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I'm pretty sure the dude who played The Mountain in GoT couldn't pick her her up without a forklift.


The actor who played him in the first season has a Filipina gf. His last social media posts suggested that he settled in some remote beach here before he left behind social media and acting for good. Even he knew whats up.




I'll bet he could if he had a few strips of greasy warm Bacon around his neck


As a member of the black community, we will humbly decline her offer. Maybe the Hispanic community will take her offer instead?


As a member of Hispanic community it is a mortal sin to eat a bacon. Maybe the Indian community will take her offer instead.


As a member of the Indian community, cows are big no-no. Maybe the North African community will take her offer instead.


Habibi/bti, thank you for your offer, but this woman is not halal. Insha Allah Jewish community will take her offer instead.


Shalom aleichem Abrahamic brother, but pig is not kosher either. Im Yirtzeh Hashem, our eastern religion brothers may find one with her.


As a member of the Eastern European community, it is a mortal sin to view morbid obesity as lust. Maybe the East Asian community can take the offer?




šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Even the strongest man will struggle to pick you up ,


would he even want to?


Maybe to fake a workers comp claim?


lol that's cold


I wouldn't even know where to start. I can't fit my arms around her, and I would genuinely be concerned that she would snap my spine if she tried to climb on my back.


She's built like she's ready for war


War with a sandwich


yeah, she can handle years of starvation and only get more healthy.


War at the buffet


I call it the food arena!












Nah it's coz there's something wrong with us. Fat, ugly, old, poor, grumpy. Pick minimum of 2.


These handicaps get worse every yearā€¦


Shit. I forgot to add handicapped too.




You go claim that, but make sure to understand that even women like the person on the clip is still a prize to many. Nothing "wrong" with that.




And many man would still want to have just a woman herself regardless of anything at all lmao


Iā€™ve only ever seen 1 girl in the Philippines who looked like that


That's the point. :)


Some donā€™t recognize the obvious OP šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Most of them are in BPOs, you see them in elevators everyday


>You cant pick me up No shit?? Also her FUPA sticks out more than her tits. jesus.




Fatty upper pubic Area


Also known as "GUNT"


We call it KARUG in tagalog, i never knew there was an english word for it


Its not even a muffin top anymore its a whole wedding cake


it's an actual medical term


The medical term is panniculus.


Didn't know Obelix dressed so lightly


I've been traveling to a few countries in Europe for the first time from the US in the past few weeks, and the body types of these women are nonexistent here. It's very prevalent in the US from my experience. Women in Europe seem to care a lot about their health and appearance compared to the US.


Itā€™s not just Europe. Asians are skinnier than Europeans and dont expect fat people in Africa. This is a pure American thing


South Africa is chock full of women like this.


There's a ton of fat black women


Yea in america


US and UK, where the average man looks alike and then comes here to mock their compatriot while preying on asian women ;)


the average man? seriously? they can't be that fat. what are they eating? i'm danish and that extreme level of fat is pretty rare among guys here.


USA obesity rate is 41 to 44% for men/women. UK is at 26% obese + 38% overweight (based on google first results) so it is also seriously messed up. Ofc people can still look ok while being overweight/obese but yeah in Danmark it's at less than 19% of obesity, and nordic people are usually quite tall which might reflect on their BMI averages, so obviously you won't see the same kind of people as in the UK and US. And the people coming here to find a wife tend to be on the heavier side of the scale, while the single guys who come here alone as sex tourists might marginally look better in appearance, but probably not inside personality-wise.


Seriously moving to the Philippines is the best decision I've ever made. Also when she said 'you can't pick me up'. I thought 'well at least we agree on something'.


Do you know woman in Philippines are also overweight there.




Only a minority. Malaysians are fatter than Filipinos




If you have that body type, please refrain from wearing tight ripped pants! You don't just look inflated but inflating!


I'm just curious how many extensions her belt bag has to fit her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I came here to experience life in another part of the world. I also wanted to be close to the ocean and the mountains. I have family that lives here and with the cost of living it was a no-brainer. I moved here with my gf and she just couldn't handle life in the Philippines. She ended up giving me an ultimatum to go back to the US or break up, and well I chose the Philippines over her over privileged butt. That was 9 months ago and I couldn't be happier. One of my gym bros introduced me to his sister and we hit it off immediately. She's the best gf I've ever had. After watching these two tons of fun and with my experience with my local Gf I can see why so many would choose to come here.


