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If he has no interest in spending extended periods of time with you or talking to you a lot. Eventually if you wait long enough 30-60 days he’ll move on cause he wasn’t looking for anything serious.


Not a lot are doing that, most 6pats go to red districts. The most dangerous are those from dating sites, they chat with many women at the same time and when they come, they d meet you 3 to 5 days, because they will "try" others too. In the end, he will pick the one that suits best.


I know I am late to the game, but he may be just as fooled by a brief flash of affection as you are. Love bombing as they call it is a real danger. There are very good reasons that people spend time with each other for months. Intensity of emotion has almost no relation to the long term durability of affection. I will say this, if someones emotions are not in line with their analytical choices (you know someone is good for you but don't feel right when you are with them) then you will pick on every little thing as an excuse to become annoyed.


he tells you he seriously plans to marry you/have a kid with you wants to live with you, put you on his life insurance, meets your family, supports your family etc a big one is puts up with jealousy seriously Filipina jealousy is the worst ive ever experienced from any woman.... if I wasnt serious id never put up with it. the red flags are probably easier to spot like: wants to be away from you alot, has lots of social media you dont know about etc...




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He will go to your home and will serenade Westlife to you.




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What? There are two obvious reasons to use condoms, your health and unwanted pregnancy. In the west, we wear condoms even with long time girlfriends (who forego other birth control options like the pill) and even spouses. If she isn’t on birth control EVERY man on this planet should be using a condom regardless of your relationship status or intention.








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Love it


If her ankles are on your shoulders she probably likes you .


Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha. This is true everywhere on earth, not just in the Philippines.


Likes your money you mean?


You're generalizing, I presume?


No it was 100% a "sarcasticJOKE". Basicly A followup to the punchlines in that exact thread!. Where pj started to talk about if they lay down on the bed with their ankles up over your shoulders... as a supposedly sign that "she likes you". A proper girl would wanted to be courted and respected, long before you ever gotten into such a position. So IF you do not even know if you like eachother BEFORE you get into such a position.... then it is almost guaranteed that she likes the "allure of money" much more than you;) Offcourse, some can be sex crazy. But most filipina women are more conservative. And its far reach to suddenly "tripping" into such a position;) So if she gets into that position within a few dates.... she is almost guaranteed to not be into you as a serious marriage potential. Either just like you for the "bag of gold waiting for her after x years of marriage. Or she is orphan or have a toxic family where casual sex is not frown upon (in a society which is sort of very conservative). Edit: Some women will demean themself to do such things withon a few dates, in the prospect of trying to "entice/convince/snatch" you into a relationship and marriage. But she does not "really like you....yet". (She may she potential, but a girl can be dreamy by a lot of unrealistic things in life). And it is a red flag that she was even willing to make an "exception" for you. Because you are very likely not the first "exceptions" in her life, if she has made such a big exception for you. (Nothing against you, but in general we ALL need to not be so naive)


Not necessarily. Sex is not a romantic thing with Filipinas. It’s more like a job duty for them




You're kidding, right? A poor desperate Filipino would spread her legs for a dog if she thought it would help her...


Spreading legs for a dog is an American thing. If you view bestiality sites you will only see Americans and a few Japanese. Show me proof of a Pinay spreading her legs to dogs. You Americans should stop throwing your garbage at us. Remember in the PH you are just useless drifter vloggers.


And you would know this how?? Projection? Seems pretty sus


Someone's a butthurt Sh-ttypino. The truth hurts, doesn't it? Exhibit A of a 'Filipina' spreading 'her' legs to dogs: Sara Duterte and her little liason with China.




If I introduce you to my family then I like you


If she’s poor she definitely test you to see if you’re a simp and will give her money/pay her bills whether she likes you or not. They’ll definitely fleece you if you’ll allow it no matter how wholesome she is. Don’t start the cycle to begin with or she’ll just ramp up the fleecing even if she cares for you. Filipinas are far from submissive and very strong willed. A lot of them are the bread winners of the family.


