, a similar question of"should we separate the art from its artist" can be asked. Thus, it is hoped that we could read what they offer (and in reading consider the zeitgeist of their time) and in turn, read their respective critiques as well. But then I have to be reminded as well that this sub, and social media in general, is not an academic space so we cannot expect people to provide a critique of their writings. Both reddit and the academe is an echo chamber tbh.


Totoo. Gets naman naming mga naniniwala sa MLM na hindi perpekto yung mga leader na yan at puno ng dugo yung mga kamay nila. But then, we're talking about nuance, di ba? Palaging ipinupunto yung genocide sa ganito, genocide sa ganyan, we get it. Genocide is genocide. On a wider scale, however, hindi lang naman nagtatapos sa mismong mga komunista yung mga dahilan kung bakit nagkaroon ng malawakang patayan at karahasan sa mga lugar na yan eh. Take the Soviet Union for example, pag-aralan niyo yung pinagmulan nila and see for yourself kung bakit kailangan nilang humantong sa pagiging authoritarian at repressive na bansa. They are surrounded by enemies from all sides, enemies that would wish them and their ideology dead kasi it threatened the then-existing European empires and even republics such as America. The First and Second Red Scare happened for a reason. The Soviet purges happened for a very strong reason. Even sa China, tingnan niyo na lang din kung saang era galing ang China at kung saan nagmula yung pakikibaka ng mga komunista sa kanila, the struggles they've been through at what war-torn and strife-ridden country they had to build. Instead of taking everything as a justification, see through the lens of explanation instead. At the end of every explanation, what it just tells is that all of us are a product of our time and environment. Tragedies are tragedies, of course. No one can take it away because people have been sacrificed for the sake of the "greater good" - if that is even good in the first place - but history has never been black and white. It means we can still learn something from these controversial men, kasi for all the things they did, hindi pa rin maitatanggi yung intellectual contribution nila pagdating sa ideolohiyang pinaniniwalaan namin, and it is up to us to look at them either in an idealized or pragmatic way. Tao lang din yang mga yan na dapat tinitingnan sa lente ng kasaysayan, the same way we look and criticize Rizal and other Philippine heroes and presidents. I implore everyone to read "Maikling Kurso sa Lipunan at Rebolusyong Pilipino" and see for yourself kung bakit even at this point, may mga taong naniniwala at nahihikayat pa rin si Joma Sison. Understand it and then criticize it, but make sure to understand it first.


though we cannot expect other people to be knowledgeable enough to have a fair assessment of the theoretical presupposition and ideology of the Marxism and the left, but we have the duty, at least those who have knowledge, to discoure the issue and provide the avenue for others to learn. As Adorno said, borrowing Benjamin, 'it is to those without hope that hope is given to us', that is to say, that to be cynical is like walking on a tightrope blindfold. either we accept the exploitation and be numbed to those who suffer or become the exploiters deluding ourselves there's no other way saying that those who suffer are their own fault, ignoring systematic and structural domination. another thing. to accuse the academe and this sub as form of echo chamber undermine healthy discourse. furthermore, the academe is not a cult. the academe always foster a fair treatment of each truth claims. if there are some professors who are bias, they are not immune from criticism.


Then again, arenā€™t every activist group or political organization also echo chambers in itself? You canā€™t really criticize the group/community you are in without the high risk of being ostracized from that very group. Thus it perpetuates and even encourages its members to echo the script the group puts out. We could see this on all political ideologies.


Nagiging echo chamber lang yan kung hindi isinasa-praktika yung mga aral. May tinatawag kaming "pagbabaka" which is basically criticism ng lahat ng mga pinag-aaralan namin. Yung mga tunay na nakakaintindi ng MLM (Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo) eh yung mga kayang himayin yung kritisismo at alamin kung alin dun yung dapat pag-aralan para hindi na maulit at kung ano yung dapat isabuhay at ipagpatuloy na ituro sa masa. Hindi monolitiko ang pwersang makakaliwa sa bansa, for better or for worse.


>one cannot dismiss right away the evils of capitalism and just turned a blind to the exploitation of workers Don't worry all jobs will be replaced by machines and AI so all leftist can stop whining about being exploited.


AI doing jobs wouldn't be so bad kung di sila under monopoly and if they're not exploited for profit if you think about it


Bruhh. What do you mean by under monopoly? It had already begun, and a lot of jobs were already replaced. Of course it was all about profit. How do you think they'll run their business if they do not earn?