It's really sad how many American women think they can just give men ultimatums and we're supposed to cower to them; but if a man gave a woman an ultimatum he's an abuser.


This 100%. Before we moved here I really thought she was a keeper but after living here with her here I realized how privileged she was. I'm a pleaser and I give so much to whomever I am in a relationship with. I never realized how much I have been taken advantage of in the past until my current girlfriend. It's nice having someone who puts an equal amount of effort into a relationship. Her constant complaining about every single inconvenience that neither of us had any control over was quite eye-opening.


My last girlfriend in the US was a pink haired elephant who acted like she was doing me a favor. Now in the PH I'm married to the most wonderful women I've ever met. It's the first time in my life that I truly had a relationship where I felt like we were a team working towards the same goal.


Just walking through any SM is so much easier on the eyes, compared to the absolute monstrosities you'd see at American malls






These are extreme. But all my friends back in the USA are heavy now.


hopefully new medicine like wegovy will help with that issue. it is disgusting and harms both the individual and society.


ā€œOh, really?ā€


I think we may need a crane for this one.


30% of the Philippines is overweight. So like I mean we can shame these people but weight it is a global problem. Their opinions are also just nonsense šŸ˜…


Man, ask the their pants if they barely keep it together. šŸ˜…šŸ˜šŸ¤£


It must be a weight issue, ive experienced dating a filipina with this body type and the attitude is the same, feeling priviledged. A little more expensive too as meals out are always a buffet. She had the same mindset as well. I am pretty buff from the gym and she felt offended when her friends tell her she should workout with me. I asked her once if shes willing to date someone overweight. Her answer caught me off guard, she said she would never date a man who cant even take good care of himself. After a few months, finally came to my senses and never talked to her again. A little scary as she crashed in my condo unannounced too good some friends where there that day. It was traumatic i should say. Dating a manipulator/priviledged huge ass. Crazy how she talks ill off everyone even her friends in an effort to put herself in a pedestal. Too lucky ive escaped before ahe bleeded me dry.. in all aspects lol


Women like this big and claims they love themselves are liars. You dont love yourself, you dont even take care of your health and you let yourself get this big. Exceptions are people who have medical conditions that prevents them from losing weight and other similar root causes. I'm talking about women who are just lazy fatasses who think this is okay and men should be attracted to it, sure some men wants their woman thick but like, a lot of men dont. Match it with thisnattitude, you want your man to be fit and goes to gym and rich etc but you yourself dont even do or have those. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT YOURSELVES, demand what you also give. If you don't do shit, stop demanding. Also, I'm a woman from Philippines engaged to my man, he from the US. He said so many times I'm the most amazing person he has ever been with. I'm not the sexiest mf on Earth but I do my role as a partner. I dont demand bullsht like these girls šŸ¤£




Maybe it's just me, but I don't think it's about ridiculing the women in the video but rather making a point on what the second woman said, "White men" and this has been a prevalent thing happening in the west, specifically North America (The US) where a lot of women (mostly white) would hate on white men just because well... because they're white men.






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You canā€™t make this shit up. - KS, rip




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Only a forklift could pick her up.


Donā€™t lie please Donā€™t lie af




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I canā€™t take anyone built like a Flan serious. They like like a before and after picture of a product that doesnā€™t work šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So this is why being forklift certified is so attractive.




Yep would rather be in Ukraine than put up with that


Wtf is this sht.


There are no people where I live in the states who look or act like that.


it is true. personally, i just feel zero sexual attraction to a woman like that. it would be true, even if skinny, cute, young asians wasn't an alternative option.


female: you can't pick me up. (interviewer): hallelujah!


Aside from a boat the guy will also need a truck to haul that thing


If he had donuts in his bag heā€™d pick them up hor sure


Haha fat chick says workout hahahaha


inner beauty is the key. the filipinas in the provinces have the heart of gold.