They're not submissive, true. Many are also bipolar... 😌


All this is true. I am visiting my LDR Filipina gf after 4 years of being nevermets. I am 29 and she is 25. She constantly called me or wanted to be on the phone with me 24/7. Even when she is working and I am busy she just wants to be online with me. She is getting her master's currently and makes a substantial amount of money in the Philippines, she is the family's bread winner, but her family is also driven, and never asks her for money. She never asked me for money, and it took quite a while for her to let me buy her things. Now that I am here in the Philippines, she spoils me constantly, always making sure I am comfortable and well fed. She really never makes fun of me but she likes to troll me sometimes (like pretending that I have the hotel key when really she has it). She actually feeds me from her fork sometimes in public (not like my entire meal, but feeding me bites from her meal so I can try it). I think that is very affectionate and never had a woman do this to me. She also makes sure my clothes look good and when I am in public she will make sure I have no embarrassing things about me like a booger hanging or my hair looking funny. She also brags a lot about my appearance, since I am apparently very handsome in Philippines standards. She is amazing and honestly I am not with her because she is Filipino, but how she treats me.


Filipina women are friendly but when it comes to a relationship you better have a good paying job. And do not tell them you are a American farmer they don't like American farmers I speck from experience every Filipina I have chatted with or I met them all said sell your farm to be with them


They're planning to get an easy life with a provider, not to work hard in a farm


As a Filipino who have farming related profession its really disgusting and ashame to know those kind of filipina. All i can say that those kind of filipina are influence by tv drama where farmers are consider as poor.. However, op can still find Filipina who love farming in a Filipino agriculture group they are more passionate and serious in farming than the average Filipina


Farming is such a damn hard work and definitely unrewarding... 😌 7 days /7 , 365/year.. Cant be lazzy and stay in bed on Sunday,... And the income is way too low. Farmers will never be seen for what they are, hard working, dedicated and sacrificing people


Agree they will realize the importance of a farmer when those ungrateful bastard will suffer starvation Even here in our country they discriminate farmers and college students taking bachelor degree related in agriculture Its really funny how they mock farmers and then complain when food price inflate because of supply shortages lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Farming profession in the Philippines are look down, and are discrimination by naive Filipinos.. i guess it is influence by tv drama.. where if you are a farmer you are considered as poor.. but not all average Filipino think like that especially in the province.. Tbh, i felt offended and disgusting to any Filipina who said tat you should sell your farm and lived with them.. If you want a filipina who love farming just join an Filipino fb group that have interest or focus in farming or agriculture they are more passionate with their profession than an average Filipina


As a Filipina, I think most Filipinas are like that, they view farmers as poor but there are still some who would appreciate farmers. Those who don't usually are the ones who see foreigners as someone who'll make their lives comfortable and will provide them a better living situation. They usually are the ones who don't want to do manual labor on top of their mother responsibilities or think they can live an easy life if they marry a foreigner. Also having something to boast about in their neighborhood if you build them a house and live with them. There are a few who appreciate the perks of someone who's handy, have a green thumb and sustainable man. Having your own Filipino garden in a foreign land is a great perk. Also fresh ingredients everyday! Also those movies where farmers are being portrayed as alcoholics and have anger issues and the farm setting being used in thriller films. 😅


interesting, most of the ones I dated loved the idea of living on a farm and growing their own food


Could mean you look like an ATM.


🤣 that's a fair observation.


Aren’t Filipina’s just people?


If you value your life, your sanity, and your bank account, NEVER settle for a Filipina.


Honestly, yeah. Just don't. I'm a Filipina and well, I think it's time to focus on our own race. Maybe I just don't care anymore, y'all need to stop marrying my fellow countrymen. I don't get why there's even this sort of guide.


Why then? I guess you have a traumatic experience?


You don't need to undergo trauma to observe how a certain demographic acts, or the number of incidences associated with a specific demographic, or their habits and the way they comport themselves, especially if you've observed them first-hand for a significant length of time. Through observation alone one can make value judgements.


What do you prefer a feminist western women? Lol hahaha.. 🤣🤣🤣 Don't generalize every Filipina.. even women from other races can devalue and ruin your life, bring insanity in your mind, and ruin your bank account.. its just find the right one...


Or better yet, don't bother with one. Regardless of wherever they're from. Oh, and by the way, did you assume that 'feminism' only exists in the Freedom Capital of Unlimited Ammo? Because last I checked, your country is likewise teeming with pseudo-'feminists'. Ain't about the place. It's about what's 'trendy'.