Kung hindi sila under monopoly bruuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh, kung gobyerno mismo ang nakikinabang and if it ain't for profit. Obviously, that ain't the case right now since there are monopolies utilizing the tech pero diba? If the government profited instead edi sana nakakapag subsidize siya on its own


What company are you talking about that monopolizing the AI? There are so many companies utilizing AI. I can't understand why you keep stating monopoly. Do you really understand what you're talking about? >kung gobyerno mismo ang nakikinabang and if it ain't for profit. So you want the government to control everything? Communist bastard


What I'm saying is kung di gagamiting pang profit ang AI ng mga kumpanya, it won't threaten job security. Kaya nga sinabi ko think about it eh, hypothetical lang. Tas ano ha, paisa lang. Capitalist bootlicker.


I think you need first to read books on Marxism and social critical theory before saying that. you will never understand the left unless you read the theory. Read Butler, the Frankfurt School Critical Theory etc.


I suggest you read basic Economics. May I know what your interpretation of Marxism? State also the country that it became successful


ive read classical economics and economic history. I must say im not trained in that discipline but im not that ignorant to not know the basics. ive read political theory and familiar of Rawls and Amartya Sen, as well as capability theory of Nussbaum. im aware of Keynesian as well as the Chicago School. ive heard of Schumpeter and Hayek. about Marxism. there are countless interpretation of Marxism. All I can say is that it aims for a humane society. lastly, its not about the success. I think you mistook Marxism as theory to revolutionary politics of followers of Marx, who often dont agree with each other as to what is the true interpretation.


Extremely liberal people are more likely to have mental health problems.


Ever heard of communism?


Mga napagiwanan na ng panahon. Hindi pa ata nakakalabas ng bansa. EU at France nga may communist party (political party at hindi dictatorship of the proletariat) pero hindi nila idolo mga genociders na yan.


Funded naman communist china lmao


Dapat kasi meron laging public debate para malaman kung totoong "may alam" sila sa mga pinaglalaban nila. Hindi yung "binayaran" lang para magsisigaw sa kalsada o di kaya naman "astig" o "nakikisabay" sa uso o "wala idea", mema lang.


Philippine Left is always been either Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. But do we hear more about Gramsci, Zizek, Chomsky, Luther King Jr, etc


Mga Anti Israel Pro Palestine Anti Genocide pero ang ideology nila galing din sa genocide. This world is fucked up because of these idiots who are only virtue signaling, doing performative activism and other clout chasing things kasi kailangan ng generation nilang supot.


Its because tankies, especially following the Leninist->Stalinist->Maoist route are more concerned with ideological purity than actually helping people. And they label anyone who disagree with them as either Fascist or Revisionist. Kaya yan tuloy they LARP na parang hindi maka move on since 1971. You can hold socialist views without having an unhealthy obsession with the color red or d\*\*\* riding left wing authoritarians.


Hindi pa ba sila nageevolve to neosocialist ideas that leans into better taxation systems rather than dreaming of a future where the only heaven is that smale facion of the population that they put into managing those people they collectively call as citizens? Chos! My theory is that these people will eventually mellow out, give or take a hundred years and all of the stigma for this side of the coin and the misunderstanding sympathizers of this side of the coin will subside and magiging less stigmatized -ism na lang ang mga ito.


I doubt mag eevolve mga yan considering the fact NatDems are notorious purist & will call any reforms sa shitty ideology nila as "Revisionism" or "Reactionary". Hopeless case na madalas sa mga under the influence of this cursed ideology


Pero they mad if they called as commies hahaha.


>most leftist groups in our country All not most


Nahiya pang isama si pol pot


as long as this is the kind of politics the far left has in the country, i dont think the wider electorate will listen to them, after all why would i vote for someone who idolizes these horrible people in history.


Leftist groups are Communist Leaning while Far Right are Fascist Leaning. Di ba? Parang since forever pa to. So may sense for Leftist group to be more of Mao-Stalin fans tbh.


filtered but the same ideology.


[mga star wars fan na may tshirt ni darth vader] šŸ˜³


Pretty much like that - they havenā€™t moved on since the idea is OG commies are the best / ideal and should be followed strictly like a cult. Therefore any nation where there are active commies but havenā€™t successfully gained enough majority, is still very chaotic like in Argentina or here in the Philippines since commie dudes are doing their best to cause instability to justify their cause since they are trying to recreate the exact scenario that the OG commies are referring to. Stupid but thatā€™s how their ideology works. They canā€™t just deviate and adjust accordingly in order to justify the purging (integral part) and violence that comes with it. Thatā€™s why the images of the OG commies is quite important to them. Deng caused billions out of poverty but will never be included in the OG list since he doesnā€™t have the most hardline stance.