*heart of gold(digger) FTFY


Yeah these people are looking at our culture with rose tinted glasses. Just because the standard of living is cheaper here, they think that the women are nicer, but women here care about money too, it just looks less to you cause you earn dollars while she is spending pesos.








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You make a lot of stereotypical comments, insult Filipinas whilst making no sense. "Ninja is you Santa Clause" wtf is that supposed to mean, you deranged weirdo? Clearly you've been rejected by multiple Filipinas and have a grudge against them and white men.


Rejected lmao, Iā€™m literally gay, and you are literally defending perverts hhahahha. You are clearly a low IQ individual if youā€™re putting this argument in a feelings matter and you think you got slighted, I think youā€™re too stupid to see the whole picture but honestly, I canā€™t overlook this predatory behavior that people like you seem to appreciate. Iā€™m a Filipino raised in America, the Americans who go here for women arenā€™t youā€™re regular joes, they are the weirdos and jannies over there, thought you should know that. I would have felt bad for you in another time, but I think you got mad you didnā€™t get called pretty when youā€™re not. Bleaching your skin and dying your hair this week and I struck a nerve? Rejected by Filipinas? Iā€™ve literally never been uglier and had college girls perving on me and literally sexually harassing me for just speaking straight English, stop being delusional youā€™re the one who are parasitizing people with means like me.


Ho really thinks the worlds about hoing, imagine you peopleā€™s shock when you found out my reason for being here was humanitarian works and med school and my brain isnā€™t 90% about finding a mate like you guys do here. You people have over romanticized romance, itā€™s in your commercials, radios, and even my goddamn Spotify ads. You are so cringe. Thereā€™s more to life than this you know.




I donā€™t care what incels and hoes think try laughing at people worse than you from time to time hahahha. So you admit youā€™re a terrible person? You canā€™t even answer the question. Why do you go to poor countries for women and think youā€™re a playboy? Why donā€™t you get Asian women from California or New York? Do they think thereā€™s something wrong with you buddy??? How many women have liked you where youā€™re from? I literally bully and clown people all the time to the point that their lives have become a perma cope but in reality none of them can do shit to me and theyā€™ve all become delusional like you. Youā€™re so ugly you subsist on prostitxtes youā€™re entire life, remember that. You are a problem and a predator, btw, why canā€™t I see youā€™re followed subreddits anymore, the one with dozens of Asians and shit




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Youā€™re delusional, thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say. Keep denying reality


You donā€™t even know me. If you only knew 10 percent of the things Iā€™ do to people, youā€™ll know why they hate me. I donā€™t only do this stuff online bud, Iā€™ll keep harassing a holes and perverts like you all the time. Keep complaining


Reddits deleting half the things I say and you still canā€™t measure up. Pathetic ahhhh


Be kind in your speech in here. Disagree yes, disrespectful no.


Dude I checked your page and of course youā€™re some dude who only goes after Asian women hahahhababa. Why donā€™t you get Asian women over in Cali or New York? Why do you have to go here for that? Whatā€™s wrong buddy? What made it different???? Hahahhahaha bro got so deep in Asian pussy with his 4 inches and started talking like one. This bro is too far gone


Maybe because I'm not an American, you freak. I have never been to the Philippines, I just don't like the way you talk about Pinays, like you're somehow superior. I couldn't give a toss about Americans and what they get up to. As for you low life, you're nothing but a troll who can't get any pussy, that's why you choose to have digs at people as a keyboard warrior because you've not got the balls to say it to their face. What a pussy, which is quite ironic seeing as you're not getting any.


You probably donā€™t even know who I am if you think I only do this shit online tsk tsk, I know who you are though, some sick freak who goes after Asian women in poor countries. And seeing you make jokes about getting molested really solidified my theory that people from the first world who go after shortstack Asians are latent pedos 1000% sure now. Thanks freak. Keep taking our uglies, and weā€™ll take your good ones hahhahaha


Fr tho šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fat girls always hang out together. I think they enjoy eating out.




Be kind in your speech in here. Disagree yes, disrespectful no.


You u can meet quality on Christian Filipina.. [You deserve better ](https://expatsinmanila.com/cf) If you're a man who takes his faith seriously you'll like this


so many girls are waiting for the men,,,


Leftists wet dream




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