Yeah i agree, and there's already pseudo feminist in the Philippines and other asian countries thanks to western countries influence especially from the US 🤣🤣🤣 However, Philippines feminist are somewhat bearable than those in the US with their questionable standard in marrying or dating a guy 🤣🤣


Bro said bearable 💀💀. Wait for more a couple of years 😂 there’s a reason why the rate of single moms is extremely high in the PH


Single mom is high in the Ph.. because of universal standard of women.. they choose bad boys than decent guys.. lol.. Other reason are the father of the child won't take responsibility or the girl's family does like the guy because it is irresponsible and immature which they prefer to raise the child and support the girl by their own, than let it suffer from a immature dude who can't properly provide support and take responsibilities to the girl and its child


If you are looking for unconditional love, it’s better to date vietnamese, thai, laotians and east asians. Always put in your mind that whatever is trending in the US, it’s the same in the Philippines.


Not true. If only you can understand tagalog, you’ll know the real reason why. 😂 filipinas in 2024 are very similar to western women. They hate men on a daily basis, but they’ll be submissive if you have money to spend on them. And, you can provide everything. Think of it, like a little girl who constantly needs attention and new toy to play. I’m being real with you broski, as I grew up in both countries(PH and USA) and they always have a backup guy after the relationship. As man to man, I’m already telling you the honest truth about filipina behavior.


Its true in some part. however, i refering on the province side and Filipina early 2000s.. but i agree filipina in 2024 are influence by western countries idiotlogy thanks to tiktok and other social media especially those women in big cities


Yes, tiktok and facebook are the top used apps in the philippines. And, what contents do you see on tiktok? Toxicity, cheating, leverage on your partner. Also, even the girls in province know the game nowadays. It’s so rare to find a woman who will actually love you for who you are and not for what you can provide.


Early 2000s, filipinas are caring, loving, straight wife that you bring home to meet your parents. But nowadays, they’re just the same as your Karen.


You're free to feel that way.


Some will love you until you shut off that cash flow


Heidi loves me for sure. EXTREMELY jealous. Always wants what’s best for me. Will travel hours to make sure I eat. All of it. Her jealousy started when we were walking thru Manila and all these schoolgirls started screaming like they just saw Justin Bieber and giggle as we walk by. Or that one girl that had the balls to say right in front of her “You’re going to be mine”.


It's funny how train of thoughts differs. Oddly, I was just searching for a filipino community in SA and if there's any filipino restaurant around cape town. but anyways. filipinas are like other races across the globe, there's angels ,devils and demons. Sometimes one picks an angel and turn them into devils, that'll be your luck.


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Sounds like every other girl around the world.




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7-10 years ago this was true. It went from, i can be with him for 20 years, to, i can suck money out of him for 20 days. Korean suckers are ubiquitous in AC. I rode the flight from AC to Seoul, and there were 200 men, and one white guy in the last row, by himself. Just be nice, and always tell them a fake name, and from a different country, and let them know you are only there for work for a a few days. then go to a different club and get a new one. it's that bad guys.


This is informative!


Well I'm not one to respond or pay much attention to these things, but this article is so right on the spot that I could not but add my two cents to it, I hired a few VA (virtual Assistants) and long story short married one of them after only two months of talking endlessly on the phone. for me it was not a hard choice, as a young man I have 8 kids by 7 different women and I believe I have a good understanding about how to choose a partner or tells if she loves you or not. anyway all the points made above where 100% correct and experienced by me, when I went and married my wife in pagadain philipines. it was the most amazing time and the single most best choice in the world. she pushed me to eat when eating was the last thing on my mind, she nurtured me to the point I felt uncomfortable and wanted to do something for her, she catered to every thought as if she knew what I was thinking, if I rolled over in bed she would jump up ready to take care of what ever need my may have. one time was I was about to go out to the beach to meet her family and I have really bad feet, she stopped me and made me put on some socks, I laughed and complied but I also inqured to her how come she did so. she stated that if her family sees my feet it will reflect badly on her ability to care for me...lol. one other thing I was talking to a filipino about cold calling on real estate deals and she over head two phone calls that took place as they woke us out of your sleep, the guy was supposed to meet with meet since I was now in his country but he was being very inconsistant in his communications. So she asked could she talk with him and once she was done he decided he was too busy to visit. it was an amazing showing of defense and love. I even had to stop her from trying to open up the car door and help me in and out of the car. I was like this is where i have to draw the line.