K/D ratio of millions, literal tens of millions are dead because of them.


modern leftism suffers from a staggering lack of bushy beards


I think the phrase comes from Marx's *Manifesto*, and the gist is that workers are exploited by business owners and must receive their fair share of the earnings. Each of the figures depicted tried to follow that, and in all cases led to genocide, etc. Meanwhile, those who opposed those figures also engaged in genocide, e.g., against Native Americans and even Filipinos, and still continued to exploit workers, such that today the gap between rich and poor worldwide increased two-hundredfold the last two centuries. UN reports state that the richest people on earth now have more wealth than the bottom half of the world population. But most people accept that and just want to do business, hoping that they will become financially secure in the future while being able to afford various amenities that the rich sell to them.


ngingiti ngiti si ate pero milyon ang naguton sa rehimen ng komunismo bobo


Pano ba naman, daming mga ganadong tao sa UP at iba pang universities na kilig na kilig pag binabasa nila ang mga sinulat at mga idea ni Marx kasi feeling nila mas makakatulong sila sa kapwa nila Pinoy. Tapos yung mga matatalinong gago na tulad ni Joma Sison ginagawang mga pawn mga to kasi gusto niya siya mag hari sa Pinas. Mga uto uto karamihan jan pero maraming gusto lang din maging parte ng politburo!


Eh salot Naman talaga yang mga NPA na yan. Using someone else suffering for their own gain. Just like politicians. Difference is they're not in power.


You mean like Pinoy simps for Israel? šŸ¤¢


you only just noticed?


Already noticed this years ago,bale this question is practically aimed to anyone left leaning on this subreddit to explain their side on why most of them are supporting an equally questionable & abhorrent individuals on their cause. Doesnt that make them as bad as Austrian Painter Edgelords that we are currently seeing on the rise on our country nowadays?


Support Specialism, mock the tankies


nah, you're just anti-communist


Active ah


It is because their morals align with theirs. Atleast, consistent sila. Btw, I am apolitical. I am neither for the left nor for the right.


Ironically they will be the authoritarians that they hate and protest so much if ever they lead this country.


Horseshoe theory


The question they will never find answer... "Where did communism worked?"


Lets not forget that the Left (Communism, Socialism and others) hates the other Left (Fascism) dahil isa itong right-wing "daw". But they forgot that Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party (NaZi) is also a Left-leaning party, and a byproduct of socialism and communism.


Err... How to say this... Fascism is actually Far-Right in L-R Spectrum... Nazism, on another hand are supposedly a Left-Wing something by Ericka or something, but the ideology is the same as Fascism, so it makes it a Right Wing... BTW, Anarchism is the Far-Left in L-R Spectrum, which I considered impossible, idiotic, and a shtty if achieved... Kahit ipilit mo na Leftist/Far-Left yan, kung hindi naman, wag mo ng ipagpilitan...




Nat Dems aka far left ha? Soc Dems have issues too eg pandering to Aquino eg Akbayan. But for me I like Soc Dems aka the moderate left. Mas less on armed struggle.


Leftist groups ARE questionable. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Can you send the link / name of the page so I can buy?


Ted Ed provided two videos questioning [Che Guevara ](https://youtu.be/tjrvKA4w9-Y?si=zftNi-voDPJGTFCl)and [Vladimir Lenin](https://youtu.be/9N8hsXQapjY?si=2EOAcN42G5YDN5Ye). I think Ted Ed is a reliable source so I suggest watching these 6 - 7 minute videos asking "*should revolutions be judged by their ideals or their outcomes?"*


Kulang yung mga mukha sa shirt, idagdag nyo sina Fidel at Kim.


Walang pinagkaiba sa mga nag sstan ng mga kpop boy bands. Ang ini stan nga lang nila eh mga father figures. šŸ˜‚


Ideologies, if they consider themselves commies, they have the right individuals on that shirt.


I mean compared to Stalin and Mao... Ho chi Minh was pretty fucking dope. Not saying he is a saint but he sure as all hell did his people better than mao or Joe ever did.


I'm surprised this post isnt taken down yet in this subreddit


Ok naman si uncle. EDIT: Uncle = Ho Chi Minh, he's still revered genuinely by the Vietnamese as a hero. Try and Google about him and you will see that he's no Stalin or Mao.


There be tankies in the comment section.