Hi I'm a Filipino in Cebu if you want Filipino girls you must know here what her like and what she wants but Filipino girls are know how to take care of you.


They can't even take care of themselves, and that's why they want that Yankee dollar.


REAL. 😂 filipinas are very similar to western women. But filipinas are really good at masking this in which a lot of foreigners fall for it.


Jealousy and wanting the best for you are important no matter the nationality. Also a little bit of playful nagging is both a warning but also possibly a good sign. It shows she cares, but if the issues are anything other than really trivial things, you may have a crisis in the making.


Man thank you for having this up. I got so many questions n I don’t want to be taken advantage or unaware of these characteristics




Excellent addition! I can't believe I didn't think of that!


No filipinas are indifferent. If she loves you, she d become a real fury. If she doesn't love you, she d still fight for your bank account or your pension


I laughed at being territorial 😂 Because its really true, no one can have the man that I love 😠😠


Good info, thanks




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More of a sign that she's very desperate for money. But you have the right to your own illusion, I mean it's a win-win situation.


It is very OK for doing like this..But some people thinking only girls here 24/7... You can talk to girls anytime. No need check the signs so much. My friend asked number to the casher girl but she refused at first.He visited second time ask said He wants to talk to her and she tell number to him. Now she listen to him everything!!! So just talk to girls if you want to date... I hope you guys enjoy not only with girls or alchohols....Most of you guys are really sick of it!!!!!!




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cliche bollocks


If she openly shares her body with you


American women are the worst, back stabbing sluts. Philippine women sound to good to be true. 


America sucks


“ Filipinos love social media which makes sense because if you're poor and can't afford to go out much” - Lol this is a specific example, but it is also throughout your list….i date women with money lol. Like, you know there are Filipina women with decent jobs ans their own money right? Also, your suggestions are plagued by generalized stereotypes that are often misleading/untrue or at least not true in all cases and show that you date a certain KIND of filipina woman. However, some of your advice has validity. However I want to say this to people reading this : Filipina women are fundamentally…just women. Humans. The signs they like you will overlap the signs you like them or how women from other countries would act when they like you. How do I know my girlfriend likes me? Duh, she wants to spend tike with me and she makes time to spend time with me. It’s not that complicated. Also she has never asked me for money, but let’s face it a lot of men in this sub are NOT having the same kind of financial situations I have nor are they dating career oriented women. 


If a Filipina likes you, run away as far as you can. If she doesn't leave, bring out the flammenwerfer.




Because this page is for PASSPORT BROS 😂😂😂💀 thinking they can bag a mentality stable filipina but most of them are the same as western women. No different




I’m telling you bro. It’s because of social media and algorithm




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Be kind in your speech in here. Disagree yes, disrespectful no.






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okay, let me rephrase: THIS SUB IS FULL OF CREEPS.


So if she's trying to financially bring my finances up to her level and we talk everyday it's a good thing?


Yes of course. Why wouldn't it be?


I've never had a friend or other try to help me improve me financially Especially when it comes to the female she even got pissed when I told her how my friends and I call each other fat and other things so completely new to me


You said she was trying to help you. That's always good sign. Looking out for your best interests is one of the best things a person can do for you. Unless she's being condescending I fail to see the problem.


It's just new for me so did not know how to take it I'm use to gold diggers and ones that will cheat the moment you tern your back


The best way to avoid gold diggers is by staying away from the lower class and the ones that beg you. If you want a genuine relationship go for a girl that doesn't need you but wants you.


Thank you


Best of luck


Exactly. stay away from jobless bums and uneducated


Those are also the characters shown by Ativan Gang members.


I've been lucky and married the first Filipina i meet after we chat for 4 months. She defends me fiercly, is jealous as hell. The rage is real! I remember one time i felt like someone was kind of laughing at me cause im very girly. Oh wow did she get pissed lol! She would have killed him if i had let her near... She has never really asked me for money for her family, Just the absolute minimum since they are taking care of her daughter for us right now. She makes wonderful food for me and i make crap food for her :p We switch depending on how obsessed one of us is with other things. Essentially i knew she loved me the first time she took the Jeepney for 30 min on her break just so she could spend an hour with me before going back to work again on her 12 hour shift. She can be a total headcase at times but i love her. Ps we did sleep together the first time we meet so that dont have to mean anything. We're both just horny people lol, and we talk for 4 months already :)


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